Heidi Sanborn
Phone: 602-496-6791
Mail code: 3020Campus: Dtphx
Heidi Sanborn is Clinical Associate Professor and Senior Director for post-licensure programs in the Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation at Arizona State University. She teaches in both the BSN and MS in Nursing Education programs and mentors students in the Doctor of Nursing Practice program. Heidi is President of the Arizona Nurses Association and is active in association leadership and health policy. She serves as a subject matter expert for Quality Matters peer reviews and has served as a peer reviewer for multiple publications and scholarship events.
Heidi has over 10 years of leadership experience in both clinical and academic settings and uses her understanding of complex adaptive systems to launch academic and grant programs through academic and practice partnerships. She has an established record of building and sustaining programs that support academic progression for nurses and interprofessional learners. During this time, she has developed expertise in curriculum design and mapping, competency-based education, and online course design and delivery. She regularly shares her knowledge in a variety of forums through peer-reviewed manuscripts and presentations and as a consultant.
Doctor of Nursing Practice in Innovation Leadership, Arizona State University, Phoenix, AZ (2018)
Nursing science with a focus in nursing education, Grand Canyon University, Phoenix, MA (2013)
Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Salem State University, Salem, MA (1998)
Paralegal Certification, Northeastern University, Boston, MA (1992)
Bachelor of Science, Business Adminisrtation, Boston University, Boston, MA (1991)
Interprofessional Leadership
Interprofessional Education
Refereed Manuscripts
Sanborn, H. (2023). Numbers don’t lie: Interpreting recent nursing workforce data. Nursing Economic$, 41(5), 251-255.
Jehn, M., Pandit, U., Sabin, S., Tompkins, C., White, J. R., Ross, H. M., Kaleta, E., McCullough, J. M., Pepin, S., Kenny, K., Heywood, N., Sanborn, H., Schnall, A. H., Lant, T., & Flanagan, M. (2021, July). Accuracy of COVID-19 Case-Based Surveillance: A Case Study of Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies Among Adults and Children — Maricopa County, Arizona. American Journal of Public Health, 112(1), 38–42. https://doi.org/10.2105/AJPH.2021.306568
Sanborn, H., Cole, J., Kennedy, T., Saewert, K. (n.d.). Design and delivery of online interprofessional experiential learning for health professions students using virtual simulation. Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice, 15, 48-54. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xjep.2019.01.010
Sanborn, H. (2016). Developing asynchronous online interprofessional education. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 30(5). https://doi.org/10.1080/13561820.2016.1182143
Podium Presentations
Sanborn, H., & Price, C. R. (2023, April). Academic-practice data protocol to enable direct-bill tuition reimbursement [Podium presentation]. 2023 Western Institute of Nursing (WIN) Conference.
Kennedy, T., & Sanborn, H. (2021, November). Interprofessional Leadership Competency Model: Fostering collaborative practice in the clinical learning environment [Oral presentation: Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice Track]. Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) Annual Program Meeting (APM).
Sanborn, H. & Kennedy, T. (2021, September). Fostering collaborative practice through interprofessional leadership behaviors [Lightning talk]. 2021 NEXUS Summit, Virtual Conference.
Kaplan, R., Sanborn, H., Lamb, G., Thompson, J. & Guest M. A. (2021, September). An interprofessional approach to finding ease in caregiving: Team collaboration using improv to reduce stress among caregivers [Clinical Lightning talk]. 2021 NEXUS Summit, Virtual Conference.
Sanborn, H. & Heywood, N. (2020, August). Rapid cycle teaming: Using interprofessional communication competencies to train teams for a pandemic response [Lightning talk]. 2020 NEXUS Summit, Virtual.
Sanborn, H. (2018, September). Creating Coalitions: A Case Study on Leading Change in a Complex System. Podium presentation at the 2018 NLN Education Summit, Chicago, IL
Sanborn, H., Kennedy, T., & Saewert, K. (2018, April). Virtual Interprofessional Simulation: Design, Delivery and Impact. Podium presentation at the NLN/STTI Nursing Education Research Conference, Washington, DC. http://hdl.handle.net/10755/623921
Garcia, E., Sanborn, H., & Urbanek, P. (2016, October). Interprofessional innovations: Designing a new clinical model . Podium presentation at the Association of Schools of Allied Health Professions Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Poster Presentations
Jehn, M., Pandit, U., Sabin, S., Tompkins, C., White, J. R., Ross, H. M., Kaleta, E., McCullough, J. M., Pepin, S., Kenny, K., Heywood, N., Sanborn, H., Schnall, A. H., Lant, T., & Flanagan, M. (2021). Seroprevalence of Sars-Cov-2 antibodies among adults and children in Maricopa County, Arizona. CSTE Annual Conference.
Sanborn, H., & Rennell, N. (2016, November). It’s a disaster!: An interprofessional disaster preparedness simulation. Poster presented at the American Association of Colleges of Nursing Baccalaureate Education Conference, Anaheim, CA.
Sanborn, H. (2015, November). Assessing interprofessional competencies in an asynchronous, online environment: A roadmap to success. Poster presented at the Sigma Theta Tau International 43rd Biennial Convention, Las Vegas, NV. http://hdl.handle.net/10755/602927
Sanborn, H. (2015, September). Teaching interprofessional competencies in an asynchronous, online environment: A roadmap to success. Poster presented at the Collaborating Across Borders V International Conference, Roanoke, VA.
Sanborn, H. (2023). The continuum of learning and teaching in nursing. In E. Friberg & K. Saewert (Eds.), Conceptual foundations: The bridge to professional Nursing practice (8th ed., pp. 145-158). Elsevier.
Professional Manuscripts
President’s Messages, Arizona Nurse, https://www.healthecareers.com/nurse-resources/nursing-publications/arizona
Sanborn, H. (2022, January). The future is now [President’s Message]. Arizona Nurse, 75(1), 2. http://nursingald.com/articles/29411-president-s-message
Sanborn, H. (2022, April). United we stand [President’s Message]. Arizona Nurse, 75(2), 2. https://www.nursingald.com/publications/2440
Sanborn, H. (2022, July). Trust culture: Taking just culture to the next level [President’s Message]. Arizona Nurse, 75(3), 2. https://www.healthecareers.com/nurse-resources/arizona-nurse-july-2022/arizona-nurse-july-2022-presidents-message
Sanborn, H. (2022, October). Redefining work/life balance [President’s Message]. Arizona Nurse, 75(3), 2. https://www.healthecareers.com/nurse-resources/arizona-nurse-october-2022/arizona-nurse-october-2022-presidents-message
Sanborn, H. (2023, January). Wind of change [President’s Message]. Arizona Nurse, 76(1), 2. https://www.healthecareers.com/nurse-resources/nursing-publications/arizona/arizona-nurse-january-2023
Sanborn, H. (2023, April). The rich tapestry we weave [President’s Message]. Arizona Nurse, 76(2), 1. https://www.healthecareers.com/nurse-resources/nursing-publications/arizona/arizona-nurse-april-2023
Sanborn, H. (2023, July). Nursing by the numbers [President’s Message]. Arizona Nurse, 76(3), 2. https://www.healthecareers.com/nurse-resources/arizona-nurse-july-2023/
Sanborn, H. (2023, October). Danger, Will Robinson [President’s Message]. Arizona Nurse, 76(3), 2. https://www.healthecareers.com/nurse-resources/nursing-publications/arizona/arizona-nurse-october-2023
Invited Presentations
Schultz, M, & Sanborn, H. (2018, October 25). The Arizona Concurrent Enrollment Program Model – An Innovative Approach to Academic Progression. California Organization of Associate Degree Nursing (COADN) / California Association of Colleges of Nursing (CACN) Joint Fall 2018 Conference, San Diego, CA.
Crawford, S., Senecal, J., Coochwytewa, C., Kraft, A. Podcast with Heidi Sanborn. (2017, January 27). Instruction By Design – Summer 2017 Bonus Episode 03: Faculty Conversation . ASU College of Nursing and Health Innovation, Academic Innovation. https://soundcloud.com/ibd_podcast/summer-2017-bonusepisode-03-faculty-conversation
Sanborn, H. (2017, March). Bringing interprofessional education into the virtual world for online learners (blog article). ASU Center for Advancing Interprofessional Practice, Education & Research (CAIPER). https://ipe.asu.edu/blog/articles/bringing-interprofessional-education-virtual-world-online-learners
Sanborn, H. (2017, April). Carving out your own career path . Keynote presentation at the Student Nurses Association of Arizona Midyear Conference, Phoenix, AZ.
Sanborn, H., Lioce, L. & Keck, J. (2017, April). 20 years in the making: A conversation with NSNA leaders from the past . Plenary session at the National Student Nurses Association Annual Convention, Dallas, TX.
Sanborn, H. (2016, March). Bringing interprofessional education into the virtual world for online learners (blog article). ASU Center for Advancing Interprofessional Practice, Education & Research (CAIPER).
Sanborn, H., Cole, J., & Kennedy, T. (2017, January). Engaging online learners: Harnessing the power of educational technology to deliver an interprofessional education simulation. Poster presented at the ASU Institute for the Science of Teaching and Learning 2nd Annual Innovation Showcase, Tempe, AZ.
Sanborn, H. (2016, October). Understanding the Impact of the Affordable Care Act (guest lecture). ASU HEALS Scholar Program, Phoenix, AZ.
Arp, J., Link, D., Goguen, J., & Sanborn, H. (2016, February). Preparing for interprofessional policy practice: How health professionals can influence health policy (panel presentation). Guest lecture for the Interprofessional Primary Care Project: The Macy Project, Phoenix, AZ.
Sanborn, H. (2016, January 27). Nurse Educator Heidi Sanborn on the Future of Nursing (podcast). Johnson & Johnson Nursing Notes Live.
Sanborn, H. (2016, January). Assessing interprofessional competencies in an asynchronous, online environment: A roadmap to success (poster presentation). ASU DNP Community Networking Event.
Sanborn, H. (2015, August 30). Interprofessional Collaboration Panel Discussion (podcast). Johnson & Johnson Nursing Notes Live.
Sanborn, H., Martin, S., & Ilchak, D. (2015, August). Thriving in your future nursing career (podium presentation). National Student Nurses Association Annual Convention, Phoenix, AZ.
Sanborn, H. (2013, January). A 30-day care transition program for heart failure . Banner Health Heart Failure Colloquium, Sun City West, AZ.
Sanborn, H. (2013). Emergency department to critical care prioritization (webinar). Banner Health, Phoenix, AZ.
Sanborn, H. (2012). Community education committee project overview (proposal). Banner Boswell Medical Center, Sun City, AZ.
Sanborn, H. (2011-2012). Taking care of your heart (podium / facilitator). Banner Boswell Medical Center, Sun City, AZ.
Grant Funding
Arizona Nursing Faculty Expansion Project (AZNFEP)
H. Sanborn, PI, B. Morris, Co-I, Heywood, Natalie, Co-I, J. Karshmer, Co-I, K. Kenny, Co-I, R. Santanam, Co-I, S. Han, Co-I, Pituch, K, Co-I. (2023). DOL Nursing Expansion Grant Program (FOA-ETA-22-16). Employment and Training Administration, US Department of Labor. $5,475,660 (5-year). 04/01/2023-03/31/2028. [Funded]
Research & Studies
R. Kaplan, PI, A. Guest, Co-PI, G. Lamb, Co-I, H. Sanborn, Co-I, J. Thompson, Co-I. (2020). Finding Ease in Caregiving: A Feasibility Study of an Improvisation Intervention for Caregivers of Individuals with Dementia (STUDY00012226). Effort: Intervention design and delivery.
H. Sanborn, PI. (2016). IPE Virtual Sim (STUDY00004313). Effort: project lead.
H. Sanborn, Co-PI; Schmidt Co-PI. (2016). Common Core Competencies (STUDY00004256). Effort: project co-leader, interprofessional faculty member, nursing.
Change Projects
H. Sanborn, PI; M. Hodges, Co-PI. (2020). Patient Engagement (STUDY00014210). Effort: DNP Project Mentor.
H. Sanborn, PI; J. Clark-Deuel, Co-PI. (2019). NP Connection (STUDY00012783). Effort: DNP Project Mentor.
H. Sanborn, PI; L. Imanatue, Co-PI. (2019). Joy in Work: Addressing Nurse Burnout Through Mindfulness (STUDY00012513). Effort: DNP Project Mentor.
H. Sanborn, PI; S. Campbell, Co-PI. (2019). Effect of Nurse Preceptor Intervention on New Graduate Nurse Satisfaction (STUDY00010889). Effort: DNP Project Mentor.
K. Kenney, PI; H. Sanborn, Co-PI. (2017). Developing Team Skills and Attitudes through Interprofessional Leadership Competencies (STUDY00006834). Effort: doctoral student/project lead.
T. Kennedy, PI; H. Sanborn, Co-PI. (2017). Interprofessional Leadership in the Clinical Setting (STUDY00006505). Effort: doctoral student/project lead.
S. Harrell, PI; K. J. Saewert, Co-PI. (2016). Interprofessional by Design™: Meeting at the Crossroads to Accelerate Leadership Competency and Readiness of Transition to Interprofessional Practice. $100,000/2-years [Funded]; Effort: Member, Project Leadership Operations Team; Interprofessional Leadership Development Team.
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
DNP 712 | Clinical Residency&Management |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 672 | Design/Delivery:Mediated Instr |
DNP 712 | Clinical Residency&Management |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
DNP 712 | Clinical Residency&Management |
NUR 501 | Individual&InnovationLeader |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
DNP 712 | Clinical Residency&Management |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 672 | Design/Delivery:Mediated Instr |
NUR 672 | Design/Delivery:Mediated Instr |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 672 | Design/Delivery:Mediated Instr |
NUR 672 | Design/Delivery:Mediated Instr |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 672 | Design/Delivery:Mediated Instr |
NUR 595 | Continuing Registration |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
HCS 580 | Practicum |
NUR 672 | Design/Delivery:Mediated Instr |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 672 | Design/Delivery:Mediated Instr |
NUR 672 | Design/Delivery:Mediated Instr |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 672 | Design/Delivery:Mediated Instr |
HCA 505 | InterdiscCommunityCollabAging |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
DNP 712 | Clinical Residency&Management |
NUR 502 | Adv Health Assessment & Promo |
DNP 602 | Evaluating Research Practice |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
DNP 712 | Clinical Residency&Management |
DNP 695 | Continuing Registration |
NUR 672 | Design/Delivery:Mediated Instr |
NUR 672 | Design/Delivery:Mediated Instr |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 672 | Design/Delivery:Mediated Instr |
DNP 712 | Clinical Residency&Management |
NUR 672 | Design/Delivery:Mediated Instr |
NUR 672 | Design/Delivery:Mediated Instr |
DNP 695 | Continuing Registration |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
DNP 712 | Clinical Residency&Management |
NUR 318 | Nurs Rsrch & Evidence Transltn |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
DNP 712 | Clinical Residency&Management |
NUR 444 | Innovation in Nursing |
NUR 391 | Professional Nursing Theory |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 672 | Design/Delivery:Mediated Instr |
DNP 712 | Clinical Residency&Management |
NUR 495 | Public & Global Health in Nurs |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 460 | The Art of Nursing |
DNP 712 | Clinical Residency&Management |
Outstanding Faculty Mentor. (2023). Nominated for the ASU Graduate College Outstanding Faculty Mentor Awards.
Daisy Foundation. (2022). Nominated for Daisy Faculty Award by former student
Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi. (2017). Inducted into Phi Kappa Phi, ASU Chapter based on graduate work.
Nancy K. Melvin Research Scholar Award. (2017). Sigma Theta Tau International, Beta Upsilon Chapter, award given to support graduate research.
Advising Support Award – Non-Advising Administrator. (2017). ASU Council for Academic Advisors.
Nurse of the Year - Education Finalist. (2016). March of Dimes, Arizona Chapter.
Outstanding Teaching Award. (2016). Joyce Finch Faculty Achievement Award, ASU.
Nurse of the Year Award. (2012). Contribution to Society, Banner Boswell Medical Center.
Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society. (2012). Inducted into Sigma Theta Tau, Nu Upsilon Chapter for MSN work.
Arizona League for Nursing (Education Practice Collaborative)
- Co-lead 2014-2016
- Member 2013-present
Arizona Nurses Association
- 2021-present President
- 2018-2021 Vice President
- 2017-2019 Member, Bylaws Committee
- 2015-2017 President, Chapter 6
- 2015 1st Vice President, Chapter 6
- 2015 Convention Planning Committee Member
- 2014 Symposium Planning Committee Member
- 2013-present, American Nurses Association, Member 1997-present, Sigma Theta Tau, Member
American Nurses Association
- 2018-2020 Member, Nominations & Elections Committee
- 2013-present Member
Sigma Theta Tau
- 2018-2022 Communications/Webmaster
- 2013-present Member, Beta Upsilon Chapter
- 2012-2013 Member, Nu Upsilon
- 1998-2012 Member, Eta Tau Chapter