Gary Marchant
Phone: 480-965-3246
Beus Center for Law & Society Arizona State University, 111 E. Taylor St. Mail Code 9520 Phoenix, AZ 85004-4467
Mail code: 9520Campus: Dtphx
Gary Marchant is a Regent's Professor of Law and director of the Center for Law, Science and Innovation. His research interests include legal aspects of genomics and personalized medicine, the use of genetic information in environmental regulation, risk and the precautionary principle, and governance of emerging technologies such as nanotechnology, neuroscience, biotechnology and artificial intelligence.
He teaches courses in Law, Science and Technology, Genetics and the Law, Biotechnology: Science, Law and Policy, Health Technologies and Innovation, Privacy, Big Data and Emerging Technologies, and Artificial Intelligence: Law and Ethics. He was named a Regents' Professor in 2011 and also is a professor in ASU’s School of Life Sciences, a Distinguished Sustainability Scientist in ASU’s Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability, and is a Lincoln Professor of Emerging Technologies Law and Ethics with the Lincoln Center for Applied Ethics at ASU.
Prior to joining ASU in 1999, Professor Marchant was a partner at the Washington, D.C., office of Kirkland & Ellis, where his practice focused on environmental and administrative law. During law school, he was Editor-in-Chief of the Harvard Journal of Law & Technology and editor of the Harvard Environmental Law Review and was awarded the Fay Diploma (awarded to top graduating student at Harvard Law School).
Professor Marchant frequently lectures about the intersection of law and science at national and international conferences. He has authored more than 150 articles and book chapters on various issues relating to emerging technologies. Among other activities, he has served on six National Academy of Sciences committees, has been the principal investigator on several major grants, and has organized numerous academic conferences on law and science issues. He is an elected lifetime member of the American Law Institute and a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
- J.D. Harvard Law School 1990
- M.P.P. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University 1990
- Ph.D. Genetics, University of British Columbia 1986
- B.Sc. University of British Columbia 1980
Gary E. Marchant , Kenneth W. Abbott , Braden Allenby, Innovative Governance Models for Emerging Technologies (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2013).
K487.T4 I5 2013
The Growing Gap Between Emerging Technologies and Legal-ethical Oversight: The Pacing Problem (Gary Marchant, Braden Allenby, & Joseph Herkert, eds., Springer 2011).
T174.5 .G76 2011
‘Soft Law' Mechanisms for Nanotechnology: Liability and Insurance Drivers, 17 J. Risk Research 709 (2014).
T174.5 .J67 Online
Complexity and Anticipatory Socio-Behavioral Assessment of Government Attempts to Induce Clean Technologies, 61 UCLA L. Rev. 1858 (2013-2014).
K25 Online
Gregory N. Mandel & Gary E. Marchant, The Living Regulatory Challenges of Synthetic Biology, 100 Iowa L. Rev. 155 (2014).
K9 .O88 Online
Kenneth W. Abbott & Gary E. Marchant, International Harmonization of Nanotechnology Governance Through "Soft Law" Approaches, 9 Nanotechnology L. & Bus. 393 (2013).
K14 .A5685 Online
Rachel A. Lindor & Gary E. Marchant, Personalized Medicine and Genetic Malpractice, 15 Genetics in Med. 921 (2013).
RB155 Online
The Case Against Mandatory Labeling of GM Food, 28 Natural Res. & Env't 11 (2013).
K14 .A7371
- National Research Council (member of authoring committee), Assessment of Advanced Solid State Lighting (National Academy Press 2013).
- National Research Council (member of authoring committee), Reducing the Fuel Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Medium and Heavy-Duty Vehicles, Phase II (National Academy Press 2014).
- Gary E. Marchant , Kenneth W. Abbott , Braden Allenby, Innovative Governance Models for Emerging Technologies (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2013).
K487.T4 I5 2013 - Cancer Risk Evaluation: Methods and Trends (Günter Obe, Burkhard Jandrig, Gary E. Marchant, Holger Schütz, Peter M. Wiedemann, eds., Wiley 2011).
- The Growing Gap Between Emerging Technologies and Legal-ethical Oversight: The Pacing Problem (Gary Marchant, Braden Allenby, & Joseph Herkert, eds., Springer 2011).
T174.5 .G76 2011 - Gary Marchant, Guy Cardineau, & Thomas P Redick, Thwarting Consumer Choice: The Case Against Mandatory Labeling for Genetically Modified Foods (AEI Press 2010).
TP374.5 .M36 2010 - Genomics and Environmental Regulation: Science, Ethics, and Law (Richard R. Sharp, Gary Marchant, & Jamie A Grodsky eds., Johns Hopkins University Press 2008).
QH438.7 .G462 2008 - Kenneth L. Mossman & Gary E. Marchant, Arbitrary and Capricious: the Precautionary Principle in the European Union Courts (AEI Press 2004).
KJE3666.M37 2004
- Gary E. Marchant & Lucille Tournas, The Fountain of Youth Revisited: Regulatory Challenges and Pathways for Healthspan Promoting Interventions, 74 Food & Drug L.J. 18 (2019).
- Gary Marchant, Bryce Suzuki, & Todd Taylor, Blockchain: How It Will Change Your Legal Practice, 54 Ariz. Atty. 12 (February 2018).
- Genomic Malpractice: An Emerging Tide or Gentle Ripple?, 73 Food & Drug L.J. 1 (2018).
- Gary E. Marchant & Karen Bradshaw, The Short-Term Temptations and Long-Term Risks of Environmental Catastrophism, 56 Jurimetrics 345 (2016).
Full Text via HeinOnline - Betsy Grey, Gary Marchant & Cory Tyszka, Biomarkers for Concussion Susceptibility and Effects: Legal Implications, 11 Scitech Law. 12 (2015).
Full Text via HeinOnline - Vivek S. Chaudhari, Amalia M. Issa & Gary E. Marchant, The Value of Multigene Predictors of Clinical Outcome in Breast Cancer: An Analysis of the Evidence, 15 Expert Rev. Mol. Diagn. 277 (2015).
Online Journal - Indoor Air Quality, Risk and Uncertainty: The “New” Risks of Vapor Intrusion, 46 Ariz. St. L.J. 565 (2014).
Keycite | Full Text via HeinOnline - ‘Soft Law' Mechanisms for Nanotechnology: Liability and Insurance Drivers, 17 J. Risk Research 709 (2014).
T174.5 .J67 Online - Complexity and Anticipatory Socio-Behavioral Assessment of Government Attempts to Induce Clean Technologies, 61 UCLA L. Rev. 1858 (2013-2014).
Keycite | Full Text via HeinOnline - Gary E. Marchant & Yvonne A. Stevens, I Love Your Genes!, Slate Future Tense, September 8, 2014.
- Martin Dawes, Gilliam Bartlett-Esquilant, Amalia M. Issa & Gary E. Marchant, Personalized Medicine and Whole Genome Sequencing in the Era of Big Data: Challenges and Opportunities, 20 ISPOR Connections 4 (2014).
- Richard J. Caselli, Jessica Langbaum, Gary E. Marchant, et al., Public Perceptions of Presymptomatic Testing for Alzheimer Disease, 89 Mayo Clin. Proc. 1389 (2014).
R11 .M39 Online - Arnie Calica & Gary Marchant, Technology and Health Care Economics: An Opportunity for the Practicing Physician, AZMedicine, Summer 2014, at 40.
- Gregory N. Mandel & Gary E. Marchant, The Living Regulatory Challenges of Synthetic Biology, 100 Iowa L. Rev. 155 (2014).
Keycite | Full Text via HeinOnline - The Use and Misuse of Genetic Information, 31 No. 2 GPSolo 64 (2014).
Keycite | Full Text via HeinOnline - Rachel A. Lindor & Gary E. Marchant, Will Liability Drive Personalized Medicine?, Genetics & Engineering News, July 21, 2014.
- Rachel A. Lindor & Gary E. Marchant, Will Liability Drive Personalized Medicine?, Clinical Omics, July 16, 2014, at 16-17, 21.
- EPA Can't Do It Alone: TSCA Too Limited, Environmental Forum, May/June 2013, at 50.
KF3775.A15 E54 Online - Kenneth W. Abbott & Gary E. Marchant, International Harmonization of Nanotechnology Governance Through "Soft Law" Approaches, 9 Nanotechnology L. & Bus. 393 (2013).
Full Text via HeinOnline - Gary E. Marchant & Yvonne A. Stevens, Involuntary Exposures to Love-Enhancing or Anti-Love Agents, 13 Am. J. Bioethics 26 (2013).
QH332 Online - Gary E. Marchant, et al., Molecular Diagnostics: Regulatory and Reimbursement Innovation, 5 Nos. 175-178 Sci. Transnational Med. 19 (2013).
- Nanotechnology Regulation: Potential and Progress for International Coordination, 3 Korean J. L. & Legislation 29 (2013).
- Rachel A. Lindor & Gary E. Marchant, Personalized Medicine and Genetic Malpractice, 15 Genetics in Med. 921 (2013).
RB155 Online - The Case Against Mandatory Labeling of GM Food, 28 Natural Res. & Env't 11 (2013).
K14 .A7371 - The FDA Could Set Personal Genetics Rights Back Decades , Slate Future Tense, November 26, 2013.
- Guy A. Cardineau & Gary E. Marchant, The Labeling Debate in the United States, 4 GM Crops and Food 126 (2013).
- Gary E. Marchant & Yvonne A. Stevens, The United States Supreme Court Resolves the Gene Patenting Controversy (Or Did It?), 1 Zeitschrift fuer Innovations-und Technikrecht [InTeR] 174 (2013).
- The Use and Misuse of Genetic Data, 10 Scitech Law. 8 (2013).
Full Text via HeinOnline - Gary Marchant et al., Recommendations for Nanomedicine Human Subjects Research Oversight: An Evolutionary Approach for an Emerging Field Nanodiagnostics and Nanotherapeutics: Building Research Ethics and Oversight, 40 J.L. Med. & Ethics 716 (2012).
Keycite | Full Text via HeinOnline - Rachel A. Lindor & Gary E. Marchant, Prudent Precaution in Clinical Trials of Nanomedicines Nanodiagnostics and Nanotherapeutics: Building Research Ethics and Oversight , 40 J.L. Med. & Ethics 831 (2012).
Keycite | Full Text via HeinOnline - Should We Screen Kids' Brains and Genes to ID Future Criminals, Slate Future Tense, October 17, 2012.
- Rachel A. Lindor & Gary E. Marchant, The Doctor Will See Your Genome Now: Will whole-genome sequencing create a new liability tsunami for physicians?, Slate Future Tense, November 25, 2011.
- Rachel A. Lindor & Gary E. Marchant, The Game Changer: Whole Genome Sequencing, ABA Biotech Briefing, Fall 2011, at 1.
- The Definition Conundrum in Nanotechnology Regulation, Gradient EH & S Nano News, Vol. 5 No. 2, June 2010.
- Does the Precautionary Principle Make Us Safer: Con, CQ Researcher, January 23, 2009, at 65.
H35 .C67x - Kenneth W. Abbott, Tara Lynn Danforth, Gary E. Marchant, Douglas J. Sylvester, International Harmonization of Regulation of Nanomedicines, 3 Stud. Ethics L. & Tech. 1 (2009).
SSRN - Sustainable Energy Technologies: Ten Lessons from the History of Technology Regulation, 18 Widener L. J. 831 (2009).
Keycite | Full Text via HeinOnline - Kenneth W. Abbott, Gary E. Marchant & Douglas J. Sylvester, What Does the History of Technology Regulation Teach Us About Nano Oversight?, 37 J.L. Med. & Ethics 724 (2009).
SSRN | Keycite | Full Text via HeinOnline - Angus Macbeth & Gary Marchant, Improving the Government's Environmental Science, 17 N.Y.U. Envtl. L. J. 134 (2008).
SSRN | Keycite | Full Text via HeinOnline - Lessons for New Technologies, Mercatus Center Working Paper No. 08-26, August 2008.
- Symposium: Law and the New Era of Personalized Medicine-A Forward, 48 Jurimetrics J. 131 (2008).
Keycite | Full Text via HeinOnline - Robert Milligan, Gary Marchant & Brian Wilhelmi, Pharmacogenics and Physician Liability, Biotech Briefing, Vol. 3 No. 1, Fall/Winter 2006/2007, at 4.
- Gary E. Marchant & Kenneth L. Mossman, Please Be Careful, Legal Times, August 15, 2005.
K14 .A7265 - A Primer on Genomics in Environmental Law and Litigation, ABA Environmental Law & Litigation & Toxic Torts Committee Newsletter, March 2004, at 5.
- Book Review: Precaution, Environmental Science, and Preventive Public Policy, 111 Envtl. Health Perspect. 492 (2003).
RA565.A1 Online - Gary E Marchant, et al., Use of Genomics in Toxicology and Epidemiology: Findings and Recommendations of a Workshop, 110 Envtl. Health Perspect. 1047 (2002).
HE 20.3559: - A Regulatory Precedent for Hormesis, 20 Human & Experimental Toxicology 143 (2001).
Online - Book Review: Human Germline Gene Therapy: Scientific, Moral and Political Issues, 20 Politics & Life Sciences 91 (2001).
JA80 .P64 Online - Edward J. Calabrese & Gary Marchant, Recognizing and Incorporating Health Benefits of Pollutants in Risk Assessment, 7 Human & Ecol. Risk Assess. 639 (2001).
- The Precautionary Principle: An ‘Unprincipled’ Approach to Biotechnology Regulation, 4 J. of Risk Research 143 (2001).
T174.5 .J67 Online - Big Issues for Small Stuff: Nanotechnology Regulation and Risk Management, 52 Jurimetrics J. 243 (2012).
Keycite | Full Text via HeinOnline - Gary Marchant, Kenneth Abbot & Elizabeth A. Corley, Soft Law Oversight Mechanisms for Nanotechnology, 52 Jurimetrics J. 279 (2012).
Keycite | Full Text via HeinOnline - Gary E. Marchant & Rachel A. Lindor, The Coming Collision Between Autonomous Vehicles and the Liability System, 52 Santa Clara L. Rev. 1321 (2012).
Keycite | Full Text via HeinOnline - Gary Marchant, Andrew Askland, Brad Biddle, Frank Curci, Timothy Haslach & Lyn Gaudet, The Expanding Role and Importance of Standards in the Information and Communications Technology Industry, 52 Jurimetrics J. 177 (2012).
Keycite | Full Text via HeinOnline - Gary E. Marchant & Andrew White, An International Nanoscience Advisory Board to Improve and Harmonize Nanotechnology Oversight, 13 J. Nanopart. Res. 1489 (2011).
RS201.N35 J68 - Genetic Susceptibilities: The Future Drive of Ambient Air Quality Standards?, 43 Ariz. St. L.J. 791 (2011).
Full Text via HeinOnline - Gary E. Marchant, Braden Allenby, Ronald Arkin, Edward T. Barrett, Jason Borenstein, Lyn M. Gaudet, Orde Kittrie, Patrick Lin, George R. Lucas, Richard O’Meara, & Jared Silberman, International Governance of Autonomous Military Robots, 12 Colum. Sci. & Tech. L. Rev. 272 (2011).
SSRN | Full Text via HeinOnline - Gary E. Marchant, Rachel A. Lindor & Doug E. Campos-Outcalt, Physician Liability: The Next Big Thing for Personalized Medicine?, 8 Personalized Medicine 457 (2011).
- Gary Marchant & Angus Crane, The Benefits and Challenges of a Voluntary Occupational Exposure Database, 53 JOEM S52 (2011).
- Kenneth Abbott, Gary Marchant, & Douglas Sylvester, A New Soft Law Approach to Nanotechnology Oversight: A Voluntary Product Certification Scheme, 28 UCLA J. Envtl. L. & Pol'y 123 (2010).
SSRN | Keycite | Full Text via HeinOnline - Kenneth Abbott & Gary Marchant, Institutionalizing Sustainability Across the Federal Government, 2 Sustainability 1924 (2010).
SSRN - Gary Marchant, Ann Meyer, & Megan Scanlon, Integrating Social and Ethical Concerns Into Regulatory Decision-Making for Emerging Technologies, 11 Minn. J. L. Sci. & Tech. 345 (2010).
Full Text via HeinOnline - Gary Marchant & Lyn Gulley, National Security Neuroscience and the Reverse Dual-Use Dilemma, 1 AJOB Neuroscience 22 (2010).
QH332 - Gary Marchant & Lynda L. Pope, Forbidding Science?, 15 Sci. & Engineering Ethics 263 (2009).
- Gary Marchat & Jason Robert, Genetic Testing for Autism Predisposition: Ethical, Legal, and Social Challenges, 9 Hous. J. Health L. & Pol'y 203 (2009).
Keycite | Full Text via HeinOnline - Douglas Sylvester, Kenneth Abbott, & Gary Marchant, Not Again! Public Perception, Regulation, and Nanotechnology, 3 Regulation &Governance 165 (2009).
SSRN - Small is Beautiful: What Can Nanotechnology Do for Personalized Medicine?, 7 Current Pharmacogenomics & Personalized Med. 231 (2009).
- Kenneth W. Abbott, Gary E. Marchant & Douglas J. Sylvester, A Framework Convention for Nanotechnology? A Policy Review, 38 Environ't L. Rep.10507 (2008).
KF3775.A6 E5
SSRN | Keycite - Hormesis and Toxic Torts, 27 Hum. & Experimental Toxicology 97 (2008).
- Gary E. Marchant, Douglas S. Sylvester & Kenneth Abbott, Risk Management Principles for Nanotechnology, 2 Nanoethics 43 (2008).
SSRN - Mark Rothstein, Yu Cai, & Gary Marchant, The Ghost in Our Genes: Legal and Ethical Implications of Epigenetics, 19 Health Matrix 1 (2008).
SSRN | Keycite | Full Text via HeinOnline - Kenneth Abbott, Gary Marchant, & Douglas Sylvester, A New Approach to Risk Management for Nanotechnology.
SSRN - Personalized Medicine and the Law, 44 Ariz. Att'y 12 (2007).
SSRN | Keycite - Douglas Sylvester, Kenneth Abbott, & Gary Marchant, A Framework Convention for Nanotechnology?, 36 Envtl. L. Rep. 10931 (2006).
KF3775 A6 E5
SSRN - Genetic Data in Toxic Tort Litigation, 14 J.L. & Pol’y 7 (2006).
SSRN | Full Text via HeinOnline - Kenneth Abbott, Sandeep Gopalan, Gary Marchant, & Douglas Sylvester, International Regulatory Regimes for Nanotechnology.
SSRN - Gary E Marchant, Robert J Milligan, & Brian Wilhelmi, Legal Pressures and Incentives for Personalized Medicine, 3 Personalized Medicine 391 (2006).
- Gary Marchant & Douglas Sylvester, Transnational Models for Regulation of Nanotechnology, 34 J.L. Med. & Ethics 714 (2006).
SSRN | Keycite | Full Text via HeinOnline - Property Rights and Benefit-sharing for DNA Donors?, 45 Jurimetrics 153 (2005).
SSRN | Keycite | Full Text via HeinOnline - Michael E. Beren & Gary Marchant, Genetic Samples and Genetic Philanthropy, 6 Virtual Mentor (November 2004).
- Cary Coglianese & Gary Marchant, Shifting Sands: the Limits of Science in Setting Risk Standards, 152 Penn. L. Rev. 1255 (2004).
SSRN | Keycite | Full Text via HeinOnline - Cary Coglianese & Gary Marchant, The EPA’s Risky Reasoning, 27 Regulation 16 (2004).
K18 .E32
SSRN - Confidence-Building Measures for Genetically Modified Foods, 44 Jurimetrics 1 (2003).
SSRN | Keycite | Full Text via HeinOnline - From General Policy to Legal Rule: The Aspirations and Limitations of the Precautionary Principle, 111 Envtl. Health Perspect. 1799 (2003).
HE 20.3559 - Genomics and Toxic Substances: Part I - Toxicogenomics, 33 Envtl. L. Rep. 10071 (2003).
KF3775.A6 E5
SSRN - Genomics and Toxic Substances: Part II - Toxicogenetics, 33 Envtl. Law Rep. 10641 (2003).
KF3775.A6 E5
SSRN - Andrew Askland & Gary Marchant, GM Foods: Potential Public Consultation and Participation Mechanisms, 44 Jurimetrics 99 (2003).
SSRN | Keycite | Full Text via HeinOnline - Precaution, Environmental Science, and Preventive Public Policy, 111 Envtl. Health Perspect. a 492 (2003). (book review)
HE 20.3559 - Michael A. Amen et al., A Synthetic Vitreous Fiber (SVF) Occupational Exposure Database: Implementing the SVF Health and Safety Partnership Program, 17 Applied Occupational & Env’t. Hygiene 276 (2002).
- Biotechnology and the Precautionary Principle: Right Question, Wrong Answer, 4 Int. J. Biotech. 34 (2002).
- Genomics and Environmental Regulation: Scenarios and Implications.
- Legal Criteria and Judicial Precedents Relevant to Incorporation of Hormesis Into Regulatory Decision-Making, 288 Sci. Total Env’t. 141 (2002).
- The Genome Cometh, Chem. Bus. at 12-16 (July/Aug. 2002).
- Gary Marchant & Kenneth L. Mossman, The Precautionary Principle and Radiation Protection, 13 Risk: Health, Safety & Environ't 137 (2002).
Full Text via HeinOnline - Toxicogenomics and Toxic Torts, 20 Trends in Biotech. 329 (2002).
- Genetics and Toxic Torts, 31 Seton Hall L. Rev. 949 (2001).
SSRN | Keycite | Full Text via HeinOnline - Genetic Susceptibility and Biomarkers in Toxic Injury Litigation, 41 Jurimetrics 67 (2000).
SSRN | Keycite | Full Text via HeinOnline - Prof. Michael Baram et al., Regulatory and Liability Considerations, 6 B. U. J. Sci. & Tech. L. 5 (2000).
Keycite | Full Text via HeinOnline - Turning Two Blind Eyes: The EPA's Failure to Consider Costs and Health Disbenefits in Revising the Ozone Standard, 11 Tul. Envtl. L. J. 261 (1998).
SSRN | Keycite | Full Text via HeinOnline - Gary Marchant & Edward W. Warren, “More Good Than Harm”: A First Principle for Environmental Agencies and Reviewing Courts, 20 Ecology L.Q. 379 (1993).
SSRN | Keycite | Full Text via HeinOnline - Freezing Carbon Dioxide Emissions: An Offset Policy for Slowing Global Warming, 22 Envtl. L. 623 (1992).
SSRN | Keycite | Full Text via HeinOnline - Timothy Hardy, Edward W. Warren & Gary E. Marchant, Appeals Court Ruling Overturning EPA Abestos Ban: Taking the Rust Off the Toxic Substances Control Act, Chem. Reg. Rep. (BNA), July 10, 1992, at 716.
/Apps/Repository/Link.aspx?url=533568515558725358546F56474654673867586D4474616148306C2F65692B4B4B6D446956472B466A7832514C5053655166715A496655586971674231515876476C636637364F4F4E3045752B694E795A4D33624C564D7433756C2F3657305554774434616A394377476D58774556463944584733594D4A34432B39496C4951362F6D352F384436456F38434F6A34544D495261594D33412B413575554D7262416749325443314E3559376D637735596E6434666D634F377A6A5375473852664B726645416864514330347A50354E336D74356555624478644479417143554E4E46765A44356B6A7564356E316D2B6C384362335A6E4A34334E3147476C3241 - Michael Baram & Gary Marchant, Transnational Corporations and Industrial Hazards Disclosure, United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations, 1991.
- Michael S. Baram & Gary Marchant, The Use of Risk Assessment Evidence to Prove Increased Risk and Alternative Causation in Toxic Tort Litigation, 41 Fed’n Ins. & Corp. Couns. Q. 95 (1990).
SSRN - F. William Brownell et. al., Vinyl Chloride: an Opportunity for Rational Decision Making, 4 Nat. Resources & Env't. 26 (1989).
SSRN | Keycite | Full Text via HeinOnline - Dawn P. Danzeisen & Gary Marchant, Acceptable Risk for Hazardous Air Pollutants, 13 Harv. Envtl. L. Rev. 535 (1989).
Keycite | Full Text via HeinOnline - Modified Rules for Modified Bugs: Balancing Safety and Efficiency in the Regulation of Deliberate Release of Genetically Engineered Microorganisms, 1 Harv. J. L. & Tech. 163 (1988).
SSRN | Full Text via HeinOnline - Gary Marchant & David Holm, Genetic Analysis of the Heterochromatin of Chromosome 3 in Drosophila melanogaster. II. Vital Loci Identified Through EMS Mutagenesis, 120 Genetics 519 (1988).
QH431 Online - Gary Marchant. & David Holm, Genetic Analysis of the Heterochromatin of Chromosome 3 in Drosophila melanogaster. I. Products of Compound-Autosome Detachment, 120 Genetics 503 (1988).
QH431 Online - Gary Marchant & Nachama L. Wilker, Biotechnology: Risky and Rewarding, Not Man Apart (Friends of the Earth), July-August 1987, at 8.
- Gary E. Marchant et al., Applications and Findings of an Occupational Exposure Database for Synthetic Vitreous Fibers .
- Conclusion: Emerging Governance for Emergent Technologies, in Innovative Governance Models for Emerging Technologies (Gary E. Marchant, Kenneth W. Abbott & Braden Allenby, eds., Edward Elgar 2013).
K487.T4 I5 2013 - Gary E. Marchant & Wendell Wallach, Governing the Governance of Emerging Technologies, in Governance Models for Emerging Technologies (Gary E. Marchant, Kenneth W. Abbott & Braden Allenby, eds., Edward Elgar 2013).
K487.T4 I5 2013 - Rachel A. Lindor & Gary E. Marchant, Innovative Governance Schemes for Molecular Diagnostics (Gary E. Marchant, Kenneth W. Abbott & Braden Allenby, eds., Edward Elgar 2013).
K487.T4 I5 2013 - Regulatory Impact Analysis in the United States: "Consensus" or Stalemate?, in Korea Legislation Research Institute, Legislative Impact Assessment for Regulatory Reform: Achievements and Prospects (Paju Bookcity 2013).
- Technology Mandates and Socio-Behavioral Life Cycle Assessment, in Emerging Technologies: Socio-Behavioral Life Cycle Approaches(Michael Gorman, Nora Savage & Anita Street, eds., Pan Stanford Publishing 2013).
- Lyn Gaudet and Gary E. Marchant, Administrative Law Strategies, in The Growing Gap Between Emerging Technologies and Legal-Ethical Oversight: The Pacing Problem (Braden Allenby, Jospeh Herkert & Gary Marchant, eds., Springer 2011).
T174.5 .G76 2011 - Gary E. Marchant & Kathleen Waugh, Collaborative Voluntary Programs: Lessons from Environmental Law, in The Growing Gap Between Emerging Technologies and Legal-Ethical Oversight: The Pacing Problem (Braden Allenby, Jospeh Herkert & Gary Marchant, eds., Springer 2011).
T174.5 .G76 2011 - Conclusion: Addressing the Pacing Problem, in The Growing Gap Between Emerging Technologies and Legal-Ethical Oversight: The Pacing Problem (Braden Allenby, Jospeh Herkert & Gary Marchant, eds., Springer 2011).
T174.5 .G76 2011 - Ruth Carter & Gary E. Marchant, Principles-Based Regulation and Emerging Technology, in The Growing Gap Between Emerging Technologies and Legal-Ethical Oversight: The Pacing Problem (Braden Allenby, Jospeh Herkert & Gary Marchant, eds., Springer 2011).
T174.5 .G76 2011 - The Growing Gap Between Emerging Technologies and the Law, in The Growing Gap Between Emerging Technologies and Legal-Ethical Oversight: The Pacing Problem (Braden Allenby, Jospeh Herkert & Gary Marchant, eds., Spring 2011).
T174.5 .G76 2011 - Law, in Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society (David H. Guston, ed., Sage Publishing 2010).
T174.7 .E5294 2010 Online - Environmental Legal Liabilities: Prevention and Control, in Environmental Strategies Handbook (Rao V. Kolluru, ed., McGraw Hill 1994).
HC110.E5 E4997 1994 - Evaluation of Risk Assessment as Evidence for Risk Decision-Making, in Risk Analysis: Prospects and Opportunities (C. Zervos, ed., Plenum Press 1991).
RB152 .S63 1988 - Genetic Disease and the Right to Procreate, in Science in Society: Its Freedom and Regulation (F. Homer-Dixon & A.T. Perkins, eds., CPS Publications 1982).
- Regulatory Toxicology, in Casarett & Doull's Toxicology: The Basic Science of Poisons (Curtis Klaassen, ed., 8th ed., McGraw-Hill Professional 2013).
- A Return to Expertise?: A Proposal for an Institute of Scientific Assessments, in Institutions and Incentives in Regulatory Science (Jason Scott Johnson, ed., Lexington Books 2012).
GE180 .I57 2012eb - Gary E. Marchant, Douglas J. Sylvester, Kenneth W. Abbott & Lyn M. Gaudet, International Harmonization of Nanotechnology Oversight, in The Nanotechnology Challenge: Creating Law and Legal Institutions for Uncertain Risks (David A. Dana, ed., Cambridge University Press 2012).
K3924.H54 N36 2012 - Risk Over-Simplified: The Enduring and Unfortunate Legacy of Silent Spring, in Silent Spring at 50: The False Crises of Rachel Carson(Roger Meiners, Pierre Desrochers & Andrew Morriss, eds., Cato Institute 2012).
- Gary E. Marchant & Alexandra Lopez, The (In) Feasibility of Regulating Enhancement, in Building Better Humans? Refocusing the Debate on Transhumanism (Hava Tirosh-Samuelson & Kenneth L. Mossman, eds., Peter Lang 2012).
- The Precautionary Principle and Radio Frequency Exposure from Mobile Phones, in Cancer Risk Evaluation: Methods and Trends (Günter Obe, Burkhard Jandrig, Gary Marchant, Holger Schütz, & Peter M. Wiedemann, Wiley 2011).
- Kenneth W. Abbott, Lyn Gulley, Gary E. Marchant & Douglas Sylvester, Transnational Regulation of Nanotechnology: Reality or Romanticism?, in International Handbook on Regulating Nanotechnologies (Graeme Hodge, Diana Bowman & Andrew Maynard, eds., Edward Elgar Pubishers 2011).
SSRN - Science Policy and Cancer Risk Assessment, in Cancer Risk Assessment: Chemical Carcinogenesis, Hazard Evaluation, and Risk Quantification(Ching-Hung Hsu & Todd Stedeford, eds., John Wiley & Sons 2010).
- Gary E. Marchant & Jamie A. Grodsky, Genomics and Environmental Justice: Some Preliminary Thoughts, in Genomics and Environmental Regulation : Science, Ethics, and Law (Richard R. Sharp, Gary Marchant, & Jamie A Grodsky eds., Johns Hopkins University Press 2008).
QH438.7 .G462 2008 - Gary Marchant & Andrew Askland, Genetic Data and Toxic Torts: Intimations of Statistical Reductionism, in Genomics and Environmental Regulation : Science, Ethics, and Law (Richard R. Sharp, Gary E. Marchant, Jamie A. Grodsky eds., John Hopkins University Press 2008).
QH438.7 .G462 2008 - Setting Air Quality Standards in the Post-genomic Era, in Genomics and Environmental Regulation : Science, Ethics, and Law (Richard R. Sharp, Gary Marchant, & Jamie A Grodsky eds., Johns Hopkins University Press 2008).
QH438.7 .G462 2008 - Toxicogenomics and Environmental Regulation, in Genomics and Environmental Regulation : Science, Ethics, and Law (Richard R. Sharp, Gary Marchant, & Jamie A Grodsky eds., Johns Hopkins University Press 2008).
QH438.7 .G462 2008 - Genomics, Ethics, and Intellectual Property, in Intellectual Property Management in Health and Agricultural Innovation: A Handbook of Best Practices (A. Krattiger, R.T. Mahoney, L Nelsen, et al. eds., MIHR : PIPRA 2007).
K1519 .B54 2007 - Gary Marchant, Douglas Sylvester, & Kenneth W. Abbott, Nanotechnology Regulation: The United States Approach, in New Global Frontiers of Regulation: The Age of Nanotechnology (G. Hodge, D. Bowman & K. Ludlow eds., Edward Elgar Publishing 2007).
K3924.H54 N49 2007
SSRN - Applications of Biomarkers in Toxic Tort and Forensic Litigation, in Toxicologic Biomarkers (Anthony DeCaprio ed., Informa HealthCare 2006).
- Law, Science, & Technology, in Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics (Carl Mitcham ed., Macmillan Reference 2005).
Q175.35 .E53 2005 - Genetics and the Future of Environmental Policy, in Environmentalism and the Technologies of Tomorrow (Robert Olsen & David Rejeski eds., Island Press 2004).
HC79.E5 E597 2005
- National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, (he National Academies Press 2017).
QH431 .H86 2017 - Impact of the Precautionary Principle on Feeding Current and Future Generations, (Council for Agricultural Science & Technology (CAST), Chair and Lead Author 2013).
- Marchant, Gary E*. Liability in the Delivery of Personalized Medicine: Driver Impediment or Both. HHS-NIH-NHGRI(8/1/2012 - 5/31/2016).
- Marchant, Gary E*, Robert,Jason. Biomarkers for Alzheimer's Disease: Defining Expert and Public Perceptions and Expectations. MAYO CLINIC SCOTTSDALE(1/1/2011 - 6/30/2012).
- Lant,Timothy W*, Basile,George Matthew, Hodge,James, Jehn,Megan L, Kim,Yushim, Lynk,Myles V, Marchant, Gary E. Building evidence for legal decision-making in real time: Legal triage during declared emergencies. RWJF(12/1/2009 - 5/31/2011).
- Marchant, Gary E*, Allenby,Braden Richard, Askland,Andrew, Herkert,Joseph Raymond. Adapting Law to Rapid Technological Change. NSF-SES(10/1/2009 - 12/31/2012).
- Renaut,Rosemary Anne*, Bimonte-Nelson,Heather, Coon,David Wayne, Gonzalez,Graciela H, Marchant, Gary E, Sierks,Michael Richard. AZ ASU Alzheimer's Research Center Project - 12. AADC(7/1/2009 - 6/30/2010).
- Renaut,Rosemary Anne*, Bimonte-Nelson,Heather, Coon,David Wayne, Johnston,Stephen Albert, Marchant, Gary E, Sierks,Michael Richard, Ye,Jieping. AZ ASU Alzheimer's Reserach Center Project- Year 11. AADC(7/1/2008 - 6/30/2009).
- Marchant, Gary E*, Abbott,Kenneth Wayne, Corley,Elizabeth, Sylvester,Douglas J. Mechanisms for Transnational Coordination and Harmonization of Nanotechnology Governance in Support of Bioenergy Development. DOE-CHICAGO(9/1/2007 - 12/31/2012).
- Maienschein,Jane Ann*, Laubichler,Manfred Dietrich, Marchant, Gary E, Sarewitz,Daniel, Sarewitz,Daniel. Understanding Agents of Scientific Change: The Case of Embryo Research. NSF-SBE(8/1/2007 - 12/31/2011).
- Maienschein,Jane Ann*, Laubichler,Manfred Dietrich, Marchant, Gary E, Sarewitz,Daniel, Sarewitz,Daniel. Understanding Agents of Scientific Change: The Case of Embryo Research. NSF-SBE(1/1/2007 - 9/30/2007).
- Samuelson,Hava Tirosh*, Allenby,Braden Richard, Cady,Linell E, Cady,Linell E, Lindsay,Stuart, Lindsay,Stuart, Marchant, Gary E, Ritchie,Barry G, Samuelson,Norbert Max, Samuelson,Norbert Max, Sarewitz,Daniel, Sarewitz,Daniel, White,Michael Joe, White,Michael Joe, White,Michael Joe. Facing the Challenges of Transhumanism: Religion Science and Technology. METANEXUS INST(5/1/2006 - 11/30/2011).
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
LAW 781 | Independent Study |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
LAW 781 | Independent Study |
LAW 617 | Genetics and the Law |
LAW 791 | Seminar |
LAW 710 | Artificial Intelligence |
LAW 689 | Health Technologies |
LAW 696 | Privacy, Big Data & Technology |
HON 494 | Special Topics |
HON 494 | Special Topics |
HON 494 | Special Topics |
HON 494 | Special Topics |
HON 494 | Special Topics |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
LAW 781 | Independent Study |
LAW 791 | Seminar |
LAW 703 | Law, Science, and Technology |
LAW 714 | Biotechnology |
LAW 711 | Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies |
HON 494 | Special Topics |
HON 494 | Special Topics |
HON 494 | Special Topics |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
LAW 781 | Independent Study |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
LAW 781 | Independent Study |
LAW 617 | Genetics and the Law |
LAW 710 | Artificial Intelligence |
LAW 689 | Health Technologies |
LAW 696 | Privacy, Big Data & Technology |
HON 494 | Special Topics |
HON 494 | Special Topics |
HON 494 | Special Topics |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
LAW 781 | Independent Study |
LAW 791 | Seminar |
LAW 703 | Law, Science, and Technology |
LAW 714 | Biotechnology |
LAW 711 | Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies |
HON 494 | Special Topics |
HON 494 | Special Topics |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
LAW 781 | Independent Study |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
LAW 781 | Independent Study |
LAW 617 | Genetics and the Law |
LAW 710 | Artificial Intelligence |
LAW 689 | Health Technologies |
LAW 696 | Privacy, Big Data & Technology |
LAW 691 | Seminar |
HON 494 | Special Topics |
HON 494 | Special Topics |
HON 494 | Special Topics |
HON 494 | Special Topics |
BIO 598 | Special Topics |
LAW 696 | Privacy, Big Data & Technology |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
LAW 781 | Independent Study |
LAW 791 | Seminar |
LAW 703 | Law, Science, and Technology |
LAW 714 | Biotechnology |
LAW 711 | Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies |
HON 494 | Special Topics |
HON 494 | Special Topics |
HON 494 | Special Topics |
HON 494 | Special Topics |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
LAW 781 | Independent Study |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
LAW 781 | Independent Study |
LAW 791 | Seminar |
LAW 791 | Seminar |
LAW 791 | Seminar |
LAW 617 | Genetics and the Law |
HON 494 | Special Topics |
HON 494 | Special Topics |
HON 494 | Special Topics |
HON 494 | Special Topics |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
LAW 691 | Seminar |
LAW 781 | Independent Study |
LAW 703 | Law, Science, and Technology |
LAW 714 | Biotechnology |
HON 494 | Special Topics |
HON 494 | Special Topics |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
LAW 781 | Independent Study |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
LAW 781 | Independent Study |
LAW 791 | Seminar |
LAW 791 | Seminar |
LAW 791 | Seminar |
LAW 617 | Genetics and the Law |
HON 494 | Special Topics |
HON 494 | Special Topics |
HON 494 | Special Topics |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
LAW 691 | Seminar |
LAW 781 | Independent Study |
LAW 703 | Law, Science, and Technology |
LAW 714 | Biotechnology |
HON 494 | Special Topics |
HON 494 | Special Topics |
HON 494 | Special Topics |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
LAW 781 | Independent Study |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
LAW 781 | Independent Study |
LAW 791 | Seminar |
LAW 791 | Seminar |
BIO 691 | Seminar |
LAW 617 | Genetics and the Law |
BIO 791 | Seminar |
LAW 791 | Seminar |
HON 494 | Special Topics |
HON 494 | Special Topics |
HON 494 | Special Topics |
- Marchant, Gary. Nanotechnology Regulation: The United States Approach. Conference on New Global Regulatory Frontiers: Evaluating What Will Work for Nanotechnology. Monash University, Melbourne, Australia (Jul 2006).
- Marchant, Gary. Legal Pressures and Incentives for Personalized Medicine. Beyond Genome 2006 Conference, San Francisco, CA (Jun 2006).
- Marchant, Gary. Legal, Ethical and Policy Issues with Pharmacogenomics. TGEN, Phoenix, AZ (Apr 2006).
- Marchant, Gary. Pros and Cons of Cost-Benefit Analysis; Issues in Implementing Cost-Benefit Analysis; and The Precautionary Principle: An Alternative to Cost-Benefit Analysis?. Institute on Science in the Courts, George Mason University Law & Economics Center, Tucson, AZ (Apr 2006).
- Marchant, Gary. The Intersection of Law & Science. State Bar of Arizona CLE on Scientific Evidence, Phoenix, AZ (Apr 2006).
- Marchant, Gary. Regulatory and Legal Implications of Hormesis. Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA (Mar 2006).
- Marchant, Gary. Aspirations and Limitations of the Precautionary Principle. Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA (Mar 2006).
- Marchant, Gary. Incorporating Genetic Susceptibility Data in Standard-Setting for Air Pollutants. Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA (Mar 2006).
- Marchant, Gary. Genetics and Criminal Responsibility. ASU Adventures in Learning Lecture Series, Scottsdale, AZ (Feb 2006).
- Marchant, Gary. Global Positioning Systems (GPS), Privacy and the Law. Conference on Surveillance Technologies, Privacy and the Law, ASU College of Law, Tempe, AZ (Feb 2006).
- Marchant, Gary. Evolution, Creation, and the Law. MetaNexus Board Presentation, Tempe, AZ (Jan 2006).
- Marchant, Gary. The Problems with the Precautionary Principle. Washington Health Legislative Conference, Seattle, WA (Dec 2005).
- Marchant, Gary. The Precautionary Principle in the European Union Courts. Institute for Economic Affairs, London, UK (Oct 2005).
- Marchant, Gary. Arbitrary and Capricious: The Precautionary Principle in European and Global Lawmaking. Centre for the New Europe, Brussels, Belgium (Oct 2005).
- Marchant, Gary. Genetically Based Toxic Tort Suits. 9th International Conference on Environmental Mutagens, San Francisco, CA (Sep 2005).
- Marchant, Gary. Genetics and Toxic Torts. Sciences for Judges V, Brooklyn Law School, New York, NY (Apr 2005).
- Marchant, Gary. Toxic Torts: How Genetics Can Shape the Debate Regarding Proximate cause and Damages. National Association of Women Judges Genome Justice Pilot Project, Phoenix (Apr 2005).
- Marchant, Gary. Transnational Models for Regulating Nanotechnology. Conference on Nanoethics, University of South Carolina, Columbia SC (Mar 2005).
- Marchant, Gary. Labeling of GM Foods - A "No Brainer" .... Or Not?. Western Regional Bioethics Conference, Tempe, AZ (Feb 2005).
- Marchant, Gary. Risk Analysis: As Others See Us, Plenary Session Respondent. Society for Risk Analysis Annual Conference, Palm Springs, CA (Dec 2004).
- Marchant, Gary. Incorporating Genomics into Risk Assessment and Regulation. Society for Risk Analysis Annual Conference, Palm Springs, CA (Dec 2004).
- Marchant, Gary. Transnational Regulatory Models for Molecular Nanotechnology. 1st Conference on Advanced Technology, Foresight Institute, Arlington, VA (Oct 2004).
- Marchant, Gary. Legal and Ethical Issues of Genomics. Spirit of the Senses Lecture, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, AZ (Sep 2004).
- Marchant, Gary. Genetic Testing: How Will It Impact Your Life in the Next Five Years?. Gathering for the Great Minds Awesome Hearts Lecture series, Interfaith Community Care, Sun City West, AZ (Sep 2004).
- Marchant, Gary. Genomics and Environmental Regulation. National Human Genome Research Institute ELSI Genetic Variation Consortium, Rockville, MD (Jul 2004).
- Marchant, Gary. Regulatory Incentives and Impediments to Fuel-Celled Vehicles. Conference on Legal Issues in Developing Hydrogen Technologies, George Washington University Law School, Washington, D.C (Jun 2004).
- Marchant, Gary. Regulatory Applications and Acceptance of Hormesis. American Industrial Hygiene Conference, Expo 2004, Atlanta, Ga (May 2004).
- Marchant, Gary. Property Interests of Genetic Research Donors?. Conference on Human Genetic Sampling: Ethical, Legal, and Social Considerations, ASU College of Law, Tempe, AZ (Mar 2004).
- Marchant, Gary. An Occupational Exposure Database for Synthetic Vitreous Fibers (SVFs). Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD (Mar 2004).
- Marchant, Gary. The Precautionary Principle. Capstone course: Issues in Biotechnology, Arizona State University School of Life Sciences, Tempe, AZ (Mar 2004).
- Marchant, Gary. Contagion, Risk and Fear: Lessons From SARS, Mad Cow Disease, West Nile Virus and Anthrax. ASU President's Community Enrichment Program, Scottsdale, AZ (Feb 2004).
- Marchant, Gary. Genetics and the Law: An Introduction. Arizona Federal District Court Conference, Phoenix, AZ (Feb 2004).
- Marchant, Gary. Toxicogenomics: Ethical, Legal and Social Issues. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), Division of Extramural Research and Training (DERT), Science Retreat, Southern Pines, NC (Dec 2003).
- Marchant, Gary. Risk in the Republic. Greater Phoenix Humanists Association, Tempe, AZ (Oct 2003).
- Marchant, Gary. Risk in the Republic. World Presidents Association, Phoenix, AZ (Oct 2003).
- Marchant, Gary. Genetic Susceptibility and Environmental Exposures. Special Committee on Bioethics, ABA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (Aug 2003).
- Marchant, Gary. How Genomics Will Change Environmental Regulation. EPA Region 10, Seattle, WA (Jul 2003).
- Marchant, Gary. Hopes and Hypes of the Biomedical Revolution: Genetic Testing. 9th Circuit Judicial Conference, Kaua'i, Hawaii (Jun 2003).
- Marchant, Gary. Human Cloning. What Every Lawyer Should Know About Bioethics Law, conference, Arizona State Bar, Phoenix, AZ (Apr 2003).
- Marchant, Gary. The Human Genome and Beyond. State Capital Global Law Firm Group 2003 MidwinterMeeting, Scottsdale, AZ (Mar 2003).
- Marchant, Gary. Ethical and Legal Dilemmas of Genetic Testing. Greater Phoenix Humanist Association (Mar 2003).
- Marchant, Gary. Genetics and Toxic Torts. conference on Issues in Biotechnology and Genetics, co-sponsored by Eccles Institute of Human Genetics and FREE, Salt Lake City, UT (Mar 2003).
- Marchant, Gary. Genomics and Environmental Regulation. ABA Section of Environment Annual Meeting, Keystone, CO (Mar 2003).
- Marchant, Gary. Genetic Susceptibility: Regulatory Issues. Annual Meeting of the Society for Risk Analysis, New Orleans (Dec 2002).
- Marchant, Gary. Potential Public Consultation and Participation Mechanisms. Conference on Confidence Building Measures for Genetically Modified Foods, ASU College of Law, Tempe, AZ (Dec 2002).
- Marchant, Gary. Genetics and Toxic Torts. Maricopa County Superior Court Judicial Education Day, Phoenix, AZ (Nov 2002).
- Marchant, Gary. Genomics and the Law. National Academy of Science's conference entitled "Toxicogenemics: The 'New Biology' Revolution in Environmental Health Sciences," Washington, D.C (Nov 2002).
- Marchant, Gary. Ethical and Legal Dilemmas of Genetic Testing. ASU President's Community Enrichment Program, Scottsdale, AZ (Oct 2002).
- Marchant, Gary. Non-Linear Dose Response: Legal Standards for the Admission of Novel Scientific Theories in Regulatory Decision-Making. International Conference on Non-Linear Dose-Response Relationships in Biology, Toxicology and Medicine, University of Massachusetts, Amherst (Jun 2002).
- Marchant, Gary. The Role of the Federal Government in Environmental Regulation. State Bar of Arizona Environmental and Natural Resources Law Section Conference, Who Are Your Environmental Regulators?, Phoenix, AZ (May 2002).
- Marchant, Gary. Genetic Biomarkers in Civil Litigation. American Bar Association Section of Litigation Annual Meeting, Boston, MA (Apr 2002).
- Marchant, Gary. Biotechnology and Public Confidence: Legal & Policy Issues. Arizona Bioindustry Cluster, Phoenix, AZ (Apr 2002).
- Marchant, Gary. Ten Ways Genomics Could Change Environmental Regulation. Environmental Law Institute, Washington, D.C (Mar 2002).
- Marchant, Gary. Ten Ways Genomics Could Change Environmental Regulation. Seton Hall Law School Faculty Colloquium (Mar 2002).
- Marchant, Gary. Ten Ways Genomics Could Change Environmental Regulation. Wilson Center, Washington, D.C (Mar 2002).
- Marchant, Gary. Risk in the Republic: The Struggle to Define a Rational Risk Policy. ASU's President's Community Enrichments Programs (Feb 2002).
- Marchant, Gary. Some Legal Implications of the Beryllium Lymphocyte Proliferation Test (BLPT). Beryllium Lymphocyte Proliferation Test Panel, Menlo Park, CA (Feb 2002).
- Marchant, Gary. Frankenfoods or Better Foods? The GM Foods Controversy. ASU College of Law Alumni, Yuma, AZ (Jan 2002).
- Marchant, Gary. Legal Implications of Toxicogenomics for Environmental Regulation and Toxic Torts. National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Symposium on Gene Expression and Proteomics in Environmental Health Research, Bethesda, MD (Dec 2001).
- Marchant, Gary. Legal Aspects of Genetic Testing, Capstone Course in Biotechnology. Arizona State University (Nov 2001).
- Marchant, Gary. Bioterrorism: The Threat and Legal Consequences. Arizona State University College of Law (Nov 2001).
- Marchant, Gary. Risk in the Republic. Motorola Science Advisory Board, Mesa, Az (Sep 2001).
- Marchant, Gary. Economics and Environmental Policy. Economics 591, ASU (Jun 2001).
- Marchant, Gary. Genetic Biomarkers and Tort Litigation. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, N.C (May 2001).
- Marchant, Gary. Risk Is a Four-Letter Word. Law Society Dinner Arizona State University College of Law, Tempe, Az (May 2001).
- Marchant, Gary. The Precautionary Principle. Goldwater Institute,Phoenix, AZ (May 2001).
- Marchant, Gary. Legal Criteria, Obstacles and Precedents for Considering Hormesis in Regulation, Issues and Applications in Toxicology and Risk Assessment. Conference sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, et al., Dayton, Ohio (Apr 2001).
- Marchant, Gary. Risk, Uncertainty and the Precautionary Principle. University of Colorado School of Law, Faculty Colloquium, Boulder, Co (Apr 2001).
- Marchant, Gary. Genetic Biomarkers and Toxic Torts. American Bar Association, Appellate Judges Seminar, Phoenix, AZ (Mar 2001).
- Marchant, Gary. Genetic Biomarkers and Toxic Torts. American Association of Law Schools Annual Meeting, Session on "Genetics and the Courtroom," San Francisco, Ca (Jan 2001).
- Marchant, Gary. The Precautionary Principle: The Wrong Answer to the Right Question. International Conference on Biotechnology in the Global Economy: Science and the Precautionary Principle, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University (Sep 2000).
- Marchant, Gary. Biotech Materials and Medical Devices in the New Millennium. The Third Annual Technology Symposium, Boston University School of Law (Feb 2000).
- Society for Risk Analysis Section on Risk Science and the Law, Chair (2005 - Present)
- Nonlinearity in Biology, Toxicology and Medicine (CRC Press), Associate Editor (2003 - Present)
- National Research Council (National Academy of Sciences) Committee on Applications of Toxicogenomic Technologies to Predictive Technologies, Member (2005 - 2006)
- National Research Council (National Academy of Sciences) Committee on State Practices in Setting Mobile Source Emission Standards, Member (2004 - 2006)
- State Bar of Arizona, Executive Council of Environmental & Natural Resources Law Section, Elected Member (2004 - 2006)
- Harvard Environmental Law Review, Editor (Present)
- Harvard Journal of Law & Technology, Editor-in-Chief (Present)
- Harvard Law & Technology Society, Vice-President (Present)
- Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGEN), Conflicts of Interest Committee, Member (Present)