Schlinkert, D., Hatch, E., Androff, D., Morales, J., Clement, C., Moore, R., Klimek, B., & Schlinkert, M. The Refugee Health Partnership: A Programmatic Case Study. (Under Review).
Androff, D, Schlinkert, D., Um, M.Y., Hatch, E., Olsen-Medina, K. The Longer You Are in the U.S., The Better You Know What to Do: Refugees’ Experiences of Health Care. (Under Review).
Hatch, E., Reiswig, C., & Ferguson, K. M. Opportunities for Refugee Youth: Assets and barriers to fulfillment of educational and career goals. (Under Review).
Um, M. Y., Hatch, E., Maleku, A., & Arroyo Portillo, M. (2023). Can technology break the invisible wall? Exploring mobile application needs and preferences among North Korean refugees in South Korea. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal.
Hatch, E., Villagrana, K., Wu, Q., Lawler, S., & Ferguson, K. (2022). Predictors of Secondary Completion Among Homeless Youth in Three US Cities and the Potential Application of National Policies. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal.
Hatch, E., Brown, K. M., Hollis, R. B., Barnett, S., Seydel, K. L. & Ferguson, K. M. Constructing A Quality Standards Assessment with Provider and Youth Perspectives: A Case Study. Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership, and Governance.
Wu, Q., Lawler, S., Hatch, E., Villagrana, K., & Ferguson, K. (2021). The relationship between housing status and behavioral health outcomes among youth experiencing homelessness with a foster care history in three US cities. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research.
Villagrana, K.M., Mody, E. H., Lawler, S. M., Wu, Q., & Ferguson, K. M. (2020). Educational outcomes for homeless young adults with and without a history in foster care. Children and Youth Services Review.
Wang, C., Mody, E. H., Hunting, D., Hoyt, J., & Ferguson, K. (2020).Data-driven outreach to opportunity youth using population data and GIS technology. Journal of Social Work.
Mody, E. H., Wang, C., & Ferguson, K. M. (2020). Data-driven service delivery: Using population and coalition data to reengage opportunity youth in career and educational pathways. Journal of Technology in Human Services.