Anick Coudart
Phone: 480-965-7144
Arizona State University School of Human Evolution and Social Change PO Box 872402 Tempe, AZ 85287-2402
Anick Coudart has been a research professor at Arizona State University since 2013, following her appointment as an adjunct professor with the ASU Department of Anthropology (1999-2012). She is a French archaeologist, ethnographer and ethno-archaeologist who specializes in Europena Neolithic domectic houses, and traditional organization of contemporary traditional domestic spaces around the world. She got her doctorate in 1987 from the Université de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne) in prehistoric ethnology – cum laude: "Architecture et société néolithique. Uniformité et variabilité, fonction et style de l’architecture dans l’approche des communautés du Néolithique danubien" ("Architecture and Neolithic Society: uniformity, variability, function and style in the architecture of the Danubian Neolithic").
Coudart is also an associate researcher with the Centre de Recherche et de Documentation sur l’Océanie of the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Marseille, France. In addition, she is still a co-director of the project “Bandkeramik Neolithic implantations in the Aisne Valley, France” (French Ministries of Research and Culture, CNRS and the National Institute for Heritage Archaeology (INRAP), and also a member of the Shishou Development Project in China, Hubei province (ASU/ Development Research Centre of the Chinese State Council/The Global Green Growth Institute).
Her recent research involves the following themes: 1) Cultural practices versus identity strategy; domestic time and space in the elaboration & transformation of cultural norms; 2) The Neolithic Bandkeramik Longhouses as material, social, and mental metaphor for small-scale sedentary societies; 3) The settlement of the Danubian Bandkeramik peoples in the North of France; 4) The epistemology and history of European archaeology; 5) and The place of the gender studies in French archaeology.
She is a very avid photographer, and she has produced a very large documentation on traditional techniques and material culture around the world (Australia, China, Europe, Greenland, Japan, Mexico, Mongolia, Morocco, Papua New-Guinea, South Africa, South-West of US, Tunisia).
Among her contributions to the field is the introduction of a novel excavation technique, which adds manual synchronous scraping of the sterile soil above the archaeological levels to the mechanical scraping performed by a backhoe. MAIN Current Research Projects: U.S. identity versus European culture, or the false reality of an ‘Occidental Culture’ (from 2015). How current archaeology remodels European history and European identities (from 2014). The house, a material and mental construct that shows how the cultural norms of a society are maintained, reproduced and transformed (1987-2002, and from 2010). In close collaboration with other French social anthropologists (1982-2009), she also developed research in the Highlands of Papua New-Guinea on traditional dwellings and material culture, highlighting the relationship between dwelling diversity and temporal rhythms of change. Also documentation (photos, movies and stories) on “Sustainable cultural practices versus political identity strategies” (from 2005): Australia, China, Pre- and Protohistoric Europe, contemporary Europe, Greenland, Japan, Mexico, Mongolia, Morocco, Papua New-Guinea, South Africa, Tunisia, US South-West Natives American. The settlement of the Neolithic Danubian Bandkeramik peoples in the Aisne Valley, France (from 2003). Epistemology and History of European Archaeology (from 2003). Gender Studies in French Archaeology (from 2003). The China DRC/BNU/US ASU Project 2015, 2016 and 2017).
Ph.D. Prehistoric Ethnology (Cum Laude), University of Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne) 1987. Dissertation: Architecture et société néolithique. Uniformité et variabilité, fonction et style de l’architecture dans l’approche des communautés du Néolithique danubien (Architecture and Neolithic Society: uniformity, variability, function and style in the architecture of the Danubian Neolithic).
Her recent research involves the following themes: cultural practices versus identity strategy; domestic time and space in the elaboration and transformation of cultural norms; the Neolithic Bandkeramik Longhouses as material, social, and mental metaphor for small-scale sedentary societies; the settlement of the Danubian Bandkeramik Peoples in the Aisne Valley; the epistemology and history of European archaeology; and the place of the gender studies in French archaeology. In close collaboration with other social anthropologists, she has developed research in the Highlands of Papua New-Guinea on traditional dwellings and material culture, highlighting the relationship between dwelling diversity and temporal rhythms of change.
MAIN Current Research Projects
- U.S. identity versus European culture, or the false reality of an ‘Occidental Culture’ (from 2015).
- How current archaeology remodels European history & European identities (from 2014).
- The house, a material & mental construct that shows how the cultural norms of a society are maintained, reproduced and transformed (1987-2002, and from 2010).
- Documentation (photos, movies and stories) on “Sustainable cultural practices versus political identity strategies” (from 2005): Australia, China, Pre- and Protohistoric Europe, contemporary Europe, Greenland, Japan, Mexico, Mongolia, Morocco, Papua New-Guinea, South Africa, Tunisia, US South-West Natives American.
- The settlement of the Neolithic Danubian Bandkeramik peoples in the Aisne Valley, France (from 2003).
- Epistemology and History of European Archaeology (from 2003).
- Gender Studies in French Archaeology (from 2003).
- The China DRC/BNU/US ASU Project 2015, 2016 and 2017).
1. Trajectoires (unité mixte de recherche 8215, Centre national de la recherche scientifique / University of Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne). Maison de l’archéologie et de l’ethnologie, 21 allée de l’Université, 92023 Nanterre cedex, France; +33 1 46 69 24 42 – fax: 24 35.
2. Centre de recherche et de documentation sur l'Océanie (Credo), Unité mixte de recherche 6574 (Center for Research and Documentation of Oceanian societies), federating social anthropologists of the University of Aix-Marseille 1, the École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS), and the CNRS. Université Aix Marseille: 3, Place Victor Hugo CS 80249 13331 Marseille Cedex 03 +33 04 13 55 07 32 & +33 04 13 55 07 35.
Manolakakis L., Schlanger N. & Coudart A. (eds). 2017. European Archaeology: Identities and Migrations / Archéologie européenne : Identités et Migrations. Sidestone Press: <> (29 chapters; 32 authors).
Coudart A. (ed,), 2008. Archéologie et société. Construction(s) de l’archéologie. Paris: Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives, Ministère de la Culture, France (collec. Archéopages).
Braemer F., Cleuziou S. & Coudart A. (eds). 1999. Habitat et société, XIXe Rencontres Internationales d'Archéologie et d'Histoire d'Antibes. Antibes : Éditions APDCA.
Coudart, A., 1998. Architecture et société néolithique. L’uniformité et la variance de la maison danubienne. Paris: Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (DAF n° 307).
Coudart, A. (et al.), 1991. L’Archéologie d’une vallée. Soissons: ADMS.
Coudart, A. & P. Pion (eds.), 1987. L'Archéologie de la France rurale de la préhistoire aux temps modernes. Paris : Belin.
In préparation
A. Coudart (editor in chief), M. Chartier, M. Ilett, 2018. Le Site Néolithique rubané de Cuiry-lès-Chaudardes, Aisne, France, volume 1: Situation, environnement, chronologie et structure d'habitat. 450 pages. Espelkamp: Internationale Archäologie Verlag Marie Leidorff.
Authored Chapter: A. Coudart. Les structures d'habitat: maisons. In : Le Site Néolithique rubané de Cuiry-lès-Chaudardes, Aisne, France, volume 1: Situation, environnement, chronologie et structures d'habitat, chap. 3, 93 pages.
Main Papers from 2010
Coudart A., Manolakakis L., Schlanger N. & van der Leeuw S. 2017. “Jean-Paul Demoule, an intellectual scholar… beyond European archaeology / Jean-Paul Demoule, un intellectuel… au-delà de l'archéologie européenne”. In: Manolakakis L., Schlanger N. & Coudart A. (eds). European Archaeology: Identities & Migrations / Archéologie européenne : Identités & Migrations, p. 10-23. Sidestone Press. <>.
Manolakakis L., Schlanger N. & Coudart A. 2017. “European Archaeology: Identities & Migrations, Homage to Jean-Paul / Archéologie européenne, Hommages à Jean-Paul Demoule”. In: Manolakakis L., Schlanger N. & Coudart A. (eds). European Archaeology: Identities & Migrations / Archéologie européenne: Identités & Migrations, p. 24-25. Sidestone Press <>.
Coudart A. 2017 “Culture & Collective Identity Construction”. In: Manolakakis L., Schlanger N. & Coudart A. (eds). European Archaeology: Identities & Migrations / Archéologie européenne : Identités & Migrations, p. 85-97. Sidestone Press <>.
Papers in press (2017)
Coudart A. “Ethnoarchéologie” (2675 words). In : Demoule J.-P., Garcia D. & Schnapp A. (eds). Histoire universelle des civilisations (Introduction: histoire et épistémologie de l’archéologie). Paris, co-publishers: Éditions La Découverte, Dominique Carré éditeur, Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives.
A. Coudart. 2015. The Bandkeramik longhouses. A Material, Social, and Mental Metaphor for Small-Scale Sedentary Societies. In : Oxford Handbook of Neolithic Europe (Chris Fowler, Jan Harding, and Daniela Hofmann, eds), chap. 16, pp. 309-325. Oxford University press. (Oxford Handbooks in Archaeology), 978-0-19-954584-1. Hardback | March 2015. e-book also available from December 2014
Coudart A. 2015. “Longtemps durant… le Genre ne fut pas un genre français sinon qu’il était du genre masculin… E pur si muove”. Les Nouvelles de l’Archéologie 104 (Genre et Archéologie, Caroline Trémeaud ed.), 140 (June 2015): 9-15; & ; DOI : 10.4000/nda.2968.
Coudart A. March 2015 : Journal de Bord 1 – Around Lu’an District Prospection, China (The China Development Research Center of the State Council of the People’s Republic China, Beijing Normal University, USA Arizona State University Project). Phase 1: The Lu’an District. Diffusion restricted (10 pages + photos).
· A. Coudart. 2014. The Bandkeramik longhouses. A Material, Social, and Mental Metaphor for Small-Scale Sedentary Societies. In : Oxford Handbook of Neolithic Europe (Chris Fowler, Jan Harding, and Daniela Hofmann, eds), chap. 16, pp. 309-325. Oxford University press. (Oxford Handbooks in Archaeology), 978-0-19-954584-1. Hardback | March 2015. e-book also available from December 2014.
· A. Coudart. 2014. Petit questionnaire photographique désynchronisé de nature et de culture…. In : Entre Archéologie et écologie, une Préhistoire de tous les milieux (Rose-Marie Arbogast, Annick Greffier-Richard, eds), pp. 18-19. Besançon : Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté (Annales littéraires de Franche-Comté, série Environnement, société et archéologie. ISSN 05230535.
· A. Coudart. 2013. The reconstruction of the Danubian Neolithic house and the scientific importance of architectural studies, EXARC, 2013/3, 25pages. ISSN 2212-89-56.
· A. Coudart. 2013. Culture versus Identité. In : Aux marges de l’Archéologie, Jessica Giraud and Guillaume Gernez (eds), with the collaboration of Victoria de Castéja, pp. 59-70. Paris : De Boccard (collection de la Maison de l’Archéologie et de l’ethnologie, 16).
· Allard P., Hamon C., Bonnardin S., Cayol N., Chartier M., Coudart A., Dubouloz J., Gomart L., Hachem L., Ilett, M., Meunier K., Monchablon C., Thévenet C. 2013. Linear Pottery domestic space: taphonomy, distribution of finds and economy in the Aisne valley settlements. In: Caroline Hamon, Pierre Allard, Michael Ilett (eds), The domestic Space in LBK Settlements. Verlag Marie Leidorf, Rahden/Westf, 245 p. Internationale Archäologie - Arbeitsgemeinschaft, Symposium, Tagung, Kongreß band 17. <hal-00927145>.
· Coudart A. 2011. La maison européenne des populations néolithiques rubanées. In F. Collin, A. Hauzeur & I. Jadin (eds). 5000 ans avant J.-C., la grande migration ?, pp. 27-32. Brussels: Communauté française de Belgique. ISBN/978-2930624-02-0.
· Coudart A. 2010. La maison néolithique : métaphore matérielle, sociale et mentale des petites sociétés sédentaires. In J.P. Demoule (ed.). La Révolution néolithique dans le monde, pp. 215-235. Paris: La Découverte.
· Coudart A., van der Leeuw S. 2010. Serge Cleuziou. Les Annales de la Fondation Fyssen 24 : 5-7. Paris: Fondation Fyssen.
Main researches from 2015
Japan (February 21th-27th) Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN) & Institut français au Japon-Kansai, Kyoto. Discussant in a series of conferences by Gilles Clément (Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Paysage, Versailles, France).
– February 23th : La Terre comme un jardin (Earth as a Garden), with Terada Masahiro (RIHN), Emmanuel Marès (RIHN), Muramatsu Shin (RIHN), Shinohara Tôru (Lake Biwa prefectural Museum), Shirahata Yôzaburô (International Research Center for Japanese Studies).
– February 27th: Quand le Jardin prend forme (When the Garden Takes Shape), with Michio Tase (landscaper & gardener), Tomoki Yamauchi (gardener, Kansai University). (in French).
Singapore (March 1st-7th)
– Discussant: Nanyang Technological University (Para Limes): Emerging Patterns Conference (2-4 March):
– Discussant: Nanyang Technological University (School of Art, Design, and Media (ADM): Environmental Design Workshop, Restoring Eden at Nanyang Technological University (March 5-6) + EcoGarden @ CleanTech Park (cf. Meridel Rubenstein project: <>.
China (March 8th-18th), Research visitor at Beijing Normal University: writer, photographer & editor in chief of the Record Book of the ASU/China sustainability collaboration project; participants: Dr Yongsheng Zhang (Development Research Center of the State Council of the People’s Republic China), Prof. Carlo Jaeger (Beijing Normal University/Arizona State University), Prof. Sander van der Leeuw (Arizona State University/Beijing Normal University), Prof. Anick Coudart (Arizona State University/CNRS France); interpreters: Ms. Lu Weiwei (Vera); Mr. Chen Xiangshu (Xavier).
– First step (March 8-11): the Lu’an District prospection with the local leaders.
San Francisco, USA (80th SAA meeting): paper “European Neolithic Houses & Contemporary Dwellings
towards a Material Culture Theory”, Symposium The ‘Neolithic House’, worldwide comparisons (Thomas Rocek ed).
London, GB: Discussant: 2015, June 12. Symposium: “Landscape in Mind: Settlement, Society and Cognition in Human Evolution”. London, British Museum, England.
France, Paris (Trajectoires, UMR 8215, CNRS & University Panthéon-Sorbonne), editing of the book (with Laurence Manolakakis & Nathan Schlanger): European Archaeology: Identities and Migrations / Archéologie Européenne : Identités et Migrations. Sidestone publisher.
China (July-August 2015): Research visitor at Beijing Normal University.
Leiden, Neederland: Discussant: 2015, December 17-18: “Working toward sustainable approaches to community involvement at World Heritage sites”. NEARCH (New Project in Archaeology). European Commission, Institut national de recherches Archéologiques Préventives (France) & Leiden University (Nederland); NEARCH project supported by the European Commission for 5 years (2013-2018) in the framework of the Culture program is a European-wide cooperation network of 14 partners from 11 countries willing to explore these changes and their consequences. Leiden, Nederland.
Marseille, France. February 29 – June 17, 2016: IMéRA (Institut méditerranéen de recherches avancées), Marseille, France: Research Fellow. Scientific debates with international fellows.; Coudart A. (guest speaker). 2016 (April, 7). “European Neolithic house and contemporaneous Neo-Guinean House. Toward a Material Culture Theory”. Institut d’Etudes Avancées-IMéRA (Réseau français des Instituts d’Etudes Avancées). Marseille, France.
– May 12-13, 2016. Centre de recherche et de documentation sur l’Océanie (CREDO), Marseille, France: Pour une histoire de la préhistoire océanienne.
Paris: Coudart A. 2016, March 10. “Habitat Néolithique Européen. Habitat Néo-Guinéen contemporain. Pour une théorie de la culture matérielle”. Colloquia Series of Université de Paris 1, Musée du Quai Branly (MQB) & Ecole du Musée du Louvre. Paris, France.
Aix-en Provence, France. May 15-31, 2016: Aix-Marseille University (AMU): Dialogues entre archéologie et ethnologie (Dialogues between archaeology and ethnology); project: “Maisons d’hier, maisons d’ailleurs” (Houses from yesterday, houses from elsewhere)– Coudart A. (guest speaker). 2016 (May, 31). “Maisons d’hier et Maisons d’aujourd’hui. Dialogue entre Archéologie et Ethnologie”. Ethnoarchéologie. Aix-Marseille Université. Aix-en-Provence, France.
- Beijing, China July 1 – July 15, 2016: Beijing Normal University / French Embassy in China/Service de coopération et d’action culturelle – Institut français de Chine:
- Shishou, China. August 1– 6, 2016: Development Research Center of the State Council (DRC) of and Central Committee and the State Council of China (CPC ) /Arizona State University / Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI)/ Shishou City, Hubei, China.
- Guomailing Village, Shishou, Hubei province, China: 1) Experiment and Demonstration of Green Development in Traditional Agricultural Area in Central China”, 2) “Re-envisioning Development Pathways through Green Growth”; 3) “Envisioning a Life-Place Culture for Green Growth in Shishou City; and 4) “Investing in social Infrastructure: A focus on collaboration”; 5) Local sites visit (lakes, forest, irrigation infrastructures, and their governance) to green development projects; 6) Local traditional ecological farming (rice farming); 7) Local culture experience — Discussant, and Photographic documentation (1330 photos).
- Gansu province & Qinghai province, China. August 7- 24, 2016: ethnographical exploratory visits of Gansu province and Qinghai province: photographic documentation (2475 photos).
- Kyoto, Japan. August 26, 2016 – 14 January 2017: Research fellow at Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, collaboration with the anthropologist Abe San Kenichi. Japan Material Culture (4976 photos, 36 short movies). Tuki ritual: 15 short movies.
– Coudart A. (guest speaker). 2016 (October, 12). “Presentation of Research”, and accompanying discussions. Research Institute for Humanity and Nature-RHIN. Kyoto, Japan
- World Archaeological Congress (Kyoto August 2016): 58 photos.
- Workshop at RIHN: Fixing the World: Excess, leftover and innovation. An international editorial project coordinated by Frederic Joulian (Ecole des hautes Etudes en sciences Sociales), Yann-Philippe Tastevin (CNRS), Jamie Furniss (Edinburgh Univ.): 158 photos.
–Kuki Ritual at RIHN: 15 short movies.
- Kurama: 165 photos + 4 short movies.
- Koya-San: October, 21-22. Ethnographical survey: 26 photos, 19 short movies.
- Kyushu Island: December, 2-8. “The role of the ethnographer in the contribution of the rural village revival & Kagura Ceremony, in collaboration with Abe San Kenichi: 1725 photos, 19 short movies.
- Kochi prefecture: December 14-17. “Modeling Challenges for Sustainability”; ethnographical survey (in the Shikoku village area, at Odaira in particular) in collaboration with Abe San Kenichi & Kochi University of Technology (Research Institute of KUT: 528 photos.
2017 France (February 10 – Auguste 31): CNRS University of & Paris I (Panthéon Sorbonne)
- Study of the Neolithic (Danubian Bandkeramik) archaeological material and data of the Aisne Valley (France): 22 Bandkeramik villages on 60 km. The aim is to publish the synthesis of the first Neolithic installations in the Paris Basis.
- Four seminars (from the Neolithic period to the Iron Age). University of Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), 32 students.
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
TEACHING Activity from 2010
2010: Ethnoarchaeology (Seminar, ASB 591-1005) with Ben Nelson (students’ overall grade: ???).
2011: Intra-site Research Strategies (Seminar, ASB 568-1001) with Keith Kintigh (students’ overall grade: 1.3).
2012: Ethnoarchaeology (Seminar, ASB 591 84355), with Ben Nelson (overall grade given by the students: 1.3).
2013-2015: Europe, a continent rediscovered by archaeology (ASB 394 86276), 24 students (overall grade given by the students: 1.4).
2016, February 25 – April 21: Co-direction of a PHD Seminar: Culture matérielle (Paris 1-Panthéon-Sorbonne), Ethnographical Quai Branly Museum (MQB) & Ecole du Louvre. Paris, France.
2017: I continued mentoring ASU graduate students: Sean Bergin, Claudine Gravelle-Hernandez, Wendy Cegielsky.
From 1979 to 2002, she was the publishing director of the French professional Journal Les Nouvelles de l’Archéologie.
She is also a past visiting scholar at the Institut für Vor- und Frügeschichte, Universität des Saarlandes, Germany (1979) and at the Museum of Anthropology (University of Michigan) from 1985 to 1986. She was a British Academy fellow at Cambridge University, GB (1988-1989), and then an affiliated lecturer (1990-1993) at the Department of Archaeology, Cambridge Uinversity, GB. She was an associated fellow at the Papua New Guinea Institute of Medical Research in Goroka (1990-1998); a visiting professor at University of Melbourne (1998), later at the Japan Kyushu University (2009) and at the Japan Research Institute for Humanity and Nature–RIHN, Kyoto (Sept. 2013-Jan. 2014 and August 2016-Jan. 2017). She spent several months as a visiting fellow at the Santa Fe Institute (from 1999 to 2003), and from 2014 to 2016 in Beijing Normal University, and (Feb. 2016-June 2016) in the Institut Méditerranéen de Recherches Avancées (Marseille, France).
- See Additionnal information... Too long and complicated, expert (2014 - 2015)