Bradford Boyd-Muñoz
Interdisciplinary Humanities Santa Catalina Hall 240A 7271 E Sonoran Arroyo Mall Mesa, AZ 85212
Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley (English literature)
J.D. Cornell University
B.A. Yale University (philosophy)
Long eighteenth-century Scottish, Irish, and English literature and culture
Classical Greek and Latin literature (esp. pastoral, georgic, and satire)
Classical reception and translation studies
Baroque and eighteenth-century Spanish and Novohispano literature
Southwest borderlands literature and culture
Irish and British modernism (Yeats, Joyce, Eliot)
Literature in English
"The Once and Future Age of Johnson" [misprinted by editor as "Working Title"], review article on Anthony W. Lee (ed.), New Essays on Samuel Johnson: Revaluation; Anthony W. Lee (ed.), Samuel Johnson among the Modernists; Anthony W. Lee (ed.), Community and Solitude: New Essays on Johnson’s Circle; and Leo Damrosch, The Club: Johnson, Boswell, and the Friends Who Shaped an Age, in Eighteenth-Century Life 47.1 (January 2023), 102-25:
"New Directions in Eighteenth-Century Irish Studies,'" review essay on Moyra Haslett (ed.), Irish Literature in Transition, 1700-1780 (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2020), in The Scriblerian and the Kit-Cats 55.1-2 (2022), 87-90
"The Highland Tour through the Spectacles of Books: Johnson, Pastoral, and Improvement in Late-Georgian Scotland," article in Philological Quarterly 100.3-4 (fall 2021), 463-91.
"'He grafts upon the Wild the Tame': Marvell's Mower Poems as Alternative Literary History," article in Marvell Studies 1.1 (summer 2016), 1-11:
"It's Your Misfortune and None of My Own," review essay on Simon Dickie, Cruelty and Laughter: Forgotten Comic Literature and the Unsentimental Eighteenth Century and Ian Haywood, Romanticism and Caricature, in Eighteenth-Century Studies 48.1 (fall 2014), 114-17
Corporate Law
"The New Anti-Money Laundering Responsibilities of Broker-Dealers," article in Insights: the Corporate and Securities Law Advisor 16.7 (July 2002), 12-21 (with Sam Scott Miller and Barbara A. Stettner)
"Analysts under Fire," article in Insights: the Corporate and Securities Law Advisor 15.12 (Dec. 2001), 8-14 (with Sam Scott Miller)
My current research and writing focus on the literatures of Scotland, Ireland, and England in the long eighteenth century (c. 1660-1800), especially imitations and translations of classical Greek and Roman poetry, with special attention to neo-Latin. I've published on Samuel Johnson as unlikely pastoral poet and Scottish patriot in A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland, on Andrew Marvell's Mower poems as Greco-Roman pastoral satire, and on satirical novels and print culture in the age of George III. My current book project, Against Arcadia: Mock-Pastoral Poetry in English, 1680-1780, is centered on texts by Marvell, Dryden, Swift, Gay, Johnson, Goldsmith, and Robert Fergusson. It challenges traditional literary history to argue that pastoral and georgic -- primarily poetry in English written in the British nations and Ireland -- were reconfigured over the long eighteenth century as ironized modes, and that this poetry played a decisive cultural role as satiric critique of emergent modernity, and as vehicles for Jacobite and other political/religious dissent.
Translation from Latin and Greek, and from Spanish, into English interests me keenly. In addition to Against Arcadia, I am preparing an English translation and scholarly edition of the Grameid (1691). This four thousand-line neo-Latin epic on the Jacobite/Williamite war in Scotland, by the soldier James Philp, imitates the Roman poet Lucan's Civil War (Pharsalia), an epic written A.D. 62-65. I have also begun English translations of cuentos by the Mexican novelist Juan Rulfo and the Argentine novelist Julio Cortázar.
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 343 | Crime: Film and Short Stories |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 230 | Introduction to Film Studies |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 101 | First-Year Composition |
ENG 101 | First-Year Composition |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 230 | Introduction to Film Studies |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 230 | Introduction to Film Studies |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 230 | Introduction to Film Studies |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 303 | Classic Backgrnds: English Lit |
ENG 230 | Introduction to Film Studies |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 230 | Introduction to Film Studies |
ENG 303 | Classic Backgrnds: English Lit |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 303 | Classic Backgrnds: English Lit |
ENG 230 | Introduction to Film Studies |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 303 | Classic Backgrnds: English Lit |
ENG 334 | Am Southwest Literature & Film |
"Neo-Latin Epic and (Counter-)Enlightenment Identity: The Case of James Philp's Grameid," ISECS International Congress on the Enlightenment, Univ. of Edinburgh, Scotland, July 14-19, 2019
"Disposed to the mild serene enjoyment of nature": Pastoral Landscape versus Georgic Countryside in Boswell's Hypochondriack, Johnson Society of the Central Region Conference, Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, Apr. 12-13, 2019 (invited paper)
"Neo-Latin Texts as New Directions in Irish and Scottish Studies," American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Conference, Denver, CO, Mar. 21-23, 2019
"Neo-Latin as Global Eighteenth-Century Idiom: The Case of James Philp's Grameid," Western Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Conference, Arizona State University, Feb. 15-16, 2019
"'Scarce ane has tried the Shepherd-sang / But wi' miscarriage': Robert Fergusson, Hugh Blair, and the Ironies of Pastoral," Eighteenth-Century Scottish Studies Society Conference ("Networks of Enlightenment"), Univ. of Glasgow, Scotland, July 17-21, 2018
"Or shall we mount again the Rural Throne": Baroque Periphrasis as Jacobite Satire in Dryden's Pastorals," Western Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Conference, Univ. of Nevada Las Vegas, Feb. 16-17, 2018 (awarded Helene W. Koon Prize for best paper presented by a graduate student or junior faculty member)
"'But how shall I describe her Arts / To recollect the scatter'd Parts?': Swift's Mock-Pastorals as Anglo-Latin Cultural Politics and Irish Political Culture," Swift350 Conference (Eighteenth-Century Ireland Society/An Cumann Éire san Ochtú Céad Déag), Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, June 7-9, 2017
"'The pastoral ridicule is not exhausted': Johnson, Pastoral, and Alternative Literary History," American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Conference, Minneapolis, MN, Mar. 30-Apr. 2, 2017
"'To hinder insurrection, by driving away the people': Pastoral, Ethnology, and Agrarian Improvement in Johnson's A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland," Western Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Conference, UC Santa Barbara, Feb. 17-18, 2017
"'He grafts upon the Wild the Tame’: Marvell’s Mower Poems as Alternative Literary History,” South-Central Renaissance Conference (“Exploring the Renaissance: An International Conference”), Raleigh, NC, Mar. 12-14, 2015
Helene W. Koon Memorial Award, Western Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 2018 (awarded for best paper presented at WSECS annual conference by a graduate student or junior faculty member)
Benjamin Kurtz Essay Prize, U.C. Berkeley Department of English (nominee) (2007)
Joel Fineman Essay Prize, U.C. Berkeley Department of English (nominee) (2005)
International House Fellowship, University of California, Berkeley (2004-2005)
Symposium Editor, Cornell Law Review (1999-2000)
Associate Editor, Cornell Law Review (1998-1999)
Member, Eighteenth-Century Ireland Society (2019-present)
Member, Southwestern Mission Research Center (2019-present)
Member, Johnson Society of the Central Region (2019-present)
Member, Eighteenth-Century Scottish Studies Society (2018-present)
Member, American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (2014-present)
Member, State Bar of California (2003-present)
Faculty Associate, Arizona State University, Polytechnic (2015-present)
Graduate Student Instructor, University of California, Berkeley (2005-2008)
Associate Attorney, Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP, New York, NY (2000-2002)
Summer Associate Attorney, Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP, New York, NY (1999)
Coordinator, U.C. Berkeley Eighteenth-Century Studies Working Group (2006-2008)
Paralegal staff, Connecticut Division of Public Defender Services, New Haven, CT (1998)