Profiles in "Latin American and South American Literature" Expertise Area

  • Tompkins specializes in Latin American literature and cultural production, theory and film. She co-edits Imagofagia, is the editor-in-chief of Chasqui, and runs a summer abroad program in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Villegas-Silva’s primary areas of research are modern and contemporary theater, performance and visual cultural, and theoretical practices of the Americas and Iberia.
  • Christiane Fontinha de Alcantara's scholarly interests center on how cultural artifacts reflect systems of inequality and injustice, while also providing models for how to fight inequalities and transform our communities.
  • Ruiz-Gonzalez, a native from Mexico City, is studying the fourth year of the Spanish Latin American Ph.D. program at ASU.
  • Cuya Gavilano's areas of specialization are Andean Studies, Migration, Transnationalism, Contemporary Latin American film and literature, and cultural studies. For more info, see CV here: