Denise Bodman
Phone: 480-965-8335
COWDN 101 TEMPE, AZ 85287-3701
Mail code: 7203Campus: Tempe
Denise Bodman is a principal lecturer and teaching professor with the T. Denny Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics at Arizona State University. Her scholarly interests include parenting, family processes, and healthy family and human development (particularly positive psychology, such as kindness, hope, and forgiveness). Denise is also interested in family history and family narratives and how these build hope, esteem, and resilience in individuals and family. Her research includes cross-cultural comparisons of parent-adolescent relationships, including parent-adolescent relationships and academic achievement in Beijing, China. Teaching activities emphasize culture, human development, family relationships, and parenting. Her recent book, "Introduction to Family Processes: Diverse Families, Common Ties" was published by Taylor-Francis Publishing House.
- Ph.D. Educational Psychology - Human Development/Statistics, Arizona State University
- M.S. Speech and Hearing Sciences, University of Arizona
- B.S. Psychology, Arizona State University
Bodman, D. A., Van Vleet, B. B., & Day, Randall (posthumous). (2022). Introduction to Family Processes: Diverse Families, Common Ties. NY: Taylor-Francis Publishing House.
Bodman, D. A. & Van Vleet, B. B. (June 2022). Babies Don't Come With Instruction Manuals: 5 Tips for Picking Parenting Books. The Conversation.…
Fabes, R. A., Van Vleet, B. B., Bodman, D. A., & Martin, C. L. (2022, January). Searching for childcare before and after COVID-19. Research Brief #1, Children, Youth, and Family Google Trends Project.
Fabes, R. A., Martin, C. L., Van Vleet, B., & Bodman, D. (2021, December). Google Trends: U.S. parents’ concerns during the COVID -19 pandemic (Report #1). Arizona State University: The Children, Youth, and Family Google Trends Project.…
Van Vleet, B. & Bodman, D. (2020). Why do kids call their parents ‘Mom’ and ‘Dad?’ The Conversation.,
Bodman, D. A. (2018). Generation who: Connecting with our youth. Emeritus Voices, 21.
Van Vleet, B. L. & Bodman, D. A. (2016). Authoritarian Parenting in the Encyclopedia of Family Studies. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley and Sons.
Bodman, D. A. (2016). Death and Family in the Encyclopedia of Family Studies. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley and Sons.
Van Vleet, B. L. & Bodman, D. A. (2016). Divorce Statistics in the Encyclopedia of Family Studies. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley and Sons.
Whitely, M., Terrell, N., & Bodman, D.A. (2016). Familicide in the Encyclopedia of Family Studies. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley and Sons. (Graduate students)
Bodman, D.A. (2009). Instructor Guide/Test Bank for Alan Fogel’s Infancy: Infant, Family, and Society. Cornwall on Hudson, NY: Sloan Publishing.
Peterson, G. W., Bodman, D. A., Bush, K. R., & Madden-Dierdich, D. (2000). Gender and parent-child relationships. In D. H. Demo, K. R. Allen, & M. A. Fine (Eds.), Handbook of Family Diversity. London: Oxford University Press.
Peterson, G. W., Bush, K. R., Supple, A J., Day, R. D., & Bodman, D. A. (1997). Maternal and paternal predictors of Chinese adolescents’ conformity to parents’ expectations. Paper presented at NCFR Conference, Washington, D.C., November, 1997.
Bodman, D. A. & Peterson, G. W. (1995). Parenting Processes. In R. D. Day, K. R. Gilbert, B. H. Settles, & W. R. Burr (Eds.), Research and Theory in Family Science.. Boston: Brooks/Cole Publishing Co.
Kerr, N. & Bodman, D. A. (1994). Disability research methods: An argument for the use of Galileian modes of thought in disability research. Dunn, D. S. (Ed). Psychosocial perspectives on disability (Special issue). Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 9 (5), 99-22.
Eisenberg, N., Fabes, R. A., Bustamante-Bodman, D., Mathy, R. M., Miller, P. A., & Lindholm E. (1988). Differentiation of vicariously induced emotional reaction in children. Developmental Psychology, 24, 237-246.
Bustamante, D. A. (1986). The Person with a Physical Disability and the Criminal Justice System. Final Report, NIHR. (Available from the National Rehabilitation Information Center (NARIC), 4407 Eighth Street, NE, Washington, DC 20017).
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CDE 232 | Human Development |
CDE 232 | Human Development |
CDE 232 | Human Development |
CDE 232 | Human Development |
FAS 294 | Special Topics |
FAS 294 | Special Topics |
SOC 418 | Aging and the Life Course |
CDE 418 | Aging and the Life Course |
SOC 493 | Honors Thesis |
FAS 493 | Honors Thesis |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CDE 430 | Infant & Toddler Dev in Family |
CDE 430 | Infant & Toddler Dev in Family |
FAS 331 | Modern Family Relationships |
FAS 101 | Personal Growth & Relationship |
FAS 536 | Leadership Fam/Child Advocacy |
FAS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
FAS 294 | Special Topics |
FAS 294 | Special Topics |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CDE 232 | Human Development |
CDE 232 | Human Development |
CDE 232 | Human Development |
CDE 232 | Human Development |
FAS 331 | Modern Family Relationships |
CDE 232 | Human Development |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
FAS 598 | Special Topics |
CDE 430 | Infant & Toddler Dev in Family |
CDE 430 | Infant & Toddler Dev in Family |
FAS 780 | Practicum |
FAS 591 | Seminar |
SOC 591 | Seminar |
FAS 331 | Modern Family Relationships |
LIA 194 | Special Topics |
FAS 101 | Personal Growth & Relationship |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CDE 232 | Human Development |
CDE 232 | Human Development |
FAS 331 | Modern Family Relationships |
CDE 232 | Human Development |
CDE 232 | Human Development |
CDE 418 | Aging and the Life Course |
SOC 418 | Aging and the Life Course |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CDE 232 | Human Development |
FAS 598 | Special Topics |
CDE 430 | Infant & Toddler Dev in Family |
CDE 430 | Infant & Toddler Dev in Family |
FAS 780 | Practicum |
FAS 591 | Seminar |
SOC 591 | Seminar |
CDE 430 | Infant & Toddler Dev in Family |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
CDE 430 | Infant/Toddler Devel in Family |
CDE 430 | Infant/Toddler Devel in Family |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CDE 232 | Human Development |
FAS 101 | Personal Growth Human Relatnsp |
CDE 430 | Infant/Toddler Devel in Family |
CDE 430 | Infant/Toddler Devel in Family |
FAS 780 | Practicum |
FAS 591 | Seminar |
SOC 591 | Seminar |
FAS 331 | Marriage/Family Relationships |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
FAS 101 | Personal Growth Human Relatnsp |
FAS 101 | Personal Growth Human Relatnsp |
FAS 598 | Special Topics |
CDE 430 | Infant/Toddler Devel in Family |
CDE 430 | Infant/Toddler Devel in Family |
FAS 780 | Practicum |
LIA 194 | Special Topics |
FAS 591 | Seminar |
SOC 591 | Seminar |
SOC 598 | Special Topics |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CDE 232 | Human Development |
CDE 430 | Infant/Toddler Devel in Family |
FAS 101 | Personal Growth Human Relatnsp |
CDE 430 | Infant/Toddler Devel in Family |
CDE 430 | Infant/Toddler Devel in Family |
FAS 780 | Practicum |
FAS 591 | Seminar |
SOC 591 | Seminar |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
FAS 598 | Special Topics |
FAS 331 | Marriage/Family Relationships |
FAS 780 | Practicum |
FAS 592 | Research |
FAS 370 | Family Ethnic & Cultural Diver |
SOC 598 | Special Topics |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
FAS 331 | Marriage/Family Relationships |
CDE 430 | Infant/Toddler Devel in Family |
CDE 430 | Infant/Toddler Devel in Family |
FAS 101 | Personal Growth Human Relatnsp |
CDE 430 | Infant/Toddler Devel in Family |
CDE 430 | Infant/Toddler Devel in Family |
FAS 780 | Practicum |
FAS 591 | Seminar |
SOC 591 | Seminar |
SOC 592 | Research |
FAS 592 | Research |
- Bodman, Denise. School Safety and Prevention Summer Conference. School Safety and Prevention Summer Conference (Jun 2006).
- Bodman, Denise. Parent Academy (Apr 2006).
- Bodman, Denise. Understanding Brain Development in Order to Parent Better. Journeying with Your Adolescent (Apr 2005).
- Bodman, Denise. The Teen Brain. ACAPP (Sep 2003).
- Bodman, Denise. Music Education and the Child Brain. Arizona Commission on the Arts
- Bodman, Denise. Teen brain and parenting. Parent-Teacher Organization Arcadia High School (Scottsdale)
- Bodman, Denise. The Teen Brain. AZ Center Against Adolescent Pregnancy Conference
Reviewer (have reviewed manuscripts for various journals, including Family Relations, Journal of Adolescent Research, The British Journal of Sociology, The Shaping of Violence: Children's Perspectives of Urban Violence, Journal of Marriage and Family, Journal of Social Philosophy, and Journal of Early Adolescence)
External Reviewer for Faculty Promotions
Presenter Learning Life Family Diplomat Series
Parliamentarian, ASU Academic Senate (2014 to present)
Member, Executive Committee (ASU EXCOM 2020 - present)
Chair, Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee (2020-2022)
Barrett Honors Faculty
Faculty Advisor (student clubs, including current Volunteers in Community Organization and Family History)
Presiding Officer, CLAS Senate (2011/2012)
Hope Center Faculty Affiliate
Various Search Committees (SSFD faculty, ASU staff)
Various conference workshops: I Am My Story; Seeing Light in the Darkness: Hope for the Helpers; Roberts Rules of Order; Sustaining Hope; Heritage and History; A Sense of Wonder: Kindness, Empathy, Hope, and Diversity; Who Wants to Build a Successful Career; Sand Dollars and Starfish: Making the Most Out of Canvas Discussion Boards; Retirement in the United States (Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China); Death and Culture (Sichuan University); What to Expect When You're Expecting (Teens); Music Education and the Child Brain; The Teen Brain; Preparing for College