Ana Hedberg Olenina
Phone: 480-965-3873
ASU School of International Letters and Cultures Durham Language and Literature Building, LL 404-E 851 Cady Mall, PO Box 870202 Tempe, AZ 85287-0202
Mail code: 0202Campus: Tempe
Ana Hedberg Olenina is an Associate Professor of Comparative Literature and Media Studies at the School of International Letters and Cultures. Her teaching and research interests include 20th-century Russian literature and cinema, international film history, as well as film theory with an emphasis on media archeology, spectatorship, and performance.
Her book Psychomotor Aesthetics: Movement and Affect in Modern Literature and Film (Oxford University Press, 2020) was awarded two major national prizes, the Wayne S. Vucinich book prize "for the most important contribution to Russian, Eurasian, and East European studies in any discipline of the humanities or social sciences" by the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) and the Best First Book by the American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages (AATSEEL). This study traces the ways in which early film directors, actors, and performance theorists used the psychological ideas of their time to conceptualize expressive movement and transference of emotion. The book has been reviewed by Critical Inquiry, Russian Review, Slavic Review, Projections, Modernism and Modernity, The Modernist Review, and Apparatus. In 2024, it appeared in a Russian translation from a leading independent academic publisher in Russia, Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie (The New Literary Review).
Olenina's articles on the notion of gesture and embodiment, neurocognitive approaches in film studies, Russian Formalism, modern dance, and Soviet avant-garde cinema have appeared in journals such as Discourse, Film History, Apparatus, Kinovedcheskie Zapiski and several anthologies in the USA and Russia. She is a recipient of grants from the American Council of Learned Societies, the Harvard Davis Center of Russian and Eurasian Studies, the Arts and Humanities Research Council of Great Britain, and the Soros Foundation-Open Society Institute.
- Harvard University, Ph.D. Comparative Literature, 2012.
- Harvard University, Graduate Certificate (Secondary Field) in Visual and Environmental Studies, 2012.
- Cambridge University, M.Phil. European Literature and Culture, 2005.
- Vilnius University, B.A. English, 2004.
- New York University. English (visiting student). 2002-2003.
20th-century Russian literature and cinema, international film history, history of psychology, as well as film theory with an emphasis on media archeology, spectatorship, and performance
Olenina, Ana Hedberg, Psychomotor Aesthetics: Movement and Affect in Modern Literature and Film (Oxford University Press, 2020).
Winner, Wayne S. Vucinich Book Prize by the Association for Slavic Studies, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) and the Stanford University Center for Russian and East European Studies, "for the most important contribution to Russian, Eurasian, and East European studies in any discipline of the humanities or social sciences published in English in the United States in 2021."
Winner, Best First Book Prize by the American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages (AATSEEL).
Russian translation: Ана Хедберг-Оленина, Психомоторная эстетика: Движение и чувство в литературе и кино начала ХX века. Перевод Александры Баженовой-Сорокиной , Анны Коваловой, Аны Хедберг-Олениной. М.: Новое Литературное Обозрение, 2024.
Edited Journal Issue
Olenina, Ana Hedberg, ed. The Ukrainian Film Forum: An Invitation to Historians and Cinephiles. Special issue of The Slavic and East European Journal 68.3 (2024): 279-410.
Olenina, Ana Hedberg, and Irina Schulzki, eds. Mise en geste: Studies of Gesture in Cinema. Special issue of Apparatus. Film, Media and Digital Cultures in Central and Eastern Europe 5 (2017). DOI:
Peer-reviewed Articles and Book Chapters
Olenina Ana Hedberg, “A Quest for the Public Sphere: Ukrainian Documentary Cinema and Material Cultures of Solidarity,” The Ukrainian Film Forum: An Invitation to Historians and Cinephiles; ed. Ana Hedberg Olenina. Special issue of The Slavic and East European Journal 68.3 (2024): 370-390.
Olenina, Ana Hedberg, "Sergei Eisenstein, Neurocinematics, and Embodied Cognition: a Reassessment," Discourse: Journal for Theoretical Studies in Media and Culture, 43.3 (2021): 351-382.
Olenina, Ana Hedberg, “The Junctures of Children’s Psychology and Soviet Avant-garde Film: Representations, Influences, Applications,” The Brill Companion to Soviet Children’s Literature and Film, ed. Olga Voronina, Leiden: Brill Press, 2019, 73-99.
Olenina, Ana Hedberg, Eric L. Amazeen, Bonnie Eckard, and Jason Papenfuss. “Embodied Cognition in Performance: the Impact of Michael Chekhov’s Acting Exercises on Affect and Height Perception,” Frontiers in Psychology, October 2019.
Olenina, Ana, “Moto-bio-cine-event: Constructions of Expressive Movement in Soviet Film Avant-garde,” The Oxford Handbook of Screendance Studies, ed. Douglas Rosenberg, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2016, 79-104.
Olenina, Ana, “The Doubly Wired Spectator: Psychophysiological Research on Cinematic Pleasure in the 1920s.” Film History: An International Journal, 27.1 (2015): 29-57.
Olenina, Ana, “Engineering Performance: Lev Kuleshov, Soviet Reflexology, and Labor Efficiency Studies,” Discourse: Journal for Theoretical Studies in Media and Culture, 35.3 (2013): 297-336.
Editor-reviewed Articles and Chapters
Olenina, Ana Hedberg, “Resonant Space: The Experiential Media Environments of Leon Theremin,” The Oxford Handbook of Atmospheres and Felt Environments in the Moving Image, eds. Steffen Hven and Daniel Yacavone. New York: Oxford University Press -- [accepted]
Olenina, Ana Hedberg, “Poetry as Movement: Sofia Vysheslavtseva’s Verse Theory Between Formalism and the Revolutionary Stage” [“Poeziia kak dvizhenie: teoria stikha S. Vysheslavtsevoi mezhdu formalizmom i revoliutsionnoi estradoi”], Oral Performance of Literature, 1923-1929 [Zvuchashshaia Khudozhestvennaia Rech’, 1923-1929], ed. Witalij Schmidt and Valerii Zolotukhin, Moscow: Tri Kvadrata, 2018, 459-489.
Olenina, Ana Hedberg, and Irina Schulzki. Editorial article: “Mediating Gesture in Theory and Practice”. Mise en geste. Studies of Gesture in Cinema (ed. by Ana Hedberg Olenina and Irina Schulzki). Special issue of Apparatus. Film, Media and Digital Cultures in Central and Eastern Europe 5 (2017).
Olenina, Ana, “Embodying the Literary Form: Approaches to the Corporeal Aspects of Poetry in the Works of Russian Formalists at the Institute of the Live Word and Beyond, Zhivoe slovo: logos – golos –dvizhenie - zhest [The Living Word: Logos - Voice – Movement - Gesture], ed. Vladimir Feshchenko, Moscow: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, 2015, 456-480.
Olenina, Ana, “Scores of Movement: However Odd, on the Psychology of Acting in Lev Kuleshov’s Workshop” [“Partitury dvizhenia: kak ni stranno, o psikhologii naturshchika u Kuleshova”], Kinovedcheskie zapiski 97 (2011): 20-50.
Olenina, Ana, “Optical Distortions in Eisenstein’s Strike: A Metaphor for New Vision.” Proceedings of the 4th Biennial Film and History League Conference Nov. 8-12, 2006. Ed. Peter Rollins. CD-ROM. Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Film and History Society, 2007.
Encyclopedia Entry
Olenina, Ana, "Aleksandra Khokhlova." Women Film Pioneers Project, ed. Jane Gaines, Radha Vatsal, and Monica Dall’Asta, Center for Digital Research and Scholarship, New York: Columbia University Libraries, 2013. Web.
Curatorial Projects
Olenina, Ana Hedberg. “Foreword. The Sculptor of Inner Forms: the Poet Dmitrii Ol’shanskii” [“Predislovie. Vaiatel’ vnutrennikh form: poet Dmitrii Ol’shanskii”]. Dmitrii Ol’shanskii. Ab”iakty. Moscow: Russkii Gulliver, 2018, 1-2.
Olenina, Ana and Maxim Pozdorovkin. Brochure essay “Montage Uprising” about Soviet avant-garde filmmakers Kuleshov, Eisenstein, Barnet, Vertov, Shub, Turin, and Kalatozov). Early Landmarks of Soviet Cinema (4 DVD box-set). Los Angeles: Flicker Alley, 2011.
The National Society of Film Critics’ 2011 Award in the nomination “Film Heritage.”
Olenina, Ana and Maxim Pozdorovkin. Brochure essay “Miss Mend and Soviet Americanism” and a 22 min. documentary featurette “Miss Mend: A Whirlwind Vision of an Imagined America.” Miss Mend (DVD). Los Angeles: Flicker Alley, 2009.
Olenina, Ana, Hedberg, “A Case for Neurohumanities,” In the Moment, an online blog of the journal Critical Inquiry, September 2017,
Olenina, Ana, Interview with Ekaterina Khokhlova, granddaughter and curator of Lev Kuleshov. ARTMargins: Central and Eastern European Visual Culture. 2008.
Reprinted in French and Russian translation by Kinoglaz: Soviet and Russian Cinema ,
Olenina, Ana Hedberg. “Emotional Atmospheres: an Interview with Oksana Karpovych, Ukrainian filmmaker.” The Ukrainian Film Forum, guest edited by Ana Hedberg Olenina. The Slavic and East European Journal 68.3 (2024): 344-355.
Olenina, Ana Hedberg. “Collective Portraits: an Interview with Nadia Parfan, Ukrainian filmmaker.” The Ukrainian Film Forum, guest edited by Ana Hedberg Olenina. The Slavic and East European Journal 68.3 (2024): 330-343.
Olenina, Ana Hedberg. “Cinema as Research Based Art: an Interview with Oleksiy Radynski, Ukrainian filmmaker.” The Ukrainian Film Forum, guest edited by Ana Hedberg Olenina. The Slavic and East European Journal 68.3 (2024): 356-369.
Olenina, Ana Hedberg, “Preserving and Promoting Ukraine’s Cinematic Legacy: an Interview with Oleksandr Teliuk, Head of the Archive Department at the Oleksandr Dovzhenko National Film Center, Ukraine.” The Ukrainian Film Forum, guest edited by Ana Hedberg Olenina. The Slavic and East European Journal 68.3 (2024): 302-316.
Olenina, Ana Hedberg, “Recovering Ukrainian Cinema from the Shadows of Russo-Centric Interpretative Frameworks: An Interview with Dina Iordanova, expert on Eastern European Cinema.” The Ukrainian Film Forum, guest edited by Ana Hedberg Olenina. The Slavic and East European Journal 68.3 (2024): 287-301.
In 2016-17, Dr. Hedberg Olenina organized an Interdisciplinary Research Cluster, entitled "Embodied Cognition in Performance," sponsored by The Institute of Humanities Research at ASU.
In 2020-2021, Dr. Hedberg Olenina is a Research Fellow at ASU's Institute of Humanities Research (annual theme: Recovering the Human(e) in an Age of Dehumanization).
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SLC 790 | Reading and Conference |
SLC 799 | Dissertation |
SLC 590 | Reading and Conference |
SLC 340 | Approaches Intl Cinema |
SLC 795 | Continuing Registration |
FMP 340 | Approaches Intl Cinema |
RUS 590 | Reading and Conference |
SLC 241 | Russ Pop Cltr: Protest/Propaga |
RUS 241 | Russ Pop Cltr: Protest/Propaga |
HST 241 | Russ Pop Cltr: Protest/Propaga |
FMS 341 | Approaches Intl Cinema |
HON 294 | Special Topics |
SLC 792 | Research |
AME 792 | Research |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SLC 790 | Reading and Conference |
SLC 590 | Reading and Conference |
SLC 792 | Research |
SLC 202 | Expl Culture: Words/Image/Stor |
SLC 799 | Dissertation |
SLC 795 | Continuing Registration |
SLC 598 | Special Topics |
SLC 494 | Special Topics |
HON 494 | Special Topics |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SLC 790 | Reading and Conference |
SLC 799 | Dissertation |
SLC 590 | Reading and Conference |
SLC 792 | Research |
SLC 795 | Continuing Registration |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SLC 790 | Reading and Conference |
SLC 590 | Reading and Conference |
SLC 792 | Research |
SLC 799 | Dissertation |
SLC 795 | Continuing Registration |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SLC 790 | Reading and Conference |
SLC 799 | Dissertation |
SLC 590 | Reading and Conference |
SLC 792 | Research |
SLC 795 | Continuing Registration |
RUS 294 | Special Topics |
SLC 294 | Special Topics |
HST 294 | Special Topics |
SGS 294 | Special Topics |
HON 294 | Special Topics |
SLC 494 | Special Topics |
SLC 598 | Special Topics |
HON 494 | Special Topics |
ENG 494 | Special Topics |
ENG 598 | Special Topics |
FMS 494 | Special Topics |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SLC 790 | Reading and Conference |
SLC 590 | Reading and Conference |
SLC 792 | Research |
SLC 202 | Expl Culture: Words/Image/Stor |
SLC 799 | Dissertation |
SLC 795 | Continuing Registration |
SLC 202 | Expl Culture: Words/Image/Stor |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SLC 790 | Reading and Conference |
SLC 799 | Dissertation |
SLC 590 | Reading and Conference |
SLC 792 | Research |
SLC 795 | Continuing Registration |
RUS 294 | Special Topics |
SLC 294 | Special Topics |
HST 294 | Special Topics |
SGS 294 | Special Topics |
HON 294 | Special Topics |
SLC 494 | Special Topics |
SLC 598 | Special Topics |
HON 494 | Special Topics |
FMS 494 | Special Topics |
DSC 494 | Special Topics |
DSC 598 | Special Topics |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SLC 790 | Reading and Conference |
SLC 590 | Reading and Conference |
SLC 792 | Research |
SLC 799 | Dissertation |
SLC 795 | Continuing Registration |
SLC 202 | Expl Culture: Words/Image/Stor |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
RUS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
RUS 493 | Honors Thesis |
RUS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
SLC 790 | Reading and Conference |
SLC 602 | Comparative Cultural Theory |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SLC 792 | Research |
SLC 202 | Literary & Cultural Theory |
SLC 795 | Continuing Registration |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SLC 790 | Reading and Conference |
SLC 602 | Comparative Cultural Theory |
SLC 394 | Special Topics |
HON 394 | Special Topics |
FMP 394 | Special Topics |
SLC 795 | Continuing Registration |