Vanessa Young
Mail code: 3051Campus: West
Vanessa Young joined the psychology faculty associate pool for the School of Social and Behavioral Sciences at Arizona State University in 2021, where she teaches undergraduate psychology courses and continues her investment in DEI research.
In addition, she serves as Clinical Research Project Manager at the Biggs Institute for Alzheimer's and Neurodegenerative Diseases at UT Health Science Center San Antonio, where she plans and manages different studies involving neurodegenerative diseases and the assessments of various devices aiming at supporting healthy aging.
Vanessa’s research encompasses neurological disorders, neurodegenerative diseases, health outcomes and services, and community-based research. She is currently involved in examining sleep and blood-based biomarkers to help detect at persons at higher risk of AD or other neurodegenerative diseases.
She is passionate about improving services, treatment, accessibility and quality of life for those with neurological disorders and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. Vanessa Young continues to be an active member of Cochrane Rehabilitation Field, where she takes part in the development and publication of reviews and meta-analyses, on cognitive and physical rehabilitation.
Vanessa earned a M.S. in Psychology from Arizona State University and graduated summa cum laude from Oregon State University with a B.A. in Psychology.
In her spare time, she enjoys traveling, spending time with family and friends, photography, and yoga.
Sleep, dementias, fluid biomarkers, aging
Young, V.M. (2024). Can pharmaceutical care interventions improve the appropriate use of polypharmacy in older adults? A Cochrane Review summary with commentary. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. doi: 10.1097/PHM.0000000000002647
Young, V. M., Bernal, R., Pollet, E., Serrano-Rubio, L., Gaona, C., Jayandra Jung Himali, Seshadri, S., David Andrés González, & Gonzales, M. M. (2024). Deep Sleep, Olfactory Loss, and Cognition in Early-stage Parkinson’s Disease: Pilot Study Results. Gerontology & Geriatric Medicine, 10.
Young, V. M. (2024). Are polyunsaturated fatty acids effective for attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents? A Cochrane Review summary with commentary. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology/Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology.
Young. V.M. (2023). Are stimulant and non-stimulant drugs effective and safe for treating ADHD co-occurring with epilepsy in children? - A Cochrane Review summary with commentary. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology.
Liguori, S., Young, V.M., Arienti, C., Pollini, E., Patrini, M., Gimigliano, F., Kiekens, C., & Negrini, S. (2023). Overview of Cochrane Systematic Reviews for rehabilitation interventions in persons with cerebral palsy: a mapping synthesis.Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology.
Cordani., C., Young, V.M., Arienti, C., Lazzarini, S.G., Del Furia, M., Negrini, S., & Kiekens, C. (2022). Cognitiveimpairment, anxiety and depression: A map of Cochrane evidence relevant to rehabilitation for people with post COVID-19 condition. European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine.
Young V. M. (2022). How effective and safe are non-drug treatments for spatial neglect following non-progressive brain injury? A Cochrane Review summary with commentary. NeuroRehabilitation, 10.3233/NRE-228022. Advance online publication.
Gimigliano, F., Young, V. M., Arienti, C., Bargeri, S., Castellini, G., Gianola, S., Lazzarini, S. G., Moretti, A., Heinemann, A. W., & Negrini, S. (2022). The Effectiveness of Behavioral Interventions in Adults with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder during Clinical Rehabilitation: A Rapid Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(12), 7514.
Kiekens, C & Young, V. M. (2022). Can walking lower blood pressure in adults? - A Cochrane Review summary with commentary. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation.
Young, V. M., Hill, J.R., Patrini, M., Negrini, S. & Arienti, C. (2022). Overview of Cochrane Systematic Reviews of Rehabilitation Interventions for Persons with Traumatic Brain Injury: A Mapping Synthesis. J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11(10).
Kiekens, C. & Young, V. (2022). How effective and safe are current interventions for sexual dysfunction following stroke? A Cochrane Review summary with commentary. NeuroRehabilitation 50(3), 1-3. Advance online publication.
Jorgensen-Wagers, K., Young, V., Collins, D., Chavez, B., Lenski, D., & Khokhar, B. (2021). Brain injury: What influences the belief U.S. service members have about reporting and seeking care? Military Medicine Supplement 186(1), 546-551.
Jorgensen-Wagers, K., & Young, V. (2019, February 28). Did you know: March is brain injury awareness month? Kaiserslautern American. Retrieved from…
Original Abstracts & Posters (n=23)
1. Vela G., Garcia R., Goss M., Trevino H., Young V.M., Patel N., Melo van Lent D., Seshadri S.. Healthy Brain Aging. 18th Annual Community Engaged Learning (CEL) Conference, February 1, 2025. San Antonio, TX. [Poster Presentation].
2. Young V.M., Bernal R., Baril A.A., Zeynoun J., Wiedner C., Gaona C., Beiser A., Teixeira A., Salardini A., Pase M., Himali J.J., Seshadri S. Sleep duration and cognitive performance in younger and older adults: What is the role of depression? Texas Alzheimer’s Research and Care Consortium Scientific Symposium; January 23, 2025; Austin, TX. [Poster Presentation].
3. Monroy N., LaRoche A., del Bosque J., Seidl A., Kumar R., Maestre G., Tanner J., de Erausquin G., Salardini A., Parker A., Hromas G., Mendoza C., Young V.M., Seshadri S., Sullivan A.C. Caregiver burden in Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD) in the south Texas ADRC (STAC). Texas Alzheimer’s Research and Care Consortium Scientific Symposium; January 23, 2025; Austin, TX. [Poster Presentation].
4. Gates S., Dhillon A., Mathews J., Muhammad J., Boisselier M., Seidl A., LaRoche A., Young V.M., Mavarez R., de Erausquin, G., Sullivan, A.C., Satizabal C., Curran J, Maestre G., Seshadri S. Kautz T. Characterizing the Biggs Biobank: Demographics, biospecimens, and biomarkers in a south Texas cohort. Texas Alzheimer’s Research and Care Consortium Scientific Symposium; January 23, 2025; Austin, TX. [Poster Presentation].
5. Young V.M. Could Your Sleep Duration and Mood Be Impacting Your Thinking Skills? T1-T4 in 3 (Minutes) Challenge. Institute for Integration of Medicine & Science. September 27, 2024; Virtual [Online Presentation].
6. Young V.M., Gaona, C. Serrano L., Wang C.P., Kautz T., Kaye J., Beattie Z., Gonzales M. Examining self-reported sleep quality, insomnia and dissatisfaction with cognitive performance in older Hispanic adults: The COMPADRE-CART Study. Gerontological Society of America, November 2024, Seattle, WA.
7. Garbarino V., Young V.M., Trevino, H., Kautz T., Garcia R., Vela G., Zapata E., Salinas Valdez M,, Gates S., Cisneros D.G., Garcia L, Mathews J., Muhammad J., Boissier M., Parker-Garza, J., Cavazos J.E., Seshadri S. Preliminary evaluation of chronic stressors in Hispanic adults at risk for neurodegenerative disease. Fall ADRC Meeting; October 2024; Boston, MA. [Poster Presentation].
8. Young V.M., Bernal R., Baril A.A., Zeynoun J., Wiedner C, Beiser, A., Pase M., Himali J. J., Seshadri. S. Sleep duration and cognitive performance in younger and older adults: What is the role of depression. Alzheimer’s Association International Conference; July 2024; Philadelphia, PA. [Poster Presentation].
9. Zeynoun, J., Weidner C., Baril A.A., Young V.M., Bernal R., Beiser, A., Pase M., Seshadri. S., Himali J. J. The impact of BDNF on the interplay between sleep time and cognitive function. Alzheimer’s Association International Conference; July 2024; Philadelphia, PA. [Poster Presentation].
10. Young V.M., Bernal, R., Baril, A.A., Zeynoun, J., Wiedner, C, Beiser, A., Pase, M., Himali, J. J., Seshadri, S. Total Sleep Time, Cognition, and the moderating role of depression. 14th Annual Frontiers of Translational Science Research Day, April 2024; San Antonio, Texas. [Platform & Poster Presentation].
11. Serrano-Rubio L.H., Young V.M., Gaona, C., Wang, C.P., Fernandez R., Rodrigues N., Gothard S., Jones F., Garcia R., Vela G., Zapata E., Kautz T., Seshadri S., Kaye J., Beattie Z., Gonzales M.M. Gait speed and cognition in the COMPADRE-CART longitudinal Hispanic/Latinx cohort. Texas Alzheimer’s Research and Care Consortium 2023 Scientific Symposium; February 2024; Austin, Texas. [Poster Presentation].
12. Young V.M., Luis Serrano-Rubio, Gaona C., Jones F., Seshadri S., Kaye J., Beattie Z., Gonzales G. Conectar: A mindset to increase Hispanic engagement in digital technology research. Gerontological Society of America, November 2023, Tampa, FL. [Symposium].10.1093/geroni/igad104.1460
13. Young, V. M. , Wang, C.P., Fernandez, R., MacCarthy, D., Satizabal, C., Espinoza, S., Seshadri, S., Hazuda, H. & Gonzales, M. Risk and Resilience to Frailty in an Ethnically Diverse Cohort: Insights from the San Antonio Longitudinal Study of Aging. AAIC Advancements; San Antonio, TX; October 2023 [Poster Presentation].
14. Cordani, C. Arienti, C. Lazzarini, S.G., Del Furia, MJ,, Zampogna E., Young, V.M., Arienti C. The concept of “evidence relevant to” in the rehabilitation field: post COVID-19 condition mapping for the World Health Organization Guidance, Cochrane Colloquium; London, UK; September 2023 [Poster and Platform Presentation].
15. Young V.M.*, Pollet E., Serrano-Rubio L., Velarde A.G., Gaona C., Horn, S., Ramirez-Castaneda J., Coss P., Vaou O.E., Saklad A., Shipp, E., Seshadri S., Gonzalez D.A., Gonzales M.M. Polysomnography results and cognitive performance in early-stage Parkinson’s disease. Alzheimer’s Association International Conference; July 2023; Virtual. [Poster Presentation].
16. Serrano-Rubio L., Young V.M., Velarde A.G., Gaona C., Ramirez-Castaneda J., Horn S., Coss P., Vaou O.E., Saklad A., Shipp E., Seshadri S., Gonzalez D.A., Gonzales M.M. Olfaction and cognitive performance in early-stage Parkinson’s disease. Alzheimer’s Association International Conference; July 2023; Amsterdam, NL. [Poster Presentation].
17. Patel, A. La Roche A., Young V.M., Alliey-Rodriguez N., Sullivan C., Satizabal C., Savoia S.E., Katragadda H.V., Saklad A., Shipp E., Gilliam F., Mavarez R.P., Patel N.K., Tanner J.A., Parker A., Salardini A., de Erausquin G.A., Maestre G., Seshadri S., Gonzales M.M. Cognitive performance and normative data between Hispanic and non-Hispanic cohorts: Results from the South Texas Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (ADRC). Alzheimer’s Association International Conference; July 2023; Amsterdam, NL. [Poster Presentation].
18. Mathews J., Mulavelil R., Rodrigues N., Kautz T., Cosgrove K., Wang C.P., Fernandez R., MacCarthy D., Gothard S., Sharma N., Serrano-Rubio L., Young V.M., Miller L.M., Seshadri S., Kaye J., Beattie Z., Gonzales M.M. Feasibility of the CART in-home technology platfrom in a pilot study of Hispanic older adults residing in South Texas. Alzheimer’s Association International Conference; July 2023; Amsterdam, NL. [Poster Presentation].
19. Young V.M., Goss M., La Roche A., Francis L., Velarde A.G., Katragadda H.V., Serrano-Rubio L., Saklad, A., Shipp E., Satizabal C., Gonzales G. Seshadri S. What is the role of olfaction in cognitive performance? 13th Annual Frontiers of Translational Science Research Day, April 2023; San Antonio, Texas. [Platform & Poster Presentation].
20. Young V.M., Goss M., La Roche A., Francis L., Velarde A.G., Katragadda H.V., Serrano-Rubio L., Saklad, A., Shipp E., Satizabal C., Gonzales G. Seshadri S. Olfaction and Cognitive Performance in the South Texas ADRC. Souht Texas Alzheimer’s Conference, March 2023; San Antonio, Texas. [Poster Presentation].
21. Young V.M., Pollet E., Velarde A.G., Serrano-Rubio L., Ramirez-Castaneda J., Horn S., Seshadri S., Gonzalez D.A., Gonzales M.M. Texas Alzheimer’s Research and Care Consortium Scientific Symposium; January 2023; Austin, TX. [Platform and Poster Presentation].
22. Young V.M., Hita L. T.I.D.E.: A system to foster culturally responisve curricula in the global online classroom. American Psychological Association Conference; August 2021; Virtual [Poster Presentation].
23. Jorgensen-Wagers, K.*, Young, V., Collins,D., Chavez, B., Lenski, D., & Khokhar, B. Brain injury beliefs and influences study. Military Health System Research Symposium; August 2019; FL [Platform Presentation].
Encore Abstracts & Posters (n=5)
1. Garbarino V., Young V.M., Trevino, H., Kautz T., Garcia R., Vela G., Zapata E., Salinas Valdez M,, Gates S., Cisneros D.G., Garcia L, Mathews J., Muhammad J., Boissier M., Parker-Garza, J., Cavazos J.E., Seshadri S. Preliminary evaluation of chronic stressors in Hispanic Adults at risk for Neurodegenerative disease. Texas Alzheimer’s Research and Care Consortium Scientific Symposium; January 23, 2025; Austin, TX. [Poster Presentation].
2. Zeynoun, J.., Weidner C., Baril A.A., Young V.M., Bernal R., Beiser, A., Pase M., Seshadri. S., Himali J. J. The impact of BDNF on the interplay between sleep time and cognitive function. San Antonio Postdoctoral Research Forum; September 2024; San Antonio, Texas. [Platform & Poster Presentation].
3. Young V.M., Bernal, R., Baril, A.A., Zeynoun, J., Wiedner, C, Beiser, A., Pase, M., Himali, J. J., Seshadri, S. Total sleep time, cognition, and the moderating role of depression. Texas Regional CTSA Consortium Annual Meeting; July 2024; Dallas, Texas [Poster Presentation].
4. Young V.M., Bernal, R., Baril, A.A., Zeynoun, J., Wiedner, C, Beiser, A., Pase, M., Himali, J. J., Seshadri, S. Total sleep time, cognition, and the moderating role of depression. Cener for Biomedical Neuroscience Annual Research Retreat, May 2024; San Antonio, Texas. [Poster Presentation].
5. Serrano-Rubio L.H., Young V.M., Gaona, C., Wang, C.P., Fernandez R., Rodrigues N., Gothard S., Jones F., Garcia R., Vela G., Zapata E., Kautz T., Seshadri S., Kaye J., Beattie Z., Gonzales M.M. Gait speed and cognition in the COMPADRE-CART longitudinal Hispanic/Latinx cohort. Long School of Medicine Research Day; March 2024; San Antonio, Texas. [Poster Presentation].
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PSY 323 | Sensation and Perception |
PSY 323 | Sensation and Perception |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PSY 323 | Sensation and Perception |
PSY 323 | Sensation and Perception |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
PSY 323 | Sensation and Perception |
PSY 323 | Sensation and Perception |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PSY 323 | Sensation and Perception |
PSY 323 | Sensation and Perception |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PSY 323 | Sensation and Perception |
PSY 323 | Sensation and Perception |
PSY 494 | Special Topics |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
PSY 323 | Sensation and Perception |
PSY 323 | Sensation and Perception |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PSY 323 | Sensation and Perception |
PSY 323 | Sensation and Perception |
PSY 101 | Introduction to Psychology |
PSY 101 | Introduction to Psychology |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SBS 300 | Careers in Psychology |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
PSY 101 | Introduction to Psychology |