Kristina Lopez
Phone: 602. 496.0073
411 N. Central Ave. UCENT 855 Phoenix, AZ 85004
Mail code: 3920Campus: Dtphx
In her research, Kristina Lopez explores disparities in early diagnosis and subsequent intervention services among underserved children and families including low-income, limited-education and racial/ethnic minorities with a specialization in Latinx children with autism and other complex health care needs. She focuses on the impact of developmental disabilities and complex health care needs among children on family systems across racial and ethnic groups and socioeconomic levels. Her research is grounded in a multidisciplinary framework in which she incorporates developmental psychology, social work and public health disciplines, disability critical race theory and LatCrit to investigate disparities, ecological and socio-cultural perspectives of family support, developmental disabilities and early intervention.
- Ph.D. Social Work and Psychology, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 2013
- M.S. Developmental Psychology, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 2012
- M.S.W. Interpersonal Practice, Children and Youth in Families and Society, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 2010
- M.A. General Experimental Psychology (with Distinction), California State University Northridge 2007
- B.A. Psychology (Magna Cum Laude), California State University Northridge 2005
Ecological and socio-cultural perspectives on developmental disabilities and early intervention; development, implementation, and evaluation of culturally informed autism intervention; racial and ethnic disparities in child and mother mental health; Latinx children and families; DisCrit, LatCrit.
- Delivering Advocacy for Latinx Empowerment Research Team, Director
- Southwest Interdisciplinary Research Center, faculty affiliate
- School of Transborder Studies, faculty affiliate
- National Hispanic Science Network, member
PEER REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS (*Student Co-author, ____ community partner)
- Lopez, K. (2024). Parent-mediated autism intervention through a culturally informed lens: Parents Taking Action and Pivotal Response Training with Latine families. Healthcare, 12(23), 2381.
- Roux, A. M., Chvasta, K., McLean, K. J., Carey, M., Perez Liz, G., Tomczuk, L., Lopez, K., Assing-Murray, E., Shattuck, P. T., & Shea, L. L. (2024). Challenges and opportunities in transitioning autistic individuals into adulthood. Pediatrics (Evanston).
- *Meléndez Guevara, A. M., Lindstrom Johnson, S., Wall, C., & Lopez, K. (2024). Sociocultural responsive frameworks to increase engagement in service systems through a peer-to-peer model for families experiencing trauma. Prevention Science, 1-14.
- *Pei-Lung, Y., Zeng, W., Lopez, K., & Magaña, S. (2024). Reducing depressive symptoms among Latina mothers of autistic children: An RCT. American Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 129(4), 294-307.
- Lindly, O., Running Bear, C. L., Henderson, D. E., Lopez, K., Nozadi, S. S., Vining, C., Bia, S., Hill, E., & Leaf, A. (2023). Adaptation of the Parents Taking Action program for Diné (Navajo) parents of children with autism. Frontiers in Education, 8, 1197197.
- Lopez, K., *Gutierrez, C., *Martarella, P., & *Jimenez, G. (2022). Experiences with childhood cancer among Latinx families: Identification of informational and support needs. Health and Social Work, 47(1), 28-35. hlab035.
- *Zeng, W., Magaña, S., Lopez, K., *Xu, Y., & *Marroquin, J. (2022). Revisiting an RCT study of a parent education program for Latinx parents in the United States: Are treatment effects maintained over time? Autism, 26(2), 499-512.
- Lopez, K., & Oh, H. (2021). Developmental disabilities in the context of Fragile Families: Racial and ethnic disparities at age 9. Social Work Research, svab022.
- Lopez, K. & *Xu, Y. (2021). Epilepsy at the intersection of disability, gender, and culture: A duoethnography. Epilepsy and Behavior, 122, 108121.
- Campbell, R., Dennis, M. K., Lopez, K., Matthew, R. A., & Choi, Y. J. (2021). Qualitative research in communities of color: Five researchers share challenges experienced, strategies employed, and lessons learned. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, 12(1).
- Mitchell, F. M., Sangalang, C., Lechuga-Pena, S., Lopez, K., & Becerra, D. (2020). Health inequities in historical context: A critical race theory analysis of diabetes among African Americans and American Indians. Race and Social Problems, 12(4), 289-299.
- Lopez, K., & Magaña, S. (2020). Perceptions of family problems and pessimism among Latina and Non-Latina White mothers raising children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 50, 2360–2374.
- +Lopez, K., *Marroquin, J. M., & *Gutierrez, C. (2020). Methods to decrease disparities in age of autism diagnosis and treatment access among Latinx children. Social Work, 65(2) 140-148. + Winner of the 2020 CSWE CSWE Council on Disability & Persons with Disabilities (CDPD) Disability Manuscript Award
- Magaña, S., Lopez, K., Salkas, K., Iland, E., Morales, M., Garcia, M., Zeng, W., & Machalicek, W. (2020). A randomized waitlist control group of a culturally tailored parent education intervention for Latino parents of children with ASD. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 5(1), 250-262.
- +Lopez, K., Magaña, S., Iland, E., & Morales, M. (2019). Parents Taking Action: Reducing disparities through a culturally informed intervention for Latinx parents of children with autism. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work, 28(1), 31-49. + Winner of the 2020 Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work Best Paper Award
- Lopez, K., *Reed, J. & Magaña, S. (2019). Associations among family burden, optimism, services received and unmet need within families of children with ASD. Children and Youth Services Review, 98, 105-112.
- Mendoza, N., Lechuga-Pena, S., Lopez, K., & Jackson, K. (2019). “Mi’jita, What for?” Exploring bicultural identity of Latina/Chicana Faculty and implications for supporting Latinx students in social work. Affilia,34(2), 259-276.
- Lechuga-Pena, S., Becerra, D., Mitchell, F. M., Lopez, K., & Sangalang, C. (2019). Subsidized housing and low-income mother’s school-based parent involvement: Findings from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study Wave Five. Child Youth Care Forum, 48(3), 105-112.
- Sangalang, C., Becerra, D., Mitchell, F. M., Lechuga-Peña, S., Lopez, K., & Kim, I. (2019). Trauma, migration status, and mental health: A comparative analysis of refugees and immigrants in the United States. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 21(5), 909-919.
- Lopez, K., Xu, Y., Magaña, S., & Guzman, J. (2018). Parent's reaction to autism diagnosis: A qualitative analysis comparing Latino and White parents. Journal of Rehabilitation, 84(1), 41-50.
- Magaña, S., Lopez, K., & Machalicek, W. (2017). Parents Taking Action: A psycho-educational intervention for Latino parents of children with ASD. Family Process, 56(1), 59-74.
- Lopez, K. (2014). Socio-cultural perspectives of Latino children with autism spectrum disorder. Best Practices in Behavioral Mental Health, 10(2), 15-31.
- Magaña, S., Lopez, K., Paradiso de Sayu, R., & Miranda, E. (2014). Use of promotoras de salud in interventions with Latino families of children with IDD. International Review of Research in Developmental Disabilities, 47, 40-69.
- Magaña, S., Lopez, K., Aguinaga, A., & Morton, H. (2013). Access to diagnosis and care among Latino children with ASDs. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 51(3), 141-153.
- Ortiz, C., Valerio, M., & Lopez, K. (2012). Trends in Latino academic achievement: Where do we go from here? Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 11(2), 136-148.
- Luyster, R., Lopez, K., & Lord, C. (2007). Characterizing communicative development in children referred for autism spectrum disorder using the MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventory (CDI). Journal of Child Language, 34(3), 623-654.
- Luyster, R., Qiu, S., Lopez, K., & Lord, C. (2007). Predicting outcomes of children referred for autism using the MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventory (CDI). Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 50(3), 667-681.
- Lopez, K. (2022). Intersectionality on the horizon: Exploring autism in adulthood from a unique vantage point. Autism in Adulthood, 4(4), 255-257.
- Lopez, K., Nicolaidis, C., Cascio, A., Feng, B., Garcia, A., & Waisman, T. C. (2022). An expert roundtable discussion on intersectionality and autism in adulthood. Autism in Adulthood, 4(4), 258-264.
- Lopez, K. (2021). Commentary on “Exploring the experiences of families of Latino children newly diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder”. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 42(9), 761-762.
- Jones, D. R., Nicolaidis, C., Ellwood, L. J., Garcia, A., Johnson, K. R., Lopez, K., & Waisman, T. C. (2020). An expert discussion on structural racism in autism research and practice. Autism in Adulthood, 2(4), 1-9.
- Lopez, K., Magaña, S., Iland, E., & Morales, M. (2019). “Parents Taking Action: Reducing disparities through a culturally informed intervention for Latinx parents of children with autism.” In Y. C. Padilla, R. McCoy, & R. Calvo (Eds.), Rethinking Social Work Practice with Multicultural Communities. Abingdon: Routledge Taylor and Francis Group.
- Magaña, S., Machalicek, W., Lopez, K., & Iland, E. (2018). “Padres en Acción: A parent education program for Latino parents of children with ASD.” In K. Guastaferro & J.R. Lutzker (Eds.), A Guide to Programs for Parenting Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Intellectual Disabilities or Developmental Disabilities: Evidence-Based Guidance for Professionals (pp. 141-172). London: Jessica Kinglsey Publishers.
- Lopez, K. (2022). Autism and Latino families. The Help Group
- Lopez, K. (2020). Social workers poised to help Latino children get autism evaluations and therapies. Spectrum News.
- Lopez, K., *Martarella, P., *Carrasco, M., *Morales, G., & Rivera-Quiroga, A. (2020). Family Life: A program designed to support Latinx families of children with cancer.
08/2020-present Organization for Autism Research Applied Research Grant, Role: Co-Investigator; Parents Taking Action for Navajo Families Project: $40,000
01/2020-present Northern Arizona University Southwest Health Equity Research Collaborative: Pilot Project Program, Role: Co-Investigator; Parents Taking Action to Improve Autism Services Access for Navajo Families in Northern Arizona: Intervention Adaptation and Pilot Trial: $60,000
09/2022-1/2024 Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Autism Single Investigator Innovation Program (Autism-SIIP) – Autism Transitions Research Project (ATRP) Grant, Role: Co-PI; Experiences of Transition Age Latino Youth with Autism: Understanding and Addressing Health and Access to Care Disparities: subcontract: $471,000
1/2020-12/2020 Arizona State University Knowledge Exchange for Resilience Fellowship, Role: PI; Autism spectrum disorder and Medicaid service claim approvals in Arizona: $15,000
07/2018-6/2019 College of Public Service and Community Solutions Internal Grant and Funding Mechanism: Technical Assistance Grant, Role: PI; Assessing Parent and Child Behavior in the Context of a Culturally Informed Intervention for Latino Families of Children with Autism: $5,000
08/2017-present Arizona State University School of Social Work Director’s Initiative Funds, Role: PI; Innovation in the Parents Taking Action Program: Pivotal Response Training and Culturally Informed Intervention: $20,000
10/2014-09/2017 National Institute of Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research Field Initiated Research Program Grant; Role: Co-PI; Parents Taking Action: An Educational Program for Latino Parents of Children with Autism and Communication Challenges: subcontract, $76,467
- “Preescolares tras sus metas: Claves para que detectes si tu hija o hijo presenta alguna dificultad motora o cognitive”. Parents Latina. (2021).
- “Researcher: Latino children underdiagnosed for autism spectrum disorder”. KJZZ 91.5 (2021). spectrum-disorder
- “Latino children with autism are often diagnosed later”. Tu Salud. (2021).
- “ASU researcher says social workers are in a prime position to help support minority children with autism”. ASU News. (2020).
- “How social workers can support Latino kids with autism”. National Association of Social Workers. Smart Brief: Top Story. 8 July 2020.
- “Three universities with exceptional social work faculty”. (2019).
- “Parents Taking Action: A new program to empower Latinx parents of children with autism spectrum disorder”. (nd). Research in Focus: News and Notes from the NIDILRR Community and Beyond Weekly Digest.…;
- "Findings from Arizona State University in the area of autism spectrum disorders reported (Mother's reaction to autism diagnosis: A qualitative analysis comparing Latino and White parents)." Mental Health Weekly Digest 7 May 2018: 156. Business Insights: Global. Web. 15 Oct. 2018.
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SWU 349 | Stress Management Tools II |
SWU 349 | Stress Management Tools II |
SWU 349 | Stress Management Tools II |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SWU 349 | Stress Management Tools II |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SWU 306 | Ethics in Social Services |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SWU 349 | Stress Management Tools II |
SWU 306 | Ethics in Social Services |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SWU 306 | Ethics in Social Services |
SWU 306 | Ethics in Social Services |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SWU 349 | Stress Management Tools II |
SWU 306 | Ethics in Social Services |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SWG 617 | Adv Soc Wk Prac/Children |
SWU 306 | Ethics in Social Services |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SWU 349 | Stress Management Tools II |
SWU 306 | Ethics in Social Services |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SWG 617 | Adv Soc Wk Prac/Children |
SWU 306 | Ethics in Social Services |
SWG 617 | Adv Soc Wk Prac/Children |
2021 The Help Group Virtual Summit, Autism spectrum disorder among Latinx children: Family inclusive treatment practices
2021 Children's Hospital Los Angeles Maternal and Child Health Bureau Leadership Education in Adolescent Health Interdisciplinary Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine Grand Rounds, Understanding and addressing disparities in diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorder among Latinx children and their families.
2021 IN DC Metro, General Dynamics IT’s AbilityFirst and HOLA Employee Resource Groups, Perspectives on Autism Panel: Intersection of Latinx Families and Autism
2019 The Association for the Severely Handicapped (TASH) Annual Conference, A Sociocultural Lens for Understanding and Addressing Disparities Affecting Children with Disabilities
2019 A.T. Still University School Self Determination Colloquium, Self-Determination & Self-Advocacy - Why is it important?
2019 Ak-Chin Indian Community, Elders Center Caregiver Program, Managing Challenging Behaviors
2018 Phoenix Children’s Hospital - Nursing Research and Evidenced Based Practice Seminar, Managing Challenging Behaviors and Considering Culture in Supporting Children with ASD in Care Settings
2018 TRiO Student Support Service at Mesa Community College, Navigating College with a Disability
2017 National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, Parents Taking Action: Supporting Latino Families Raising Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
2017 Glendale Community College - Mental Health and Behavior Conference and Career Expo, Parents Taking Action - Family Support for Latino Families Caring for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
01/2022 Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference, Washington D.C.; DeZelar, S., Wright, K., Ma, Z., Lopez, K., & Lightfoot, L. Disability Justice: Working towards inclusion in Social Work Research. Submitted as a workshop.
01/2022 Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference, Washington D.C.; Lopez, K., *Zhan, Q., & *Espericueto, V. Autism spectrum disorder and Medicaid service claim approvals in Arizona. Submitted for poster presentation.
11/2021 Council on Social Work Education Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL; Lopez, K., & *Xu, Y. Epilepsy at the intersection of disability, gender, culture, and academia: A duoethnography. Accepted for paper presentation.
5/2021 International Society for Autism Research Annual Meeting, Virtual Meeting; *Zeng, W., Magaña, S., Lopez, K., & Machalicek, W. Depression among Latinx mothers of children with ASD: Did a culturally tailored parent psychoeducation intervention show positive effects on maternal depressive symptoms? Paper presentation.
5/2021 International Society for Autism Research Annual Meeting, Virtual Meeting; Magaña, S., *Zeng, W., Lopez, K. Revisiting a parent education program for Latinx families: Are positive effects maintained overtime? Paper presentation.
4/2021 Gatlinburg Conference, Virtual Meeting; *Zeng, W., Magaña, S., & Lopez, K. Parent mediated autism intervention through a culturally informed lens: Parents Taking Action and Pivotal Response Training with Latino families. Paper presentation.
4/2021 Gatlinburg Conference, Virtual Meeting; Lopez, K. Reducing disparities for Latinx families of children with ASD: Evidence from a two-site RCT study at four-months post intervention. Paper presentation.
1/2021 Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference, Virtual Meeting; *Zeng, W., Magaña, S., & Lopez, K. Reducing Disparities for Latinx children with ASD and their families: Evidence from a two-site RCT study at 8-month follow up. Paper presentation.
5/2020 International Society for Autism Research Annual Meeting, Virtual Meeting; Lopez, K., & *Carrasco, M. Combining Parents Taking Action and pivotal response training to support Latinx mothers of children with ASD. E-poster.
5/2020 International Society for Autism Research Annual Meeting, Virtual Meeting; *Carrasco, M., & Lopez, K. Family outcomes using a culturally grounded model of ASD intervention with Latinx families. E-poster.
1/2020 Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference, Washington D.C.; Lopez, K., Martarella, P., Jimenez, G., & Gutierrez, C. Experiences with childhood cancer among Latinx families: Identification of informational and support needs. Poster presentation.
5/2019 International Society for Autism Research Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada; Lopez, K., & Oh, H. Disparities in diagnostic categories among Latinx children within the Fragile Families and Child wellbeing study. Poster presentation.
4/2019 Gatlinburg Conference, San Antonio, TX; Lopez, K., Magaña, S., Garcia, M., & *Marroquin, J. M., Parents Taking Action: Influence of community health worker engagement with Latina mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder. Paper presentation.
1/2019 Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA; Magaña, S., Lopez, K., Morales, M., & Machalicek, W. Randomized control trial of a two-site study of a psychoeducational program for Latino parents of children with autism spectrum disorder. Paper presentation.
05/2018 International Society for Autism Research Annual Meeting, Rotterdam, Netherlands; Lopez, K., Magaña, S., & Morales, M. Randomized control trial: Impact of the Parents Taking Action program on Latino children with ASD and their parents. Paper presentation.
05/2018 International Society for Autism Research Annual Meeting, Rotterdam, Netherlands; Lopez, K., *Reed, J., & Magaña, S. The influence of ethnicity, family problems, and optimism on services received among Latino and non-Latino White children with ASD. Poster presentation.
04/2018 Gatlinburg Conference, San Diego, CA; Lopez, K., Magaña, S., Machalicek, W., & Morales, M. Parents Taking Action California: Addressing disparities in services and improving outcomes for Latino children with ASD. Paper presentation.
10/2017 Arizona Health Equity Conference, Glendale, AZ; Lopez, K., *Hernandez, G., & *Marroquin, M. Community engagement to reduce disparities in age of autism diagnosis and treatment access among Latino families in AZ. Poster presentation.
03/2017 Gatlinburg Conference, San Antonio, TX; Lopez, K., & Magaña, S. Optimism and coping strategies among Latina mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder. Paper presentation.
01/2017 Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA; Campbell, R., Choi, Y., Dennis, M., Elkins, J., & Lopez, K. Qualitative research in communities of color: A discussion of challenges experienced, strategies employed, and lessons learned. Roundtable discussion.
01/2017 Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA; Lopez, K., Magaña, S., & Piper, L. Impact of mother-reported optimism and pessimism on services received and needed among Latino and White children with autism. Paper presentation.
04/2016 Western Psychological Association Annual Conference, Long Beach, CA; *Thornburgh, G., *Plascencia, J., Lopez, K., & Magaña, S. Parent intervention influence on efficacy and depression among Latina mothers. Poster presentation.
01/2016 Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference, Washington DC; Lopez, K., Magaña, S., & Piper, L. Application of the modified socio-cultural framework for health service disparities: Family burden among Latino families of children with autism spectrum disorder. Paper presentation.
06/2020 CSWE Council on Disability & Persons with Disabilities (CDPD) Disability Manuscript Award
02/2020 ASU School of Social Work Field Educator of the Year
03/2018 International Society for Autism Research Conference Diversity Award
03/2017 Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions Anne Larason Schneider Community Research Award
08/2016 Columbia University Population Research Center Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study Fellow, Summer Data Institute
International Society for Autism Research
National Council for Family Research
Society for Social Work Research
08/2013 - 05/2016 Assistant Professor, California State University Long Beach School of Social Work
Courses taught: Community Projects I and II, Generalist Social Work Practice with Groups, Thesis Supervision, Directed Studies, Advanced Standing Policy Module, Foundation Social Work Practice Skills Macro Intervention, Research Methods, Social Work Applied Projects I and II
2019- ASU, ASD Translational Team - Member
2018- ASU, University Senate - Senator
2018- ASU, Senate Personnel Committee - Member
2018-2020 Strategic Coordinator for First Place Fellowship - ASU Watts College
2018 Faculty Speaker – ASU CPSCS SERVCON
2018 Keynote Panel Speaker - ASU CPSCS 3rd Annual Doctoral Student Research Conference
2018 Member - Anne Larason Community Research Award Selection Committee
2017 Undergraduate Research Symposium Poster Judge
2017 Faculty Panel Speaker - ASU Sun Devil EXPO
2016 Outreach - ASU Hispanic Mother-Daughter Program (HMDP) college fair
2016 Panel Speaker - ASU College of Public Service and Community Solutions Health Profession Week Virtual Career Fair
2020 Baccalaureate Committee - ASU School of Social Work
2019 Scholarship Committee member - ASU School of Social Work
2018- Ad Hoc Diversity Committee member - ASU School of Social Work
2018- University Senate Representative - ASU School of Social Work
2017-2018 Faculty Search Committee member - ASU School of Social Work
2017-2018 Applied Direct Practice Curriculum Committee member - ASU School of Social Work
2016-2017 Committee on Academic and Professional Standards member - ASU School of Social Work
2019 Panel Speaker - Arizona Autism Speaks Town Hall
2019 Guest Speaker - Gila River Support Group for Parents and Grandparents of Children with Autism
2018- Program Development Consultant - Phoenix Children’s Hospital, My Adaptability Program (MAP)
2018 Guest Speaker - Grupo de Apoyo para Latinos con Autismo (GALA)
2018 Guest Speaker - Grupo de Apoyo para Niños Especiales (GANE)
2018 Member - Amanda Hope Rainbow Angels, Hispanic Outreach Advisory Board
2018 Member - Hispanic Chamber of Commerce DATOS Committee
2017- 2019 Volunteer - Phoenix Children’s Hospital, Surgery Waiting
2017 Member - Glendale Community College Behavioral Health Sciences Occupational Advisory Board
2016-2017 Parent Education Support Consultant - 112th Street Elementary, Watts, CA