Stephen Carradini
Phone: 480-727-3687
Fax: 480-727-1529
7271 E. Sonoran Arroyo Mall, 251F Mesa, AZ 85212
Mail code: 2780Campus: Poly
Stephen Carradini teaches courses on online professional communication and digital ethics in the Technical Communication program. He uses qualitative and quantitative methods to investigate how people who work outside large organizations use online professional communication to do their work. Artists, entrepreneurs, artisans, and consultants form the core groups he studies. The entrepreneurial crowdfunding platform Kickstarter is the focus of his most recent research. He also studies disciplinarity in academic fields using corpus analytic methods.
He is a member of the Association for Business Communication and ACM SIGDOC. In addition, he has presented at the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication, Rhetoric Society of America, and Symposium on Applied Rhetoric conferences.
Formerly a professional editor and writer, he writes music journalism at Independent Clauses and co-hosted the Winning Slowly podcast.
- Ph.D., Communication, Rhetoric and Digital Media, North Carolina State University, 2017
- M.A., Technical and Professional Communication, Auburn University, 2013
- B.A., Journalism – Professional Writing, University of Oklahoma, 2009
Emerging Technologies in Professional Spaces: social media (e.g. Kickstarter, Facebook), artificial intelligence tools, smartphone use, video games in the workplace
Disciplinarity: meta-research, methodology (corpus analysis), graduate education, social media pedagogy
Artificial Intelligence Working Group: Peter Cardon (University of Southern California), Kristen Getchell (Babson University), Stephen Carradini (Arizona State University), Carolin Fleischmann (Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences), James Stapp (Cornell University), Jolanta Aritz (University of Southern California)
Forthcoming Book
- Carradini, S. & Swarts, J. (2023, expected). Text at Scale: Corpus Analysis in Technical Communication. WAC Clearinghouse / Colorado State Press.
Published Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
- Carradini, S. & Fleischman, C. (2022). The effects of multimodal elements on success in Kickstarter crowdfunding campaigns. Journal of Business and Technical Communication. Online First.
- Carradini, S. (2022). Civic social media: A detailed case for classroom use. Programmatic Perspectives, 13(1), 104–113.
- Getchell, K. M., Carradini, S., Cardon, P. W., Fleischmann, C., Ma, H., Aritz, J., & Stapp, J. (2022). Artificial intelligence in business communication: The changing landscape of research and teaching. Business and Professional Communication Quarterly, 85(1), 7–33.
- Janssen, D. & Carradini, S. (2021). Generation Z workplace communication habits and expectations. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 64(2), 137–153.
- Carradini, S. (2020). Assessing the research topics associated with technical communication, business communication, and professional communication, 1963–2017. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 63(2), 118–138.
- Carradini, S. & Hommadova Lu, A. (2020). New motivations: Change over time in motivations for mobile gaming. Journal of Gaming & Virtual Worlds, 12(3), 259–285.
- Hommadova Lu, A., & Carradini, S. (2020). Work–game balance: Work interference, social capital, and tactical play in a mobile massively multiplayer online real-time strategy game. New Media & Society, 22(12), 2257–2280.
- Carradini, S., Baker, M., Sharp, M., & Davidson, E. (2020). Locations, programs, and content of graduate education in business communication. Business Communication Research and Practice, 3(1), 4–16.
- Carradini, S. (2019). Artist communication: An interdisciplinary business and professional communication course. Business and Professional Communication Quarterly, 82(2), 133–152.
- Carradini, S. (2018). An organizational structure of indie rock musicians as displayed by Facebook usage. Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, 48(2), 151–174.
Forthcoming Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
- Carradini, S. and Nystrom, E. (2023). An emergent style guide for Kickstarter campaigns. Technical Communication.
- Carradini, S. (2023). “Analytical Pluralism as a Response to Extreme Changes in Communication Environments.” Journal of Technical Writing and Communication. (Invited)
Peer Reviewed Book Chapters
- Carradini, S. & Hommadova Lu, A. (2023, forthcoming). New qualitative methodologies in virtual ethnographies: Flash surveys, images, and built-in translators. In G. Muschert, M. Ragnedda, & M. Şentürk (Eds.), New Media/New Society? Istanbul Press.
- Carradini, S. (2022). The ship of Theseus: Change over time in topics of technical communication research abstracts. In J. Schrieber and L. Melonçon (Eds.), Assembling Critical Components: A Framework for Sustaining Technical and Professional Communication. WAC Clearinghouse.
Published Editorially Reviewed Book Chapter
- Hommadova Lu, A. & Carradini, S. (2021). Bonding and bridging social capital in an international video game guild. In R. Jackson (Ed.), Social Capital: Issues, Challenges and Perspectives. Nova Science Publishers, p. 73–109.
Published Proceedings
- Carradini, S. (2019). Teaching students to communicate as technical communicators in the interdisciplinary space of social media: Ways forward in interdisciplinary education. In T. Carnegie (Ed.), Proceedings for the 2019 CPTSC Annual Conference, 64–65.
- Carradini, S. (2017). Working outside: A problems-based approach for studying musicians and other extra-institutional individuals. In B. Keller (Ed.), SIGDOC ’17: The 35th ACM International Conference on the Design of Communication, Halifax, NS, Canada. New York, NY: ACM.
- “Social Media Article Visualizer Project.” Special Interest Group for the Design of Communication Career Advancement Research Grant. $1200. PI, 100% involvement. Spring 2020–Fall 2022.
Content focuses on a meta-analysis tool for large-scale interdisciplinary research meta-analysis. The ask is for cloud computing power and cloud storage space for specific data types.
- “How Writers Write Crowdfunding Campaigns: A Study of an Emerging Form of Grant and Proposal Writing.” Association for Business Communication’s C.R. Anderson Research Grant. $1945. PI, 100% involvement. April 2018–August 2022
Content focuses on a big data study of a new genre of writing that should be included in the concepts of professional, technical, and business communication. The ask is for technology support via custom software program coding and corpus analysis tools.
- “ASU Project Cities & The City of Glendale Social Media Guidelines and Strategic Plan.” City of Glendale. $7500. Co-PI, 65% involvement. August 2018–May 2019.
Content focused on work created by students in a service learning course. One course delivered a Social Media Guidelines document and a second course delivered a Social Media Strategic Plan tailored to the City of Glendale’s needs.
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 580 | Practicum |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
TWC 544 | User Experience |
TWC 455 | Digital Ethics Internet Policy |
TWC 455 | Digital Ethics Internet Policy |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
TWC 593 | Applied Project |
TWC 593 | Applied Project |
TWC 599 | Thesis |
TWC 599 | Thesis |
TWC 422 | Social Media in the Workplace |
TWC 522 | Social Media in the Workplace |
TWC 422 | Social Media in the Workplace |
CEN 580 | Practicum |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
TWC 599 | Thesis |
TWC 599 | Thesis |
TWC 544 | User Experience |
TWC 501 | Fundamentals of Technical Comm |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
TWC 422 | Social Media in the Workplace |
TWC 422 | Social Media in the Workplace |
TWC 422 | Social Media in the Workplace |
TWC 522 | Social Media in the Workplace |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
TWC 422 | Social Media in the Workplace |
TWC 394 | Special Topics |
TWC 394 | Special Topics |
TWC 522 | Social Media in the Workplace |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
TWC 422 | Social Media in the Workplace |
TWC 522 | Social Media in the Workplace |
TWC 522 | Social Media in the Workplace |
TWC 422 | Social Media in the Workplace |
TWC 422 | Social Media in the Workplace |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
TWC 422 | Social Media in the Workplace |
TWC 394 | Special Topics |
TWC 394 | Special Topics |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
TWC 422 | Social Media in the Workplace |
TWC 522 | Social Media in the Workplace |
TWC 522 | Social Media in the Workplace |
TWC 422 | Social Media in the Workplace |
TWC 422 | Social Media in the Workplace |
TWC 422 | Social Media in the Workplace |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
TWC 522 | Social Media in the Workplace |
TWC 522 | Social Media in the Workplace |
TWC 422 | Social Media in the Workplace |
2021 Rising Star Award, Association for Business Communication
Given to a member of the association who shows evidence of excellence in teaching, research, and/or public practice; evidence of significant contributions to the mission of ABC through service to the Association; and evidence of commitment to growing with the Association in the future.
Assistant Editor, Journal of Arts Entrepreneurship Research, ’13-‘17
Assistant Editor, Journal of Arts Entrepreneurship Education, ’14-‘17
Assistant Editor, Meridian: A Journal of K-16 Education Technology, ’13-‘16
Association for Business Communication, ACM SIGDOC (Special Interest Group for the Design of Communication), Applied Rhetoric Collaborative
Doctoral Students Mentored
Anya Hommadova – committee member, Hugh Downs School of Communication, completed
Dr. Hommadova is now a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Communication at Sam Houston State University.
Graduate Students Mentored
Dawn Janssen – committee chair, Technical Communication thesis, completed
Lucas Patterson, Morgan Pettit – committee chair, Technical Communication applied project, completed
Darby Taylor, committee member, Technical Communication thesis, completed
Jennifer Freel, Cody Begaye, Sam Pollock, Jamie Klemp – committee member, Technical Communication applied projects, completed
Rosemary Smith, committee chair, Technical Communication thesis, in-progress
Jarrett Hanks, committee chair, Technical Communication applied project, in-progress
Co-host, Winning Slowly Podcast, ’14-present
- Delivered 100+ episodes of a half-hour podcast on technology, religion, ethics and art
- Edited half of the episodes, starting in 2015
Editor-in-chief and author, music blog, ‘03-present
Wrote or edited all 2500+ blog posts on independent music
To the Community
Speaker/mentor, Hustle Phoenix, ’18-present
- Spoke to entrepreneurs about how to develop a communication plan
- Led small groups focused on problem-solving related to social media and marketing tactics
To the Disciplines
Member, ABC Awards Ad Hoc Committee, ’18-present
Member, ABC Strategic Planning Ad Hoc Committee, ’18-present
Chair, Graduate Studies Committee, Association for Business Communication, ’18-present
- Developed the Graduate Studies In-progress Research Session for the ABC International Conference
- Administered the Graduate Student Travel Grant and the Margaret Baker Graham Research Award