Xiaojun Tian
Phone: 480-727-0023
ISTB4-273 Tempe, AZ 85287
Mail code: 9709Campus: Tempe
Dr. Xiaojun Tian received his Ph. D. degree in systems biology from Nanjing University in 2012 and spent five years as a postdoctoral fellow at Virginia Tech and the University of Pittsburgh. In 2017, he joined the School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering at Arizona State University as an Assistant Professor. His research interests are in employing quantitative experiments and mathematical modeling to understand fundamental problems in systems and synthetic biology. Over the past several years, his lab has made outstanding achievements with several publications at Nature Chemical Biology, Nature Communications, ACS synthetic biology, PLOS Computational Biology. Recently, he received the prestigious NIH Maximizing Investigators' Research Award (MIRA) award and NSF Career Award.
Tian Lab is looking for talented and motivated graduate students. Visit the group webpage here.
- Zhang, R.r,+, Goetz, H+, Melendez-Alvarez, J.+, Li, J., Ding, T., Wang, X., and Tian, X.-J.*, Winner-Takes-All Resource Competition Redirects Cascading Cell Fate Transitions. Nature Communications, 12, 853, 2021.
- Zhang, R.r,+, Li, J.∞,+, Melendez-Alvarez, J., Chen, X., Sochor, P.#, Zhang, Q., Goetz, H, Ding, T., Wang, X.*, and Tian, X.-J.*, Topology-Dependent Interference of Synthetic Gene Circuit Function by Growth Feedback, Nature Chemical Biology, 16, 695-701, 2020.
- Melendez-Alvarez, J.+, He, C., Zhang, R.r,+, Kuang, Y., and Tian, X.-J.*, Emergent Damped Oscillation Induced by Nutrient-Modulating Growth Feedback. ACS Synthetic Biology, 10, 5, 1227-1236, 2021.
- Fu H., Gui Y., Liu S., Wang Y., Bastacky S., Qiao Y., Zhang R.r, Bonin C., Hargis G., Yu Y., Donald K., Biswas P., Zhou Y., Wang Y., Tian, X.-J.*, Liu Y.*, and Zhou D*. The Hepatocyte Growth Factor Pathway is a Key Determinant of the Fibrotic Kidney Local Microenvironment. iScience, 24(10), 103112, 2021.
- Liu S., Gui Y., Wang M., Zhang L., Xu T., Pan Y., Zhang K., Yu Y., Xiao L., Qiao Y., Bonin C., Hargis G., Huan T., Yu Y., Tao J., Zhang R.r, Kreutzer D., Zhou Y., Tian X.-J., Wang Y., Fu H., An X., Liu S., Zhou D. Serum integrative omics reveals the landscape of human diabetic kidney disease. Molecular Metabolism, 54, 101367, 2021.
- Barra D., Melendez-Alvarez, J., and Tian, X.-J.*, Control of tissue homeostasis, regeneration, and degeneration by coupled bi-directional bistable switches. PLOS Computational Biology, 17(11): e1009606. 2021.
- Goetz, H. +, Melendez-Alvarez, J. +, Chen, L., and Tian, X.-J.* A Plausible Accelerating Function of Partial EMT States in Cancer Metastasis, PLOS Computational Biology, 16(3):e1007682. 2020.
- Tian, X.-J.*,+, Zhou, D.+, Fu, H.+, Zhang, R.r, Wang, X., Huang, S., Liu, Y.*, and Xing, J.* Sequential Wnt Agonist then Antagonist Treatment Accelerates Tissue Repair and Minimizes Fibrosis, iScience, 23(5): 101047. 2020.
- Chen, Y.-J., Cheng, Y.-Y., Wang, W., Tian, X.-J., Lefever, D.E., Taft, D.A., Zhang, J., and Xing, J. Rapid, modular, and cost-effective generation of donor DNA constructs for CRISPR-based gene knock-in, Biology Methods and Protocols, 5(1): bpaa006. 2020.
- Menn, D.J., Sochor, P.#, Goetz, H., Tian, X.-J.*, and Wang X.*, Intracellular noise level determines ratio control strategy confined by speed-accuracy tradeoff, ACS Synthetic Biology, 8(6):1352-60, 2019.
- Xing, J.*, and Tian, X.-J.*, Investigating Epithelial-To-Mesenchymal Transition with Integrated Computational and Experimental Approaches. Physical Biology, 16(3):031001, 2019.
- Singh, M.+, Tian, X.-J.+, Donnenberg, V.S., Watson, A.M., Zhang, J., Stabile, L.P., Watkins, S.C., Xing, J., and Sant, S. Targeting the Temporal Dynamics of Hypoxia-Induced Tumor-Secreted Factors Halts Tumor Migration. Cancer Research, 79(11):2962-77, 2019.
- Fu, H., Liu, S., Bastacky, S., Wang, X., Tian, X.-J., and Zhou, D*. Diabetic Kidney Diseases Revisited: A New Perspective for A New Era. Molecular Metabolism, 30, 250-263, 2019.
- Li, J.∞,+, Liu, D., Tian, X.-J., Koseki, S., Chen, S., Ye, X., and Ding, T*. Novel Antibacterial Modalities Against Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Derived from Plants. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 59(sup1):S153-S161, 2018.
- Stone, A., Zhang, R.r, and Tian, X.-J.*, Coupling Shared and Tunable Negative Competition Against Winner-Take-All Resource Competition Via CRISPRi Moieties. 2021 American Control Conference (ACC), 1882-1882, 2021.
- Tian, X.-J.*, Manuela Vanegas, V., and Goetz, H., Modeling ncRNA-mediated circuits in cell fate decision. Computational Biology of non-coding RNA in Biomedicine, 411-426, 2019.
- Zhang J.+, Tian X.-J.+, Chen Y.-J., Wang W., Watkins S., and Xing J*. Pathway crosstalk enables cells to interpret TGF-β duration. npj Systems Biology and Applications, 4:18, 2018.
- Zhou, D., Fu, H., Xiao, L., Mo, H., Zhuo, H., Tian, X.-J, Lin, L., Xing, J., and Liu, Y. Fibroblast-Specific β-catenin Signaling Dictates the Outcome of AKI. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 29 (4), 1257-1271, 2018.
- Tian, X.-J.+, Zhang, H.+, Sannerud, J., and Xing, J., Achieving diverse and monoallelic olfactory receptor selection through dual-objective optimization design. PNAS, 113: E2889-98, 2016.
- Tian, X.-J.*, Zhang, H., Zhang, J., and Xing, J.* mRNA-miRNA Reciprocal Regulation Enabled Bistable Switch Directs Cell Fate Decision. FEBS Lett, 590: 3443-55, 2016.
- Zhang, J., Tian, X.-J., and Xing, J., Signal Transduction Pathways of EMT Induced by TGFβ, SHH, and WNT and Their Crosstalks. J Clin Med, 5: 41, 2016. (Citation= 258).
- Zhang, J.+, Tian, X.-J.+, Zhang, H., Teng, Y., Li, R., Bai, F., Elankumaran, S., and Xing, J., TGFβ-induced epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition proceeds through stepwise activation of multiple feedback loops. Sci Signal, 7: ra91, 2014. (Citation= 335)
- Zhang, H., Tian, X.-J., Mukhopadhyay, A., Kim, K. S., and Xing, J., Statistical mechanics model for the dynamics of collective epigenetic histone modification. Phys Rev Lett, 112: 068101, 2014.
- Wang, P., Song, C., Zhang, H., Wu, Z., Tian, X.-J., and Xing, J., Epigenetic state network approach for describing cell phenotypic transitions. Interface Focus, 4: 20130068, 2014.
- Zhang, Q. H., Tian, X.-J., Liu, F., and Wang, W., A switch-like dynamic mechanism for the initiation of replicative senescence. FEBS Lett, 588: 4369-74, 2014.
- Tian, X.-J., Zhang, H., and Xing, J., Coupled reversible and irreversible bistable switches underlying TGFβ-induced epithelial to mesenchymal transition. Biophys J, 105: 1079-89, 2013. (Citation= 191).
- Hu, Y., Ru, N., Xiao, H., Chaturbedi, A., Hoa, N. T., Tian, X.-J., Zhang, H., Ke, C., Yan, F., Nelson, J., Li, Z., Gramer, R., Yu, L., Siegel, E., Zhang, X., Jia, Z., Jadus, M. R., Limoli, C. L., Linskey, M. E., Xing, J., and Zhou, Y. H., Tumor-specific chromosome mis-segregation controls cancer plasticity by maintaining tumor heterogeneity. PLoS One, 8: e80898, 2013.
- Xing, J., Yu, J., Zhang, H., and Tian, X.-J., Computational modeling to elucidate mechanisms of epigenetic memory, in Epigenetic Technological Applications, Elsevier (2015).
- Tian, X.-J., Liu, F., Zhang, X. P., Li, J., and Wang, W., A two-step mechanism for cell fate decision by coordination of nuclear and mitochondrial p53 activities. PLoS One, 7: e38164, 2012.
- Tian, X.-J., Zhang, X. P., Liu, F., and Wang, W., Interlinking positive and negative feedback loops creates a tunable motif in gene regulatory networks. Phys Rev E, 80: 011926, 2009. (Citation= 110).
Xiaojun Tian, Multi-Scale Engineering of Heterogeneity in the Host-Aware Synthetic Gene Circuits. NIH (7/1/2021-6/30/2026).
Xiaojun Tian, URoL: Epigenetics 1: Epigenetics Control by Noncoding RNA. NSF (08/01/2019 - 07/31/2022).
Xiaojun Tian, CAREER: Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms Underlying Circuit-Host Interactions. NSF (02/01/2022 - 01/31/2027).
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
BDE 792 | Research |
BDE 795 | Continuing Registration |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BDE 799 | Dissertation |
BDE 792 | Research |
BDE 795 | Continuing Registration |
BDE 799 | Dissertation |
BDE 792 | Research |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BME 591 | Seminar |
BDE 792 | Research |
ASU 101-BME | The ASU Experience |
BDE 799 | Dissertation |
ASU 101-BME | The ASU Experience |
BME 598 | Special Topics |
BME 494 | Special Topics |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
BDE 792 | Research |
BDE 792 | Research |
BDE 795 | Continuing Registration |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BME 591 | Seminar |
BME 331 | Transport Phenomena for BME |
BDE 799 | Dissertation |
BDE 792 | Research |
BDE 792 | Research |
BDE 795 | Continuing Registration |
BDE 799 | Dissertation |
BME 331 | Transport Phenomena for BME |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BME 591 | Seminar |
BDE 792 | Research |
AML 592 | Research |
BDE 799 | Dissertation |
BME 598 | Special Topics |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
BDE 792 | Research |
BDE 792 | Research |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BDE 799 | Dissertation |
BDE 792 | Research |
BDE 795 | Continuing Registration |
BDE 799 | Dissertation |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BDE 792 | Research |
AML 592 | Research |
BDE 799 | Dissertation |
BME 598 | Special Topics |
BDE 792 | Research |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
BDE 792 | Research |
BDE 792 | Research |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BME 331 | Transport Phenomena for BME |
BDE 799 | Dissertation |
BDE 792 | Research |
BDE 792 | Research |
BME 331 | Transport Phenomena for BME |
BDE 795 | Continuing Registration |
BDE 799 | Dissertation |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BDE 792 | Research |
AML 592 | Research |
BDE 799 | Dissertation |
BME 598 | Special Topics |
BDE 799 | Dissertation |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
BDE 792 | Research |
BDE 792 | Research |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BME 331 | Transport Phenomena for BME |
BDE 799 | Dissertation |
BDE 792 | Research |
BME 331 | Transport Phenomena for BME |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BME 492 | Honors Directed Study |
BME 493 | Honors Thesis |
BME 792 | Research |
BDE 792 | Research |
AML 592 | Research |
BDE 799 | Dissertation |
BME 493 | Honors Thesis |
BME 492 | Honors Directed Study |
BME 394 | Special Topics |
BME 394 | Special Topics |
BME 394 | Special Topics |
BME 394 | Special Topics |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
BDE 792 | Research |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BME 792 | Research |
BME 493 | Honors Thesis |
BME 592 | Research |
BME 492 | Honors Directed Study |
BME 599 | Thesis |
BME 394 | Special Topics |
BME 394 | Special Topics |
BDE 799 | Dissertation |
BME 492 | Honors Directed Study |
BME 394 | Special Topics |
BDE 792 | Research |
BME 493 | Honors Thesis |
BME 394 | Special Topics |
2014~2017 Postdoctoral Associate, University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA
2012~2014 Postdoctoral Associate, Virginia Tech, VA, USA
Editor, Associate Editor for 2 peer-reviewed journals
- Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering (MBE) (Associate Editor)
- eLife (Guest Editor) (IF= 8.14)
Member of Editorial Board: 5
- Frontiers in Microbiology (IF=5.640)
- PLOS ONE (IF=3.240)
- Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering (MBE) (IF=1.285)
- Austin Journal of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
- Journal of Genetics and Molecular Biology
International/national conference sessions chaired: 2
- 2021 American Control Conference, invited session "Control in Synthetic Biology" (May 26-28, 2021)
- The 2nd International Conference on Biomedical and Biological Engineering (2017)
International/national conference program committee: 1
- The 3rd International Symposium on Mathematical and Computational Oncology (ISMCO'21), October 11-13, 2021
Peer Reviewer for 32 Journals
- Nature Computational Science
- Current Opinion in Microbiology
- Nucleic Acids Research
- PLOS Computational Biology
- BMC Systems Biology
- ACS Synthetic Biology
- Synthetic Biology
- mSystems
- npj Systems Biology
- Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
- Biophysical Journal
- Scientific Reports
- Journal of the Royal Society Interface
- Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acids
- Journal of Molecular Cell Biology
- PLoS One
- Cancers
- Physica Scripta
- Processes
- Acta Biotheoretica
- Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
- BioMed Research International
- International Journal of Oncology
- Oncology Reports
- Oncology Letters
- FEBS Letters
- Molecular Medicine Reports
- IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience
- Advanced Biosystems
- Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
- frontiers in microbiology
Proposal Review Service for 5 Funding Agencies
- US Army Research Office, ad hoc Reviewer (2019)
- NIH MABS Study Section, ad hoc Reviewer (2020)
- NSF RoL, Panel Reviewer (2020)
- NSF GRFP Reviewer (2020,2021,2022)
- Reviewer for grant competition at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (2020)