Ramon Folch
Mail code: 2402Campus: Tempe
Student Information
Graduate StudentAnthropology
The College of Lib Arts & Sci
Mexican archaeologist, studied in the National School of Anthropology and History in Mexico City. I work in the eastern half of the State of Chiapas, I focus on traditional ceramic production, culture change and Postclassic and Protohistoric Maya.
Since 2017 I have worked as a volontary at the Na Bolom Museum and Archive in San Cristobal de las Casas, cataloguing archaeological collections also researching and organizing the manuscript collection. Archival research is my second area of work, right now I focus on the history of Mexican archaeology from the 1940's to the 1970's.
I have also done research in historical archaeology of Yucatan, High mountain excavation in the Iztaccihuatl volcano, Postclassic Huatulco, Oaxaca and hunter gatherer camp surveys in the central coast of Sonora.
I have a side project editing books for the public with Editorial Dragon Rojo, we re-publish little known books and also publish young mexican researchers in topics like anthopology and history.
I speak English, Spanish and French fluently.
2017 Lozada, Josuhé & Ramón Folch
“La Serpiente de Los Nublados: Un culto tardío de la serpiente emplumada en el sur de Mesoamérica”, Vita et Tempus, suplemento, Vol. I, julio-diciembre, 2017, UQROO, ISSN: 2310-2799, pp: 41-65.
Non-Peer review
2018 Folch, Ramón
“Historia y registro de Laguna Miramar, Ocosingo, Chiapas.” tesis de licentura, Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia (ENAH).
2018 Folch, Ramón
“Frans Blom y sus archivos, historias por escribir”, Origenes Mexico, Año 1 (6), Embajada de México en Paises Bajos. Den Haag, Netherlands.
Professional presentations
2019 “Where is Lakam-Tun: clues to finding a XVIth century Maya stronghold”, Southwest Mesoamerican Meeting, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ. November 16.
2018 “Arqueología de Laguna Miramar y su potencial Subacuatico” within the framework of the course on Archeology in the Lakes of the Lacandon Jungle held at Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, May 3-6.
2018 “Lake Miramar 2500 years of history” during the IX Maya at the Lago seminar, Davidson, NC, USA.
2017 “Historia y Arqueología de Laguna Miramar, Chiapas” Na-Bolom Museum, San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas.
2016 "La práctica arqueológica en la Selva Lacandona y sus lagunas" within the framework of the permanent seminar Archaeology in the tropical areas of Mesoamerica in the Institute of Anthropological Research, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico (UNAM), November 24.
2016 "the caves with animals and the rites of passage in the Mexican Highlands", 11va Semana de arqueología de la Montaña, Department of Historical Studies (DEH), Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH), November 15.
2018 Member of the “Metzabok Underwater Archaeology Project”, directed by Dr. Josuhé Lozada Toledo Direccion de Estudios Arqueológicos (DEA), Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH), July-August.
2017 Member of the “Yaxchilán Meander Reconaissance Project”, directed by Ileana Echauri Perez, Direccion de Estudios Arqueológicos (DEA), Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH), October-November.
2016 Member of the first season “Nahualac Archaeological Project”. under Dr. Stanislaw Iwanisewski and Iris Hernandez of the Sub-Direción de Arqueología Subacuatica (SAS), Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH), November
2016 Member of the “Metzabok Archaeological Project”, Chiapas, Mexico, under Dr. Joel Palka University of Illinois in Chicago (UIC), July.