Cynthia Pickering
6075 Innovation Way W Technology Center Suite 100; Office 104B Mail Code: 6480 Mesa, AZ 85212
Mail code: 9908Campus: Poly
Cynthia Pickering is an electrical engineer with 35 years industry technical leadership in software development, artificial intelligence, information technology architecture/engineering, and collaboration systems research. Throughout her career, she has written robotics software, diagnostic expert systems for space station, manufacturing equipment models, and architected complex IT systems for global collaboration that included engagement analytics. In September 2015, she joined a non-profit to translate her passion for STEM into opportunities to attract, inspire, and retain more underrepresented groups in STEM education and careers. There she began working on National Science Foundation (NSF) grants to grow faculty leadership at Hispanic Serving Institution Community Colleges. In August 2018, she joined ASU and continued her NSF-sponsored research. She is a former co-Principal investigator on three NSF Grants: 1) Collaborative Research - HSI ATE Hub 2: Professional Development for Culturally Responsive Technician Education, DUE 2055362; 2) Work-focused Experiential Learning to Increase STEM Student Retention and Graduation at Two-year Hispanic-serving Institutions, DUE 1953763; and 3) NSF INCLUDES Alliance: ALRISE - Accelerating Latinx Representation in STEM Education, HRD 2120021.
PhD - Arizona State University
MS HSD - Arizona State University
BSEE - Pennsylvania State University
AA - Lehigh Carbon County Community College
Socio-technical Integration Research
Evidence-based, Student-serving STEM
Experiential Learning in Undergraduate STEM
Work-based Experiences for Groups underrepresented in Undergraduate Computing and Information Technology
Pickering, C. & Fisher, E. (2024, June), How SocioTechnical Learning Broadens Participation in STEM by Developing Self-Efficacy within Work-Based Experiences: Work in Progress, Paper presented at 2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Portland, Oregon.
Pickering, C. K., & Lopez, M., & Craft, E. L., & Belknap, S., & VanIngen-Dunn, C., & Miller McNeill, L. S., & Rodriguez, J. R. (2023, June), Theory to Practice: Faculty Professional Development to integrate Culturally Responsive Pedagogy and Practices in STEM Education to Improve Success of Underserved Students in STEM. Paper presented at 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Baltimore, Maryland.
Pickering, C. K., & Lopez, M., & VanIngen-Dunn, C., & Pinto, K. M., & Gonzalez, G., & Garcia, M. J., & Ross, P. (2023, June), Five 2-year HSIs Collaborate to Provide Culturally Responsive IT Work-Based Experiences Paper presented at 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Baltimore , Maryland.
Pickering, Fisher, Ross (2022), Socio-Technical Learning: Contextualizing Undergraduate Externships To Bridge The Digital Divide, Iadis International Journal On Computer Science And Information Systems (ISSN: 1646-3692),
Pickering, C., & Lopez, M., & Gonzalez, G., & Garcia, M., & Vaningen-Dunn, C., & Pinto, K. (2022, August), Work-based Experiential Learning in IT: Career Enhancement for Underserved Students at a 2-year HSI Paper presented at 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Minneapolis, MN.
Pickering, C., & Miller McNeill, L., & Lopez, M., & Rodriguez, J., & Belknap, S., & Craft, E., & Vaningen-Dunn, C. (2022, August), Theory to Practice: Professional Development for Culturally Responsive Technician Education Paper presented at 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Minneapolis, MN.
Pickering C. K., Fisher E., Ross, P. (2021, Dec), One Step at a Time: Deepening Socio-technical Learning in Undergraduate ICT Externships to Bridge the Digital Divide, 11th International Conference on Internet Technologies & Society (ITS), Virtual Conference.
Pickering, C. K., & Craft, E. L., & VanIngen-Dunn, C., & DeWitt, E., & Roberts, R. H. (2021, July), The Road to Strengthening Two-year Hispanic-Serving Institution Participation in the NSF ATE Funding Program Paper presented at 2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access, Virtual Conference.
Pickering, C. K., & VanIngen-Dunn, C., & Reyes, M. A. (2021, July), Work-focused Experiential Learning to Increase STEM Student Retention and Graduation at Two-year Hispanic-serving Institutions Paper presented at 2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access, Virtual Conference.
Pickering C, Craft E, VanIngen-Dunn C, Tanguma-Gallegos A, DeWitt E. Emerging Role of 2-year Hispanic-serving Institutions (HSIs) in Advanced Technological Education (ATE): Challenges, Opportunities, and Impacts for Growing the United States Technical Workforce. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. 2020 June
Pickering C, VanIngen-Dunn C, Grierson A, Tanguma-Gallegos A. Achieving Broader Impacts in STEM at 2-year Hispanic Serving Institutions. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. 2020 June; Available from:
Pickering, C, Craft, E, VanIngen-Dunn, C, “The Emerging Impact of Community College Hispanic-Serving Institutions (2-year HSIs) in Educating Technicians in Advanced Technologies – Defining the Opportunities and Addressing the Challenges,” 2019 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, June 15, 2019
Pickering, C, VanIngen-Dunn, C, Grierson, A, Tanguma, A, "KickStarter: Providing Hispanic Serving Community Colleges with Technical Assistance to Improve their Federal Funding Competitiveness", 2018 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, June 23, 2018
VanIngen-Dunn, C., Pickering C., McBride, P., Fick, V. Slisz, J., "Meeting STEM Workforce Demand in a Statewide Rural Community College Collaborative", 2018 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, June 23, 2018
C. VanIngen-Dunn, C. Pickering, L. Coyle, A. Grierson, S. Frimer and V. Fick, "Community College STEM Pathways Guide: A Collaborative Online System for Design and Implementation of STEM Pathway Programs," 2016 International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems (CTS), Orlando, FL, 2016, pp. 158-164
Pickering, C, Gupta, M, “Self Service Business Intelligence (SSBI) for Employee Communications and Collaboration (ECC)”, IEEE Proceedings of the International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems 2015, June 2015
McCreary, F, Gomez, M, Mcewan, A, Michalak S, Pickering C, “A Case Study in Seeding Collaboration Transformation with Experience Themes” IEEE, 5/20/2014
Pickering, C, “Synergizing People, Process, and Technology to Motivate Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration”, IEEE Proceedings of the International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems 2013, June 2013
Cummings, J, Espinosa, J A, “Time Separation, Coordination, and Performance in Technical Teams”, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2010, April 2011
Sud, S, Pickering, C, “Computation Mobility and Virtual worlds – not just where you work, but how you work”, Advances in Next Generation Services and Service Architectures (ANGSA); River Publishers, February 2011
Zhang, J, Sheng, Y, Hao, W, Tian, P, Miao, K, Wang, P, Pickering, C, “A Context-aware Framework Supporting Complex Ubiquitous Scenarios with Augmented Reality Enabled”, International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Application (IEEE ICPCA), December 2010
Cummings, J., Espinosa, J.A., and Pickering, C. "Crossing Spatial and Temporal Boundaries in Globally Distributed Projects: A Relational Model of Coordination Delay," Information Systems Research (20:3), September 2009, pp. 420-439
Cummings, Jonathon, Espinosa, J Alberto, and Pickering, Cynthia; “Spatial and temporal boundaries in global teams: Distinguishing where you work from when you work,” Proceedings of the IFIP WG 8.2/9.5 Working Conference on Virtuality and Virtualization, July 28-31, 2007
Espinosa, J Alberto, Cummings, Jonathon, and Pickering, Cynthia, Working on Technical Projects Across Time Zones: A Field Study of Coordination and Performance in Global Teams at Intel Corporation, ACM SIGCOMM, 2007
Espinosa, J Alberto, Cummings, Jonathon, and Pickering, Cynthia, “Your Time Zone or Mine? Geographic Configurations, Global Team Coordination, and Project Outcomes,” Academy of Management Conference, August 2006
Pickering, Cynthia, et al, “3D Global Virtual Teaming Environment,” Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Creating, Connecting, and Collaborating through Computing (C5 2006), January 26-27th, 2006, IEEE Computer Society, 2006
Espinosa, J Alberto and Pickering, Cynthia, “The Effect of Time Separation on Coordination Processes and Outcomes: A Case Study,” Proceedings of the Thirty-ninth Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (CD/ROM), January 4-8, 2006, Computer Society Press, 2006. Ten pages
Pickering, C.; Wynn, E. “An Architecture and Business Process Framework for Global Team Collaboration.” Intel Technology Journal. November 2004
Pickering, Cynthia, “Using IT Concept Cars to drive innovation,” in IT Innovation for Adaptability and Competitiveness, Fitzgerald, B and E Wynn, editors, IFIP WG 8.6 Working Conference, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Holland, 2004
Dodhiawala, R., Sridharan, N.S., Raulefs, P., Pickering, C.; Real-time AI Systems: A Definition and An Architecture; Eleventh Annual IJCAI; Detroit, Michigan; August 20-25, 1989
Dodhiawala, R., Sridharan, N.S., Pickering, C. (1989), A Real-time Blackboard Architecture in Blackboard Architectures and Applications; Dodhiawala, Jagannathan, and Baum (eds.), Academic Press, Inc., pp. 219-239
Powell, Pickering, Wescourt, Whitehead; A Mark 45 Fault Diagnosis Advisor; ADPA/TRADOC "Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Symposium; Austin, TX; Nov. 7, 1985
Wescourt, Powell, Pickering, Whitehead; Generic Expert Systems for Equipment Fault Diagnosis; IEEE "19th Asilomar Conference on Circuits, Systems, and Controls"; Asilomar, CA; Nov. 7, 1985
Bein, Fritzsche, Pickering, Pistole, Staub; FIES: An Expert System for Isolating Faults of Spacecraft Hardware; Artificial Intelligence Unit, Martin Marietta Denver Aerospace; 1984
Wescourt, Powell, Pickering; R2Q73-85-1 A Generic Expert Systems Architecture for Equipment Fault Diagnosis Applications; Dec 27, 1985
Powell, Pickering, Wescourt; R2Q73-85-2 Mk45 FDA System Manual; Dec 27, 1985
Pickering, Powell, Wescourt; R2Q73-85-3 Mk45 FDA User's Manual; Dec 27, 1985
Powell, Pickering, Wescourt; System Integration of Knowledge-based Maintenance Aids; AAAI; Philadelphia, PA; Aug 15, 1986
Pickering, Powell, Wescourt; A Generic Architecture for Knowledge-Based Equipment Fault Diagnosis; Contributed paper; Air Force Workshop on AI Applications for Integrated Diagnostics; AFSC/PLLM, AFWAL/FI & AFWAL/AA; Boulder, CO; July 29-31,1986
Powell, Pickering, Wescourt; System Integration of Knowledge-based Maintenance Aids; Contributed paper; Air Force Workshop on AI Applications for Integrated Diagnostics; AFSC/PLLM, AFWAL/FI & AFWAL/AA; Boulder, CO; July 29-31,1986
Issued 03/08/2011, Patent# 7904323, Multi-Team Immersive Integrated Collaboration Workspace
Issued 08/14/2014, Patent#13997742, Method and system for location-based notifications relating to an emergency event
Issued 06/30/2016, Patent# 13977693, Mechanism for facilitating dynamic adjustment of audio input/output (i/o) setting devices at conferencing computing devices
Issued June 16,2016, Copyright# TX 8-289-291 Engineering Notebook for SFAz Community College STEM Pathways Guide
American Association for Engineering Educators
Arizona State University - 2018-08-24 to present | Research Program Manager, Process and Technical Architect (Center for Broadening Participation in STEM)
Science Foundation Arizona - 2015-09-08 to 2018-08-23 | SFAz Fellow, Process Architect, KickStarter Program Officer (Community College STEM Pathways)
Intel Corporation - 1991-08-30 to 2015-07-15 | Principal Engineer, Senior Software Engineer (Information Technology, Automated Manufacturing Technology)
FMC - 1985-02-04 to 1991-08-14 | Sr. Technical Staff (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence)
Martin Marietta Denver Aerospace - 1981-02-04 to 1985-01-15 | Software Engineer (Advanced Automation Technology, AI and Robotics)
- VEX Robotics Club Middle School and High School Teams- 2016-17
- Day @ Intel STEM Field Trip - SWE Phoenix Section
- STEM Experience at IEEE International Microwave Conference
- STEM Spotlight Video Calls with Middle School Classes - MCESA
- Centro Latina STEM Camp Girls and Boys Club Randolph AFB
- Techfest AZ Science Center - Girls in STEM, multiple years
- Grace Hopper 2014 - Hopper Helper at Student Opportunity Lab and ABIE Change Panel
Intel Corporation - 1991-08-30 to 2015-07-15 | Principal Engineer, Senior Software Engineer (Information Technology, Automated Manufacturing Technology)
FMC - 1985-02-04 to 1991-08-14 | Sr. Technical Staff (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence)
Martin Marietta Denver Aerospace - 1981-02-04 to 1985-01-15 | Software Engineer (Advanced Automation Technology, AI and Robotics)