Evan Berry
Mail code: 4302Campus: Tempe
Evan Berry is an associate professor of environmental humanities in the School of History, Philosophy, and Religious Studies at Arizona State University. He has previously taught at American University and Lewis and Clark College. His research examines the relationship between religion and the public sphere in contemporary societies, with special attention to the way religious ideas and organizations are mobilized in response to climate change and other global environmental challenges. Berry is the author of "Devoted to Nature: The Religious Roots of American Environmentalism" (University of California Press, 2015), which traces the influence of Christian theology on the environmental movement in the United States. Berry recently spent a year as a Franklin Fellow at the State Department’s Office of Religion and Global Affairs as the American Academy of Religion’s inaugural Religion and International Relations Fellow. He also serves as the president elect of the International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature, and Culture and as the chair of the American Academy of Religion's Committe for the Public Understanding of Religion.
- Ph.D. Religious Studies, University of California-Santa Barbara 2008
- M.A. Religious Studies, University of California-Santa Barbara 2003
- B.A. Religion, The Colorado College 1999
Berry's research examines the relationship between religion and the environment, with special attention to the ways that religion is brought to bear on political contestations about climate change and other global sustainability challenges. With respect to the mounting ecological pressures facing societies around the planet, religion is a fundamentally ambivalent category of analysis. By mapping the uneven, unsystematic, and extraordinarily diverse range of religious responses to climate change and other global environmental challenges, his research seeks to better understand the ways that religious ideas, practices, and forms of political authority are constructed and enacted in response to evolving historical conditions.
Edited Volumes
Climate Politics and the Power of Religion (under contract with Indiana University Press, anticipated 2020)
Chapters in Edited Volumes
“Religion and Energy” in the Routledge Handbook on Energy Humanities, Janet Stewart and GraemeMacdonald, eds. (London: Routledge, forthcoming 2020)
“The Right Climate: Political Opportunities for Religious Engagement in Climate Policy” in Climate Politics and the Power of Religion (Indiana University Press, forthcoming 2020)
“Climate Change and Global Religious Pluralism” in Emergent Religious Pluralisms, John Fahy, Jan Bock, and Sami Everett, eds. (London: Palgrave, 2019)
“Transnational Religious Advocacy Networks in Latin America and Beyond” in Churches and Cosmologies: Religion, Environment, and Social Conflict in Contemporary Latin America, Evan Berry and Rob Albro, eds. (London: Routledge, 2018)
“Nature Religion and the Problem of Authenticity” in Inherited Land: The Changing Ground of Religion and Ecology, W. Bauman, R. Bohannon, and K. O’Brien, eds. 18-41 (Eugene: Pickwick, 2011).
“Nature” in Religion and Everyday Life and Culture, Richard Hecht and Vincent Biondo, eds. 741-763 (Santa Barbara: Praeger) 2009.
“Epilogue” in Death and Religion in a Changing World, K. Garces-Foley, ed. 305-312 (Armonk: M.E. Sharpe) 2005.
Journal Articles “Religion and Climate Change” (co-authored with Willis Jenkins) Annual Review of Environment and Resources 43 (2018)
“Religion and Nature in a Globalizing World” (editorial introduction for eponymous special issue) Religions 8 (2017)
“Religion and Climate Change: A Survey of Social Scientific Scholarship” Religious Studies Review 42:2 (June 2016) 74-82.
“Scalar Issues in Climate Ethics” Philosophy and Public Policy Quarterly 33:1 (Spring 2015)
“Religion and the Politics of Global Sustainability: Some Basic Findings from Rio+20” Worldviews: Global Religions, Culture, and Ecology 18:3 (2014) 269-288.
“Religious Environmentalism and Environmental Religion in America” Religion Compass 13 (Spring 2013)
“Ecotopian Exceptionalism” (Secondary Author with James Proctor) Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature, and Culture, 5:2 (June 2011) 145-163.
“Imagining Ecotopia” (primary author and special issue guest editor with James Proctor) Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature, and Culture, 5:2 (June 2011) 121-125.
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 799 | Dissertation |
REL 388 | Religion, Ethics&Intl Politics |
REL 388 | Religion, Ethics&Intl Politics |
POS 388 | Religion, Ethics&Intl Politics |
REL 690 | Reading and Conference |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
EPA 792 | Research |
REL 690 | Reading and Conference |
REL 349 | Nature,Sustainability&Religion |
JST 349 | Nature,Sustainability&Religion |
HPS 349 | Nature,Sustainability&Religion |
SOS 349 | Nature,Sustainability&Religion |
SOS 799 | Dissertation |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
REL 321 | Religion in America |
SOS 799 | Dissertation |
REL 388 | Religion, Ethics&Intl Politics |
REL 388 | Religion, Ethics&Intl Politics |
POS 388 | Religion, Ethics&Intl Politics |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 799 | Dissertation |
REL 101 | Religion, Culture, Public Life |
REL 101 | Religion, Culture, Public Life |
REL 101 | Religion, Culture, Public Life |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 799 | Dissertation |
REL 388 | Religion, Ethics&Intl Politics |
REL 388 | Religion, Ethics&Intl Politics |
POS 388 | Religion, Ethics&Intl Politics |
REL 202 | Religion and Popular Culture |
REL 202 | Religion and Popular Culture |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
REL 349 | Nature,Sustainability&Religion |
REL 349 | Nature,Sustainability&Religion |
HST 357 | Hist Persp on Phil & Religion |
HST 357 | Hist Persp on Phil & Religion |
SOS 349 | Nature,Sustainability&Religion |
SOS 349 | Nature,Sustainability&Religion |
SOS 320 | Society and Sustainability |
SOS 320 | Society and Sustainability |
ASB 443 | Cross-Culturl Stds Global Hlth |
ASB 443 | Cross-Culturl Stds Global Hlth |
SSH 403 | Cross-Culturl Stds Global Hlth |
SSH 403 | Cross-Culturl Stds Global Hlth |
ASM 414 | Environmental Health |
ASM 414 | Environmental Health |
REL 200 | Exploring World's Religions |
REL 200 | Exploring World's Religions |
REL 201 | Religion and the Modern World |
REL 201 | Religion and the Modern World |
REL 381 | Religion and Moral Issues |
REL 381 | Religion and Moral Issues |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 799 | Dissertation |
REL 690 | Reading and Conference |
REL 107 | Religion and Globalization |
SGS 107 | Religion and Globalization |
REL 107 | Religion and Globalization |
SGS 107 | Religion and Globalization |
REL 107 | Religion and Globalization |
SGS 107 | Religion and Globalization |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 792 | Research |
SOS 799 | Dissertation |
REL 101 | Religion, Culture, Public Life |
REL 101 | Religion, Culture, Public Life |
REL 388 | Religion, Ethics&Intl Politics |
REL 388 | Religion, Ethics&Intl Politics |
POS 388 | Religion, Ethics&Intl Politics |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 799 | Dissertation |
REL 101 | Religion, Culture, Public Life |
REL 107 | Religion and Globalization |
SGS 107 | Religion and Globalization |
REL 107 | Religion and Globalization |
SGS 107 | Religion and Globalization |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 792 | Research |
REL 591 | Seminar |
SOS 799 | Dissertation |
REL 101 | Religion, Culture, Public Life |
REL 101 | Religion, Culture, Public Life |
2019 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
REL 101 | Religion, Culture, Public Life |
HPS 349 | Nature,Sustainability&Religion |
REL 349 | Nature,Sustainability&Religion |
SOS 349 | Nature,Sustainability&Religion |