David Shiffman
Post Doctoral Scholar,
School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences
Phone: 202-664-6764
Mail code: 0750Campus: West
Long Bio
Dr. David Shiffman is an interdisciplinary marine conservation biologist interested in the sustainable management of marine and coastal resources, and how the science related to these topics is communicated to stakeholders.
Ph.D.- University of Miami Abess Center for Ecosystem Science and Policy, 2016
Masters in Marine Biology- College of Charleston, 2011
Bachelors of Science in Biology- Duke University, 2007
Google Scholar URL
Research Interests
Marine conservation biology, sustainable management of coastal and marine resources, science communication related to conservation
Copies of any avaialble upon request
- Shiffman, D.S., Kaufman, L., Heithaus, M., and Hammerschlag, N. (2019). Intraspecific differences in relative isotopic niche area and overlap of co-occurring sharks. Aquatic Ecology.
- Dey, CJ, Yurkowski, DJ, Schuster, R, Shiffman, DS, and Bittick, SJ. (2018). Patterns of uncertainty in life-history and extinction risk for Arctic vertebrates. Arctic Science
- Coristine, LE, Jacob, L, Schuster, R, Otto, SP, Baron, NE, Bennett, NJ, Bittick, SJ, Dey, C, Favaro, B, Ford, A, Nowlan, L, Orihel, D, Palen, WJ, Polfus, JL, Shiffman, DS, Venter, O, and Woodley, S. (2018). Informing Canada’s commitment to biodiversity conservation: a science-based framework to help guide protected areas designation through Target 1 and beyond. FACETS
- Bangley, C., Paramore, L., Shiffman, DS, and Rulifson, R. (2018) Increased Abundance and Nursery Habitat Use of the Bull Shark (Carcharhinus leucas) in Response to a Changing Environment in a Warm-Temperate Estuary. Scientific Reports
- Shiffman, DS. (2018). Social media for fisheries science and management professionals: How to use it and why you should. Fisheries
- Bird, C….Shiffman, DS…and Trueman, C (72 total authors). (2018). A global perspective on the trophic geography of sharks. Nature Ecology and Evolution.
- Shiffman, DS and Hueter, R. (2017). A United States shark fin ban would undermine sustainable shark fisheries. Marine Policy
- Shiffman, DS, Macdonald, C, Ganz, HY, and Hammerschlag, N. (2017). Fishing practices and representations of shark conservation issues among users of a land-based shark angling online forum. Fisheries Research
- Smith, NS, Cote, IM, Martinez-Esteves, L, Hind-Ozan, EJ, Quiros, AL, Johnson, N, Green, SJ, Cornick, L, Shiffman, DS, Malpica-Cruz, L, Besch, AG, and Shiel-Rolle, N. (2017). Diversity and inclusion in conservation: a proposal for a marine diversity network. Frontiers in Marine Science
- Gallagher, AJ, Shiffman, DS, Byrnes, EE, Hammerschlag-Peyer, CM, and Hammerschlag, N. (2017). Patterns of resource use and isotopic niche overlap among three species of sharks occurring within a protected subtropical estuary. Aquatic Ecology
- Macdonald, C, Gallagher, AJ, Barnett, A, Brunnschweiler, J, Shiffman, DS, and Hammerschlag, N. (2017) Conservation potential of apex predator tourism. Biological Conservation
- Hammerschlag, N, Skubel, RA, Calich, H, Nelson, ER, Shiffman, DS, Wester, J, Macdonald, C, Cain, S, Jennings, L, Enchelmaier, A, and Gallagher, AJ. (2017). Nocturnal and crepuscular behavior in elasmobranchs: a review of movement, habitat use, foraging, and reproduction in the dark. Bulletin of Marine Science
- Collins, K, Shiffman, DS, and Rock, J. (2016) How are scientists using social media in the workplace? PLoS ONE
- Shiffman, DS and Hammerschlag, N. (2016). Preferred conservation policies of shark researchers. Conservation Biology
- Shiffman, DS and Hammerschlag, N. (2016) Shark conservation and management policy: a review and primer for non-specialists. Animal Conservation. (Featured on cover)
- Thaler, AD and Shiffman, DS. (2015). Fish tales: combatting fake science in popular media. Ocean and Coastal Management (International Marine Conservation Congress special issue)
- Shiffman, DS, Hammerschlag, N. (2014) An assessment of the scale, practices, and conservation implications of Florida’s charterboat-based recreational shark fishery. Fisheries. (Featured on cover)
- Shiffman, DS, Gallagher AJ, Wester, J, Macdonald, CC, Thaler, AD, Cooke, SJ, and Hammerschlag, N. (2014). Trophy fishing for species threatened with extinction: a way forward building on a history of conservation. Marine Policy.
- Shiffman, DS, Frazier, B, Kucklick, J, and Sancho, G. (2014) “Detection of an ontogenetic shift in diet between young-of-year and juvenile sandbar sharks in South Carolina estuaries using d13C and d15N stable isotope analysis”. Marine and Coastal Fisheries. (One of 5 most-downloaded papers of the year for MCF)
- Gallagher, AJ, Hammerschlag, N, Shiffman, DS, Giery, ST. (2014) Evolved for extinction: the cost and conservation implications of extreme specialization in hammerhead sharks. BioScience (Featured on cover)
- Ferry, L and Shiffman, DS. The value of taxon-focused science: 30 years of elasmobranchs in biological research and outreach. Copeia (Professional Society Presidential Address section)
- Parsons, ECM, Shiffman, DS, Darling, ES, Spillman, N, and Wright, AJ. (2014). How Twitter Literacy Can Benefit Conservation Scientists. Conservation Biology.
- Darling, ES, Shiffman, DS, Drew, J, and Cote, I. (2013). The role of twitter in the life cycle of a scientific publication. Ideas in Ecology and Evolution
- Shiffman, DS, Gallagher, AJ, Boyle, MD, Hammerschlag-Peyer, CM, and Hammerschlag, N. (2012). Stable isotope analysis as a tool for elasmobranch conservation research: a primer for non-specialists. Marine and Freshwater Research (Featured on cover).
- Shiffman, DS (2012). Twitter as a tool for conservation outreach and education: what scientific conferences can do to promote live-tweeting. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences
- Thaler, AD, Zelnio, KA Freitag, A, MacPherson, R, Shiffman, DS, Bik, H, Goldstein, M, and McClain, C. (2012). Digital Environmentalism: Tools and strategies for the evolving online ecosystem. In D. Gallagher (ed.) Environmental Leadership: A Reference Handbook. SAGE
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 145 | Introduction to Marine Biology |
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2022 Fall
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LSC 294 | Special Topics |
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2022 Spring
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2021 Fall
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2021 Spring
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2020 Fall
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LSC 294 | Special Topics |
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2020 Summer
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LSC 294 | Special Topics |
LSC 294 | Special Topics |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
LSC 294 | Special Topics |
LSC 294 | Special Topics |