Richard Creath
Phone: 480-965-6270
LSC 274 TEMPE, AZ 85287-4501
Richard Creath is a philosopher of science primarily interested in what makes one scientific claim more worth believing than another. In particular he studies the role of logic, mathematics, scientific methods, and even philosophy within science. Scientific claims are to be tested by experience. However, the claims of logic, method, and the like seem to be presupposed in any such test, so the test cannot offer support to them.
Professor Creath’s approach in sorting this out involves the careful historical study of the clash between two of the most important and influential philosophers of science of the 20th century, Rudolf Carnap and W.V. Quine. Understanding and evaluating their developing arguments and perspectives provides important insights that are still relevant to the current understanding of scientific knowledge.
- Ph.D. Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh 1975
- M.A. History and Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh 1974
- M.A. Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh, PA 1972
- B.A. Philosophy, Knox College, Galesburg, IL 1969
- Richard Creath, “Quine’s Challenge to Carnap”, in The Cambridge Companion to Carnap, Michael Friedman and Richard Creath, eds. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007) 316-35
- Richard Creath, “The Gentle Strength of Tolerance: The Logical Syntax of Language and Carnap’s Philosophical Programme”, in Carnap’s The Logical Syntax of Language, Pierre Wagner, ed. (Houndsmills, Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillian, 2009) 203-214.
- Richard Creath, “The Role of History in Science”, Journal of the History of Biology, 43: 207-214
- Richard Creath, “The Construction of Reason: Kant, Carnap, Kuhn and Beyond” in Discourse on a New Method, Michael Dickson and Mary Domski, eds. (Chicago and La Salle, IL: Open Court Publications, 2010) 493-509
- Richard Creath, “Analyticity in the Theoretical Language: Is a Different Account Really Necessary?” in Rudolf Carnap and the Legacy of Logical Empiricism, Richard Creath, ed. (Dordrecht: Springer, 2012) 57-66
- . . Review of: Carnap, Tarski, and Quine at Harvard: Conversations on Logic, Mathematics, and Science (2014).
- Richard Creath. (Anti-)Metaphysics in the Thirties: And Why Should Anyone Care Now?. Philosophy of Science in Europe: European Philosophy of Science and the Viennese Heritage (2013).
- Richard Creath. Analyticity in the Theoretical Language: Is a Different Account Really Necessary?. Carnap and the Legacy of Logical Empiricism (Vienna: Springer) (2012).
- Richard Creath. Before Explication. Carnap's Ideal of Explication (2012).
- Richard Creath. Editorial. Rudolf Carnap and the Legacy of Logical Empiricism (2012).
- Richard Creath. Rudolf Carnap and the Legacy of Logical Empiricism. (2012).
- Richard Creath. The Construction of Reason: Kant, Carnap, Kuhn, and Beyond. Discourse on a New Method, Michael Dickson and Mary Domski, eds (2010).
- Richard Creath. The Role of History in Science. Journal of the History of Biology (2010).
- Richard Creath. Willard van Orman Quine. The Routledge Companion to Epistemology (2010).
- Richard Creath. Gentle Strength of Tolerance: The Logical Syntax of Language and Philosophical Programme. Carnap's The Logical Syntax of Language (2009).
- Richard Creath. The Role of History in Science. Journal of the History of Biology (2009).
- Richard Creath. The Apparent A Priori and Four Things to Do About It. Naturalism, Reference, and Ontology: Essays in Honor of Roger F. Gibson (2008).
- Michael Friedman and Richard Creath. The Cambridge Companion to Carnap. (2008).
- Richard Creath. Carnap's Posthumous Career. The Cambridge Companion to Carnap (2007).
- Richard Creath. Quine's Challenge to Carnap. The Cambridge Companion to Carnap (2007).
- Richard Creath. Vienna, the City of Quine's Dreams. The Cambridge Companion to Logical Empiricism (2007).
- Richard Creath. Postowie. Empiryzm. Semantyka. Ontologia (2005).
- Creath, Richard, Friedman, Michael. The Cambridge Companion to Carnap. (2005).
- Creath, Richard. Postowie. (2005).
- Richard Creath. Carnap's Program and Quine's Question. Carnap Brought Home (2004).
- Richard Creath. Quine on the Intelligibility and Relevance of Analyticity. Cambridge Companion to Quine (2004).
- . . Review of: Logical Empiricism (2004).
- Richard Creath. The Linguistic Doctrine and Conventionality: The Main Argument in "Carnap and Logical Truth". Logical Empiricism in North America (2003).
- Richard Creath, Jane Maienschein. Introduction. Biology and Epistemology (2000).
- Creath, Richard, Maienschein, Jane Ann. Biology and Epistemology. (2000).
- Richard Creath. Logical Empiricism. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (on-Line) (0).
- Richard Creath. Logical Empiricism (substantive revision). Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (on-Line) (0).
- Richard Creath. Modernism in the 20th Century: Architecture, Design, and More. [Web video] (0).
- Richard Creath. History as a Part of Science [blog entry]. (0).
- Creath,Richard*. FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR CARNAP COLLECTED WORKS. NSF-SBE(8/1/2000 - 7/31/2001).
- Creath,Richard*. ANALYTICITY: CARNAP, QUINE & THE STRUCTURE OF SCIENCE. NSF-SBE(6/1/1996 - 11/30/1998).
- Creath,Richard*. ANALYTICITY: THE CARNAP-QUINE DEBATE. NSF(6/1/1987 - 5/31/1989).
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 493 | Honors Thesis |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
HPS 591 | Seminar |
PHI 591 | Seminar |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 493 | Honors Thesis |
HPS 314 | Philosophy of Science |
PHI 314 | Philosophy of Science |
BIO 394 | Special Topics |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
HPS 598 | Special Topics |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 493 | Honors Thesis |
HPS 314 | Philosophy of Science |
PHI 314 | Philosophy of Science |
BIO 394 | Special Topics |
HPS 598 | Special Topics |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 493 | Honors Thesis |
HPS 314 | Philosophy of Science |
PHI 314 | Philosophy of Science |
BIO 394 | Special Topics |
HPS 598 | Special Topics |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 492 | Honors Directed Study |
HPS 322 | History of Science |
HON 394 | Special Topics |
HPS 598 | Special Topics |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
HPS 314 | Philosophy of Science |
PHI 314 | Philosophy of Science |
BIO 394 | Special Topics |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 499 | Individualized Instruction |
HPS 322 | History of Science |
HON 394 | Special Topics |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
HPS 314 | Philosophy of Science |
HON 394 | Special Topics |
PHI 314 | Philosophy of Science |
- Richard Creath, What are the Prospects for Analyticity?, HOPOS (History of the Philosophy of Science), Minneapolis, MN, (June 2016)
- Richard Creath, Carnap, Quine, and Convention, Plenary Lecture, Society for the Studyb of the History of Analytic Philosophy, Denver, CO, (June 2016)
- Evolution as Involving Laws and Inconceivable Without Them, International Society for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, (July 2015)
- Richard Creath, Can the Platonist and the Nominalist Both be Right?, Society for Exact Philosophy, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, (May 2015)
- Richard Creath, Understandability, Americal Philosophical Association, Vancouver, BC, Canada, (April 2015)
- Richard Creath. Religion and Science: Galileo and Gould. Occasional lecture, Friendship Village of Tempe, Tempe, AZ (Oct 2014).
- Richard Creath. Modernism in the Twentieth Century. Global Classroom, Joint ASU-Leuphana Meeting (Sep 2014).
- Richard Creath. The Menace of Magisteria. Internat. Soc. for Hist. Phil. Social. Studies of Biology, Montepelier, France (Jul 2014).
- Richard Creath. Metaphysics and the Unity of Science: Two Hundred Years of Controversy. Integrated History and Philosophy of Science 5, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria (Jun 2014).
- Richard Creath. Turning Point: Quine's Indeterminacy of Translation at Middle Age. Society for the Study of the History of Analytic Philosophy, Montreal, Quebec (May 2014).
- Richard Creath. Turning Point: Quine's Indeterminacy of Translation at Middle Age. Department Colloquium, Philosophy Departments, U. of St. Andrews (Mar 2014).
- Richard Creath. Carnap and Ontology: Foreign Travel and Domestic Understanding. Department Collquium, Philosophy Department, University of Sterling, Stirling, Scotland (Mar 2014).
- Richard Creath. Global Architecture and the Modern World. Global Classroom Joint ASU-Leuphana Meeeting (Sep 2013).
- Richard Creath. The Logical and the Analytic. Carnap on Logic Workshop, University of Munich, Munich, Germany (Jul 2013).
- Richard Creath. Carnap's Aufbau and Quine's Objection. Society for the Study of the History of Analytic Philosophy, Bloomington, IN (May 2013).
- Richard Creath. Interdisciplinarity and Epistemic Value. MBL-ASU Seminar in the History of Biology: Sustainability, MBL, Woods Hole, MA (May 2013).
- Richard Creath. The Menace of Magisteria. ASU Graduate Student Conference (Apr 2013).
- Richard Creath. Carnap's Breath of Fresh Air. Carnap and Kuhn Conference, Center for Philosophy of Science, U. Pittsburgh, Pgh. PA (Oct 2012).
- Richard Creath. "Metaphysics in the Thirties: And Why Should Anyone Care Now?". Society for the Study of Analytical Philosophy, McMaster U. Hamilton, Ont., Canada (May 2012).
- Richard Creath. Galileo and the Church. President's Community Enhancement Program (Jan 2012).
- Richard Creath. Metaphysics in the Thirties: And Why Should Anyone Care Now?. European Philosophy of Science and the Viennese Heritage, Vienna, Austria (Dec 2011).
- Richard Creath. Carnap’s Linguistic Pluralism in Observation and Theory", 14th International Congress for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Nancy, France, July 22, 2011. 14th Internat. Congress, Log. Meth. & Phil. Sci., Nancy France (Jul 2011).
- Richard Creath. Issues in Open Access for Recent Materials. Digital HPS (Hist.& Phil. of Sci.) Workshop, Cal Tech, Pasadena, CA (Apr 2011).
- Richard Creath. Carnap and Ontology: Foreign Travel and Domestic Understanding. American Philosophical Assn. San Diego, CA (Apr 2011).
- Richard Creath. Carnap's Aufbau and Quine's Objection. Workshop presentation, Inst. for the Hist. and Phil. of Sci. and Technology, U Toronto (Mar 2011).
- Richard Creath. Remarks on Research and Teaching. President’s Professors & Regent’s Professors Ceremony, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ (Feb 2011).
- Richard Creath. Carnap Then and Now. Early Analytic Philosophy Workshop, Soochow Univ., Taipei, Taiwan (Dec 2010).
- Richard Creath. Carnap's Aufbau and Quine's Objection. Early Analytic Philoosophy Conference, Soochow University, Taipei, Taiwan (Dec 2010).
- Richard Creath. Problems and Changes in Quine's Discussion of Simplicity. HOPOS (History of the Philosophy of Science) Conference, Central European University, Budapest, Hun (Jun 2010).
- Richard Creath. Analyticity in the Theoretical Language: Is a Different Account Really Necessary?. Conference: Carnap andf the Legacy of Logical Positivism, Vienna Circle Institute, Vienna, Austria (Jun 2010).
- Richard Creath. Simplicity as a Theoretical Virtue. Rottman Center Collquium, University of Western Ontario, London, Ont., CA (Apr 2010).
- Richard Creath. The Role of History in Science. ISHPSSB, Brisbane Australia (Jun 2009).
- Richard Creath. Before Explication. Carnap's Ideal of Explication: Logic, Matalogic, and Wissenschaftslogik, Paris (May 2009).
- Richard Creath. The Role of Theory. MBL History of Science Seminar (May 2009).
- Richard Creath. Before Explication. Early Analytic Philosophy IUPU Forth Wayne (Apr 2009).
- Creath, Richard. Turning Point: Quine's Indeterminacy of Translation at Middle Age. Philosophy Department Colloquium, Indiana-Purdue at Fort Wayne (Dec 2006).
- Creath, Richard. The Gentle Strength of Tolerance: Carnap's Program and The Logical Syntax of Language. Philosophy Department Colloquium (Nov 2006).
- Creath, Richard. The Career of Simplicity in Quine's Philosophy of Science. Biennial Mtg, Philos. of Sci. Assn (Nov 2006).
- Creath, Richard. Logic and Analyticity. 6th Internat. Conf., German Soc. for Analytic Philosophy, Free Univ (Sep 2006).
- Creath, Richard. Turning Point: Quine's Indeterminacy of Translation at Middle Age. Invited Lecture, Minnesaota Center for the Philosophy of Science (May 2006).
- Creath, Richard. The Future of the History and Philosophy of Biology. Southwest Colloquium in the History and Philosophy of Biology (Apr 2006).
- Creath, Richard. The Gentle Strength of Tolerance: How The Logical Syntax of Language Produced a Positive Philosophic Program. Conference: Carnap and The Logical Syntax of Language, Paris, France (Oct 2005).
- Creath, Richard. The Construction of Reason, Kant, Carnap, Kuhn and Beyond. Austin and Hempel Public Lecture, Dalhousie Univ (Dec 2004).
- Creath, Richard. Turning Point: Quine's Indeterminacy of Translation at Middle Age. Austin and Hempel Lecture, Philosophy Department, Dalhousie Univ (Dec 2004).
- Creath, Richard. The Construction of Reason: Kant, Carnap, Kuhn and Beyond. Philosophy Department, University of British Columbia (Nov 2004).
- Creath, Richard. The Construction of Reason: Kant, Carnap, Kuhn and Beyond. Conference: Synthesis and the Growth of Knowledge (Oct 2004).
- Creath, Richard. Interdisciplinarity. Further Directions for the Internat Soc. for the Hist., Phil., and Social Studies of Biol. Workshop (Sep 2004).
- Creath, Richard. On Oral History. 5th International History of the Philosophy of Science Conference (Jun 2004).
- Creath, Richard. Quine's Naturalism and Metaphysics. Lecture as official opponent at doctoral defense (Jun 2004).
- Creath, Richard. The Unity of Quine's Argument Against Analyticity. Department Colloquium, University of British Columbia (Apr 2004).
- Creath, Richard. On the Future of the Profession. Southwest Colloquium in the History and Philosophy of Biology (Mar 2004).
- Creath, Richard. Turning Point: Quine's Indeterminacy of Translation at Middle Age. Colloquium, Philoosphy Department, ASU (2005)
- Creath, Richard. "Cassirer's History of Hope". ISHPSSB Biennial Meeting, Exeter, UK, (July 2007)
- Creath, Richard. "Galileo: Science and Religion". Tempe Science Connection, Tempe, AZ (February 2007)
Phi Beta Kappa, 1969
Danforth Graduate Fellowship, 1969-74
Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2009-
Promoters of Excellence Award, Honors College, Arizona State University, April 1995
Faculty & Staff: Outstanding Dedication to Students, September 1998
Dean’s Quality of Instruction Award, 2004
Curator, Rudolf Carnap Collection, University of Pittsburgh, 1974-81
Editorial Board, Philosophical Studies, 1992-
General Editor: Carnap Collected Works, 2000-
Board Member, Archives of Scientific Philosophy, 2002-
Editorial Board, Philosophy of Science, 2004-2009
Editorial Board Member, Vienna Circle Institute Yearbooks, 2008-
Board Member, Vienna Circle Institute, Vienna, Austria, 2008-
Philosophy of Science Association
American Philosophical Association
Society of Exact Philosophy
Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh
Columbia History of Science Group
History of Science Society
Vienna Circle Institute
International Society for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Marine Biological Laboratory, MBL Society Member
International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science
Society for the Study of the History of Analytical Philosophy
History and Philosophy of Science
Biology and Society
Teaching Assistant and Fellow, University of Pittsburgh, 1970-73
Visiting Instructor, Carnegie-Mellon University, 1973
Assistant Professor, Arizona State University, 1974-84
Research Assistant Professor, University of Pittsburgh, 1977-78
Associate Professor, Arizona State University, 1984-1992
Visiting Associate Professor, Stanford University, Winter and Spring Quarter, 1987
Professor of Philosophy, Arizona State University, 1992-
Professor of Life Sciences, Arizona State University, 2003-
Director, Program in History and Philosophy of Science, Arizona State University, 2003-
Adjunct Scientist, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA, 2010-13
President’s Professor of Life Sciences and of Philosophy, Arizona State University, 2011-
- History and Philosophy Program, Director (2003-present)
- Barrett Honors Disciplinary Faculty, (2009-present)
- Barrett Honors College, Fulbright Selection Committee Member (2008 - 2014)
- Barrett Honors College, Honors Faculty Council, Member
- University Club, Board Member (2003 - 2010)
- University Club, Board President
- AAAS, Section L (History and Philosophy of Science), Chair (2010 - 2011)
- Carnap Collection Committee, University of Pittsburgh, Committee member (1981 - present)
- Marine Biological Laboratory, Adjunct Scientist (2012 - 2013)
- Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA, Member, History and Philosophy of Science Committee (2012 - 2012)
- Rudolf Carnap Heirs and Trust, Literary advisor (2005 - present)
- Fonds quebecois de la recherche sur la societe et la culture, referee
- NSF, Referee
- Oxford University Press, referee
- Cambridge University Press, referee
- General Editor, Collected Works of Rudolf Carnap (2000 - )
- Editorial Board, Rudolf Carnap Collected Works, (2000 - present)
- Philosophy of Science, Editorial Board Member (2004 - 2009)
- Philosophical Studies, Editorial Board Member (1992 - present)
- Archives of Scientific Philosophy, Editorial Board Member (2002 - Present)
- Journal of the History of Analytical Philosophy, Advisory Board Member (2012 - present)
- Vienna Circle Institute, Board Member (2008 - present)
- Vienna Circle Institute Yearbooks, Editorial Board (2008 - present)