William Corbin
Phone: 480-766-1846
Mail code: 1104Campus: Tempe
William R. Corbin is a Full Professor in the Department of Psychology and director of ASU's Clinical Psychology Program. The goals of his program of research are 1) to improve understanding of factors that lead to the development of alcohol-related problems; and 2) to develop effective programs for reducing alcohol-related harm. The first aim is met through a combination of a) longitudinal survey research on risk factors for heavy drinking, b) laboratory based research on the relation between subjective response to alcohol and risk for alcohol-related problems, and c) laboratory based research on the effects of alcohol on risk-taking. The second aim is met through prevention outcome studies targeting alcohol use and associated harms.
Professor Corbin received an undergraduate degree from ASU, a doctorate from the University of Georgia, and completed his Internship at the Medical University of South Carolina, in Charleston. Professor Corbin completed post-doctoral training at The University of Texas, Austin before joing the faculty in Clinical Psychology at Yale University (2002-2009), where he also served as the Director of Clinical Training (2004-2009). He joined the faculty at ASU in 2009.
- Ph.D., University of Georgia
- Clinical Internship, Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC)
- Bachelor's degree, Arizona State University
The focus of my program of research is on factors that contribute to the development of alcohol related problems in adolescents and young adults. Substance use disorders are now the third most common psychiatric diagnosis, trailing only mood and anxiety disorders in prevalence in the general population. In addition, heavy alcohol use contributes to a host of high-risk behaviors with their own associated costs. Examples include unprotected sexual behavior that increases risk for HIV/AIDS, other drug use, problem gambling, and driving under the influence, which is responsible for a large proportion of traffic-related fatalities. The goals of my research are 1) to improve our understanding of factors that lead to the development of alcohol related problems; and 2) to develop effective programs for reducing alcohol-related harm in adolescents and young adults. The first research aim is met through a combination of a) longitudinal survey research on risk factors for heavy drinking and engagement in other risk behaviors (e.g. high risk sexual behavior, gambling), b) laboratory based research on the relation between subjective response to alcohol and risk for alcohol-related problems, and c) laboratory based research on the effects of alcohol on basic cognitive processes, decision making, and risk-taking. The second aim is met through prevention outcome studies targeting alcohol use and associated risk behaviors.
1. Boyd, S. B., & Corbin, W.R. (In press). Faster alcohol metabolism is associated with increased stimulation and within session consumption. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology.
2. Iwamoto, D. K., Corbin, W., Takamatsu, S., & Castellanos, J. (2018). The association between multidimensional feminine norms, binge drinking, and alcohol-related problems among young adult college women. Addictive Behaviors, 76, 243-249.
3. Ashenhurst, J.R., Harden, K.P., Mallard, T.T., Corbin, W.R., & Fromme, K. (2017). Developmentally specific associations between CNR1 genotype and cannabis use across emerging adulthood. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 78, 686-695.
4. *Menary, K.R., Corbin, W.R., & Chassin, L. (2017). Associations between early internalizing symptoms and speed of transition through stages of alcohol involvement. Development and Psychopathology, 29, 1455-1467.
5. Bold, K.W., Fucito, L.M., DeMartini, K.S., Leeman, R.F, Kranzler, H.R., Corbin, W.R., & O’Malley, S.S. (2017). Urgency traits moderate daily relations between affect and drinking to intoxication among young adults. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 170, 59-65.
6. Boyd, S. J., Corbin, W. R., Morean, M. E., & Martin, C. S. (2017). Alcohol stimulation and sedation: A critical review of the biphasic alcohol effects scale. Current Addiction Reports, 4, 209-220.
7. Corbin, W. R. & Cronce, J. M. (2017). Effects of alcohol, initial gambling outcomes, impulsivity, and gambling cognitions on gambling behavior using a video poker task. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 25, 175-185.
8. Ashenhurst, J. R., Harden, K. P., Corbin, W. R., & Fromme, K. (2016). Alcohol-related genes show an enrichment of associations with a persistent externalizing factor. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 125, 933-945.
9. Bold, K.W., Fucito, L.M., Corbin, W.R., DeMartini, K.S., Leeman, R.F., Kranzler, H.R., & O’Malley, S.S. (2016). Daily relations among affect, urge, targeted naltrexone, and alcohol use in young adults. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 24, 367-375.
10. Corbin, W.R., Scott, C.J., & Treat, T.A. (2016). Sociosexual attitudes, sociosexual behaviors, and alcohol use. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 77, 629-637.
11. *Gates, J.R., Corbin, W.R., & Fromme, K. (2016). Emerging adult identity development, alcohol use, and alcohol-related problems during the transition out of college. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 30, 345-355.
12. DeMartini, K.S., Gueorguieva, R., Leeman, R.F., Corbin, W.R., Fucito, L.M., Kranzler, H.R., & O’Malley, S.S. (2016). Longitudinal findings from a randomized clinical trial of naltrexone for young adult heavy drinkers. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 84, 185-190.
13. Gearhardt, A.N., Corbin, W.R., & Brownell, K.D. (2016). Development of the Yale Food Addiction Scale version 2.0. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 30, 113-121.
14. Leeman, R.F., DeMartini, K.S., Gueorguieva, R., Nogueira, C., Corbin, W.R., Neighbors, C., & O’Malley, S.S. (2016). Randomized controlled trial of a very brief, multicomponent web-based alcohol intervention for undergraduates with a focus on protective behavioral strategies. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 84, 1008-1015.
15. Lemeshow, A.R., Gearhardt, A.N., & Genkinger, J.M., & Corbin, W.R. (2016). Assessing the psychometric properties of two food addiction scales. Eating Behaviors, 23, 110-114.
16. Ashenhurst, J.R., Harden, K.P., Corbin, W.R., & Fromme, K. (2015). Trajectories of binge drinking and personality change across emerging adulthood. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 29, 978-991.
17. Carlson, M., Harden, K.P., Kretsch, N., Corbin, W.R., & Fromme, K. (2015). Interactions between DRD4 and developmentally specific environments in alcohol dependence symptoms: Attempt to replicate Park et al. (2011). Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 124, 1043-1049.
18. Corbin, W.R., Papova, A., Morean, M.E., O’Malley, S.S., Krishnan-Sarin, S., Abi-Dargham, A., Anticevic, A., Pearlson, G., Petrakis, I., Pittman, B.P., & Krystal, J.H. (2015). Integrating Acquired Preparedness and Dual Process models of risk for heavy drinking and related problems. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 29, 864-874.
19. Corbin, W.R., Scott, C.S., Boyd, S.J., Menary, K.R., & Ender, C.K. (2015). Contextual influences on subjective and behavioral response to alcohol. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 23, 59-70.
20. Harden, K.P., Carlson, M.D., Kretsch, N, Corbin, W.R., & Fromme, K. (2015) Childhood sexual abuse and impulsive personality traits: Mixed evidence for moderation by DRD4 Genotype. Journal of Research in Personality, 55, 30-40.
21. *Hartman, J.D., Patcok-Peckham, J.A., Corbin, W.R., Gates, J.R., Leeman, R.F., Luk, J.W., & King, K.M. (2015). Direct and indirect links between parenting styles, self-concealment (secrets), impaired control over drinking and alcohol-related outcomes. Addictive Behaviors, 40, 102-108.
22. *Menary, K.R., Corbin, W.R., Leeman, R.F., Fucito, L.M., Toll, B.A., DeMartini, K., & O’Malley, S.S. (2015). Interactive and indirect effects of anxiety and negative urgency on alcohol-related problems. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 39, 1267-1274.
23. *Morean, M.E., Corbin, W.R., & Treat, T.A. (2015). Differences in subjective response to alcohol by gender, family history, heavy episodic drinking, and cigarette use: Refining and broadening the scope of measurement. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 76, 287-295.
24. Morean, M.E., Corbin, W.R., & Treat, T.A. (2015). Evaluating the accuracy of alcohol expectancies relative to subjective response to alcohol. Addictive Behaviors, 51, 197-203.
25. Mun, E.Y., de la Torre, J., Atkins, D.C., White, H.R., Ray, A.E., Kim, S.Y., Yang, J., Clarke, N., Huo, Y., Larimer, M.E., Huh, D., & The Project INTEGRATE Team. (2015). Project INTEGRATE: An Integrative Study of Brief Alcohol Interventions for College Students. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 29, 34-48.
26. O’Malley, S.S., Corbin, W.R., Leeman, R.F., DeMartini, K.S., Fucito, L.M., Ikomi, J., Romano, D.M., Wu, R., Toll, B.A., Sher, K.J., Gueorguieva, R., & Kranzler, H.R. (2015). Reduction in alcohol drinking in young adults by naltrexone: A double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial of efficacy and safety. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 76, e207-e213.
27. White, H.R., Yang, J., Ray, A.E., Huh, D., Atkins, D.C., Larimer, M.E., Fromme, K., Corbin, W.R., Baer, J.S., LaBrie, J.W., & Mun, E.Y. (2015). Are there secondary effects on marijuana use from brief alcohol interventions for college students? Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 76, 367-377.
28. *Boyd, S.J., Corbin, W.R., & Fromme, K. (2014). Parental and peer influences on alcohol use during the transition out of college. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 28, 960-968.
29. Corbin, W.R., Zalewski, S., Leeman, R.F., Toll, B.A., Fucito, L.M., & O’Malley, S.S. (2014). In with the old and out with the new? A comparison of the old and new binge drinking standards. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 38, 2657-2663.
30. DeMartini, K.S., Leeman, R.F., Corbin, W.R., Toll, B.A., Fucito, L.M., Lejuez, C.W., & O’Malley, S.S. (2014). A new look at risk-taking: Using a translational approach to examine risk-taking behavior on the Balloon Analogue Risk Task. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 22, 444-452.
31. Flint, A.J., Gearhardt, A.N., Corbin, W.R., Brownell, K.D., Field, A.E., & Rimm, E.B. (2014). Food addiction scale measurement in 2 cohorts of middle-aged and older women. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 99, 578-586.
32. Iwamoto, D.K., Corbin, W.R., Takamatsu, S., & Castellanos, J. (2014). College men and alcohol use: Positive alcohol expectancies as a mediator between distinct masculine norms and alcohol use. Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 15, 29-39.
33. Ray, A.E., Kim, S-Y., White, H.R., Larimer, M.E., Mun, E.Y., Clarke, N., Jiao, Y., Atkins, D.C., Huh, D., & the Project INTEGRATE team (2014). When less is more and more is less in brief motivational interventions: Characteristics of intervention content and their associations with drinking outcomes. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 28, 1026-1040.
34. *Scott, C.S., & Corbin, W.R. (2014). Influence of sensation seeking on response to alcohol versus placebo: Implications for the Acquired Preparedness Model. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 75, 136-144.
35. Gearhardt, A.N., Roberto, C.A., Seamans, B.A., Corbin, W.R., & Brownell, K.D. (2013). Preliminary validation of the Yale Food Addiction Scale for Children. Eating Behaviors, 14, 508-512.
36. Leeman, R.F., Corbin, W.R., Fucito, L.M., Urwin, J.W., & O’Malley, S.S. (2013). Predictors of interest in an alcohol reduction clinical trial of naltrexone among undergraduates. Journal of Addiction Research and Therapy, 4(151). doi: 10.4172/2155-6105.1000151.
37. Leeman, R.F., Corbin, W.R., Nogueira, C., Krishnan-Sarin, S., Potenza, M.N., & O’Malley, S.S. (2013). A human alcohol self-administration paradigm to model impaired control over alcohol use. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 21, 303-314.
38. DeMartini, K.S., Palmer, R.S., Leeman, R.F., Corbin, W.R., Toll, B.A., Fucito, L.M., & O’Malley, S.S. (2013). Drinking less and drinking smarter: Direct and indirect protective strategies in young adults. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 27, 615-626.
39. *Morean, M.E., Corbin, W.R., & Treat, T.A. (2013). The Subjective Effects of Alcohol Scale: Development and psychometric evaluation of a novel assessment tool for measuring subjective response to alcohol. Psychological Assessment, 25, 780-795.
40. Corbin, W.R., Farmer, N.M., & Nolen-Hoeksema, S. (2013). Relations among stress, coping strategies, coping motives, alcohol consumption and related problems: A mediated moderation model. Addictive Behaviors, 38, 1912-1919.
41. Corbin, W.R., Scott, C.S., Leeman, R.F., Fucito, L.M., Toll, B.A., & O'Malley, S.S. (2013). Early subjective response and acquired tolerance as predictors of alcohol use and related problems in a clinical sample. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 37, 490-497.
42. *Morean, M.E., Corbin, W.R., & Treat, T.A. (2012). The Anticipated Effects of Alcohol Scale: Development and psychometric evaluation of a novel assessment tool for measuring alcohol expectancies. Psychological Assessment, 24, 1008-1023.
43. *Gearhardt, A.N., Treat, T.A., Hollingworth, A., & Corbin, W.R. (2012). The relation between eating-related individual differences and visual attention to foods high in added fat and sugar. Eating Behaviors, 13, 371-374.
44. *Morean, M.E., Corbin, W.R., & Fromme, K. (2012). Age of first use and delay to first intoxication in relation to trajectories of heavy drinking and alcohol-related problems during emerging adulthood. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 36, 1991-1999.
45. Peters, E.N., Leeman, R.F., Fucito, L.M., Toll, B.A., Corbin, W.R., & O'Malley, S.S. (2012). Co-occurring marijuana use is associated with medication nonadherence and nonplanning impulsivity in young adult heavy drinkers. Addictive Behaviors, 37, 420-426.
46. Plebani, J.G., Ray, L.A., Morean, M.E., Corbin, W.R., MacKillop, J., Amlung, M., & King, A.C. (2012). Human laboratory paradigms in alcohol research. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 36, 972-983.
47. Corbin, W.R., Iwamoto, D.K., & Fromme, K. (2011). A comprehensive longitudinal test of the Acquired Preparedness Model for alcohol use and related problems. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 72, 602-610.
48. *Crum, A.J., Corbin, W.R., & Brownell, K.D., & Salovey, P. (2011). Mind over milkshakes: Mindsets not just nutrients determine ghrelin response. Health Psychology, 30, 424-429.
49. *Gearhardt, A.N. & Corbin, W.R. (2011). The role of food addiction in clinical research. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 17, 1140-1142.
50. *Gearhardt, A.N., Yokum, S., Orr, P.T., Stice, E., Corbin, W.R., & Brownell, K.D. (2011). Neural correlates of food addiction. Archives of General Psychiatry, 68, 808-816.
51. *Hatzenbuehler, M.L., Corbin, W.R., & Fromme, K. (2011). Discrimination and alcohol-related problems among college students: A prospective examination of mediating effects. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 115, 213-220.
52. Corbin, W.R., Iwamoto, D.K., & Fromme, K. (2011). Broad social motives, alcohol use, and related problems: Mechanisms of risk from high school to college. Addictive Behaviors, 36, 222-230.
53. *Cronce, J.M. & Corbin, W.R. (2010). Effects of alcohol and initial gambling outcomes on within-session gambling behavior. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 18, 145-157.
54. Iwamoto, D.K., Corbin, W.R., & Fromme, K. (2010). Trajectory classes of heavy episodic drinking among Asian American college students. Addiction, 105, 1912-1920.
55. *Morean, M.E. & Corbin, W.R. (2010). Subjective response to alcohol: A critical review of the literature. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 34, 385-395.
56. Palmer, R.S., Corbin, W.R., & Cronce, J.M. (2010). Protective strategies: A mediator of risk associated with age of drinking onset. Addictive Behaviors, 35, 486-491.
57. *Gearhardt, A.N., Corbin, W.R. (2009). Body mass index and alcohol consumption: Family history of alcoholism as a moderator. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 23, 216-225.
58. *Gearhardt, A., Corbin, W.R., & Brownell, K.D. (2009). Food addiction: An examination of the diagnostic criteria for dependence. Journal of Addiction Medicine, 3, 1-7.
59. *Gearhardt, A.N., Corbin, W.R., & Brownell, K.D. (2009). Preliminary validation of the Yale Food Addiction Scale. Appetite, 52, 430-436.
60. Leeman, R.F., Corbin, W.R., & Fromme, K. (2009). Craving predicts within session drinking behavior following placebo. Personality and Individual Differences, 46, 693-698.
61. *Morean, M.E., Corbin, W.R., Sinha, R., & O’Malley, S.S. (2009). Parental history of anxiety as a moderator of the relationship between alcohol expectancies and alcohol-related problems. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Other Drugs, 70, 227-236.
62. Vaughan, E.L., Corbin, W.R., & Fromme, K. (2009). Academic and social motives and drinking behavior. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 23, 564-576.
63. Fromme, K., Corbin, W.R., & Kruse, M.I. (2008). Behavioral risks during the transition from high school to college. Developmental Psychology, 44, 1497-1504.
64. Leeman, R.F., Palmer, R.S., Corbin, W.R., Romano, D.M., Meandzija, B., & O’Malley, S.S. (2008). A pilot study of naltrexone and BASICS for heavy drinking young adults. Addictive Behaviors, 33, 1048-1054.
65. *Morean, M.E. & Corbin, W.R. (2008). Subjective alcohol effects and drinking behavior: The relative influence of early response and acquired tolerance. Addictive Behaviors, 33 1306-1313.
66. Corbin, W. R., Gearhardt, A., & Fromme, K. (2008). Stimulant alcohol effects prime within session drinking behavior. Psychopharmacology, 197, 327-337.
67. Corbin, W. R., Morean, M., & Benedict, D. (2008). The Positive Drinking Consequences Questionnaire (PDCQ): Validation of a new assessment tool. Addictive Behaviors, 33, 54-68.
68. Corbin, W. R., Vaughan, E. L., & Fromme, K. (2008). Ethnic differences and the closing of the gender gap in alcohol use among college bound students. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 22, 240-248.
69. *Hatzenbuehler, M., Corbin, W. R., & Fromme, K. (2008). Trajectories of alcohol use among sexual minority young adults and their heterosexual peers: Results from a prospective study. Developmental Psychology, 44, 81-90.
70. *Cronce, J. M., Corbin, W. R., Steinberg, M. A., & Potenza, M. N. (2007). Self-perception of gambling problems among adolescents identified as at-risk or problem gamblers. Journal of Gambling Studies, 23, 363-375.
71. Corbin, W. R. & Cronce, J. M. (2007). Alcohol effects on behavioral control: The impact of likelihood and magnitude of negative consequences. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 31, 955-964.
72. Neal, D. J., Corbin, W. R., & Fromme, K. (2006). Measurement of alcohol-related consequences among high school and college students: Application of item-response models to the Rutgers Alcohol Problem Index. Psychological Assessment, 18, 402-414.
73. Neal, D. J., Fromme, K., Del Boca, F. K., Parks, K. A. King, L. P., Pardi, A. M., Collins, R. L., Muraven, M., Vetter, C., & Corbin, W. R. (2006). Capturing the moment: Innovative approaches to daily alcohol assessment. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 30, 282-291.
74. Corbin, W. R., Fromme, K., & Bergeson, S. (2006). Preliminary data on the association between the serotonin transporter polymorphism, subjective alcohol experiences and drinking behavior. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 67, 5-13.
75. Fromme, K., de Wit, H., Hutchinson, K.E., Ray, L., Corbin, W. R., Cook, T. A., Wall, T. L., & Goldman, D. (2004). Biological and behavioral markers of alcohol sensitivity. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 28, 247-256.
76. Fromme, K. & Corbin, W. R. (2004). Prevention of heavy drinking and associated negative consequences among mandated and voluntary college students. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 72, 1038-1049.
77. Barnett, N. P., O'Leary Tevyaw, T., Fromme, K., Borsari, B., Carey, K. B., Corbin, W.R., Colby, S. M., Monti, P. M. (2004). Brief alcohol interventions with mandated or adjudicated college students. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 28, 966-975.
78. Wiers, R. W., Wood, M. D., Darkes, J., Corbin, W. R., Jones, B. T., & Sher, K. J. (2003). Changing expectancies: Cognitive mechanisms and context effects. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 27, 186-197.
79. Corbin, W. R. & Fromme, K. (2002). Alcohol use and serial monogamy as risks for sexually transmitted diseases in young adults. Health Psychology, 21, 229-236.
80. Luscher, K., Corbin, W. R., Bernat, J., Calhoun, K. S. & McNair, L. D. (2002). Predictors of graduate student attitudes toward prescription privileges for psychologists. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 58, 783-792.
81. Corbin, W. R., Bernat, J. A., Calhoun, K. S., McNair, L. D., & Seals, K. L. (2001). The role of alcohol expectancies and alcohol consumption among sexually victimized and nonvictimized college women. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 16, 297-311.
82. Corbin, W. R., McNair, L. D., & Carter, J. A. (2001). Evaluation of a treatment-appropriate cognitive intervention for challenging alcohol outcome expectancies. Addictive Behaviors, 26, 475-488.
83. Jones, B., Corbin, W. R., & Fromme, K. (2001). A review of expectancy theory and alcohol consumption. Addiction, 96, 57-72.
84. Carter, J.A., McNair, L. D., Corbin, W. R., & Williams, M. (1999). Gender differences related to heterosexual condom use: The influence of negotiation styles. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 25, 217-225.
85. Carter, J.A., McNair, L. D., Corbin, W. R. & Black, D. (1998). Effects of priming positive and negative outcomes on drinking responses. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 6, 399-405.
86. Corbin, W. R., Corbin C. B., Pangrazi, R. P., Petersen, G., & Pangrazi, D. (1997). Self-esteem profiles: A comparison of children above and below national criteria for body fatness. The Physical Educator, 54, 47-56.
87. Corbin, W. R., McNair, L. D., & Carter, J. A. (1996). Self-esteem and problem drinking among male and female college students. Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education, 42, 1-14.
- Chassin,Laurie*, Aiken,Leona S, Atkinson,Robert Kenneth, Ayers,Tim S, Berkel,Cady, Bitner,M J, Chen,Angela Chia-Chen, Corbin,William Robert, Crnic,Keith Alan, Dishion,Thomas, Doane,Leah D., Gonzales,Nancy A, Granger,Douglas, Grimm,Kevin John, Jager,Justin, Johnson,William G, Knight,George P, Lemery,Kathryn Sue, Luecken,Linda J, Luthar,Suniya, Mackinnon,David Peter, Mauricio,Anne Marie, Meier,Madeline, Newfeld,Stuart J, Ostrom,Amy, Perez La Mar,Marisol, Peterson,Suzanne Joanna, Pina,Armando A, Riley,William, Rivera,Daniel E, Sandler,Irwin Noah, Suk,Hye Won, Tein,Jenn-Yun, Umana-Taylor,Adriana J, West,Stephen G, Winslow,Emily Beth, Wolchik,Sharlene, Zhang,Zhen. Research training in drug abuseHIV prevention: closing the research-practice gap. HHS-NIH-NIDA(7/1/2015 - 6/30/2020).
- Corbin,William Robert*, Mackinnon,David Peter. Promotive and Protective Factors for Alcohol Use and Problems in Emerging Adults. HHS-NIH-NIAAA(9/5/2013 - 8/31/2016).
- Corbin,William Robert*. Contextual Influences on Alcohol Response and its Relation to Drinking Outcomes. HHS-NIH-NIAAA(7/15/2013 - 6/30/2018).
- Corbin,William Robert*. Genetic Mechanisms of Change in Trajectories of Drinking and Deviant Behaviors. UTAustin(9/20/2012 - 6/30/2017).
- Corbin,William Robert*. Effects of Alcohol and Prior Gambling Outcomes on Gambling Behavior. HHS-NIH-NIAAA(7/15/2009 - 8/31/2011).
- Corbin,William Robert*. Naltrexone for Heavy Drinking in Young Adults: A Double-Blind Placebo Controlled Trial. YALE UNIV(7/1/2009 - 8/31/2012).
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PSY 599 | Thesis |
PSY 497 | Honors Colloquium |
PSY 792 | Research |
PSY 592 | Research |
PSY 598 | Special Topics |
2024 Fall
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NEU 493 | Honors Thesis |
PSY 493 | Honors Thesis |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PSY 799 | Dissertation |
PSY 792 | Research |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PSY 599 | Thesis |
PSY 497 | Honors Colloquium |
PSY 799 | Dissertation |
PSY 492 | Honors Directed Study |
PSY 493 | Honors Thesis |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
PSY 492 | Honors Directed Study |
PSY 493 | Honors Thesis |
PSY 497 | Honors Colloquium |
PSY 792 | Research |
PSY 799 | Dissertation |
PSY 599 | Thesis |
PSY 502 | Professional Issues in Psych |
NEU 492 | Honors Directed Study |
NEU 493 | Honors Thesis |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PSY 592 | Research |
PSY 792 | Research |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PSY 599 | Thesis |
PSY 497 | Honors Colloquium |
PSY 792 | Research |
PSY 799 | Dissertation |
PSY 492 | Honors Directed Study |
PSY 493 | Honors Thesis |
PSY 592 | Research |
PSY 600 | Research Methods |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
PSY 792 | Research |
PSY 799 | Dissertation |
PSY 592 | Research |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PSY 599 | Thesis |
PSY 792 | Research |
PSY 799 | Dissertation |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
PSY 492 | Honors Directed Study |
PSY 493 | Honors Thesis |
PSY 497 | Honors Colloquium |
PSY 792 | Research |
PSY 799 | Dissertation |
PSY 502 | Professional Issues in Psych |
PSY 599 | Thesis |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PSY 792 | Research |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PSY 497 | Honors Colloquium |
PSY 784 | Internship |
PSY 792 | Research |
PSY 799 | Dissertation |
PSY 492 | Honors Directed Study |
PSY 493 | Honors Thesis |
PSY 592 | Research |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
PSY 492 | Honors Directed Study |
PSY 493 | Honors Thesis |
PSY 497 | Honors Colloquium |
PSY 784 | Internship |
PSY 792 | Research |
PSY 799 | Dissertation |
PSY 592 | Research |
PSY 502 | Professional Issues in Psych |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PSY 784 | Internship |
PSY 784 | Internship |
PSY 792 | Research |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PSY 497 | Honors Colloquium |
PSY 784 | Internship |
PSY 792 | Research |
PSY 799 | Dissertation |
PSY 492 | Honors Directed Study |
PSY 493 | Honors Thesis |
PSY 600 | Research Methods |
- Iwamoto, D.K., Corbin, W.R., & Fromme, K. A longitudinal test of acquired preparedness model. NIDA Conference on Drug Abuse at the APA Annual Convention (Aug 2010).
- Corbin, W.R. Stress/Trauma and Drinking. Paper Session at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, San Antonio, TX (Jun 2010).
- Corbin, W., Morean, M., Pittman, B., Schweinsburg, A., Krishnan-Sarin, S., Petrakis, I., Pearlson, G., Krystal, J., & O’Malley, S. Alcohol expectancies and self-control interact in the prediction of drinking and related problems. 33rd Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, San Antonio, TX (Jun 2010).
- Gearhardt, A. & Corbin, W.R. Evidence for incentive sensitization in heavy drinking young adults. 33rd Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, San Antonio, TX (Jun 2010).
- Leeman, R.F., Corbin, W.R., Toll, B.A., Joy, S., & O'Malley, S.S. Congruence between self-reported alcohol use on web-based daily assessments in comparison with timeline followback interviews. 33rd Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, San Antonio, TX (Jun 2010).
- Zalewski, S.C. & Corbin, W.R. The roles of relationship status and sexual activity in college students’ heavy episodic drinking. 22nd Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, Boston, MA (May 2010).
- Cronce, J.M., & Corbin, W.R. Effects of alcohol and initial gambling outcomes on within-session gambling behavior. 33rd annual convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New York (Nov 2009).
- Gearhardt, A.N., & Corbin, W.R. The role of self-identification in "Food Addiction. 43rd annual convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New York (Nov 2009).
- Morean, M.E., & Corbin, W.R. Are sedative alcohol effects reinforcing for individuals high in anxiety?. 32nd annual meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, San Diego, CA (Jun 2009).
- Fromme, K., Corbin, W.R., & Neal, D.J. Drinking and driving after drinking from high school through college. 32nd annual meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, San Diego, CA (Jun 2009).
- Iwamoto, D.K., Corbin, W.R., & Fromme, K. Heavy episodic drinking trajectory classes among Asian American college students. NIDA Workgroup Meeting on Substance Use in Asian American Populations (May 2009).
- Vaughan, E.L, Corbin, W.R., & Fromme, K. Academic and social motives/behaviors and alcohol use: differences by gender. 17th annual meeting of the Society for Prevention Research, Washington, D.C (May 2009).
- Gearhardt, Ashley, Corbin, William, Brownell, Kelly. A preliminary validation of the Yale Food Addiction Scale. 31st Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism (Jul 2008).
Board of Directors of the Council of University Directors of Clinical Psychology
Assistant Field Editor of the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
Board of Directors of the Research Society on Alcoholism
Program Co-Chair for the 2015 Research Society on Alcoholism annual conference
ASU Faculty Research Award from the College of Liberal Arts ($25,000)
Editorial Board of the Journal of Abnormal Psychology
APA Division 50 delegate to the Education Leadership Conference
Ad-hoc Reviewer for NIAAA Special Emphasis Panels
Editorial Board of Addictive Behaviors
Member of the Education Committee of APA Division 50
Editorial Board of the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
Nominated for Yale’s Graduate Mentor Award by graduate students (twice)
Junior Faculty Fellowship (from Yale University)
Postdoctoral representative to NIAAA Training Conference – University of Texas at Austin
Boardman Award Winner - University of Georgia
Graduate Teaching Award – University of Georgia
National Student Research Award – Research Society on Alcoholism
Student Travel Award – Research Society on Alcoholism (1998 & 2000)
Intern Scientist Practitioner Award – Medical University of South Carolina
University of Georgia Teaching Assistantship
Distinguished Honors on predoctoral qualifying exams, University of Georgia
Phi Kappa Psi National Honor Society, University of Georgia
Psi Chi National Honor Society, Arizona State University
Dean’s List, Arizona State University
Assistant Field Editor Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
Editorial Board: Addictive Behaviors (2013-2017)
Journal of Abnormal Psychology (2014-Present)
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Other Drugs (2006-2010)
American Psychological Association
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
Association of Psychological Science
Research Society on Alcoholism
Current Graduate Students
Kyle Menary (5th year)
Anna Papova (3rd year)
Jessica Hartman (2nd year)
Alex Curlee (4th year)
Amanda Bruening (4th year)
Former Graduate Students
Jessica Cronce
Current Position: Assistant Professor, University of Oregon, Counseling Psychology and Human Services
Meghan Morean
Current Position: Assistant Professor at Oberlin College
Ashley Gearhardt
Current Position: Associate Professor, University of Michigan
Suzanne Zalewski
Provider Relations Specialist at United Healthcare
Stephen Boyd
Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow at the Oregon Health & Science University
Caitlin Scott
Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow at the Southwest Consortium/New Mexico VAHC
Undergraduate Honor’s Thesis Students
Jaclyn Stack (2017)
Jessica Canning (2016)
Elizabeth Perry (2015)
Jessica Hartman (2014)
Jonathan Gates (2014)
Thai Ong (2014)
Brittany Beltz (2010)
Elizabeth Clark-Polner (2009)
Brittany Kelso (2009)
Meredith Maynard (2008)
Scott Klebanoff (2007)
Ruben Rhoades (2007)
Sheila Zingler (2007)
Jose Minan (2006)
Adele Sweetnam (2006)
Damon Benedict (2006)
Lauren Doline (2005)
Erin Vandenberg (2005)
Jesse Markman (2004)
Sofia Jensen (2004)
Derrick McBride (2004)
Jamel Melville (2004)
Shannette Porter (2003)
Sabrina Sanchez (2003)
Elizabeth Wolfe (2003)
Chandra King (2003)
Jennifer Boury (2003)
Jason Roth (2002)
Postdoctoral and other Professional Advisees
Dr. Derek Iwamoto (2008-2010)
Current Position: Assistant Professor in Counseling Psychology, University of Maryland, College Park
Dr. Ellen Vaughan (2006-2008)
Current Position: Associate Professor in Counseling Psychology, University of Indiana, Bloomington
Dr. Robert Leeman (2005-2007)
Current Position: Associate Professor, Center for Addiction Research & Education, University of Florida
Dr. Julie Patock-Peckham (2013-present)
Current Position: Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Arizona State University
University and Departmental Service
2013 – Present Project ASSIST-C Committee
2013 – 2014 Phoenix Area High School Psychology “Lab Crawl” Presenter
2013 – Present Clinical Training Committee
2012 – 2013 Chair of the Clinical Internship Committee
2011 – Present Director of Clinical Training
2011 – Present Graduate Studies Committee
2011 – Present Placement and Clinic Policy Committee
2011 Departmental Tenure Committee
2009 & 2011-Present Graduate Admissions Committee (Chair in 2013-2014)
2006 – 2009 Graduate Requirements Committee
2006 – 2009 Yale Health Plan Advisory Committee
2005 – 2009 Director of Clinical Training
2005 – 2006 Yale Alcohol Policy Committee
2005 APA Dissertation Fellowship Committee
2004 – Present CTNA Clinical Core Assessment Committee
2003-2005 Yale College Readmissions Committee
2004 Subject Pool Expansion Committee
2003-2004 Coordinator of the Clinical Lunch Seminar
2003-2004 Coordinator of Graduate Admissions in the Clinical Area
2003-2004 Coordinator of Graduate Student Recruitment Visits
2003 Planning and Space Committee for the Clinical Area
National Service
2016 – Present Standing Member of the NIH Addiction Risks and Mechanisms Study Section
2016 – Present Member of the Board of Directors of the Council of University Directors of Clinical Psychology
2015 – Present Member of the Board of Directors of the Research Society on Alcoholism
2014 – 2015 Program Co-Chair for Research Society on Alcoholism annual conference
2013 – 2015 NIH Ad-Hoc Reviewer for special emphasis panels (ZRG1 BBBP-V (03) M; ZRG1 BBBP-X (03) M; ZRG1 BBBP-X (04) M; ZAA1 DD (01) 1; ZAA1 DD (02); ZAA1 DD (02) 1)
2012 – Present APA Division 50 Education and Training Committee
2009 – 2010 Research Society on Alcoholism Program Committee
2006 – Present Association for the Advancement of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy
Member of the Research Agenda Committee
2005 – 2009 Academy of Psychological Clinical Science
Program Application Reviewer
2004 – Present Council of Directors of Clinical Psychology Programs - Yale Representative