Kathleen Pigg
Fax: 480 965 6899
LSE 744; 155 Alameda Building 734 W Alameda Drive Arizona State University PO Box 4108 Tempe, AZ 85287-4108
Mail code: 4501Campus: Tempe
Kathleen B. Pigg is a paleobotanist who studies fossil plants, primarily from western North America that are closely related to modern plants of North America and often Asia. She studies fossilized fruits, seeds, flowers and leaves and compares them with their modern relatives to learn how they have changed in their morphological features through time.
In addition to identifying the evolutionary relationships between modern and fossil forms, the structures can also provide hints about processes that were occurring that leave telltale structures. For example, plants from the rose family often hybridize today, resulting in progeny that have intermediate leaf shapes and distinctive types of disrupted vein patterns. Documentation of similar leaves in 50 million year old fossils suggest that the process of hybridization was occurring then as well.
Professor Pigg’s research group is studying fossil plants from northeastern Washington, found in an area that was at a higher elevation than other coastal areas during the warmest Eocene times. Instead of fossil palm trees that grew on coastal areas these fossils are early examples of temperate plants such as maples, birches and the rose family. Studying the fossil record of plants that faced major climate change in the past can help us understand similar processes occurring today.
- Ph.D. The Ohio State University 1988 Botany
- M.S. The Ohio Univeristy 1982 Botany
- B.S. The Ohio University 1980 Botany
- Shawnee State Community College 1975-1977
DeVore, ML, A Nyandwi, W Eckardt, Elias Bizuru, Myriam Mujawamariya, KB Pigg 2020 Urticaceae leaves with stinging trichomes were already present in latest early Eocene Okanogan Highlands, British Columbia, Canada. American Journal of Botany in press.
Pigg, KB 2020 Reflections on Gar Rothwell's influence on his students, colleagues and the world of plant biology. International Journal of Plant Biology 181(6)::557-563.
Flynn, S, ML DeVore, and KB Pigg. 2019. Morphological features of sumac leaves (Rhus, Anacardiaceae), from the latest Early Eocene flora of Republic, Washington, USA. International Journal of Plant Sciences 180 (6): 464-478.
Manchester, SR, KB Pigg, Z Kvaček, ML DeVore, and RM Dillhoff. 2018. Newly recognized diversity in Trochodendraceae from the Eocene of western North America. International Journal of Plant Sciences 179 (8): 663-676.
Manchester, SR, KB Pigg and ML DeVore 2018. Trochodendraceous fruits and foliage in the late Miocene western North America. Special Volume dedicated to Professor Zlatko Kvaĉek, Fossil Imprint (Prague) 74 (1-2): 45-54.
Pigg, KB, FA Bryan, and ML DeVore. 2018. Paleoallium billgenseli gen. et sp. nov.: fossil monocot bulbs from the latest early Eocene Republic flora, northeastern Washington State, USA. International Journal of Plant Sciences 179 (6): 477-486.
Pigg, KB, ML DeVore. 2016. A review of the plants of the Princeton chert (Eocene, British Columbia, Canada). Botany 94: 661-681.
Greenwood, DR, KB Pigg, ML DeVore. 2016. Eocene paleontology and geology of western North America. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 53: 543-547.
Greenwood, DR, KB Pigg, JF Basinger, and ML DeVore. 2016. A review of paleobotanical studies of the early Eocene Okanagan (Okanogan) Highlands floras of British Columbia, Canada and Washington, USA. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 53: 548-564.
DeVore, ML, and KB Pigg. 2016. Biotic processes in the Okanagan Highlands floras: possible evidence of hybridization in plants adapting to a temperate forest. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 53: 622-629. Ickert-Bond, SM, KB Pigg and ML DeVore 2015 Paleoochna tiffneyi gen. et sp. nov. (Ochnaceae) from the late Paleocene Almont/Beicegel Creek flora, North Dakota, USA. International Journal of Plant Sciences 176: 892-900.
DeVore, ML, W Taylor, and KB Pigg. 2015 Nuphar carlquistii sp. nov., (Nymphaeaceae): A water lily from the latest early Eocene, Republic, Washington, USA. International Journal of Plant Sciences 176: 365-377.
Nishida H, KB Pigg, K Kudo, and JF Rigby 2014 New evidence of the reproductive organs of Glossopteris based on permineralized fossils from Queensland, Australia. II: Pollen-bearing organ Ediea gen. nov. JPR Symposium: Palaeobotany: Old but new stories on plant diversity. Journal of Plant Research 127: 233-240. DOI 10.1007/s10265-013-0601-3.
Dillhoff, RM, TA Dillhoff, DR Greenwood, ML DeVore, and KB Pigg. 2013. The Eocene Thomas Ranch flora, Allenby Formation, Princeton, British Columbia, Canada. Botany 91:514-529.
DeVore, ML, and KB Pigg 2013. Paleobotanical evidence for the origins of temperate hardwoods in: Special Issue: Conceptual Advances in Fossil Plant Biology Edited by G Rothwell and R Stockey, eds. International Journal of Plant Sciences 174: 592-601.
Zetter R, MJ Farabee, KB Pigg, SR Manchester, ML DeVore and MD Nowak. 2011. Palynoflora of the late Paleocene silicified shale at Almont, North Dakota, USA. Palynology 2011: 1-33. DOI :10.1080/01916122.2010.50164
Benedict, JC, ML DeVore, and KB Pigg. 2011 Prunus and Oemleria (Rosaceae) flowers from the late early Eocene Republic flora of northeastern Washington state, USA. International Journal of Plant Sciences 172: 948-958.
Collinson, ME, ML DeVore, and KB Pigg. 2010. Paleogene floras and global change events: Introduction. Bulletin of Geosciences 85(1): 61-62
DeVore, ML, and KB Pigg. 2010. Floristic composition and transitions of middle Eocene to late Eocene and Oligocene floras in North America. In: Collinson, ME, KB Pigg, and ML DeVore. Northern Hemisphere Paleogene floras and global change events. Bulletin of Geosciences 85 (1): 111-134, published online 2009: doi 10.3140/bull.geosci.1135
Gensel, PG, and KB Pigg. 2010. An arborescent lycopsid from the Lower Carboniferous Price Formation, southwestern Virginia, USA and the problem of species delimitation. International Journal of Coal Geology, 83: 132-145; published online 2009: doi:10.1016/j.coal.2009.11.005
Graham, LE, ME Cook, DT Hanson, KB Pigg & JM Graham. 2010a. Structural, physiological, and stable carbon isotopic evidence that the enigmatic Paleozoic fossil Prototaxites formed from rolled liverwort mats. American Journal of Botany 97(2):1-9, doi:10/3732/ajb.0900322.
Graham, LE, ME Cook, DT Hanson, KB Pigg, and JM Graham. 2010b. Rolled liverwort mats explain major Prototaxites features: Response to Commentaries. American Journal of Botany 97(7): 1079-1086. doi 10.3732/ajb.1000172
Pigg, KB, and ML DeVore. 2010. Floristic composition and transitions of late Paleocene to early Eocene floras in North America. In: Collinson, ME, KB Pigg, and ML DeVore. Northern Hemisphere Paleogene floras and global change events. Bulletin of Geosciences 85: 135-154.
Pigg, KB, ML DeVore and MF Wojciechowski. 2008. Paleosecuridaca curtisii gen. et sp. nov., Securidaca-like samaras (Polygalaceae) from the late Paleocene of North Dakota, USA and their significance to the divergence of families within the Fabales. International Journal of Plant Sciences 169: 1304-1313.
Manchester, SR, and KB Pigg. 2008. The mystery flower of McAbee, British Columbia. Botany (formerly Canadian Journal of Botany) 86: 1034-1038.
Pigg, KB, SR Manchester, and ML DeVore. 2008. Fruits of Icacinaceae from the late Paleocene of western North America. American Journal of Botany 95: 824-832.
Benedict, JC, KB Pigg and ML DeVore. 2008. Hamawilsonia boglei gen. et sp. nov. (Hamamelidaceae) from the late Paleocene Almont flora of central North Dakota, USA. International Journal of Plant Sciences 169: 687-700.
DeVore ML and KB Pigg. 2007. A brief review of the fossil history of the family Rosaceae with a focus on the Eocene Okanogan Highlands of eastern Washington State, USA, and British Columbia, Canada. Plant Systematics & Evolution 266: 45-57.
Ickert-Bond SM, KB Pigg, and J Wen. 2007. Comparative infructescence morphology in Altingia Noronha and discordance between morphological and molecular rates of evolution. American Journal of Botany 94: 1094-1115.
Nishida H, KB Pigg, K Kudo, and JF Rigby. 2007. New evidence of reproductive organs of Glossopteris based on permineralized fossils from Queensland, Australia. I. Ovulate organ Homevaleia gen. nov. Journal of Plant Research 120: 539-549.
Pigg KB, and ML DeVore. 2007. East meets West: the contrasting contributions of David L. Dilcher and Jack A. Wolfe to Eocene systematic paleobotany in North America, in D. M. Jarzen, G. Retallack, S. Jarzen and S. R. Manchester, eds. Advances in Mesozoic and Cenozoic Paleobotany, Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 258: 85-94.
Pigg, KB, RM Dillhoff, ML DeVore, and WC Wehr. 2007. New diversity among the Trochodendraceae from the Early/Middle Eocene Okanogan Highlands of British Columbia, Canada and northeastern Washington State, USA International Journal of Plant Sciences 168: 521-532.
DeVore ML, P Kenrick, KB Pigg, and RA Ketcham. 2006. Utility of high-resolution X-ray computed tomography (HRXCT) for paleobotanical studies: an example using London Clay fruits and seeds. American Journal of Botany 93: 1848-1851.
Pigg KB, ML DeVore and WC Wehr. 2006. Filicalean ferns from the Tertiary of western North America: Osmunda L. (Osmundaceae: Pteridophyta), Woodwardia Sm. (Blechnaceae: Pteridophyta), and onocleoid ferns (Filicales: Pteridophyta). Fern Gazette 17: 279-286.
Pigg KB, and H Nishida. 2006. The significance of silicified plant remains to the understanding of Glossopteris-bearing plants. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 143: 46-61.
Taylor W, ML DeVore, and KB Pigg. 2006. Susiea newsalemae, gen. et sp. nov., (Nymphaeaceae): Euryale-like seeds from the Late Paleocene Almont flora, North Dakota, USA. International Journal of Plant Sciences 167: 1271-1278.
Pigg, KB, and ML DeVore. 2005. Paleoactaea gen. nov. (Ranunculaceae) from the Paleogene of North Dakota and the London Clay. American Journal of Botany 92: 1650-1659.
Ickert-Bond, SM, KB Pigg, and J Wen. 2005. Comparative infructescence morphology in Liquidambar L. (Altingiaceae) and its evolutionary significance. American Journal of Botany 92: 1234-1255.
Pigg, KB, and ML DeVore. 2005. Shirleya grahamae gen. et sp. nov. (Lythraceae), Lagerstroemia-like fruits from the middle Miocene Yakima Canyon flora, central Washington state, USA. American Journal of Botany 92: 77-107. [
Radtke, MG, KB Pigg, and WC Wehr. 2005. Fossil Corylopsis and Fothergilla leaves (Hamamelidaceae) from the lower-middle Eocene flora of Republic, Washington, USA and their evolutionary and biogeographic significance. International Journal of Plant Sciences 166: 347-356.
DeVore, ML, KB Pigg, and WC Wehr. 2005. Systematics and phytogeography of selected Okanagan Highlands plants. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 42: 205-214.
DeVore, ML, SM Moore, KB Pigg, and WC Wehr. 2004. Fossil Neviusia leaves (Rosaceae: Kerriae) from the lower-middle Eocene of southern British Columbia. Rhodora 106: 197-209.
Manchester, SR, KB Pigg, and PR Crane. 2004. Palaeocarpinus dakotensis sp. nov. (Betulaceae: Coryloideae) and associated staminate catkins, pollen and leaves from the Paleocene of North Dakota. International Journal of Plant Sciences 165: 1135-1148.
Nishida, H, KB Pigg, K Kudo, and J Rigby. 2004. Zooidogamy of the late Permian Glossopteris. Journal of Plant Research 117: 323-328.
Pigg, KB, SM Ickert-Bond, and J Wen. 2004. Anatomically preserved Liquidambar (Altingiaceae) from the middle Miocene of Yakima Canyon, Washington state, USA, and its biogeographic implications. American Journal of Botany 91: 499-509
Pigg KB, SR Manchester, and WC Wehr. 2003. Corylus, Carpinus and Palaeocarpinus (Betulaceae) from the middle Eocene Klondike Mountain and Allenby Formations of northwestern North America. International Journal of Plant Sciences 164: 807-822.
Nishida H, KB Pigg and JF Rigby. 2003. Swimming sperm in an extinct Gondwanan plant. Nature 422: 396-397.
Pigg, KB 2001. Isoetalean lycopsid evolution: from the Devonian to the present. American Fern Journal 91: 99-114.
Pigg, KB, and GW Rothwell. 2001. Anatomically preserved Woodwardia virginica (Blechnaceae) and a new filicalean fern from the middle Miocene Yakima Canyon flora of central Washington, USA. American Journal of Botany 88: 777-787.
Pigg, KB, WC Wehr, and SM Ickert-Bond. 2001. Trochodendron and Nordenskioldia (Trochodendraceae) from the middle Eocene of Washington State, USA. International Journal of Plant Sciences 162: 1187-1198.
Nishida, H, KB Pigg, and ML DeVore. 2018. Glossopterid plant remains in permineralization: What do they tell us? Chapter 8, P. 145-154 in: M Krings, C Harper, NR Cúneo, and GW Rothwell eds., Transformative Paleobotany: Papers to Commemorate the Life and Legacy of Thomas N. Taylor. Elsevier.
Pigg, KB, and BH Tiffney. submitted 2017. The North American fossil record of Quercus. The fossil history of the genus Quercus: E Barrón López, J Postigo, T Utescher and others. In: E. Gil-Pelegrín, JJ Peguero-Pina, and D Sancho-Knapik, eds., Oaks Physiological Ecology. Exploring the Functional Diversity of the Genus Quercus. Springer-Verlag.
Barron, E, A Averyanova, Z Kvaĉek, A Momohara, KB Pigg, JM Postigo-Mijarra, BH Tiffney, T Utescher, and Zhe Kun Zhou. 2018. Chapter 3, p. 35-105. The fossil history of the genus Quercus: In: E. Gil-Pelegrín, JJ Peguero-Pina, and D Sancho-Knapik, eds. Oaks Physiological Ecology. Exploring the Functional Diversity of the Genus Quercus. Tree Physiology 7, Springer International Publishing, AG
DeVore, ML, KB Pigg, DL Dilcher and D Freile. 2014. Catahoulea grahamii gen. et sp. nov.: fagaceous involucres from the Oligocene Catahoula Formation, central Texas and the middle Eocene Claiborne Formation of Kentucky and Tennessee, USA. Chapter 3. p 41-50 in: Stevens, WD, OM Montiel and P Raven, (eds.) Paleobotany and biogeography A Festschrift for Alan Graham in his 80th year. Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis.:
Pigg, KB, ML DeVore, JC Benedict and RM Creekmore. 2014. Fruits of Melia (Melioideae: Meliaceae) from the middle Miocene Yakima Canyon flora of central Washington State, USA. Chapter 11, p. 327- 337 in: Stevens, WD, OM Montiel and P Raven, (eds.) Paleobotany and biogeography. A Festschrift for Alan Graham in his 80th year. Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis
Pigg, KB 2007. Katherine Esau. in New Dictionary of Scientific Biography, N. Koertge ed. vol 2: 413-416, MacMillan, New York.
Pigg, KB, ML DeVore & KE Volkman. 2011. Fossil plants from Republic: a guidebook. Stonerose Interpretive Center, Republic, Washington. Second printing June, 2014.
Pigg, KB. 2019 Obituary for Sidney Ash. International Organisation for Palaeobotany Newsletter.
Pigg, KB. 2019 Obituary for Sidney Ash. Botanical Society of America, Paleobotanical Section Newsletter.
Kapgate, SR Manchester, KB Pigg and WG Chaloner. 2013 Obituary for Shya Chitaley. International Organization for Paleobotany Newsletter.
Kapgate, SR Manchester, KB Pigg and WG Chaloner. 2013. Obituary for Shya Chitaley. Botanical Society of America, Paleobotanical Section Newsletter.
Pigg, KB 2009. Review of “Plants and the K-T Boundary” by Douglas Nichols and Kirk Johnson. The Quarterly Review of Biology 84 (3): 309.
Archibald, SB, KB Pigg, DR Greenwood, SR Manchester, L Barkesdale, KR Johnson, M Sternberg, RA Stockey, ML DeVore and GW Rothwell. 2005. Wes Wehr dedication. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 42: 115-117.
Pigg, KB, and WC Wehr. 2002. Tertiary flowers, fruits and seeds of Washington State and adjacent areas--Part III. Washington Geology 30: 3-20.
- Pigg, Kathleen B. 2018-2020 NSF: Digitization TCN: Collaborative Research: The Pteridological CollectionsConsortium: An integrative approach to pteridophyte diversity over the last 420 million years. $27,000. 8/1/2018-6/30/2021,
- Pigg, Kathleen B. 2007 NSF Office of International Science and Engineering (OISE) EAPSI (East Asia and Pacific Region Summer Institutes) Program for JAPAN: (Grant made to my PhD student John Benedict)
- Pigg,Kathleen Belle*. ANALYSIS OF GLOSSOPTERIS LEAF STRUCTURE & VEGETATIVE STEM AF. NSF(10/15/1990 - 9/30/1993).
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 499 | Individualized Instruction |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
BIO 498 | Pro-Seminar |
BIO 591 | Seminar |
PLB 591 | Seminar |
BIO 304 | Plants and Civilization |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
PLB 591 | Seminar |
BIO 591 | Seminar |
BIO 498 | Pro-Seminar |
BIO 498 | Pro-Seminar |
BIO 591 | Seminar |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 499 | Individualized Instruction |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
BIO 498 | Pro-Seminar |
BIO 591 | Seminar |
BIO 303 | Plant Diversity and Evolution |
BIO 598 | Special Topics |
PLB 591 | Seminar |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
PLB 591 | Seminar |
BIO 591 | Seminar |
BIO 498 | Pro-Seminar |
BIO 309 | Plant Anatomy |
BIO 309 | Plant Anatomy |
BIO 598 | Special Topics |
BIO 598 | Special Topics |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 499 | Individualized Instruction |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
BIO 498 | Pro-Seminar |
BIO 591 | Seminar |
BIO 304 | Plants and Civilization |
BIO 304 | Plants and Civilization |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
PLB 591 | Seminar |
BIO 591 | Seminar |
BIO 304 | Plants and Civilization |
BIO 304 | Plants and Civilization |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 499 | Individualized Instruction |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
BIO 498 | Pro-Seminar |
BIO 591 | Seminar |
BIO 303 | Plant Diversity and Evolution |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
PLB 591 | Seminar |
BIO 591 | Seminar |
BIO 498 | Pro-Seminar |
BIO 498 | Pro-Seminar |
BIO 591 | Seminar |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 499 | Individualized Instruction |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
BIO 304 | Plants and Civilization |
BIO 498 | Pro-Seminar |
BIO 591 | Seminar |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
2019 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
BIO 304 | Plants and Civilization |
BIO 498 | Pro-Seminar |
BIO 591 | Seminar |
BIO 303 | Plant Diversity and Evolution |
- Pigg KB., Greenwood, DR., Basinger, JF., and DeVore, ML. On some pivotal events and players in the history of paleobotanical studies of the early Eocene Okanagan Highland floras. 2014 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC Canada (Oct 2014).
- DeVore, ML, Pigg, KB. Biotic responses of Okanagan Highlands plants to disturbed habitats in a high elevation flora. 2014 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada (Oct 2014).
- Archibald, SB, Pigg, KB, Greenwood, DR and DeVore, ML Symposium organizers. Symposium T201. Eocene Northern North America: Biotic Change and Environmental Context. 2014 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada (Oct 2014).
- DeVore, ML, and KB Pigg. Invading high elevations and latitudes: how can we look at fossil floras and uncover strategies for occupying regions subjected to freezing?. IX European Paleobotany and Palynology Conference, Padova, Italy (Aug 2014).
- Manchester, SR, and KB Pigg. Mastixiaceae (Cornales) in the Cenozoic of Europe and North America. S22. Celebrating the legacies of Dieter H. Mai and Harald Walther: Cenozoic taxonomy, palaeoecology, and phytostratigraphy based on coordinated palaeobotanical investigations. IX European Paleobotany and Palynology Conference, Padova, Italy (Aug 2014).
- Benedict, JC,SY Smith, KB Pigg, and ML DeVore. Zingiberales Late Paleocene Zingiberales fossils from North Dakota, USA, and their evolutionary and biogeographic significance. IX European Paleobotany and Palynology Conference, Padova, Italy (Aug 2014).
- Pigg, KB and ML DeVore. 2014. Yakima Canyon reconsidered. In: The Miocene vegetation and environment of western North America, RM Dillhoff, C Stromberg, T Dillhoff and R Dunn, conveners. Abstract 334,. Botany 2014. Boise, ID (Jul 2014).
- Scott, B, J Stromberg and KB Pigg. A clarification of terminology for plants associated with rock habitats. Poster 798,. Botany 2014, Boise, ID (Jul 2014).
- Clark, L, and KB Pigg. Plant anatomy student projects online: a source of internal plant structure of plants of the desert Southwest and the cultivars of the Phoenix Metropolitan area. Poster 480,. Botany 2014, Boise, ID (Jul 2014).
- Ickert-Bond, S, J Metzgar, H Mori and KB Pigg. BACK: Biodiversity Assessment using Coal "Kugln" (Coal Balls). Poster 341,. Botany 2014, Boise ID (Jul 2014).
- Pigg, KB and ML DeVore. 25 reasons we come to Republic. Presentation to Friends of Stonerose and Eocene Fossil Site, Republic WA, June, 2014 (Jun 2014).
- Sternberg MF, ML DeVore, KB Pigg and SB Archibald. Stonerose Interpretive Center and Eocene Fossil Site: an integrative model at the crossroads of research, public outreach and community involvement. North American Paleontology Conference (NAPC), Gainesville, FL, Feb. 2014 (Feb 2014).
- DeVore, ML and KB Pigg. Can evolutionary mechanisms be detected in the fossil record? A case study from the Eocene Republic Flora. In:Macroevolutionary and macroecological trends. Annual Meeting of the Gelogical Society of America, Denver, CO (Oct 2013).
- DeVore ML, KB Pigg, EA Wheeler. The fossil record for Rosaceae and its value to divergence dating studies. In: The Critical Role of Plant Fossils in Divergence Dating Studies, Elizabeth J.Hermsen and Maria A. Gandolfo, conveners. Botany 2013, New Orleans LA (Jul 2013).
- Bryan, FA KB Pigg, and ML DeVore. Vivipary in the fossil record: a case in the Eocene Republic flora. Botany 2013, New Orleans LA (Jul 2013).
- DeVore, ML, W Taylor, and KB Pigg. Waterlilies from Republic: Nuphar (Nymphaeaceae) fossil remains. Botany 2013, New Orleans LA (Jul 2013).
- Wilson Taylor, Kathleen B. Pigg, Brian Axsmith, symposium organizers. The Devonian Period: a time of major plant diversification: a symposium in honor of Patricia G. Gensel and her contributions to paleobotany. Botany 2013, Botanical Society of America, New Orleans, LA, July, 2013 (Jul 2013).
- DeVore, ML, KB Pigg. Relative distribution of Cercidiphyllum- and Zizyphoides-like plants in the Paleogene: A case for ecological niche modeling? symposium contribution to Plants as Paleoenvironmental Recorders II, Dana L. Royer and Daniel J. Peppe, conveners. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Charlotte, North Carolina, Nov 2012 (Nov 2012).
- DeVore, ML, and KB Pigg. New studies of fossil Rosaceae from the upland early-middle Eocene Okanogan Highlands floras of British Columbia, Canada and Republic, Washington, USA, in Tracing the history of extant angiosperm clades with paleobotanical data,SR Manchester, KB Pigg, organizers. IPC XIII/IOPC IX 2012 International Organization of Paleobotany, Tokyo (Aug 2012).
- DeVore, ML, and KB Pigg. Paleobotanical evidence for the origins of temperate hardwoods, in IOP Presidential Symposium, New concepts and discoveries in plant paleontology, GW Rothwell, RA Stockey, conveners. IPC XIII/IOPC IX 2012 International Organization of Paleobotany, Tokyo (Aug 2012).
- Manchester, SR, KB Pigg, symposium organizers. Tracing the history of extant angiosperm clades with paleobotanical data. Symposium, IPC XIII/IOPC IX 2012 International Organization of Paleobotany Tokyo (Aug 2012).
- T Davis, ML DeVore, KB Pigg. Deciphering the Prunus fossil leaf record: Delimiting leaf types from the Eocene of Washington State. Botany 2012, Botanical Society of America, Columbus, Ohio, July 2012 (Jul 2012).
- DeVore, ML, and KB Pigg. Fossil evidence for hybridization in the Rosaceae. In symposium T52. Species and Speciation in the Fossil Record II, WD Allmon and MM Yacobucci, presi (Oct 2011).
- DeVore, ML, KB Pigg, JW Hoganson and JC Benedict. Taxodiaceous conifer remains at a A Late Paleocene vertebrate site near Medora, North Dakota. 2011 Annual Geological Society of America meeting, Minneapolis (Oct 2011).
- DeVore, ML, and KB Pigg. Fossil evidence for temperate family evolution: Rosaceae from Republic, Washington and other Okanogan Highlands Eocene sites. Botany 2011, St Louis Mo (Jul 2011).
- Dillhoff, RM, TA Dillhoff, DR Greenwood, KB Pigg and ML DeVore. The Eocene Thomas Ranch flora, Allenby Formation, Princeton, British Columbia, Canada. Botany 2011, St. Louis MO (Jul 2011).
- DeVore, ML and KB Pigg. The Claiborne and Catahoula formations, significant floras from the Mississippian Embayment. Geological Society of America,Southeastern Section. Symposium --60th Annual Meetings Wilmington NC (Mar 2011).
- Brown, C, KB Pigg, FA Bryan, & C Brown. Volunteers are essential in enabling science and education at Stonerose Interpretive Center, Republic, Washington. Paper 248-30 2010 GSA Denver Annual Meeting (31 October –3 November 2010) (Oct 2010).
- DeVore, ML & KB Pigg . Zizyphoides leaves from the latest early Eocene Republic flora of northeastern Washington State, USA. Paper 32-18. 2010 GSA Denver Annual Meeting (31 October –3 November 2010) (Oct 2010).
- Pigg, KB, ML DeVore, KE Volkman, J Hartford, M Sternberg & C Brown. A Guidebook for the Republic fossil flora. Paper 190-7 2010 GSA Denver Annual Meeting (31 October –3 November 2010) (Oct 2010).
- Volkman, KE, KB Pigg, & ML DeVore. A reexamination of conifer diversity in the Republic flora. Paper 190-8 2010 GSA Denver Annual Meeting (31 October –3 November 2010) (Oct 2010).
- DeVore, ML, CL Brown, J Hartford, M Sternberg and KB Pigg. Bringing the site to your own classroom: using the context of fossil sites to illustrate today’s relevance of paleobotany. Botany 2010, Providence, RI (Jul 2010).
- DeVore, ML, and KB Pigg. Rethinking the tropical elements of the Eocene temperate forest: the Republic flora. Botany 2010, Providence, RI (Jul 2010).
- Pigg, KB, and ML DeVore. Comparative study of closely related, early Eocene London Clay and late Paleocene North American fruits using light microscopy, wafering, SEM, and HRXCT (High-Resolution X-Ray Computed Tomography). Symposium: London Clay fossil8th European Paleobotany-Palynology Conference, July 2010, Budapest (Jul 2010).
- Gensel, PG, and KB Pigg. An arborescent lycopsid from the Lower Carboniferous Price Formation of southwestern Virginia, previously assigned to Lepidodendropsis Lutz. Symposium: The whole plant concept in palaeobotany. (organized by J Pšsenicka, S Opluštil. 8th Euro (Jul 2010).
- Benedict, JC, KB Pigg, and ML DeVore. Fossil flowers of Prunus and Oemleria (Rosaceae: Prunoideae) from the latest early Eocene Republic flora of northeastern Washington state, USA.,. Botany 2010, Providence, RI (Jul 2010).
- Bryan, FA, M, Zets, KB Pigg, ML DeVore, R Dillhoff, and R. Hebda. The "balloon flower" from the Eocene Republic, McAbee, and Thomas Ranch floras of the Okanogan Highlands: What is it?. 28th Midcontinent Paleobotanical Colloquium, Raleigh, NC, abstract (May 2010).
- Brown, C., KE Volkman, M Sternberg, J Hartford, ML DeVore and KB Pigg. The Stonerose Interpretive Center of Republic, Washington: a model in public geoscience education. USA. 2009 Portland Geological Society of America Annual Meeting (18-21 October), Abstract Paper No. 29-37 (Oct 2009).
- DeVore, ML., KB Pigg, and KE Volkman. Using the Republic flora to understand aquatic ecosystems of the Eocene. USA. 2009 Portland Geological Society of America Annual Meeting (18-21 October), Abstract Paper No. 32-19 (Oct 2009).
- Pigg, KB, ML DeVore, JC Benedict, and W Taylor. The significance of tropical plant occurrence in the Republic flora. USA. 2009 Portland Geological Society of America Annual Meeting (18-21 October), Abstract Paper No. 32-18 (Oct 2009).
- Volkman, KE, KB Pigg, and ML DeVore. An historical overview of paleontological research of the Eocene Republic locality, northeastern Washington state, USA. 2009 Portland Geological Society of America Annual Meeting (18-21 October), Abstract Paper No. 32-1 (Oct 2009).
- Wilkens, ND, KB Pigg and JD Farmer. Bennettitaleans (cycadeoids) of the Early Jurassic Navajo Sandstone. Geological Society of America (Houston, October 2008) (Oct 2008).
- DeVore, ML, and KB Pigg. Aquatic plants of the Eocene Republic, Washington flora and their significance to interpreting ancient lacustrine environments. Symposium, Geological Society of America (Aug 2008).
- Pigg, KB, and ML DeVore. Late Paleocene Lagerstätten: What can they tell us about systematics? Geological Society of America. Symposium, Geological Society of America (Aug 2008).
- Dillhoff, RM, TA Dillhoff and KB Pigg. Middle Eocene lacustrine shale floras of the Allenby Formation near Princeton, British Columbia, Canada. Symposium, International Organisation of Palaeobotany Confernence, Bonn, Aug-Sept 2008 (Aug 2008).
- Pigg, K. B. Interview with Quentin D. Wheeler. ASU SoLS Seminar Series, "Science Studio" (Aug 2008).
- Amason, C., ML DeVore, K Manoylov and KB Pigg. Infusing Flanner’ O’Connor with environmental and plant sciences. Botany 2008, Vancouver, BC, July 2008 (Jul 2008).
- Farabee, MJ, KB Pigg, R Zetter and ML DeVore. Pollen character changes in selected angiosperm taxa across the K/T Boundary and into the Paleogene in the Western Interior Basin, North America. Symposium, Botany 2008, Vancouver, BC, July 2008 (Jul 2008).
- Benedict, JC, ML DeVore, and KB Pigg. Rosaceous flowers resembling Prunus from the Eocene Republic flora of eastern Washington State, USA. Botany 2008, Vancouver, BC, July 2008 (Jul 2008).
- Taylor, W., KB Pigg, and ML DeVore. Aquatic plants from the Eocene Republic locality, eastern Washington State, USA. Botany 2008, Vancouver, BC, July 2008 (Jul 2008).
- Pigg, K. B. Trochodendraceae, Hamamelidaceae, Betulaceae, or... my adventures with Republic fossils. Stonerose Interpretive Center 20th Anniversary Celebration, Republic Washington (Apr 2008).
- DeVore, ML, KB Pigg, JC Benedict and W Taylor. Recent contributions to the flora of the Okanogan Highlands, eastern Washington State. 25th Midcontinent Paleobotanical Colloquium, Mobile (Mar 2008).
- Matthews, T, DeVore, M, Rhode, J, Pigg, Kathleen. Anatomically preserved Isoetes from the Paleocene of North Dakota: utility in ascetaining paleohabitat. Geological Society of America, Southeastern Section (Mar 2007).
- Taylor, W, Pigg, Kathleen, DeVore, M, Freile, D. Late Paleocene Almont and Beicegel Creek: floristic comparisons are related to depositional environments. Geological Society of America, Southeastern Section (Mar 2007).
- Pigg, Kathleen, DeVore, M, Ketcham, R, Kenrick, P. Value of HRXCT for systematic studies of pyritized fossil fruits. Geological Society of America (Oct 2006).
- Pigg, Kathleen, Manchester, S, DeVore, M. Floristic changes associated with the Paleocene-Eocene transition in western North America and their European connections. Palaeogene floras and global change events. 7th European Paleobotany-Palynology Conference (Sep 2006).
- DeVore, M, Pigg, Kathleen, Dillhoff, R. Eocene-Oligocene floristic transitions in North America: contrasts between eastern and western floras. 7th European Paleobotany-Palynology Conference, Symposium: Palaeogene floras and global change (Sep 2006).
- Pigg, Kathleen, Dillhoff, R, DeVore, M. New diversity among the Trochodendraceae from the Early Eocene McAbee and Early/Middle One Mile Creek floras, Okanogan Highlands of British Columbia, Canada. Botany 2006 (Jul 2006).
- Kittle, A, DeVore, M, Pigg, Kathleen. A new Paleocene flora from western North Dakota. 24th Midcontinent Paleobotanical Colloquium (Mar 2006).
- Matthews, T, DeVore, M, Pigg, Kathleen. Paleocene pteridophytes from the silceous shales of western North Dakota. 24th Midcontinent Paleobotanical Colloquium (Mar 2006).
- Pigg, Kathleen, DeVore, M. East meets West: the contrasting contributions of David L. Dilcher and Jack A. Wolfe to Eocene systematic paleobotany in North America. Advances in Paleobotany--recognizing the contributions of David L. Dilcher and Jack A. Wolfe on the (Mar 2006).
- Benedict, J, Pigg, Kathleen, DeVore, M. Triloculate fruits from the Late Paleocene Kate's Butte site at Beicegel Creek (McKenzie County, North Dakota, USA) with possible affinities to Spirematospermum Chandler (Zingiberales). 24th Midcontinent Paleobotanical Colloquium (Mar 2006).
- Taylor, W, Pigg, Kathleen, Farmer, J. Silicified Pleistocene monocots from Clearlake, California, and their value to understanding ancient hydrothermal springs. 24th Midcontinent Paleobotanical Colloquium (Mar 2006).
- Wilkens, N, Farmer, J, Pigg, Kathleen. Exceptional paleobotanical remains preserved in Navajo Sandstone Interdune deposits near Moab, Utah. Geological Society of America, Annual meeting (Oct 2005).
- Kittle, A, Freile, D, DeVore, M, Pigg, Kathleen. Fossil floras from the Sentinel Butte formation of North Dakota: a new compression flora and new insights into modes of plant preservation. Geological Soceity of America Annual Meeting (Oct 2005).
- DeVore, M, Kenrick, P, Pigg, Kathleen, Ketcham, R. CT-scanning the London Clay: a noninvasive technique for studying pyritized fossil fruits. Linnean Society of London, Palaeobotanical Specialist Group "New discoveries in old collections" (Oct 2005).
- DeVore, M, Pigg, Kathleen, Kenrick, P, Ketcham, R. CT-Scanning the London Clay Flora: A noninvasive technique for revealing hte 3-dimensional organization of tissues in pyritized fruits and seeds. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting (Oct 2005).
- DeVore, M, Kenrick, P, Pigg, Kathleen, Ketcham, R. CT-scanning the London Clay: an excellent noninvasive technique for studying pyritized fossil fruits. Botany 2005 (Aug 2005).
- Pigg, Kathleen, DeVore, M, Brewer, M. Late Paleocene fruits similar to Ochna (Ochnaceae) from the Almont/Beicegel Creek floras, North Dakota, USA. Botany 2005 (Aug 2005).
- Taylor, W, DeVore, M, Pigg, Kathleen. Nymphaeceous seeds from the Late Paleocene Almont flora of North Dakota, USA. Botany 2005 (Aug 2005).
- Tcherepova, M, Pigg, Kathleen. Vitaceae: fossil seeds and wood from the Middle Miocene of Yakima Canyon, Washington, USA. Botany 2005 (Aug 2005).
- Benedict, J, Pigg, Kathleen, DeVore, M. Hamamelis-like fruits (Hamamelidaceae) from the Late Paleocene Almont flora of North Dakota, USA. Botany 2005 (Aug 2005).
- Tcherepova, M, Pigg, Kathleen. Yakima Canyon permineralized plants: a lens into the Miocene. XVII International Botanical Congress (Jul 2005).
- DeVore, M, Pigg, Kathleen. Rosaceous evolution in the Okanogan Highlands, Washington, USA and British Columbia, Canada. XVII International Botanical Congress (Jul 2005).
- Pigg, Kathleen, DeVore, M. Late Paleocene floras of North Dakota, USA: New sites and new insights. XVII International Botanical Congress (Jul 2005).
- Kittle, A, DeVore, M, Wall, B, Pigg, Kathleen. Acer fruits from the Paleocene of North Dakota. Georgia Academy of Sciences (Mar 2005).
- Brewer, M, DeVore, M, Pigg, Kathleen. Ochna-like fruit from the Paleocene of North Dakota. Georgia Academy of Sciences (Mar 2005).
- DeVore, M, Pigg, Kathleen. Building a link between undergraduate research and graduate school. Geological Society of America (Nov 2004).
- DeVore, M, Pigg, Kathleen, Taylor, W. Sapindalean fruits from the Middle Miocene Yakima Canyon flora of central Washington State, U.S.A. Botany 2004 (Aug 2004).
- DeVore, M, Sullivan, A, Pigg, Kathleen. Monocots from the Late Paleocene of North Dakota. Botany 2004 (Aug 2004).
- Ickert-Bond, S, Wen, J, Pigg, Kathleen. Resolving phylogeny within the family Altingiaceae: implications from anatomy of infructescences and molecular data sets. Botany 2004 (Aug 2004).
- Pigg, Kathleen, Nishida, H. The significance of silicified plant remains to the understanding of Glossopteris-bearing plants. Botany 2004 (Aug 2004).
- Pigg, Kathleen, Wojciechowski, M, DeVore, M. Samaras from the Late Paleocene Almont and Beicegel Creek floras of North Dakota, U.S.A., with potential affinities to Securidaca (Polygonaceae). Botany 2004 (Aug 2004).
- Pigg, Kathleen, DeVore, M, Wehr, W. Tertiary ferns from western North America: Osmunda, Woodwardia and onocleoids. International Pteridophyte Symposium (Jul 2004).
- Sullivan, A, DeVore, M, Pigg, Kathleen. PALEOCENE FLORAS FROM NORTH DAKOTA: A NEW AQUATIC PLANT FROM BEICEGEL CREEK. Georgia Academy of Sciences (Apr 2004).
- Nishida, H, Pigg, Kathleen, Kudo, K, Rigby, J. Zooidogamy of the late Permian Glossopteris from Queensland, Australia. VII International Organization of Paleobotany Conference (Mar 2004).
- Pigg, Kathleen. Late Paleocene plants from North Dakota: new localities and insights from the Almont flora. Geological Society of America (Nov 2003).
- Pigg, Kathleen. Paleocene fruits with affinities to Actinidiaceae from the Almont and Beicegel Creek floras of North. Botany 2003 (Botanical Society of America) (Jul 2003).
- Pigg, Kathleen. Systematics and phytogeography of selected Okanogan Highlands plants. Symposium: The Eocene Okanogan. Geological Association of Canada (May 2003).
- Pigg, Kathleen. Petrographic thin section and geochemical analysis of fossil plant material and associated sediments. South-Central & Southeastern Sections, Geological Society of America Joint Annual Meeting (Mar 2003).
- Pigg, Kathleen. Platanaceous remains from the middle Miocene of North America. Georgia Academy of Sciences (Mar 2003).
- Pigg, Kathleen. Fossil fruits of the Ebenales from the middle Miocene Yakima Canyon flora of central Washington, USA. Georgia Academy of Science (Mar 2003).
- Pigg, Kathleen. Insect-plant interactions from the Miocene of Washington: permineralized lepidopteran coprolites. Georgia Academy of Sciences (Mar 2003).
- Pigg, Kathleen. Permineralized infructescences of Liquidambar from the Neogene and the phytogeographic diversificati. 20th Annual Mid-continent Paleobotanical Colloquium
- Benedict, John, Pigg, Kathleen, DeVore, Melanie. Late Paleocene seeds from Beicegel Creek (McKenzie County, North Dakota, USA) with affinities to the genus Spirematospermum Chandler (Zingiberales). Botany 2007
- DeVore, Melanie, Pigg, Kathleen. The value of fossils for tracking a family's spatial history: an underrated tool?. Botany 2007
- Pigg, Kathleen, DeVore, Melanie, Farabee, Michael, Zetter, Reinhard. Pollen and spore assemblage from the Late Paleocene Almont Lagerstätten. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting
- Pigg, Kathleen, Dillhoff, Thomas, DeVore, Melanie. Paleoenvironment of a newly discovered Middle Miocene "bog" locality, Columbia River Basalts, near Ellensburg, WA: a preliminary report. Quaternary and Tertiary Records of Past Environments, Pacific Northwest II: In Honor of Calvin Heusser (organized by. Geological Society of America, Cordilleran Section
- Pigg, Kathleen, Farabee, Michael, Zetter, Reinhard, DeVore, Melanie, Manchester, Steven, Nowak, Michael. Studies of the pollen and spore assemblage of the Late Paleocene Almont flora of central North Dakota, USA. Botany 2007
- Taylor, Witt, Pigg, Kathleen, Benedict, John, Farabee, Michael. Juglandaceous pollen in the Late Paleocene and its relationship to Cyclocarya. Botany 2007
- Wilkens, Nathan, DeVore, Melanie, Barman, Everette, Pigg, Kathleen. Anatomically preserved caterpillar coprolites from the Middle Miocene Yakima Canyon flora of central Washington State, USA. Geological Society of America, Annual meeting
- Wilkens, Nathan, Farmer, Jack, Pigg, Kathleen. Paleoecology of Jurassic Navajo Sandstone interdune environments: an integrated view based on sedimentology, geochemistry, and paleontology. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting
- Crimmins, C, Ickert-Bond, S, Pigg, Kathleen. Crucifixion thorns: Convergent desert adaptation of three unrelated genera. Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science
- Pigg, Kathleen, Tcherepova, M. Taxonomic, phytogeographic and ecological significance of the Yakima Canyon flora (middle Miocene, Washington state, USA). Botanical Society of America
- DeVore, M, Pigg, Kathleen, Mouton, S. Permineralized fruit with malvalean affinities from the Late Paleocene Almont flora, North Dakota. Botany 2001
- Hansen, A, Pigg, Kathleen. Taxodiaceous conifers from the middle Miocene Yakima Canyon flora, Washington State, USA. Botany 2001
- Henry, A, Pigg, Kathleen. Hamamelidaceous infructescences from the Late Paleocene Almont, North Dakota flora. Botany 2001
- Pigg, Kathleen. The role of permineralized plants in understanding plant diversity, phylogeny, and paleoenvironment: the Miocene Yakima Canyon chert. NAPC
- Pigg, Kathleen, DeVore, M, Dilcher, D, Freile, D. Fagaceous infructescences from the Oligocene Catahoula Formation of Texas. Botany 2001
- Radke, M, Pigg, Kathleen, Wehr, W. Fossil Corylopsis and other Hamamelidaceae-like leaves from the middle Eocene flora of Republic, Washington, U.S.A. Botany 2001
- Tcherepova, M, Pigg, Kathleen. Permineralized Nyssa (Cornaceae) and additional endocarps of uncertain affinity from the middle Miocene Yakima Canyon flora, Washington State, USA. Botany 2001
- Coleman, A, Pigg, Kathleen. Taxodiaceous conifers from the middle Miocene Yakima Canyon flora, Washington State, USA. Arizona/Nevada Academy of Science
- DeVore, M, Moore, S, Pigg, Kathleen. Fossil fruits resembling crepe myrtle (Lagerstroemia) from the middle Miocene Yakima Canyon of Washington. Georgia Academy of Science
- DeVore, M, Pigg, Kathleen, Barman, E. Plant-animal interactions from the Miocene: evidence from a permineralized flora. Geological Society of America
- DeVore, M, Pigg, Kathleen, Westbrook, A, Barman, E. Galling cynipids, larval traces, and fungal infestations from the Miocene of Washington. Botany 2002
- Gensel, P, Pigg, Kathleen. Reconstruction of the Lepidodendropsis/ Protostigmaria plant from the Mississippian Price Formation of Virginia, USA. Botany 2002
- Ickert-Bond, S, Pigg, Kathleen, Wen, J. Evolution and biogeographical diversification of Altingiaceae: integrating evidence from fossil reproductive structures and extant relatives. Flowers symposium: Diversity development and evolution. Institute of Systematic Botany
- Moore, S, DeVore, M, Pigg, Kathleen, Wehr, W. Fossil Neviusia (Rosaceae) from the middle Eocene of Princeton, BC, Canada. Georgia Academy of Science
- Pigg, Kathleen, DeVore, M, Tcherepova, M. Late Paleocene permineralized follicle from Almont, North Dakota with potential ranunculoid affinities. Botany 2002
- Pigg, Kathleen, Wheeler, E, Tcherepova, M, Wehr, W. Plants of the Middle Miocene Columbia River Basalts in central Washington State: the permineralized "bog" flora and petrified woods from Yakima Canyon and Ginkgo Petrified Forest. Geological Society of America, Cordilleran Section
- Tcherepova, M, Pigg, Kathleen, Coleman, A. Middle Miocene Yakima Canyon permineralized flora of central Washington State, USA. VI European Paleobotany-Palynology Conference
- Westbrook, A, DeVore, M, Barman, E, Pigg, Kathleen. Permineralized acorns from the Miocene of Washington: insect and fungal associations. Georgia Academy of Science
Editorial Roles: 2019-present International Journal of Plant Sciences Editor; 2016-present Associate Editor, Acta Palaeobotanica, 2015—2016 Co-editor of Symposium Volume on Northern Hemisphere High Paleolatitude Eocene, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences; 2010 Co-Editor of Symposium Volume on Paleogene floras and global change events, Geosciences. 2000-2008 Consulting Editor, Paleobotany, Palaeontologia africana (Journal of South African Research)
Botanical Society of America, Paleobotanical Section
International Organisation of Palaeobotany
IAWA (International Association of Wood Anatomists)
Geological Society of America, Cordilleran Section
American Fern Society
Paleontological Society
Current ASU Graduate Students
PhD Students: Chair: Soon Flynn; CoChair: Linda Howard; Stephanie Zaborak (at University of Alaska-Fairbanks); Member PhD Student Committee: Ed Gilbert. MS Students:Chair: Daniel Moses; Co-chair: Gabriel Garcia
ASU Graduate Students Completing Degrees
Chair or Co-Chair PhD Students: John C. Benedict 2012 : Paleocene fossils from Beicegel Creek, North Dakota. teaching position, University of Michigan
Witt Taylor .2010 Cyclocarya brownii from the late Paleocene of North Dakota, USA.teaching, Bentley University.
Ickert-Bond, Stefanie M Ikert-Bond 2003. (Co-Chair). Ephedra systematics and evolution. Thesis, (now Professor, University of Alaska, Fairbanks).
Chair or Co-Chair,Master's Students:
Kara Barron, 2018; Jean-Philippe Solves, 2020; Cole Larson-Whittaker 2020; Darin Jankec(Co-Chaur) 2011 Systematics; Richard Bond 2006: Flora of Clear Creek, AZ, Raul Puente, Raul (Co-Chair).2006 Systematics of Nopalaes cacti ; Amanda L.Coleman 2004. Anatomically preserved Taxodium, from the middle Miocene of Yakima Canyon, Washington; Maria Tcherepova 2001 (deceased 13 July 2009) Investigations of two anatomically preserved fruits (Rhamnaceae and Nyssaceae) from the middle Miocene Yakima Canyon flora of Washington state, USA. Karla A. Bertram, 1998 Petrified components of a biotic community from the middle Miocene Virgin Valley Formation, Nevada, USA;. Ickert-Bond, Stefanie M. Ickert-Bind 1997 (cochair) Biosystematics of Pinus krempfii Lecomte.; Borgardt, Sandra J. BIrgargt 1996 Petrified Quercus (Fagaceae) fruit fossils from the middle Miocene, Yakima River Canyon, Washington. Uhl, Rebecca. Project on fossil plant curation. MNS, nonthesis degree (working in ASU Hayden Library as reference librarian).
Member of Advisory Committee: PhD students: 2016 Kamesh Regmi, Genetics ; 2013 Joanna Klinge, Geography ;2011 Raul Gutierrez; Systematics of Martyniaceae; 2009 Hugo Beraldi: Microbiological ecology; Frank Farruggia: Systematics of Sesbania (Fabaceae);2008 Nathan Wilkens (Geology): Paleoecology of the Navajo Sandstone (Jurassic) of Moab,; Utah. 2003 Andrew M. Salywon. A monograph of Mosiera (Myrtaceae);;2001 Taly Drezner. (Geography): Saguaro distribution and the relationshipnwith their nurse plants.;1999 William C. Davis. Ecophysiology of Hydrothyria venosa: An aquatic lichen; 1995 Elaine Joyal. An ethnoecology of Sabal uresana Trelease(Arecaceae) in Sonora, Mexico;. 1995 Charlotte M. Christy: Systematics of the Mentzelia (Section Bartonia) multiflora (Nutt.) A. Gray Complex (Loasaceae).;1995 Jon P. Rebman Biosystematics of Opuntia Subgenus Cylindropuntia (Cactaceae), the Chollas of Lower California, Mexico. MS Students: ;2001 Amy E. Trauth-Nare. Systematics and biogeography of the Berberis commutata complex (Berberidaceae) of South America;. 1995 Greg J. Imdorf. Flora and Vegetation of the Sierra Ancha Wilderness Area, Tonto National Forest, Gila County, Arizona. 1995 Kathleen Rice Flora of the Superstition Mountains.MNS: 2011 Felicity Snyder: Open access reports associated with the Embryo Project
HONORS STUDENTS: 2017 Footnote 18: Anne Workman for BIO 303; 2015-2017 Thesis advisor: Jean-Phillippe Solves; 2015 Footnote 18: Alex Hibert for PLB 302; Approximately 10 additional Footnote 18 students prior to 2015.
UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT RESEARCHERS, WORK-STUDY STUDENTS & VOLUNTEER 2016 Lia Clark, Databasing Plant Fossil Collection with Symbiota, BioKIC.Giselle Patricio- Organizing Canright Lantern Slide Collection Samuel Zirbel- Organizing Fruit and Seed Collection and Research Library;Linda L. Howard-Organizing Fossil Plant Collection; Ashley Maqueda, Hannah Mooney, Candice Kim; 2015 Lia Clark- Preparing plant anatomy student projects; Kat Heusser-Photography of fossil; Yessie Olvera, Beatriz Peregrina- help with curation; Eli Peremislov, Zain Youhana- main lab organization; 2014 Lia Clark- Preparing plant anatomy student projects; 2013 Lia Clark-Preparing plant anatomy student projects; Cris Brackenridge-Organization of prepared slide collection; Sharlie Jones-Fossil and extant Acer (maple) fruits; Ada Vo-Organization of wood collection of James E. Canright Morphology & Anatomy Collection; 2012 Brach Barnes -Actinidiacaeae, Paleocene Almont/Beicegel Creek flora; Kensive Nguyen- Photography of Paleocene and Eocene flowers, fruits and leaves; Lauren Tomlin - Photography of Zingiberid fruits and seeds, Late Paleocene, North Dakota.; Eric Mann- Databasing and fossil preparation, Zingiberid fruits and seeds, late Paleocene, North Dakota; 2008 Samuel Roll - “Guaera” fig-like fruits from Late Cretaceous of Montana; Shane Binus -Cyclocarya morphometrics from Almont flora; 2007-8 Angela Caballaro, Tony Zapatka Paleocene plants from North Dakota; Amy Cotlow - Fossil guavas (Myrtaceae, Paleomyrtinaea) from Almont ND, Matthew Olson Acer (Sapindaceae) from Almont ND; 2006-7 Rhonda Chapman Spirea leaves from Republic, WA (Eocene); 2005-6 Darin Janke Paleocene plants from North Dakota; John Benedict Paleocene Hamamelis fruits from Almont, North Dakota (published: Benedict, et al., 2008 International Journal of Plant Sciences); 2004 Nesrine Taylor Paleocene Almont and Beicegel Creek floral diversity.; 2000-1 Meghan Radtke Eocene Corylopsis and Fothergilla (Hamamelidaceae) leaves (published as Radtke, et al 2005).; 1999-2000-3 Carol Crimmins Anatomy of crucifixion thorns from the Sonoran desert Paleocene fossil plants from Almont, North Dakota 1994-5 Sara Kahn Fossils from Yakima Canyon, middle Miocene, Washington state 1991-2 Charlene Conner Anatomy of Princetonia allenbyensis, Eocene Princeton chert 1990-1 Suzette Maxwell Permineralized myrtaceous fruit from Eocene Princeton chert (published as Pigg et al. 1993)
Professor, School of Life Sciences 2008 – present
Curator of Fossil Plant Collections, Biodiversity Knowledge Integration Center (BioKIC)
Associate Professor, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University 2002-2008
Associate Professor, Department of Plant Biology, Arizona State University 1994-2002
Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, Arizona State University 1988-1994
NSF-NATO Postdoctoral Fellow in Science, Department of Botany, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada 1989
Panel Membership National Science Foundation: 2007-9, 2013 Geosciences: Sedimentology & Paleobiology; 2004 Division of Biology (Biological Research Collections); 2002-3 Division of Biology (Assembling the Tree of Life); 2001 Geology & Paleontology.
Ad hoc Reviews (ongoing) National Science Foundation (Divisions of Biology: Systematic Biology & Biodiversity Inventories; Biological Infrastructure; Geosciences: Earth Sciences: Sedimentary Geology & Paleontology; Polar Research: Antarctic Sciences); NASA: Exobiology/Evolutionary Biology; National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC); Natural Environment Research Council (UK).
Journal Reviewer (ongoing): Acta Palaeobotanica; American Midland Naturalist; American Journal of Botany; Antarctic Science; Aquatic Botany; Australian Journal of Botany; Biological Reviews; Botany; Botanical Journal of the Linnaean Society; Canadian Journal of Botany; Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences; Grana; IAWA (International Association of Wood Anatomists) Journal; International Journal of Plant Sciences; Journal of the Arizona & Nevada Academy of Science; Journal of the History of Biology; Molecular Phylogenetics & Evolution; Palaeobios, Palaeoclimates - Data and Modeling; Palaeontographica; Palaeontology; Philosophical Transactions, Plant Biology; PLOS ONE; Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology; Systematic Botany.
Textbook and Online Resource Reviewer for Plant Anatomy texts: 2005-ongoing Blackwell Scientific Press, Cambridge University Press
External Examiner for Dissertations: 2017: Gary Alan Pattemore , University of Queensland, Queensland, Australia; 2013 Rachael OKeefe, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia. 2011 Robin Y. Smith, University of Sasketchewan, Saskatoon, Canada; 2005 Rosie Prevec, University of Witwatersrand, South Africa; 2004 University of Melbourne, School of Botany
Advisory Roles 2004-present Advisory Board, Stonerose Interpretive Center, Republic, Washington.
2006 Scientific Advisor, Department of Homeland Security, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Office of Investigations, aid in identifying illegally imported fossil plants from Argentina.
Meetings and Symposium Organizing
2014 Symposium Co Organizer with Melanie DeVore, Bruce Archibald and David Greenwood. “Eocene Northern North America: Biotic Change and Environmental Context.” Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, October.
2013 Symposium CoOrganizer (with Wilson Taylor) Botany 2013, Devonian paleobotany, honoring Patricia G. Gensel. 2012 Symposium Co-Organizer (with S. Manchester) IOPC meeting, Tokoyo, August. 2006 Symposium Co-Organizer, Palaeogene floras and global change events (with M. Collinson and M. DeVore). 7th European Paleobotany-Palynology Conference; 2005 Co-host for 22nd Midcontinent Paleobotanical Colloquium, Georgia College & State University, Milledgeville
Professional Organizations Botanical Society of America: 2015 Paleobotanical Section Committee for Nominating Section Chair; Isabel Cookson Award Committee; International Organization of Paleobotany: 2000 Student Travel Award Committee; Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science: 1994-7 Treasurer
June 10 - Sept. 2, 2017- Dead Dead Live Dead exhibit by Gabriel Rico, artist-in-residence GDL>PHX (Guadalajara, Mexico and Phoenix, Arizona) Residencias Artísticas program (organized by CALA Alliance ASU Art Museum and Programa Anual de Open Studios).
December 2016 –Tour of Alameda Facility for SoLS Staff.
November 2016 Israel Leinbach Fossil Collection in the display cabinet outside the offices of the Center for Evolution and Medicine on the second floor of LSC on the request of Randy Nesse (done by my graduate student Tim Hieger). We continue to curate additional specimens for the collection.
April 2016- Exhibit at Phoenix Zoo for Earth Day
September 2016 Open house event at Alameda Facility
September-December 2015: Cruisin' the Fossil Freeway Traveling Exhibit, Burke Museum, University of Washington, Seattle. Coordination, voiceover and design for ASU Alameda Building
April 2015- Nature of Creation exhibit, Hayden Library, ASU Tempe Campus.
February 2015 -Night of the Open Door, ASU, Alameda Facility
October 2014- Grand Opening, ASU SoLS Natural History Collections at the Alameda Facility
Professionally Related Community Service:
2017-- February - Night of the Open Door participation on ASU Tempe Campus.
2017 -- January - Consultation with Science Fiction writer NNedi Okoafor through the Center for Science and the Imagination. I helped Nnedi Okoafor figure out how to deal with aspects of pollination biology, allergies and vegetation types for a short story.
2016- April - Consultation with Science Fiction writer Steven Barnes through the Center for Science and the Imagination. I have been serving as an ad hoc advisor to science fiction writers working in this program, as to the scientific feasibility of elements within their short stories. I helped Steven Barnes figure out how humans might gain the ability to photosynthesize.
2016 - April- Those Wily Republic Plants: Hybrids and bulbils and short shoots, oh my!, Presentation to Stonerose Interpretive Center, Republic, Washington Annual Membership Dig. We make presentations to the membership, many of whom are members of the public with a longtime devotion to fossil collecting and to the community of the small town of Republic. Our outreach here is very special and personal, as these are the people who collect many of the fossils that fuel our research.
2016 - May – I contributed 3 copies of an original photographic collage of Repubilc, Washington fossil plants as items for a benefit auction for Stonerose Interpretive Center, Republic, Washington that was held at the Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture, University of Washington, Seattle. This auction was held to supplement income lost the previous two years at Stonerose as a result of major forest fires in near the town of Republic, Ferry County, which is in a remote, highly wooded area of the state.
2016 – May-- Initial consultation with Arizona Nutritional Supplements group on use of plant anatomical structure for identifying plant supplements
2016 October—work at the Burke Museum, Seattle on their Eocene collections
2016 - Initiation of my part of work with Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International, Karisoke with young Rwanda Scholars.
2016 November-- Israel Leinbach Fossil Collection in the display cabinet outside the offices of the Center for Evolution and Medicine on the second floor of LSC on the request of Randy Nesse (done by my graduate student Tim Hieger). We continue to curate additional specimens for the collection.
2015 Presentation of "Crusin' the Fossil Freeway" travelling exhibit from the Burke Museum, Seattle by Kirk R Johnson and Ray Troll. Coordination of exhibit loan, organization of layout and installation; hosting of SoLS Opening and three guest speakers: Peter Wilf, Penn State University; Bruce Archibald, Simon Fraser University and writer Jack Nesbit, Spokane.
2015 Participation in National Fossil Day activities, Stonerose Interpretive Center, Republic, WA. October
2015 Design and development of display for "Nature of Creation" exhibit, Hayden Library, ASU Tempe Campus (with Elizabeth Makings and Anne Basham), May- September.
2016 Stonerose Interpretive Center and Eocene Fossil Site: Membership Dig., April
2015 Participation in ASU's Night of the Open Door, February.
2015 Informal tours of Fossil Plant collections for various school groups, organizations,
and individuals from the public.
2010 Development of guidebook on fossil plants of the Republic flora, for use by public
2008 In-class presentations at Curlew and Republic Washington high schools in collaboration with Stonerose Interpretive Center, Republic
2005 Intel Judge for Intel ISEF (International Science & Engineering Fair), Phoenix, May;
2000-5 Design of webpages for courses: Plant Fossils and Evolution (PLB 407):
2000 Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix, informal talks. Various science fairs, school presentations;
1996-2000 Southwest Paleontological Society, Mesa Southwest Museum, Mesa, advisor.
CLAS Search Committee: Director, School of Life Sciences, 2017-2018; June, 2017: CLAS Alameda Expansion Facility Committee; February, 2017, Panelist on Workshop for Promotion and Tenure, Faculty Women’s Association; University Promotion and Tenure Committee: 2013-2015
School of Life Sciences
2017 - Curatorial work, BioKIC - Curator of Plant Fossil Collections.
2017 - Associate Director for MS Plant Biology and Conservation degree program; and MS, (including 4+1) graduate program
2016- Search Committee: BioKIC - Lichen Collections Manager.
2015 Biodiversity Knowledge Integration Center (BioKIC) (formerly Natural History Collections Group). Curator of Plant Fossil Collections. Continued planning and development of the Alameda facility for teaching, research and outreach activities; several activities (see above under Professional Outreach).
2014 Organization of new collections space
2013 Reorganization of collection; move to Alameda facility
2012 Participation in video on SoLS Natural History Collections
2006 Coordinator for School of Life Science Natural History Collections Display,
2005-present Participant in ASU Museums, Galleries and Collections tours for the public; Natural History Collections Group Member; Additional tours for K-12 classes;
2004-present Natural History Collections Committee Co-Chair;
2000-present Ask a Biologist Contributor
SoLS Committee Service
2015 Honors College Advisor
2010- 2012 Committee on Undergraduate Curriculum Reform.
2010- Plant Biology Graduate committee
2007-2015 Human Dimensions Representative to Facilities Committee
2007-2008 Human Dimensions Representative to Graduate Committee
2006-2008 Honors Disciplinary Advisor for Plant Biology, Barrett Honors College
2004-7 Genomics, Evolution & Bioinformatics Representative to Graduate
Committee; 2004-5 Affirmative Action Representative; 2003-4 Search Committee for Evolutionary & Systems Biologist 2003-2004
Department of Plant Biology
2000 Chair, Search Committee for Molecular Plant Systematist; 1999-2001 Graduate Director 1999-2000 University Committee on Committees; 1998-9 Departmental Representative, University Senate; 1998 Darkroom Coordinator; 1994-7 Personnel Committee 1997 Search Committee, Developmental Anatomist
Department of Botany
1991-5 Graduate Admissions Committee; 1993-4 Darkroom Coordinator
1995 Search Committee, Physiological Ecologist; 1990-3 Affirmative Action Representative; 1994-5 Undergraduate Biology Student Advising; 1990 Search Committee, Urban Horticulturalist