Laurie Chassin is a Regents Professor of psychology whose research focuses on the developmental course and intergenerational transmission of alcohol and tobacco use and disorders. Chassin is a fellow of the American Psychological Association and a Charter Fellow of the American Psychological Society. She received the ASU Alumni Association Faculty Achievement Research Award in 2006 and also received the ASU College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Alumni Association Faculty Award. She currently serves as an associate editor of Journal of Abnormal Psychology and a field editor of Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. Her past associate editorships include Psychology of Addictive Behaviors and Nicotine and Tobacco Research.
Adolescent risk and resilience, and transitions from adolescence to adulthood. Longitudinal studies of the intergenerational transmission of substance use and cigarette smoking, and adolescents in high-risk families, desistance among serious juvenile offenders.
*Haller, M., & Chassin, L.,. Reciprocal relations between perceived risk for alcoholism and drinking: Aversive transmission of parental alcoholism. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (2010).
*Haller, M., *Handley, E., Chassin, L., & *Bountress, K. Developmental cascades: Linking adolescent substance use, affiliation with substance-use-promoting peers, and academic achievement to adult substance use disorders. Development and Psychopathology (2010).
*Lee, M., Chassin, L., & MacKinnon, D. The effect of marriage on young adult heavy drinking and its mediators: Results from two methods of adjusting for selection effects. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors (2010).
Chassin, L, Presson, C., Sherman, S., Seo-DC, & Macy, JT. Implicit and explicit attitudes predict smoking cessation: Moderating effects of experienced failure to control smoking and plans to quit. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors (2010).
Chassin, L., Dmietrieva, J., Modecki, K., Steinberg, L., Cauffman, E., Knight, G., Piquero, A., & Losoya, S. Does adolescent alcohol and marijuana use predict suppressed growth in psychosocial maturity among male juvenile offenders?. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors (2010).
Chassin, L., Presson, C., Macy, J., Seo-DC, & Sherman, SJ. The association between membership in the sandwich generation and health behaviors: A longitudinal study. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology (2010).
Eisenberg, N., Haugen, R., Spinrad, T., Jofer, C., Chassin, L., Zhou, Q., Kupfer, A., Smith, C., Valiente, C., &Liew, J. Relations of temperament to maladjustment and ego resiliency in at-risk children. Social Development (2010).
Hussong, A., Huang, W., Curran, P., Chassin, L., & Zucker, R. Timing and severity of parental alcoholism affects the timing of children's externalizing problems. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology (2010).
Loughran, T., Mulvey, E., Schubert, C., Chassin, L., Steinberg, L., Piquero, A., Fagan, J. Cota-Robes, S., Cauffmann, E., & Losoya, S. Differential effects of adult court transfer on juvenile offender recidivism. Law and Human Behavior (2010).
Schubert, C., Mulvey, E., Loughgran, T., Fagan, J., Chassin, L., Piquero, A., Loroya, S., Steinberg, L., & Cauffman, E. Predicting outcomes for transferred youth: Findings and policy implications. Law and Human Behavior (2010).
Craig Colder, Laurie Chassin, *Matthew Lee and *Ian Villalta. Developmental perspectives: Affect and adolescent substance use. Substance abuse and emotion (2010).
Laurie Chassin, *Iris Beltran, *Matthew Lee, *Moira Haller, and *Ian Villalta. Vulnerability to substance use disorders in childhood and adolescence. Vulnerability to Psychopathology: Risk across the Lifespan (2010).
Laurie Chassin, R. Lorraine Collins, Jennifer Ritter, Mariela Shirley, Michael Zvolensky and Todd Kashdan. Vulnerability to substance use disorders across the lifespan. Vulnerability to Psychopathology: Risk across the Lifespan (2010).
Chassin, L., Knight, G., Vargas-Chanes, D., Losoya, S., & Naranjo, D. Substance use, Substance Use Treatment, and Offending: A longitudinal study of serious juvenile offenders. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment (2009).
Handley, E., & Chassin, L. Intergenerational transmission of beliefs about alcohol. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (2009).
King, K., Molina, B., & Chassin, L. Prospective relations between growth in drinking and life stress over adolescence. Journal of Abnormal Psychology (2009).
Knight, G., Vargas, D., Robles, S., Losoya, S., & Chassin, L. Trajectories of acculturation among adolescent juvenile offenders. Journal of Research on Adolescence (2009).
Little, M., Handley, L., Leuthe, E., & Chassin, L. Substance use and early parenthood in a high risk sample. Development and Psychopathology (2009).
Mauricio, A., Little, M., Chassin, K. Vargas-Chanes, D., Knight, G., Losoya, S., Piquero, A., & Dahl, M. Juvenile offenders’ alcohol and marijuana trajectories: Risk and Protective Factor effects in the context of supervised time. Journal of Youth and Adolescence (2009).
Sherman, S.J., Chassin, L., Presson, C.C., Seo, D-C., & Macy, JT. The intergenerational transmission of implicit and explicit attitudes toward smoking. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (2009).
Editors: Gary Swan, Timothy Baker, Laurie Chassin, David Conti, Caryn Lerman, and Kenneth Perkins. Phenotypes and Endophenotypes: Foundations for Genetic Studies of Nicotine Use and Dependence, Tobacco Control Monograph No. 20. Bethesda, MD: US Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, NIH Publication No. 08-6366. (2009).
Chassin, L., Curran, P., Presson, C., Wirth, R.J., & Sherman, S.J. Trajectories of adolescent smoking: Conceptual Issues and an Empirical Example. Phenotypes and Endophenotypes: Foundations for Genetic Studies of Nicotine Use and Dependence, Tobacco Control Monograph No. 20. Bethesda, MD: US Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, NIH Publication No. 08-6366 (2009).
Chassin, L., Hussong, A., & Beltran, I. Adolescent Substance Use. Handbook of Adolescent Psychology 3rd Edition (2009).
A Hussong, D Flora, P Curran, Laurie Chassin, R Zucker. Defining Risk Heterogeneity for Internalizing Symptoms among Children of Alcoholic Parents. Development and Psychopathology (2008).
Chassin, L. Juvenile Justice and Adolescent Substance Use. The Future of Children (2008).
Chassin, L., Presson, C., Seo, D., Sherman, S., Macy, J., Wirth, R., & Curran, P. Multiple trajectories of cigarette smoking and the intergenerational transmission of smoking: A multigenerational, longitudinal study of a Midwestern community sample. Health Psychology (2008).
Curran, P., Hussong, A., Cai, L., Huang, W., Chsasin, L., Sher, K., & Zucker, R/. Pooling data from multiple longitudinal studies: the role of item response theory in integrative data analysis. Developmental Psychology (2008).
Handley, E., & Chassin, L. Stress-induced drinking in parents of adolescents with externalizing symptomatology: The moderating role of parent social support. American Journal of the Addictions (2008).
Hussong, A., Bauer, D., & Chassin, L. Telescoping of Alcohol Onset-to-Disorder Trajectories in Children of Alcoholic Parents. Journal of Abnormal Psychology (2008).
Hussong, A., Bauer, D., Huang, W., Chassin, L., Sher, K., & Zucker, R. Characterizing the life stressors of children of alcoholic parents. Journal of Family Psychology (2008).
Hussong, A., cai, L., Curran, P., Flora, D., Chassin, L., & zucker, R. Disaggregating the distal, proximal, and time-varying effects of parent alcoholism on children's internalizing symptoms. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology (2008).
King, K, Molina, B & Chassin, L. A state-trait model of negative life event occurrence in adolescence: Predictors of stability in the occurrence of stressors. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (2008).
King, K., & Chassin, L. Adolescent stressors, psychopathology, and young adult substance dependence: A prospective study. Journal of studies on Alcohol and Drugs (2008).
Little, M., Weaver, S., King, K., Liu, F., & Chassin, L. Historical change in the link between adolescent deviance proneness and marijuana use. 1979-2004. Prevention Science (2008).
Losoya, S., Knight, G., Chassin, L., Little, M., Mauricio, A., Vargas-Chanes, D., & Piquero, A. Trajectories of acculturation and enculturation in relation to binge drinking and marijuana use in a sample of Mexican American serious juvenile offenders. Journal of Drug Issues (2008).
Trim, R., & Chassin, L. The effects of neighborhood SES on adolescent alcohol use in a high-risk sample. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and DRugs (2008).
Andrea Hussong, RJ Wirth, MC Edwards, PJ Curran, R Zucker, Laurie Chassin. Externalizing symptoms among children of alcoholic parents: Entry points for an antisocial pathway to alcoholism. Journal of Abnormal Psychology (2007).
E Cauffman, A Piquero, E Kimonis, L Steinberg, Laurie Chassin, J Fagan. Legal, individual, and contextual predictors of court disposition in a sample of serious adolescent offenders. Law and Human Behavior (2007).
J Macy, D Seo, Laurie Chassin, C Presson, S Sherman. Long-term cessation among young adult smokers. American Journal of Public Health (2007).
J Rose, Laurie Chassin, Clark Presson, SJ Sherman, M stein, N Col. A latent class typology of young adult women smokers. Addiction (2007).
K King, Laurie Chassin. Early adolescent drinking and young adult substance dependence: Is there evidence of a causal relation?. Journal of Studies on Alcohol (2007).
Laurie Chassin, C Presson, A Morgan-Lopez, S Sherman. Deviance Proneness and adolescent smoking 1980 vs 2001: HAs there been a "hardening" of adolescent smoking?. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology (2007).
Laurie Chassin, Clark Presson, J Rose, S Sherman. What is "addiction?" Age-related differences in the meaning of addiction. Views of adolescents and their parents. Drug and Alcohol Dependence (2007).
R Trim, K King, B Meehan, Laurie Chassin. The effects of adolescent substance use on young adult internalizing symptoms. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors (2007).
. . Modeling developmental processes in ecological context (2007).
Curran, P J (Author) ,Edwards, M C (Author) ,Wirth, R J (Author) ,Hussong, A M (Author) ,Chassin, Laurie (Author) . The incorporation of categorical measurement models in the analysis of individual growth. Modeling ecological and contextual effects in longitudinal studies of human development (2007).
C Rice, D Dandreaux, L Handley, Laurie Chassin. Risk and resilience among children of alcoholics. The Prevention Researcher (2006).
C Smith, N Eisenberg, T Spinrad, Laurie Chassin, A Morris, A Kupfer, J Lieuw, A Cumberland, C Valiente. Children's coping strategies and coping efficacy: Relations to parent socialization, cihld adjustment, and familial alcoholism. Development and Psychopathology (2006).
J Krosnickj, L Chang, S Sherman, Laurie Chassin, C PRsson. The effects of beliefs about the health consequences of cigarette smoking on smoking onset and quitting. Journal of Communication (2006).
K King, B Meehan, R Trim, Laurie Chassin. Marker or mediator? The effects of adolescent substance use on adult educational attainment. Addiction (2006).
K King, B Meehan, R Trim, Laurie Chassin. Substance use and academic outcomes: Synthesizing findings and future directions. Addiction (2006).
Laurie Chassin, L Handley. Parents and families as contexts for the development of substance use and substance use disorders. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors (2006).
Q Zhou, K King, Laurie Chassin. Parent alcoholism family environment, and substance use disorders. Journal of Abnormal Psychology (2006).
R Trim, E Leuthe, Laurie Chassin. Sibling influences on young adult alcohol use. Journal of Studies on Alcohol (2006).
D Flora, Laurie Chassin. Changes in drug use during young adulthood: The effects of parent alcoholism and transition into marriage. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors (2005).
Laurie Chassin, C Presson, J Rose, S Sherman, M Davis, J Gonzales. General and smoking-specific parenting as predictors of adolescent smoking onset. Journal of Pediatric Psychology (2005).
Laurie Chassin, C Presson, S Sherman, J Rose. Adolescent Smoking: A commentary and issues for pediatric psychologists. Journal of Pediatric Psychology (2005).
. Adolescent Smoking. (2005).
A Carle, Laurie Chassin. Resilience in a community sample of children of alcoholics: Its presence and relations to internalizing symptomatology and positive affect. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology (2004).
A Hussong, Laurie Chassin. Stress and coping among children of alcoholic parents through the young adult transition. Development and Psychopathology (2004).
C Schubert, E Mulvey, L Steinberg, E Cauffman, S Losoya, T Hecker, Laurie Chassin, George Knight. Operational lessons from the Pathways to Desistance Project. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice (2004).
E Mulvey, T Hecker, S Losoya, L Steinberg, J Fagan, E Cauffman, A Piquero, Laurie Chassin, G Knight, R Brame, C Schubert. Theory and research on desistance from antisocial activity among serious juvenile offenders. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice (2004).
K King, Laurie Chassin. Adolescent behavioral undercontrol and parenting as predictors of young adult drug dependence. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors (2004).
Laurie Chassin, D Flora, K King. Trajectories of alcohol and drug use and dependence from adolescence to adulthood: The effects of familial alcoholism and personality. Journal of Abnormal Psychology (2004).
R Trim, Laurie Chassin. Drinking restraint, alcohol consumption, and alcohol dependence among children of alcoholics. Journal of Studies on Alcohol (2004).
T Baker, T Brandon, Laurie Chassin. Motivational influences on cigarette smoking. Annual Review of Psychology (2004).
Chassin, Laurie (Author) ,Carle, A (Author) ,Nissim-Sabat, D (Author) ,Kumpfer, K (Author) . Fostering resilence for children of alcoholics. Investing in children, youth, families, and communities: Strengths-based research and policy (2004).
Chassin, Laurie (Author) ,Hussong, A (Author) ,Barrera, M (Author) ,Molina, B (Author) ,Trim, R (Author) ,Ritter, J (Author) . Adolescent substance use and abuse. Handbook of Adolescent Research (2004).
A Morgan-Lopez, F Castro, Laurie Chassin, David Mackinnon. A mediated moderation model of cigarette use among Mexican-American Youth. Addictive Behaviors (2003).
Laurie Chassin, Clark Presson, S Sherman, K Kim. Historical changes in cigarette smoking and smoking-related beliefs over two decades in a Midwestern community. Health Psychology (2003).
Laurie Chassin, K King, A Cumberland. Drug abuse risk in children of alcoholics: Mediating and moderating mechanisms. NIDA Research Monographs (2003).
S Sherman, Clark Presson, Laurie Chassin, J Rose, K Koch. Implicit and explicit attitudes toward cigarette smoking: The effects of context and motivation. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology (2003).
A Hussong, Laurie Chassin. The leaving home transition for children of alcoholics. Development and Psychopathology (2002).
C Presson, Laurie Chassin, J Rose, S Sherman. Antecedents and Correlates of tobacco chipping. Health Psychology (2002).
Irwin Sandler, Laurie Chassin. Training of prevention researchers: Perspectives from the Arizona State University Prevention Research Training Program. Prevention and Treatment (2002).
Laurie Chassin, C Presson, J Rose, S Sherman. Parental smoking cessation and adolescent risk for smoking: Potential mediating mechanisms. Journal of Pediatric Psychology (2002).
Laurie Chassin, C Presson, S Sherman. Long-term psychosocial sequelae of smoking cessation and relapse. Health Psychology (2002).
Laurie Chassin, S Pitts, J Prost. Trajectories of heavy drinking from adolescence to young adulthood: Adolescent Predictors and Young Adult Substance Abuse Outcomes. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology (2002).
C DeLucia, A Belz, Laurie Chassin. Fluctuations in paternal alcohol impairment: Effects on child symptomatology and family environment. Developmental Psychology (2001).
Laurie Chassin, Clark Presson, J Rose, S Sherman. From adolescence to adulthood: Age-related changes in beliefs about cigarette smoking in a midwestern community sample. Health Psychology (2001).
Chassin, Laurie (Author) ,Presson, C (Author) ,Rose, J (Author) ,Sherman, S J (Author) ,Presson, E (Author) . Cigarette Smoking. Adolescence in America: An Encyclopedia (2001).
Chassin, Laurie (Author) ,Ritter, J (Author) . Vulnerability to alcohol and substance use in childhood. Handbook of Vulnerability to Psychopathology: Risk across the Lifespan (2001).
Chassin, Laurie (Author) ,Ritter, J (Author) ,Collins, R L (Author) ,Shirley, M (Author) . Vulnerability to substance abuse across the lifespan: Integrating perspectives from childhood to adulthood. Handbook of Vulnerability to Psychopathology: Risk across the Lifespan (2001).
A Loukas, J Krull, Laurie Chassin. The relation of personality to alcohol abuse/dependence in a high-risk sample. Journal of Personality (2000).
K Leonard, R Daseiden, M Wong, R Zucker, L Puttler, H Fitzgerald, A Hussong, Laurie Chassin, P Mudar. Developmental perspectives on risk and vulnerability in alcoholic families. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research (2000).
M Marshal, Laurie Chassin. Peer influence on adolescent alcohol use: The moderating role of parental support and discipline. Applied Developmental Science (2000).
R Proescholdbell, Laurie Chassin, D MacKinnon. Home Smoking Restrictions and Adolescent Smoking. Nicotine and Tobacco Research (2000).
Rose, J S, Chassin, Laurie, Presson, Clark Cortelyou, Sherman, S J. Multivariate Applications in Substance Use Research: New Methods for New Questions. (2000).
Chassin, Laurie (Author) ,Belz, A (Author) . Substance use and abuse among adolescent children of alcoholics. Children of Addiction: Research, health, and public policy issues (2000).
Lee, H (Author) ,Buller, D (Author) ,Chassin, Laurie (Author) ,Kronenfeld, Jennie J (Author) ,MacKinnon, D (Author) . Influence of cigarette promotion on mediators of smoking. Tobacco: The growing epidemic (2000).
Chassin,Laurie*, Sandler,Irwin Noah. Research Training in Child Mental Health/Primary Prevention. HHS-NIH-NIMH(7/1/2005 - 6/30/2010).
Chassin,Laurie*, Sandler,Irwin Noah. YR 19: Research Training in Child Mental Health/Primary Prevention. HHS-NIH-NIMH(7/1/2005 - 6/30/2010).
Chassin,Laurie*, Knight,George P. Pathways to Desistance: A Prospective Study of Serious Adolescent Offenders. UNIV OF PITTSBURGH(7/1/2005 - 6/30/2011).
Chassin,Laurie*, Sandler,Irwin Noah. YR 18: Research Training in Child Mental Health/Primary Prevention. HHS-NIH-NIMH(7/1/2004 - 6/30/2005).
Macy, J., Chassin, L. Presson, C., Sherman S., & Seo, DC. Implicit and explicit attitudes predict smoking cessation: Moderating effects of perceived lack of control over smoking and plans to quit. Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association (Nov 2010).
*Handley, E., *Haller, M., Chassin, L, * Bountress, K., *Beltran, I., & Dandreaux, D. Behavioral and cognitive disinhibition as mediators of familial substance disorder risk on adolescent externalizing outcomes. Biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence (Mar 2010).
*Bountress, K., & Chassin, L. Partner support and conflict in the family of origin as predictors of parental warmth and monitoring. Biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence (Mar 2010).
*Handley E & Chassin, L. Alcohol-specific socialization among alcoholic parents. Biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence (Mar 2010).
*Haller, M., *Handley, E., & Chassin, L. Adolescent predictors of adult substance use disorders in a high risk sample. Biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence (Mar 2010).
Handley, E., & Chassin, L. The Intergenerational Transmission of Alcohol Expectancies in a High-Risk Sample. Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism (Jun 2009).
Presson, C., Chassin, L., Sherman, Seo, D-C., & Macy, J. The intergenerational transmission of implicit attitudes toward smoking. Society for Research in Child Development Meeting (Apr 2009).
Rice, C., Chassin, L., & Bucholz, K. Predicting participation in a genetic data collection with a longitudinal, community, family study. Society for Research in Child Development Meeting (Apr 2009).
Haller, M., & Chasin, L. The unique effect of parental negative affectivity on adolescent maladjustment. Society for Reearch in Child Development (Apr 2009).
Trim, R., Handley, E., Haller, M., & Chassin,. Neighborhood social class, neighborhood social processes, and adolescent problem behavior. Society for Research in Child Development Meeting (Apr 2009).
King, K., Handley, E., Beltran, I., & Chassin, L. Alcohol dependence in the absence of drug dependence: An issue of severity of disorder or a case of unique etiology?. Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism (Jun 2008).
Haller, M., Chassin, L., Taylor, A., & Sher, K. Gender differences in drinking to cope and comorbid alcohol disorder and depression. Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism (Jun 2008).
Handley, E., & Chasin, L. Parents’ alcohol expectancies and emerging adult drinking. Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism (Jun 2008).
Lee, M., Chassin, L., & MacKinnon, D. Mediators of the marriage effect on drinking. Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism (Jun 2008).
Chassin, L., Knight, G., Dmietrieva, J., Steinberg, L., Cauffman, E., & Losoya, S. Does adolescent alcohol use suppress growth in psycholosocial maturity?. Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism (Jun 2008).
Hussong, A., Serrano, D., Curran, P., Zucker, R., Chassin, L., & Sher, K. Symptomatology Identifies Periods and Persons at Risk for Alcohol Use in High-Risk Family Contexts: A Cross-Study Analysis. Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism (Jun 2008).
Stein, G., Hussong, A., & Chassin, L. Culture and the leaving home transition for Latino Children of Alcoholics. Annual JMATE meeting (Jun 2008).
Hussong, A., Curran, P., Lee, Taehun, Wirth, R.J., Chassin, L., Sher, K., & Zucker, R. (2008). Symptomatology identifies periods and persons at risk for illicit drug use in high-risk family contexts: A cross-study analysis. Annual Meeting of the Society for Prevention Research (Jun 2008).
Mauricio, A., Little, M., CHassin, L., Vargas-Chanes, D., Knight, G., & Losoya, S. Juvenile offenders’ substance use trajectories: Risk and protective factors in the context of supervised time. Biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence (Mar 2008).
Schulenberg, J. Jager, J., Chassin, L., Catalano, R., Fleming, C., Haggerty, K., Maggs, J., Patrick, M., Loken, E., Finlay A., & O’Malley, P. Does Adolescence Matter? Longitudinal studies of the effects of adolescent characteristics and experiences on adulthood adjustment. Biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence (Mar 2008).
Hussong, A., Curran, P., Flora, D., Wirth, RJ., Edwards, M., Chassin, L., & Zucker, R. Heterogeneity in risk for symptomatology among children of alcoholics over the early life course: A multiple study analysis. B (Mar 2008).
Handley, E., Kruszewski, D., & Chassin, L. Behavioral competence among children of alcoholics in emerging adulthood and young adulthood. Biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence (Mar 2008).
Chassin, L., Presson, C., Sherman, S., Seo, D-C., Macy, J., Wirth, RJ., & Curran, PJ. Multiple trajectories of smoking and the intergenerational transmission of smoking. Annual Meeting of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (Feb 2008).
Chassin, Laurie. Trajectories of cigarette smoking from adolescence to adulthood. NCI Monograph Volume 22 Authors Meeting (Nov 2006).
Chassin, Laurie. Substance use in the Pathways to Desistance Study. MacArthur Foundation Conference on Juvenile Justice (Sep 2006).
King, K, Chassin, Laurie. Mechanisms of the stress-substance use relation in adolescence. Society for Prevention Research (Jun 2006).
Chassin, Laurie. Issues in diagnosing adolescent alcohol disorders. NIAAA Workshop on diagnosing alcohol disorders in youth (Apr 2006).
King, K, Meehan, B, Trim, R, Chassin, Laurie. Substance use as a predictor of educational attainment: Mediator or Marker?. Society for Research on Adolescence (Mar 2006).
Presson, C, Chassin, Laurie, Macy, J, Sherman, S. Light and intermittent smokers: Patterns of stability over time. Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (Feb 2006).
Chassin, Laurie. Intergenerational Transmission of Substance use disorders: Lessons learned and future directions. National Research Council, Institute of Medicine, Board on Children Youth and Families, Workshop (Sep 2005).
Rose, J, Chassin, Laurie, Presson, C, Sherman, S, Col, N. A latent class analysis of smoking-related attitudes and behaviors. Society for General Internal Medicine (Apr 2005).
Trim, R, Leuthe, E, Chassin, Laurie. Sibling influences on substance use disorders in emerging adulthood. Society for Research in Child Development (Mar 2005).
Meehan, B, Chassin, Laurie. Sensation Seeking and deviant behavior revisited: Shared versus specific risk for alcohol and drug use and dependence/. Society for Research on Child Development (Mar 2005).
Chassin, Laurie. Trajectories of substance use and substance use disorders from adolescence to adulthood: An examination of "maturing out". International Federation of Psychiatric Epidemiology (Sep 2004).
Chassin, Laurie. Substance use and serious juvenile offending. American Psychology and Law Society (Mar 2004).
Chassin, Laurie. Alternative categorical measurement models for the analysis of individual growth. Methodology in Longitudinal Ecological Research Conference (Mar 2004).
Chassin, Laurie. Development of stress and coping in a high-risk sample: Example of assessing change as a mediator in latent trajectory models. Society for Research on Adolescence (Mar 2004).
Chassin, Laurie. General and smoking-specific parenting as predictors of adolescent smoking onset. Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (Feb 2004).
Chassin, Laurie. Parents' antismoking values, affect, and action. Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (Feb 2004).
Chassin, Laurie. Challenges in Adolescent Health Care
Chassin, Laurie. Future directions for adolescent smoking cessation research: Where should we look?. Future of Youth Tobacco Cessation Workshop
Chassin, Laurie. Invited Chair--Two VIews Session Adolescent Substance Use. Society for Research in Child Development
Chassin, Laurie. Juvenile Justice and SUbstance Use: THe Intersection. Futures of Children Authors Conference
Chassin, Laurie. Multiwave, Longitudinal Data from adolescence to emerging adulthood. Conference on Emerging Adulthood
Chassin, Laurie. Substance Use and the Neuroscience of Adolescence: Discussion and Clinical IMplications. Seminar on Adolescent Susceptibility to Substance Abuse: Neural and Social Underpinnings of Reward Behaviors
Chassin, Laurie, presson, Clark, Rose, Jennifer, Sherman, Steven J. What is Addiction?Age-RElated Differences in the meaning of addiction. Society for Research in Child Development
Chassin, Laurie, Sherman, SJ, Presson, Clark. The Indiana University SMoking Survey. National Cancer Institute
Chassin, Laurie, Sherman, SJ, Presson, Clark. The Indiana University SMoking Survey. National Institute on DRug Abuse Research Seminar
Handley, Elizabeth, Chassin, Laurie. Drinking among Mothers of Children with Externalizing SYmptomatology. Society for Research in CHild Development
King, Kevin, Chassin, Laurie. Early onset of substance use in the development of later substance disorders. Society for Research in Child Development
Lee, Matthew, Villalta, Ian, Chassin, Laurie. Identity statuses, identity diffusion, and problem drinking outcomes among college students. Conference on Emerging Adulthood
Macy, Jon, Seo, Dong-Chul, Chassin, Laurie, Presson, Clark, Sherman, Steven J. Long term smoking cessation among young adults. Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco
Stein, Gabriela, Hussong, Andrea, Chassin, Laurie. Culture and the Leaving Home Transition for Latino Children of Alcoholics. Conference on Emerging Adulthood
Trim, Ryan, Chassin, Laurie, Meehan, Barbara, Chassin, Laurie. Effects of adolescent substance use and familial alcoholism on emerging adult internalizing symptoms. Conference on Emerging Adulthood
Clinical Psychology science and practice, Editorial board member (2010 - Present)
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs, Editorial Board Member (2010 - Present)
Multiple Journals, Ad Hoc Reviewer (2010 - Present)
NIDA Centers Review Committee, Member (2010 - Present)
AZ Cancer Center, Member, Tobacco Group (2010 - Present)
Encylopedia of Adolescence, Editorial board member (2010 - Present)
Journal of Personality, Editorial Board Member (2010 - Present)
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Ad Hoc Reviewer, NIDA K AWARDS (2009 - Present)
Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Editorial Board Member (2009 - Present)
Honorary Degree Committee, Chair (2008 - Present)
Honorary Degree Committee, Chair (2008 - Present)
Division 50, American Psychological Association, Member, Committee on Awards and Fellows (2007 - Present)
PALS Project, University of Pittsburgh Medical College, Consultant (2007 - Present)
Governor's Council on Children and Youth, -Participant in Ongoing Discussion of data from Research on Pathways to Desistance Project (2006 - Present)
Governor's Council on Children and Youth, AZ Juvenile Justice Committee, -Participant in Ongoing Discussion of data from Research on Pathways to Desistance Project (2006 - Present)
Clinical Psychology Science and Practice, Editorial Board Member (2006 - Present)
Clinical Psychology Science and Practice, Editorial Board Member (2006 - Present)
Psychology Department Planning and Advisory Committee, Member (2004 - Present)
Psychology Department Planning and Advisory Committee, Member (2004 - Present)
Psychology Department Planning and Advisory Committee, Member (2004 - Present)
Psychology Department Planning and Advisory Committee, Member (2004 - Present)
President's Academic Council, Member (2003 - Present)
President's Academic Council, Member (2003 - Present)
President's Academic Council, Member (2003 - Present)
Journal of Personality, Editorial Board Member (2001 - Present)
Journal of Personality, Editorial Board Member (2001 - Present)
Journal of Studies on Alcohol, Editorial Board Member (2001 - Present)
Prevention Center Executive Committee, Member (2000 - Present)
Prevention Center Executive Committee, Member (2000 - Present)
Prevention Center Executive Committee, Member (2000 - Present)
Nicotine and Tobacco Research, Associate Editor (1998 - Present)
National INstitute of Health-National INstitute on Drug Abuse, Grant Review Panel Member, Centers Committee (1997 - Present)
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, Editorial Board Member (1996 - Present)
Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Editorial Board Member (1991 - Present)
ASU, Faculty (1979 - Present)
Encyclopedia of Adolescence, Editorial Board Member (2009 - 2011)
Research and Creative Activities Committee, Member (2008 - 2011)
Division 50, American Psychological Association, Member, Committee on Awards and Fellows (2007 - 2011)
Journal of Studies on Alcohol, Editorial Board Member (2001 - 2011)
Nicotine and Tobacco Research, Associate Editor (1998 - 2011)
National INstitute of Health-National INstitute on Drug Abuse, Grant Review Panel Member, Centers Committee (1997 - 2011)
Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Editorial Board Member (1991 - 2011)
American Psychological Association Division 50 Awards Committee, Member (2008 - 2010)
Institute of Medicine, National Academy of sciences, Committee Member (2008 - 2010)
National Academy of Sciences, Committee on the Science of Adolescence, Committee Member (2008 - 2010)
Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Editorial Board Member (2005 - 2010)
Nicotine and Tobacco Research, Associate Editor (1998 - 2010)
NIH Special Emphasis Grant Review Panel, Member (2010 - 2010)
Natoinal Academy of Sciences, Member ,Committee on the Science of Adolescence (2008 - 2009)
Program Project on Adolescent Smoking, University of Illinois-Chicago, Scientific Advisory Board Member (2005 - 2009)
National Academic of Sciences/Institute of Medicine, Committee Member, Committee on Adolescent Health Care (2006 - 2009)
Adolescent Tobacco Use, Scientific Advisory Board Member (2004 - 2008)
NIH, Ad hoc Reviewer, NIMH T32 Grant Review Panel (2008 - 2008)
Clinical Admissions Committee, member (2008 - 2008)
Psychology Department Self Study Committee, Member (2007 - 2007)
Society for Research on Adolescence, Chair, Emerging Issues Review Panel (2007 - 2007)
Clinical Psychology Science and Practice, Editorial Board Member (2003 - 2007)
Occasional Reviewer--Journals (2007)
Defining Edge Research in Natural Sciences/Mathematics Faculty Achievement Award Committee, REviewer (2007)
Preparing Future Faculty, Guest Speaker (2007)
University of Illinois-Chicago, Tenure REviewer (2007)
University of Minnesota, Tenure Reviewer (2007)
Psi Chi, Guest Speaker (2006 - 2006)
Working Group on Issues Related to Diagnosis of Alcohol Disorders in Youth, National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Committee Member (2006 - 2006)
Journal of Personality, Editorial Board Member (1991 - 2006)
Journal of Research on Adolescence, Editorial Board Member (1991 - 2006)