Mark Denke
Mail code: 5813Campus: Tempe
Dr. Mark S. Denke is an Associate Vice President with the Arizona Board of Regents and serves as a senior academic and student affairs officer for the Arizona University System.The authority of the Board of Regents includes the University of Arizona, Arizona State University and Northern Arizona University with a combined enrollment of over 212,000 students, 36,000 employees and annual operating budgets of $6.1 billion. Dr. Denke represents the Arizona Board of Regents on many local and regional committees and advisory councils, including the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE); the Arizona Business & Education Coalition (ABEC); the Western Consortium for Accelerated Learning Opportunities (WCALO); the Arizona ACT Advisory Council Executive Committee (ACT); the Arizona Commission for Postsecondary Education (ACPE); the Arizona Faculty Council (AFC); the Arizona Minority Education Policy Analysis Center (AMEPAC); AZTransfer Executive Committee and the All-Arizona Academic Team Steering Committee.
Dr. Denke has provided leadership for student development initiatives in many areas of academic, business and student affairs at a number of universities for over 30 years. Prior to coming to the Arizona Board of Regents, he held a joint appointment as Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs and Assistant Professor in the School of Education at Colorado State University. He was also a Faculty Associate at the University of Northern Colorado in the Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Graduate Program in the College of Education. He has been nominated by students and alumni numerous times as a “Best Teacher” at Colorado State University and won the award in 1999. The Associated Students of Colorado State University (ASCSU) established the “Dr. Mark S. Denke Service Award” to be given annually at the university to an administrative professional staff member in recognition of outstanding service and support to students.
He currently serves on a National Advisory Board of the American College Personnel Association, College Student Educators International (ACPA). He has served as a faculty member for the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators Region IV-West (NASPA) Mid-Level (MLI) and New Professional (NPI) Institutes and received the NASPA Regional Outstanding Faculty Award, “Presented to a faculty member who has contributed significantly to graduate higher education and the preparation of student affairs professionals.” Dr. Denke received a national award from ACPA as the Outstanding Mentor to Graduate Students and ACPA named him a Diamond Honoree for career contributions to his field in higher education. He also served two three-year terms on the editorial board for NASPA Journal of Student Affairs Administration, Research, and Practice.
Dr. Denke participated in the Oxford Round Table at Oxford University, Oxford, England. This is an intensive and selective professional colloquium for senior college and university administrators engaging in discussions of contemporary higher education policy issues that affect nations and states worldwide.
He holds a Doctor of Education Degree in Higher Education from the University of Kansas, a Master of Science Degree in Counseling/College Student Personnel Administration from Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania, and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration from the Pennsylvania State University. Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania selected Dr. Denke for the Distinguished Alumnus Award, the highest honor the university can bestow upon a graduate.
- Doctor of Education Degree in Higher Education from the University of Kansas
- Master of Science Degree in Counseling/College Student Personnel Administration from Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
- Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration from the Pennsylvania State University.
Changing Social Culture on Campus: A Study of Existing Alternative Programming InitiativesColorado State University Journal of Student Affairs, 2004
Alternative programming initiatives, or late night and weekend programming, are relatively new innovations to curtail alcohol abuse. There is a need to understand current practices at other colleges and universities, the effects these programs are having, and how the initiatives interact with the current social culture on campuses. The research reflects a connection between social norm theory, alternative programming initiatives, and the positive impact they can have on the social cultures within higher education communities.
Authors: Z. Reif, Mark S. Denke
Surveying adult career assessment tools: Extending reach to an expanding audience.Career Planning and Adult Development Journal, 2003
Identifying career assessment tools which add value to the adult counseling and career development alliance is critical to helping clients gain feedback, stimulate exploration and define goals. From this project, it is hoped that adult career development specialists will be encouraged to gain interest in adult assessment and be motivated to expand their assessment skill to help reach and expanded adult audience in search of building a satisfying and personally meaningful and productive career.
Authors: Rich Feller, Mark S. Denke
The 2000 ACUI/EBI college union/student center survey: A qualitative analysis of institutional reactions and change initiatives.Association of College Unions International Bulletin, 2002
Divisions of student affairs must demonstrate the value and effectiveness of their programs and services on college campuses, in order to survive. This is especially imperative for auxiliary services, such as college unions, that may be viewed as peripheral to the institutions’ core: academics. The ability to continuously improve one’s operations is essential, especially as our students become even more consumer-oriented and savvy.
Authors:T. Stormoen, Mark S. Denke
Wilderness pursuit activities: An orientation paradigmThe Journal of College Orientation and Transition, 2001
Orientation programs need effective programs for integrating new students into the campus in which they have chosen to further their education. As students continue to change and institutions strive to meet the needs of students, alternative methods of presenting students with information to assist them in their transition is necessary. An effective, comprehensive orientation program can have lasting effects on the students who choose to participate in the selected activities.
Authors: G. Fears, Mark S. Denke
Organizational illuminatus: The effects of major exigency at Colorado State University.Colorado State University Journal of Student Affairs, 2000
As a large residential land-grant university, Colorado State University serves as a second home for many students, faculty, and staff. Although the prediction ofspecific campus exigency is impossible, "organizational illuminatus" (The Jargon Dictionary, 1996) requires the use of reframing in providing maximum preparation for responding to campus exigency, coordinating accurate internal and external communication, and preparing for post crisis support, evaluation, and resolution.
Authors: Mark S. Denke, Ray Gasser
Sexual assault prevention programming: A model for residence halls.The Association of College and University Housing Officers - International Talking Stick Magazine, 1999
Date and acquaintance sexual assault is a problem of deepening significance at colleges and universities in the United States, and understanding the complexities of this issue is critical for those working at institutions of higher education. One of the benefits of residence hall living on college and university campuses is that those concerned with the development, health, and general well-being of students can help build communities that foster a safe environment for students.
Authors: J. Gelbmann, Mark S. Denke
Views from the student affairs' bleachers: Academics, financial assistance, and title IX legislation in intercollegiate athletics.Colorado State University Journal of Student Affairs, 1997
College athletics is confronted with critical and variable decisions. There is a need for greater awareness of the educational significance of intercollegiate athletics, since participation can influence strongly the growth and development of student athletes throughout their lives.
Authors: Mark S. Denke
Assessment of individual expectations and perceptions of the university experience as it relates to progress toward educational gains: A comparative study of freshman and senior undergraduate students.Dissertation Abstracts International, Doctoral Dissertation/Thesis,1989
A quantitative research study to determine how the individual student views different aspects of the university environment and how these views have an effect on his/her expectations and perceptions of the university ecology. Another purpose was to examine the relationships between freshman and senior students regarding the university environment, educational gains, and involvement in college activities.
Authors: Mark S. Denke
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado
Assistant Professor- School of Education (1995 – 2004). Served as a faculty member for the Student Affairs in Higher Education Graduate Program in the School of Education, The College of Applied Human Sciences. Taught courses in organizational behavior, human resource studies, and finance. Supervised and advised graduate interns, practicum, and independent study students. Served as major academic advisor for graduate degree candidates and served on graduate degree committees. Research interests included: Leadership, Change, Human Resource Management, Budgeting, Financial Planning, Organizational Behavior & Development, Educational Reform, Supervision & Training, Personal Growth and Development, Career Planning, Philosophy of Education, and Communication Skills.
Faculty Scholar - College of Applied Human Sciences (Fall 2000). Selected as one of eight faculty scholars to facilitate and implement student-centered, experiential education, and service-learning into first-year, capstone, or graduate level courses. Supported by a three-year grant by the Corporation for National Service. Revised/created a service-learning curriculum plan for implementation at Colorado State University.
Teaching Honors-
· Outstanding Mentor to Graduate Students National Award, American College Personnel Association (ACPA), 2005
· Outstanding Faculty Award, National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) Region IV-West, “Presented to a faculty member who has contributed significantly to graduate higher education and the preparation of higher education professionals,” Fall 2003
· Faculty Commencement Speaker, Student Affairs in Higher Education Graduate Program Graduation Ceremony (chosen by the graduating class), Colorado State University, Spring 1997 and 2002
· Service Learning Scholar, Colorado State University, Fall 2000
· Best Teacher Award, Colorado State University, Nominee 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001; Winner, 1999
University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, Colorado
Faculty Affiliate College of Education (2001 – 2004). Served as an faculty associate for the Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Graduate Program in the College of Education. Taught ELPS 653: "Finance and Resource Management in Higher Education". 3 credit required core course. Served on graduate degree committees.
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina
Instructor- College of Education and Psychology (Spring 1991 - 1995). Counselor Education Program in the School of Education, College of Education and Psychology. Taught ECD 220: "Introduction to Paraprofessional Counseling" (2 credit undergraduate course).
Guest Lecturer- School of Education (Fall 1989 - 1995). College Student Personnel Graduate Program in the School of Education, College of Education and Psychology. ED 535: "Student Personnel Work in Higher Education" (3 credit graduate level course).
University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas
Facilitator (Fall 1980 - 1985). Educational Policy and Administration Program in the School of Education, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Required 2-credit class for Undergraduate Resident Assistants. Taught EPA 590: "Residential Skill Enhancement and Administration".
Student Teaching Practicum (Fall 1983). Educational Policy and Administration Doctoral Program in the School of Education, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. EPA 892: "The College Student" (3 credit required graduate level course).
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado
Assistant Professor- School of Education (1995 – 2004). Served as a faculty member for the Student Affairs in Higher Education Graduate Program in the School of Education, The College of Applied Human Sciences. Taught courses in organizational behavior, human resource studies, and finance. Supervised and advised graduate interns, practicum, and independent study students. Served as major academic advisor for graduate degree candidates and served on graduate degree committees. Research interests included: Leadership, Change, Human Resource Management, Budgeting, Financial Planning, Organizational Behavior & Development, Educational Reform, Supervision & Training, Personal Growth and Development, Career Planning, Philosophy of Education, and Communication Skills.
Faculty Scholar - College of Applied Human Sciences (Fall 2000). Selected as one of eight faculty scholars to facilitate and implement student-centered, experiential education, and service-learning into first-year, capstone, or graduate level courses. Supported by a three-year grant by the Corporation for National Service. Revised/created a service-learning curriculum plan for implementation at Colorado State University.
Teaching Honors-
· Outstanding Mentor to Graduate Students National Award, American College Personnel Association (ACPA), 2005
· Outstanding Faculty Award, National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) Region IV-West, “Presented to a faculty member who has contributed significantly to graduate higher education and the preparation of higher education professionals,” Fall 2003
· Faculty Commencement Speaker, Student Affairs in Higher Education Graduate Program Graduation Ceremony (chosen by the graduating class), Colorado State University, Spring 1997 and 2002
· Service Learning Scholar, Colorado State University, Fall 2000
· Best Teacher Award, Colorado State University, Nominee 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001; Winner, 1999
University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, Colorado
Faculty Affiliate College of Education (2001 – 2004). Served as an faculty associate for the Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Graduate Program in the College of Education. Taught ELPS 653: "Finance and Resource Management in Higher Education". 3 credit required core course. Served on graduate degree committees.
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina
Instructor- College of Education and Psychology (Spring 1991 - 1995). Counselor Education Program in the School of Education, College of Education and Psychology. Taught ECD 220: "Introduction to Paraprofessional Counseling" (2 credit undergraduate course).
Guest Lecturer- School of Education (Fall 1989 - 1995). College Student Personnel Graduate Program in the School of Education, College of Education and Psychology. ED 535: "Student Personnel Work in Higher Education" (3 credit graduate level course).
University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas
Facilitator (Fall 1980 - 1985). Educational Policy and Administration Program in the School of Education, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Required 2-credit class for Undergraduate Resident Assistants. Taught EPA 590: "Residential Skill Enhancement and Administration".
Student Teaching Practicum (Fall 1983). Educational Policy and Administration Doctoral Program in the School of Education, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. EPA 892: "The College Student" (3 credit required graduate level course).
-Served as a faculty member for the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators Region IV-West (NASPA) Mid-Level (MLI) and New Professional (NPI) Institutes and received the NASPA Regional Outstanding Faculty Award, “Presented to a faculty member who has contributed significantly to graduate higher education.”
-Received a national award from the American College Personnel Association (ACPA) as the Outstanding Mentor to Graduate Students.
-Named a Diamond Honoree by the American College Personnel Association (ACPA) for career contributions to the field in higher education.
-Served two three-year terms on the editorial board for the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators: NASPA Journal of Student Affairs Administration, Research, and Practice.
-Selected and received the Distinguished Alumnus Award from Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania, the highest honor the university can bestow upon a graduate.
- Nominated by students and alumni numerous times as a “Best Teacher” at Colorado State University and won the award in 1999.
-The Associated Students of Colorado State University (ASCSU) established the “Dr. Mark S. Denke Service Award” to be given annually at the university to an administrative professional staff member in recognition of outstanding service and support to students.
- American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO)
- American College Personnel Association (ACPA)
- Association of College and University Housing Officers - International (ACUHO-I)
- Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges (AGB)
- National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA)
- National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA)
- State Higher Education Executive Officers (SHEEO)
- Arizona Central Credit Union, Board of Directors
- Chief Academic Officers, Arizona University System
- Arizona Faculties Council, Advisor, Arizona University System
- AZ Transfer, Executive Committee
- Arizona Business & Education Coalition (ABEC)
- Western Consortium for Accelerated Learning Opportunities (WCALO)
- Arizona ACT Advisory Council, Executive Committee
- Arizona Commission for Postsecondary Education (ACPE), Committee Member
- Arizona Minority Education Policy Analysis Center (AMEPAC), Board Member
- Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, All-Arizona Academic Team Steering Committee