Alfredo Artiles
Phone: 480-965-7279
Fax: 4809650375
INTDSB 285 TEMPE, AZ 85287-1003
Alfredo J. Artiles is an Emeritus Professor. He was dean of the Graduate College and the Ryan C. Harris Professor of Special Education at Arizona State University. His scholarship focuses on understanding and addressing educational inequities related to the intersections of disability with other sociocultural differences. His work aims to advance policies, personnel preparation programs, and inclusive educational systems in diverse contexts.
Professor Artiles directs the Equity Alliance and edits the Teachers College Press book series "Disability, Culture, & Equity." He was vice president of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) (2009-2011). Professor Artiles is a member of the National Academy of Education, an AERA fellow, a Spencer Foundation/National Academy of Education Postdoctoral Fellow (1998-2000), and a 2008-09 resident fellow at Stanford’s Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences. Professor Artiles is Honorary Professor in the School of Education at the University of Birmingham, UK (2016-2019) and has held visiting professorships at Leibniz University (Germany), the University of Göteborgs (Sweden), the University of Birmingham (UK), and Universidad Rafael Landívar (Guatemala).
He served on the White House Commission on Educational Excellence for Hispanics (2011-2017) and was named 2009 Distinguished Alumnus by the University of Virginia’s Curry School of Education Foundation. Recent publications include "Keeping the Promise? Contextualizing Inclusive Education in Developing Countries" (Klinkhardt); "World Yearbook of Education 2017: Assessment inequalities" (Routledge); and "Inclusive education: Examining equity on five continents" (Harvard Education Press).
- Ph.D. Education, University of Virginia
- M.Ed. Special Education, University of Virginia
- Licenciatura. Educational and Clinical Psychology, Universidad Rafael Landívar, Guatemala
For the past 25 years, Dr. Artiles' scholarship has addressed educational opportunities and equity challenges for culturally diverse learners. He has examined the racialization of disability as a window into the complex ways in which equity remedies for some groups (e.g., special education) can create inequities for other groups (e.g., racial and linguistic minorities). Dr. Artiles’ scholarship has contributed empirical evidence and theoretical refinement of this longstanding and complex problem in two ways. First, he has challenged the education field to account for the historical entanglement of racial and ability differences and the mediating role of such intersection in the production of racial disparities in disability identification. For this purpose, he has relied on insights and evidence from disparate fields including history, sociology, philosophy, cultural studies, psychology, disability studies, anthropology, and legal studies to explain how these categories of difference have been used to justify discrimination and exclusion for members of either group. In addition, Dr. Artiles and his colleagues have conducted careful analyses of empirical studies published over extended periods of time that document the invisibility of race and cultural differences in traditional special education research practices. In other words, his scholarship has made visible the a-historical and colorblind nature of a substantial amount of knowledge produced in this field. This is a significant finding given the historical disproportionate presence of racial minority students in special education. Second, Dr. Artiles has advanced a cultural-historical re-framing for the study of differences in special and inclusive education. He has argued for systematically infusing attention to culture, history, space, and power in this domain of study, has generated evidence using this framework at the national and international levels, and applied such perspective in national and regional technical assistance and professional development projects in the U.S.
- McLinden, M., Lynch, P., Soni, A.; Artiles, A. J., Kholowa, F., Kamchedzera, E.T., Ngwira, J.M., Mankhwazi, M. (2018). Supporting children with disabilities in low and middle-income countries: Promoting inclusive practice within community-based child centres in Malawi through a systems perspective. International Journal of Early Childhood. <>
- Tefera, A., Gonzalez, T., & Artiles, A. J.(2017). Challenges to policy as a tool for educational equity: The case of language and ability difference intersections. In S. Salas & P. Portes (Eds.), Latinization and K-12 communities: National perspectives on regional change(pp. 205-226). Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
- Tefera, A. A., Rios-Aguilar, C., Artiles, A. J.,Voulgarides, C. K., & Vélez, V. (2017). Developing a critical space perspective in the examination of the racialization of disabilities. In N. Ares, E. Buendia & R. Helfenbein, (Eds.), Deterritorializing/ Reterritorializing: Critical geographies of educational reform(pp. 191-208) Rotterdam, NL: Sense Publishers.
- Artiles, A. J., Dorn, S., & Bal, A. (2016). Objects of protection, enduring nodes of difference: Disability intersections with “other” differences, 1916 – 2016. Review of Research in Education, 40, 777-820.
- Gonzalez, T., Hernandez-Saca, D., & Artiles, A. J. (2016). In search of voice: Theory and methods in K-12 student voice research in the U.S., 1990-2010. Educational Review, 1-23.
- Waitoller, F., & Artiles, A. J. (2016). Teacher learning as curating: Becoming inclusive educators in school/university partnerships. Teaching and Teacher Education, 59, 360-371.
- Skiba, R., Artiles, A. J., Kozleski, E. B., Losen, D., & Harry, B. (2016). Risks and consequences of over simplifying educational inequities: A response to Morgan et al. (2015). Educational Researcher, 45, 221-225.
- Artiles, A. J., & Kozleski, E. B. (2016). Inclusive education’s promises and trajectories: Critical notes about future research on a venerable idea. Educational Policy Analysis Archives, 24(43).
- Gonzalez, T., & Artiles, A. J. (2015). Reframing venerable standpoints about language and learning differences: The need for research on the literate lives of Latina/o language minority students. The Journal of Multilingual Educational Research, 6, 9-34.
- Artiles, A. J. (2015). Beyond responsiveness to identity badges: Future research on culture in disability and implications for RTI. Educational Review, 67(1), 1-22.
- Sullivan, A. L., Artiles, A. J., & Hernandez-Saca, D. (2015). Addressing special education inequity through systemic change: Contributions of ecologically based organizational consultation. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 25, 1-19.
- Cavendish, W., Artiles, A. J., & Harry, B. (2014). Tracking inequality: Does policy legitimize the racialization of disability? Multiple Voices, 14(2), 30-40.
- Trent, S. C., Driver, M. K., Rodriguez, D., Oh, K., Stewart, S., Kea, C., & Artiles, A. J. (2014). Beyond Brown: Empirical research on diverse learners with or at-risk for specific learning disabilities from 1994 – 2012. Multiple Voices, 14(2), 12-29.
- Artiles, A. J. (2013). Untangling the racialization of disabilities: An intersectionality critique across disability models. DuBois Review, 10, 329-347.
- Artiles, A. J. Toward an interdisciplinary understanding of educational equity and difference: The case of the racialization of ability. Educational Researcher (2011).
- Artiles, A. J., King Thorius, K., Bal, A., Neal, R., Waitoller, F., & Hernandez Saca, D. Beyond culture as group traits: Future learning disabilities ontology, epistemology, and inquiry on research knowledge use. Learning Disability Quarterly (2011).
- Artiles, A. J., Kozleski, E. B., & Gonzalez, T. Para além da sedução da educação inclusiva nos Estados Unidos: Confrontando o poder, construindo uma agenda histórico-cultural. [Beyond the allure of inclusive education in the United States: Facing power, pursuing a cultural-historical agenda]. Revista Teias [Brazilian electronic journal] (2011).
- Sullivan, A., & Artiles, A. J. Theorizing racial inequity in special education: Applying structural inequity theory to disproportionality. Urban Education (2011).
- Artiles, A. J., Kozleski, E., & Waitoller, F. Inclusive education: Examining equity on five continents. (2011).
- Kozleski, E. B., Artiles, A. J., & Waitoller, F. Equity in inclusive education. Inclusive education: Examining equity on five continents (2011).
- Artiles, A, J., Bal, A., & King-Thorius, K. Back to the future: A critique of Response to Intervention’s social justice views. Theory into Practice (2010).
- Artiles, A. J., & Kozleski, E. B. What counts as Response and Intervention in RTI? A sociocultural analysis. Psicothema (2010).
- Artiles, A. J., Kozleski, E., Trent, S., Osher, D., & Ortiz, A. Justifying and explaining disproportionality, 1968-2008: A critique of underlying views of culture. Exceptional Children (2010).
- Waitoller, F., Artiles, A. J., & Cheney, D. The miner’s canary: A review of overrepresentation research and explanations. The Journal of Special Education (2010).
- Artiles, A. Reframing disproportionality: Outline of a cultural historical paradigm. Multiple Voices (2009).
- . Risk, schooling, and equity. (2009).
- Artiles, A. J., & Bal, A. The next generation of disproportionality research: Toward a comparative model in the study of equity in ability differences. The Journal of Special Education (2008).
- Arzubiaga, A., Artiles, A.J., King, K., & Harris-Murri, N. Beyond research on cultural minorities: Challenges and implications of research as situated cultural practice. Exceptional Children (2008).
- . Dilemmas of difference: Research on minority groups in special education in four continents. (2008).
- . Forging a knowledge base on English language learners with special needs: Theoretical, population, and technical issues. (2006).
- . Representation of minority students in special education: Complicating traditional explanations. (2006).
- Gray, S. (PI), Restrepo, A. (Co-PI), Graham, S. (Co-PI), Harris, K. (Co-PI), & Artiles, A.J. (Co-PI). (2018-2022). Interdisciplinary Program to Prepare Faculty in Evidence-Based Interventions for English Language Learners with Learning Disabilities.U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs. $1,000,000.
- Artiles, A. J. (PI), & Cason, J. (Co-PI). (2017-2019). Preparing Scholars for Academia and Beyond: Understanding PhD Career Pathways. Council of Graduate Schools. $80,000.
- Artiles,Alfredo*, Graham,Steven Scott, Harris,Karen R, Mathur,Sarup Rani. Evidence-Based Interventions in High-Need Schools: An Interdisciplinary Program to Prepare Special Education Faculty. ED(9/1/2013 - 8/31/2018).
- Erickson, F. (PI), Artiles, A. J. (Co-Investigator), & Dorn, S. (Co-Investigator). (2016-2017). Learning How to Look and Listen: Building capacity for video-based transcription and analysis in social and educational research. Spencer Foundation. $50,000.
- Tefera, A. (PI), Artiles, A. J. (co-PI), Voulgarides, C. (co-PI), & Noguera, P. (co-PI). (2015-2016). Paradoxes and inequities in special education and the law.W. T. Grant Foundation. $25,000.
- Panchanathan,Sethuraman*, Artiles,Alfredo, Baker,Dale Rose, Boradkar,Prasad, Candan,Kasim Selcuk, Fonow,Mary Margaret, Hedgpeth,Terri M, Hurlbut,James Benjamin, Klein,Jay Frederic, Li,Baoxin, Mcdaniel,Troy Lee, Miller,Clark Anson, Miller,Clark Anson, Nallure Balasubramanian,Vineet, Santello,Marco, Wetmore,Jameson Michael, Wilcox,M Jeanne, Wilcox,M Jeanne. IGERT: Person-centered Technologies and Practices for Individuals with Disabilities. NSF-EHR(8/15/2011 - 7/31/2016).
- Artiles,Alfredo*, Kozleski,Elizabeth. Equity Alliance at ASU/Special Education Needs Assessment & Planning. Wisconsin Dept of Pub Inst(4/19/2010 - 6/30/2011).
- Artiles,Alfredo*, Kozleski,Elizabeth. Special Education Leadership for School-wide Equity and Access. ED(1/1/2009 - 12/31/2013).
- Kozleski,Elizabeth*, Artiles,Alfredo. The Equity Alliance at ASU: The Region IX Equity Assistance Center. ED(10/1/2008 - 5/15/2012).
- Artiles,Alfredo*, Kozleski,Elizabeth. A Comparative Analysis of Equity in Inclusive Education. SPENCER FDN(8/1/2008 - 7/31/2010).
- Kozleski,Elizabeth*, Artiles,Alfredo, Mathur,Sarup Rani, Mccoy,Kathleen Marie. Arizona's Urban Professional Learning Schools Initiative: The Power of Transformative Education. ED-PSE-FIPSE(8/1/2007 - 7/31/2012).
- Kozleski,Elizabeth*, Artiles,Alfredo. National Center for Culturally Responsive Education Systems (NCCREST) & Evidence Based Practices. ED(10/1/2006 - 10/31/2009).
- Artiles,Alfredo*, Rutherford,Robert B. An Interdisciplinary Program to Prepare Culturally Responsive Special Education Professors. ED(1/1/2006 - 3/30/2012).
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
DCI 799 | Dissertation |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
DCI 784 | Internship |
DCI 790 | Reading and Conference |
DCI 792 | Research |
DCI 799 | Dissertation |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
DCI 784 | Internship |
DCI 790 | Reading and Conference |
DCI 792 | Research |
DCI 799 | Dissertation |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
DCI 784 | Internship |
DCI 790 | Reading and Conference |
DCI 792 | Research |
DCI 799 | Dissertation |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
DCI 784 | Internship |
DCI 790 | Reading and Conference |
DCI 792 | Research |
DCI 799 | Dissertation |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
DCI 792 | Research |
DCI 784 | Internship |
DCI 799 | Dissertation |
SPE 790 | Reading and Conference |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
DCI 784 | Internship |
DCI 790 | Reading and Conference |
DCI 792 | Research |
DCI 799 | Dissertation |
GRD 595 | Continuing Registration |
GRD 595 | Continuing Registration |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
DCI 799 | Dissertation |
DCI 792 | Research |
DCI 784 | Internship |
SPE 792 | Research |
SPE 790 | Reading and Conference |
EPA 790 | Reading and Conference |
GRD 595 | Continuing Registration |
- Artiles, A. J. Research on culture in disability: Opportunities and challenges in a world of differences. The 2011 Educational Review Guest Lecture, University of Birmingham, UK (Dec 2011).
- Artiles, A. J. Untangling the racialization of disabilities: An intersectionality perspective. Annual meeting of the National Association of Multicultural Association (Nov 2011).
- Artiles, A. J. Beyond responsiveness to student traits: A three-culture research approach. The 2011 Edward L. Meyen Distinguished Lecture. University of Kansas (Oct 2011).
- Artiles, A. J. Intersectionality’s complexity: Reflections on past and future research on the racialization of disabilities. Emerging Scholars Conference, Chapman University (Sep 2011).
- Artiles, A. J. Psicología que trasciende fronteras: Retos y oportunidades. Lección inaugural del 2011 Encuentro de Psicología. Universidad Rafael Landívar (Jul 2011).
- Artiles, A. J. Toward an interdisciplinary understanding of educational inequity and difference: The case of the racialization of ability. Wallace Foundation Distinguished Lecture. Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Associ (Apr 2011).
- Artiles, A. J. Notes on equity in special education: Challenges and promises of race and ability difference intersections. Research Seminar conducted at Universidad de la Laguna, Canary Islands, Spain (Nov 2010).
- Artiles, A. J. La educación incial y preprimaria como factor de éxito escolar [Early and preprimary education as school success factor]. Lecture sponsored by USAID and Ministerio de Educación de Guatemala (Aug 2010).
- Artiles, A. J. Cambiando sistemas educativos: Notas sobre la asistencia técnica como estructura mediadora [Changing educational systems: Notes on technical assistance as mediating structure]. Benjamin Bloom Lecture. Sponsored by USAID and Guatemalan Government (Jul 2010).
- Artiles, A. J. Educación inicial de docentes en la era global: Hacia un modelo histórico-cultural [Teacher education in the global era: Toward a cultural historical model]. Benjamin Bloom Lecture Series. Sponsored by USAID and the Guatemalan Government (Jul 2010).
- Artiles, A. J., Kozleski, E. B., Waitoller, F. Time and space in the analysis of equity in inclusive education. Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (May 2010).
- Bal, A., & Artiles, A. J. Muslim refugee families' figured worlds of adaptation and academic success in U.S. schools. Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (May 2010).
- Bal, A., & Artiles, A. J. Positioning refugee learners at an urban school: A sociocultural investigation of Muslim refugee students' orchestration of social positions and formation of academic identities. Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (May 2010).
- King, K., & Artiles, A. J. Difference as an artifact in representations of participants and interactions within a college access program. Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (May 2010).
- Artiles, A. J. An interdisciplinary conversation on ecological factors affecting cultural adaptation and the achievement gap among diverse students. Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (May 2010).
- Artiles, A.J. Division G business meeting and forum with Kris Gutierrez on educational equity in the Obama administration. Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (May 2010).
- Artiles, A. J. Division G invited Vice Presidential session. Research on the social context of underserved students and their communities: Interdisciplinary critiques. Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (May 2010).
- Artiles, A. J. Presidential session. Interdisciplinary research on race in a colorblind era: A critical appraisal and notes on a transformative paradigm. Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (May 2010).
- Artiles, A. J. Presidential session. Transcending disciplinary boundaries: The next generation of research on immigration and education. Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (May 2010).
- Artiles, A. J. Preparing researchers to face the complex educational settings of the 21st Century: Insights from the Spencer RTG Task Force. Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (May 2010).
- Artiles, A. J. Temas actuales en lenguaje, cultura escrita y matemáticas en América Latina: Investigaciones de México y Perú (Current themes in language, literacy, and numeracy in Latin America: research from Mexico and Peru). Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (May 2010).
- Artiles, A. J. ELL special education placement in English-only states. Symposium on Educational Equity & Diversity in the Southwest hosted at ASU (Mar 2010).
- Artiles, A. J. Beyond research on diverse groups: Understanding the cultural nature of research. Research Seminar "Diversity in Educational Research and Teacher Education" , South Africa (Apr 2009).
- Artiles, Alfredo. Culture and equity in special education research and personnel preparation. Special education seminar (Apr 2008).
- Artiles, Alfredo. The future of disproportionality: Toward a new generation of equity research in ability differences. Changing conceptions of special education conference: Past, present, and future (Apr 2008).
- Artiles, Alfredo, Sullivan, A., Fierros, E., Klingner, J. Shifting landscapes: English learners' special education placement in English-only states. Restrictive language policies roundtable (Apr 2008).
- Artiles, Alfredo, Sullivan, A., Fierros, E., Klingner, J. Shifting landscapes: English learners' special education placement in English-only states. Annual meeting (Mar 2008).
- Artiles, Alfredo. Addressing promises and challenges of response to intervention models for ELLs. 31st annual conference (Mar 2008).
- Artiles, Alfredo. Grappling with disproportionality: Toward a new generation of equity research. 2008 Currey Ingram Chair/Kennedy Center Lecture Series (Feb 2008).
- Artiles, Alfredo. The promise of inclusion: Notes on the cultural work of equity in education. Leadscape Winter Institute (Jan 2008).
- Artiles, Alfredo. Professional learning in a changing world: Promises and challenges for teacher education. Teacher Education Division Conference (Nov 2007).
- Kozleski, Elizabeth, Artiles, Alfredo, Sullivan, A. Addressing disproportionality through culturally responsive early intervening services. Arizona Response to Intervention Training (Sep 2007).
- Artiles, Alfredo. Response to Intervention Models: Promises and Challenges for Latino Families. Fiesta Educativa Special Education Institute (Jun 2007).
- Artiles, Alfredo. Emergent evidence on English language learner representation in special education. Fiesta Educativa Special Education Institute (Jun 2007).
- Kozleski, Elizabeth, Artiles, Alfredo, Gibson, D. Technical assistance as mediating structure: A cultural-historical cartography of minority placement in special education. Annual meeting (Apr 2007).
- Bal, Aydin, Artiles, Alfredo. A systematic research synthesis on the international intervention studies for child and adolescent refugees. Annual meeting (Apr 2007).
- Bal, Aydin, King, Kathleen, Artiles, Alfredo, Murri, Nancy, URSO, ANNMARIE. Locating culture in emotional and behavioral disorders: Implications of culture theory for emotional and behavioral disorders. Teacher Educators for Children with Behavior Disorders (Feb 2007).
- Artiles, Alfredo. School improvement for all children: Tools and resources for assessing your system. Leadership for Equity and Excellence (Feb 2007).
- King, Kathleen, Murri, Nancy, URSO, ANNMARIE, Artiles, Alfredo, Bal, Aydin. Making positive behavior interventions and support models culturally responsive. Teacher Educators for Children with Behavior Disorders Conference (Nov 2006).
- Artiles, Alfredo. Culturally responsive education: Guidelines and challenges. First International Special Education Symposium (Jun 2006).
- Artiles, Alfredo, King, Kathleen, Bal, Aydin. Culture, learning, and equity: Implications for professional identity and practice. Verano en Mexico Program (Jun 2006).
- Artiles, Alfredo. Reducing disproportionate representation in special education with culturally responsive practices: The NCCRESt model. Center for Educational Research Lecture Series (Apr 2006).
- McLaughlin, M., Artiles, Alfredo, Hernandez, G. Building capacity for inclusive education in developing countries: An analysis of El Salvador. Annual meeting (Apr 2006).
- Artiles, Alfredo. Aprendizaje de docentes en contextos multiculturales: Una vision historica cultural. Septimo Encuentro Internacional de Educacion y Pensamiento (Mar 2006).
- Artiles, Alfredo. Creando estructuras mediadoras para cambiar sistemas educativos: El modelo NCCRESt. Septimo Encuentro Internacional de Educacion y Pensamiento (Mar 2006).
- Artiles, Alfredo. Culture in research practices: Implications for the next generation of scholars. Open Doors: Third Space for Participation (Feb 2006).
- Artiles, Alfredo. Research as cultural practice: Implications for the next generation of scholars. Annual Conference (Feb 2006).
- Artiles, Alfredo, Harry, B., Klingner, J., Kozleski, Elizabeth. Creating culturally responsive educational systems. Creating opportunities to learn: A forum for addressing disproportionality (Feb 2006).
- Artiles, Alfredo, Kozleski, Elizabeth, Daus, T. Tackling the issue of disproportionality through systems analysis: Using state level data to target technical assistance. Creating opportunities to learn: A forum for addressing disproportionality (Feb 2006).
- Artiles, Alfredo. Culture in human development: Implications for research and graduate education. Monarch Center and LASER Project Leadership Symposium (Dec 2005).
- Artiles, Alfredo, Rueda, R. Special education placement of minority students: The need for multilevel analysis. Commemoration of P.L. 94-142 (Nov 2005).
- King, Kathleen, Murri, Nancy, Rostenberg, D., Artiles, Alfredo. Misidentification of culturally and linguistically diverse students as EBD: Promising practices for prevention. TECBD Conference (Nov 2005).
- Artiles, Alfredo. Technical assistance as cultural work: Notes on theory and methods. Bilingual/ESL Graduate Program Faculty Guest Speaker Series (Oct 2005).
- Artiles, Alfredo. Addressing minority placement in special education with culturally responsive practices: A multi-level approach. Bilingual/ESL Graduate Program Faculty Guest Speaker Series (Oct 2005).
- Artiles, Alfredo, Hodges, L., Palmer, J. Composing uncertain identities: Story, culture, and history in emergent constructions of social justice educators. First ISCAR conference (Sep 2005).
- Artiles, Alfredo. Understanding the intersection of culture and disability: The NCCRESt model. 25th anniversary congress on learning disabilities Aprendizaje = Libertad (Aug 2005).
- Artiles, Alfredo. New Paradigms of learning disabilities: Promises and challenges of the RTI model. 25th anniversary congress on learning disabilities Aprendizaje = Libertad (Aug 2005).
- Artiles, Alfredo, Blanchett, W., Kozleski, Elizabeth, Trent, S., Voltz, D. Culturally responsive practices at multiple levels of systems. Project directors' annual meeting (Jul 2005).
- Artiles, Alfredo, Kozleski, Elizabeth. Studying professional practices as cultural work: Theoretical and methodological considerations. Project directors' annual meeting (Jul 2005).
- Kozleski, Elizabeth, Gibson, D., Knapp, M., Artiles, Alfredo, Tate, W. The landscape of disproportionality: Urban contexts and their impact on the risk of special education identification. Annual meeting (Apr 2005).
- Artiles, Alfredo, Fierros, E., Rueda, R. English language learner overrepresentation in special education: A 10-state analysis of placement patterns and opportunity to learn. Annual Meeting (Apr 2005).
- Artiles, Alfredo, Zion, S. Disproportionality and emotional/behavioral disorders: Disparities, school, and classroom effects. 28th annual TECBD Conference (Nov 2004).
- Klingner, J., Artiles, Alfredo, Barletta, L. English language learners and learning disabilities: A critical review of research. English Language Learners Struggling to Learn: Emergent Research on Linguistic Differences and Learning Disabilities (Nov 2004).
- Artiles, Alfredo, Cleveland, R., Mallory, J., Dailey, M., Scott, R. Disproportionality is not a special education issue. National teleconference (Oct 2004).
- Artiles, Alfredo, Zion, S. Addressing disproportionality: From planning to action. Technical assistance meeting (Sep 2004).
- Artiles, Alfredo, McLaughlin, M., Russell, M. Preparing teachers to educate children with disabilities in inclusive settings. Brown bag presentation (Apr 2004).
- Artiles, Alfredo, Klingner, J., Utley, C. Addressing disporportionate representation in special education from a systemic perspective. Annual conference (Apr 2004).
- Artiles, Alfredo. Culturally responsive special education: Conceptual foundations and implications for practice. Second annual Cultural and Diversity Institute (Mar 2004).
- Artiles, Alfredo, Klingner, J. National Center for Culturally Responsive Educational Systems: Addressing disproportionate representation from a systemic perspective. Annual meeting (Feb 2004).
- Artiles, Alfredo. Between convictions and uncertainties: Culture's cohesion and special education scholarship. 3rd annual urban special education research conference (Dec 2003).
- Artiles, Alfredo. Looking inward: Implications of within-group diversity for bilingual special education. 27th annual statewide conference (Dec 2003).
- Artiles, Alfredo. The challenges of inclusive education for the education of teachers. Two workshops conducted to upgrade the preservice education of teachers (Oct 2003).
- Artiles, Alfredo. Understanding difference, culture, and social justice: Implications for special education's identity. Doctoral seminar in special education (Apr 2003).
- Artiles, Alfredo. Culturally responsive education: Implications for special education. Cultural Diversity Institute (Apr 2003).
- Artiles, Alfredo. Diversity or difference? Grappling with the intersections of culture, learning, and dis/ability. Special education and communications department (Apr 2003).
- Klingner, J., Artiles, Alfredo. The role of child study steam and multidisciplinary teammeetings in the overrepresentation of culturally linguistically diverse students in special education. Annual meeting (Apr 2003).
- Artiles, Alfredo, Palmer, J., Hodge, L. Annual meeting
- Artiles, Alfredo, Risko, V., Arzubiaga, Angela, Bloome, D., Rampulla, P. The social construction of bi-literacy: Grappling with perspective, scale, and context issues. Annual meeting
- Artiles, Alfredo. Culture in the study of disability placement: Implications for educational research. Special education faculty lecture series & the center for the scholarship of teaching
- Artiles, Alfredo, Klingner, J., Ziion, S. Understanding and addressing disproportionate representation from a systemic perspective. Task Force on Disproportionality
- Artiles, Alfredo. Voice and representation in special education scholarship. Doctoral seminar in urban special education
- Artiles, Alfredo. Critical issues in urban special education: Preparing and supporting teachers of students with disabilities. Summer Institute's Faculty
- Artiles, Alfredo. Becoming social justice educators: Ontogenetic learning trajectories in bilingual classrooms. Annual meeting