Ileana Orlich
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Ileana Alexandra Orlich is President’s Professor of Romanian studies and comparative literature in the School of International Letters and Cultures. A distinguished global futures scholar in the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory, Orlich is faculty affiliate in the School of Civic and Economic Thought and Leadership and Director of the Global Intensive Experience to Romania (2023). She is ASU's Professor of the Year (2011) and Centennial Professor (2001).
Her publications, which comprise ten monographs, more than twenty book translations with critical commentaries, numerous book chapters and more than one hundred refereed articles, include: "Subversive Stages: Dramatic Transcreations in Pre- and Post-Communist Hungarian, Romanian and Bulgarian Theater" (Budapest: Central European University Press, 2016); "Staging Stalinism in Post-Communism Romanian Theatre" (2012); "Myth and Modernity in the Twentieth-Century Romanian Novel" (New York: Columbia University Press, 2009); "Articulating Gender, Narrating the Nation: Allegorical Femininity in Romanian Fiction" (New York: Columbia University Press, 2004); "Silent Bodies: (Re)Discovering the Women of Romanian Short Fiction" (New York: Columbia University Press, 2002).
She is a well-known speaker in China, South Korea, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Canada, Italy, France, Spain, the UK, and Romania on cultural, political and gender relations, nationalism and ethnic conflict in Central and Eastern Europe. Orlich has taught at state universities in Romania, Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia and in the Harvard summer Institute for World Literature at the Bilgi University in Istanbul. She was also involved with Harvard’s IWL's academic projects in Seoul, Shanghai, and Beijing (2010, 2011, 2012).
Orlich received a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship for Literary Translation, was a three-time Fulbright Professor and a Fulbright Senior Specialist grantee, and has also been the recipient of grant awards from Romania's Writers' Union. She was awarded Romania's highest cultural distinction, Meritul Cultural al României twice (2004, Ofițer; 2018, Cavaler) and established a Romanian Language Visiting Professorship funded by the Romanian Language Institute in the School of International Letters and Cultures at ASU. She serves as Honorary Consul General of Romania in Arizona and is the chairwoman of the Consular Corps of Arizona’s Scholarship Committee.
Press Coverage
Interviewed in Tempe, Arizona by the Knowledge Enterprise at Arizona State University, on the topic of global instability in February 23, 2023:
Interviewed in Bucharest, Romania by the Washington-based host of Higher Education Steve Goodman, on the topic of ASU, the New University in July 5, 2016:
- Ph.D. English and Comparative Literature, Arizona State University
- M.A. English, Arizona State University
- Diploma de Licenţa, English and Romanian Studies, University of Bucharest, Romania
- Subversive Stages. Dramatic Transcreations in Pre- and Post-Communist Hungarian, Romanian and Bulgarian Theater. Budapest : Central European University Press, 2017.
- Staging Stalinism in Post-Communism Romania. Cluj-Napoca : Casa Cartii de Stiinta, UniArt Collection 2012.
- Avantgardism, Politics and the Limits of Interpretation in The (Ex)Centric Waste Land: Reading Gelu Naum’s Zenobia. Bucharest: Paideia Press, 2010.
- Myth and Modernity in the Twentieth-Century Romanian Novel. East European Monographs. New York: Columbia University Press, 2009.
- Articulating Gender, Narrating the Nation: Allegorical Femininity in Romanian Fiction. New York: Columbia University Press, 2004.
- Silent Bodies: (Re)Discovering the Women of Romanian Short Fiction. New York: Columbia University Press, 2002.
Book Translations with Critical Commentaries and Notes
- Victor Tvircun author. Orlich, Ileana, translator from Romanian and Russian into English. Notes on the Life of Dimitrie Cantemir, Prince of Moldavia, at the Court of Tsar Peter the Great. Submitted 2021, Academy of Science Press. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.
- Carlos Manuel Varela. Interrogatorio en Elsinore. Bilingual volume. Translated from Spanish. In English and Romanian. Bucuresti: Editura Euro Press. 2016. ISBN 978-606-668-195-7
- Boris Akunin. Hamlet. A Version. Bilingual volume. Translated from Russian. In Romanian and English. Bucuresti: Editura Euro Press. 2014. ISBN 978-606-668-066-0.
- The Cherry Orchard, Sequel. Cluj-Napoca: Casa Cartii de Stiinta. UniArt Collection, 2012.
- Kiss Me. Confessions of a Bare-Footed Leper. Gardena: Bettie Youngs Books, 2011.
- The Bed of Procrustes. Bucharest: Camil Petrescu Cultural Foundation Press, 2008.
- Velvet Tache. Bucharest: Paideia Press, 2008.
- The Hidden Way. Craiova: Scrisul Românesc, 2007.
- The Hallipa Trilogy. Cluj-Napoca: Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2007.
- A Concert of Music by Bach. Craiova: Scrisul Românesc, 2005.
- Tales from Ancuţa’s Inn. Bucharest: Editura Institutului Cultural Român, 2004.
- The Disheveled Maidens. Bucharest: Editura Institutului Cultural Român, 2004.
- Travestiuri. Bucharest: UNITEXT, 2004 (translated from English into Romanian both as a book and a stage text of this play premiered at the National Theatre of Romania).
- Mara. Bucharest: Editura Fundaţiei Culturale Române, 2003.
- Ciuleandra. Cluj-Napoca: European Studies Foundation Publishing House, 2002.
- Haia Sanis Cluj-Napoca: European Studies Foundation Publishing House, 2001.
Book Chapters
- “Code Name: Porn. Political Protest and Spiritual Redemption in András Visky’s Theatre.” Komporaly, Jozefina, Ed. Memories of the Body: Captivity as a State of Being in András Visky’s Barrack Dramaturgy. Forthcoming from Bristol: Intellect, UK. November 2016.
- Theatre and Theology in “Kiss Me”. Absinthe: New European Writing , in Absinthe 21, No.18, 2012.
- “Exile as Political Discourse in the novels of Herta Muller.” Migrazione e Patologie dell’ humanitas. Frankfurt am Main, Bruxelles, New York: Internationel Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2012.
- “Modernism and the Male World: The Crisis of Masculinity in The Bed of Procrustes.” The Canonical Debate Today Crossing Disciplinary and Cultural Boundaries. New York, Amsterdam: Rodopi Press, 2011.
- “Is There a Life after Communism? The Textualization of the Capital in Contemporary Romanian Short Fiction.” US – Romanian Relations in the Twentieth Century. Cluj-Napoca: Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2010.
- “Un nou sfirsit de veac in Bucuresti: Dimineata pierduta.” Published in Italian “Una nuova fin de siècle a Bucarest: una Dimineata pierduta.” Trans. Bernacchia, Anita Natascia. Volume of critical essays Il Romanzo Rumeno Contemporaneo (1989-2010). Teorie E Proposte Di Lettura. Roma: Bagatto Libri, 2010.
- “Aesthetic Pursuits and the Victorian Fin de Siècle: Picture and Text in Henry James’s Madame de Mauve.” Text(e)/Image. Etudes critiques (Critical Studies). Ed. Alexandra Vranceanu. Bucharest: Editura Universitatii Bucuresti, 2009.
- “Translations and Impact. Translation and Transculturation: Transmission and Innovation of Culture.” The Impact of European Integration on the National Economy. Cluj Napoca: Editura Risoprint, October 2006.
- “Mad Voices in the Forest: Caryl Churchill’s Configurations of Women in The Mad Forest.” Vampirettes, Wretches and Amazons: Representations of East European Women in Western Fiction. Eds. Domnica Radulescu and Valentina Glajar. Columbia University Press, December 2004.
- “The Role of Romanian and Central East European Studies in American Universities at the Dawn of the New Millennium.” Romanian Studies at the Turn of the Century/Studiile romanesti la inceput de secol. Iasi, Oxford, Portland: The Center for Romanian Studies, 2000.
Articles (Refereed)
- “Dadaism as Political Installation and Language for Revolutionary Imagination: The Importance of Being Tzara and Lenin.” Dramatica. Studia Universitas, Babes-Bolyai 1/2016. 4035
- “Conditia post-umana in spatiul Kafka: Domnul K eliberat, Incotro” Literature, Theater, Movie and Matei Vişniec. Eds. Marina Cap-Bun and Florentina Nicolae. Constanța: Ovidius University Press, 2015.
- “Mayakovski and the Beginnings of the Soviet Theatre.” Filologica Jassyensia, 2014.
- “The Intermediate Experience of Cinema: Alexandru Maftei’s Miss Christina.” Cinematografic Art & Documentation, nr. 8 (12) /2013.…
- “Politics as Comic-cum Tragic ‘Emplotment’ in Molière’s Tartuffe.” Performing Arts Journal (Inaugural issue), National University of Theatre and Cinema, Bucharest, 2013.
- “Is There a Woman in the Text? The Ghost of Mânjoală’s Inn.” Philologia. Studia Universitatis Series. Journal of Comparative Literature. Vol. 58 (LVIII), September 3, 2013.
- “ Slawomir Mrozek’s “Tango”: “Communism as Ideological ‘No Exit.’” Cinematographic Art & Documentation-Journal of Cinematographic Studies, Nr. 6(10), Hyperion University, Bucharest, 2012.
- “The Murder of Gonzago: Reading Shakespeare’s Hamlet in Communist Bulgaria.” The Annals of Ovidius University Constanţa – the Philology Series, Volume XXII, Constanta: Ovidius University Press. 2011.
- “Nikolai Gogol’s The Government Inspector. Stalinist Aesthetics and Subversive Staging in the Soviet Theatre.” Cinematographic Art & Documentation - Journal of cinematographic studies, Bucharest: Victor Publishing House, no. 4(8), New Series, 2011.
- “The Political Ghosts and Ideological Phantasms of The Cherry Orchard, A Sequel.” Caietele Echinox: Fantomes, Revenants, Poltergeists, Manes Caietele Echinox. Cluj – Napoca: Echinox
- “Conditia post-umana in Domnul K eliberat.” Vatra. 9-10 Targu Mureş, October 2011.
- “Translating T. S. Eliot in Communist Romania.” Challenges in Translation: Space, Culture and Linguistic Identity. New York: Addleton Academic Publishers, 2011.
- “Incorporations: Styling Women’s Identity and Political Oppression in the Novels of Herta Müller.” Gender Studies in the Age of Globalization. New York: Addleton Academic Publishers, 2011.
- “Reinventing Gogol’s Idylls in the Stalinist Era.” Cinematographic Art & Documentation. Bucharest: Hyperion University, no. 3 (7), New Series, 2011.
- “Sfarsitul unui nou veac in Bucuresti.” Scrisul Romanesc. Craiova, no. 2 (90), 2011.
- “Communist Totalitarianism in Solzhenitsyn’s Fiction.” Caietele Echinox. Cluj-Napoca: Echinox Cultural Foundation, volume 19, November 2010.
- “Arta traducerii lui Kafka.” Vatra. Targu Mureş, 8-9, September 2010.
- “Gogol and the Romanian Stage. Teatrul Azi. Bucharest, 9-10, October 2010.
- “Ideas and sentiments of the time: Theorizing the twentieth-century Romanian Literature.” University of Bucharest Review: A Journal of Literary and Cultural Studies. 2010.
- “O piesă cehoviană pentru teatrul postmodern.” Scrisul Romanesc. Craiova, no. 2 (78), 2010.
- “Paris Bucharest Express.” Essay/literary adaptation of the Romanian Avantgarde in French, staged in Hyeres, France, Theatre Denis, November 2009.
- Entries on Stefan Agopian and Adriana Bittel. (Romanian Modern Classics) Dictionary of Literary Biography, Twenty-First-Century Eastern and Central European Writers, 2009.
- “How I Learned to Read.” The Chattahoochee Review. Ed. Jo Ann Yeager Adkins. Georgia Perimeter College, Volume XXIX, No. 1-2, Winter/Spring, 2009.
- “Rewriting Chekhov for Postmodern Theatre: Nic Ularu’s The Cherry Orchard, Sequel.” Alloquor. Iasi: Editura Universitatii Alexandru Ioan Cuza, 4/2009.
- “Picture and Text in Henry James’s Daisy Miller.” The Annals of Ovidius University. The Philology Series, Volume XX, Constanta: Ovidius University Press, 2009.
- “Modernism and the Male World.” Analele Universitatii Bucharest. Bucharest: Editura Universitatii din Bucuresti, 2009.
- “Cultural Legacies and Limits of Representation: Matei Visniec’s The Body of Woman as Battlefield in the Bosnian War.” Transatlantic Dialogues. Eastern Europe, the U.S. and Post-Cold War Cultural Spaces. Bucharest: Editura Universitatii din Bucuresti, 2009.
- “Adaptation Litteraire, L’Histoire du Communisme Racontee aux Malades Mentaux.” Théâtre Denis 12, cours de Strasbourg, Hyeres, France May 22, 2009. (Essay for Cahier Programme, translated into French by Frédéric Grosche).
- “Ileana Alexandra Orlich il descopera pe Matei Visniec la Universitatea Statului Arizona.” Teatrul Azi. Bucharest, 1-2, January 2009.
- “Understanding Latent Religious Conflict: The Case of Frictions between the Greek Catholic and Orthodox Churches in Romania.” East European Quarterly. Vol. XLII, No. 4, January 2009.
- “Un joc al desertaciunilor: Femeia tinta si cei zece amanti.” Teatrul Azi., Bucharest, 9-10, September 2008.
- “Trupul femeii ca un camp de lupta.” Scrisul Romanesc. Craiova, no. 6 (58), 2008.
- “Mapping Orality and Literacy in Romanian Fiction: Mihail Sadoveanu’s The Hatchet and Tales From Ancuta’s Inn.” Analele Universitatii Bucharest. 2008.
- “Critical Study of the Comparative History of Literatures in European Languages.” Recherche Litteraire/Literary Research, Summer 2008.
- “Triunghiul narativ: un spatiu feminin inedit in Drumul ascuns.” Scrisul Romanesc. Craiova, no. 2 (54), 2008.
- “Magical Realism and the Limits of Interpretation: Stefan Agopian’s Tache de catifea.” Analele Universitatii Bucharest. 2007.
- “Tache de catifea: romantism, realism si identitate narativa.” Cronica literară, Scrisul Românesc. V, No. 5-6, 2007.
- “Surrealism Beyond The Waste Land: Gellu Naum’s Zenobia.” Journal of the National Museum of Art. Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2007.
- “Surrealism and the Feminine Element: André Breton’s Nadia and Gellu Naum’s Zenobia.” Filologica Jassyensia. Asociaţia Culturală“A. Philippide.” II, 2006, 212-225. (English and French).
- “Avant-garda redivivus.” Cultura. Fundatia Culturala Romana, II, 21, November 2006.
- “O cronicăliterară a anilor ‘80: Raccourci de Alexandru Vlad.” Cultura. Fundatia Culturala Romana, II, 27-29 June 2006.
- “Despre Cristinel.” Tribuna. 65, May 2005.
- “Rolul naratiunii sadoveniene in constructia ideii de natiune.” Scrisul romanesc. III, 7-8 2005.
- “Tom Stoppard’s Travesties and the Politics of Earnestness.” East European Quarterly. Vol. XXXVIII No. 3 Fall 2004.
- “Valenţele narative ale povestirilor de la Hanu Ancuţei.” Vatra. 5-6, Targu-Mures, 2003.
- “Fefeleaga: Metaphoricity and the Making of a Romanian Icon.” Lingua. 1-5, 2002, 76-82.
- Entries on Camil Petrescu and Mateiu Caragiale. (Romanian Modern Classics Series) Dictionary of Literary Biography, volume 221.
- “The Mioritic Space as Political Subversion: The Poetry of Marin Sorescu.” Southeastern Europe. Spring 1999, 1-21. (Series on Romanian literature).
- “At War With the Past, Uneasy Peace with the Future: Rãzvan Petrescu’s Diary of an Apartment Dweller.” Analele Universităţii din Craiova. Year XX, No. 1-2, 1998, 26-30.
- “Henry James and the Politics of Authorship: (Re)Constructing the Portrait of the Artist-Critic.” The Centennial Review. 40.3 Fall, 1996, 537-60.
- “Tracking the Missing Link: Maupassant’s Promenade and James’s The Beast in the Jungle.” The Comparatist: Journal of the Southern Comparative Literature Association. May, 1994.
- “Song of My Emerging Self: The Poetry of Andrei Codrescu.” MELUS. 18.3 Fall, 1993.
- “Avant-garde, Modernism, and Post Modernism: The Silent Voices of Romanian Women Poets.” American Romanian Academy Journal. 18 1993.
- “The Poet on a Roll: Charles Simic’s ‘The Tomb of Stéphane Mallarmé’ and Mallarmé’’ Un Coûp de dés...’ and ‘Igitur.’” The Centennial Review. 36.2 Spring, 1992. Reprinted, in Contemporary Literary Criticism (CLC), Summer 2000.
- “Nostalgic Metamorphoses.” American Romanian Academy Journal. 16-17 1992.
- “Henry James: Framing The Liar.” The International Fiction Review. 18.2 1991.
- Ileana Orlich. Conditia post-umana in Domnul K eliberat. Vatra (2011).
- Ileana Orlich. Incorporations: Styling Women’s Identity and Political Oppression in the Novels of Herta Muller. Gender Studies in the Age of Globalization (2011).
- Ileana Orlich. Reinventing Gogol’s Idylls in the Stalinist Era. Cinematographic Art & Documentation (2011).
- Ileana Orlich. The Murder of Gonzago: Reading Shakespeare’s Hamlet in Communist Bulgaria. The Annals of Ovidius University Constanta – the Philology Series (2011).
- Ileana Orlich. The Political Ghosts and Ideological Phantasms of The Cherry Orchard, A Sequel. Caietele Echinox: Fantomes, Revenants, Poltergeists, Manes (2011).
- Ileana Orlich. Translating T. S. Eliot in Communist Romania. Challenges in Translation: Space, Culture and Linguistic Identity (2011).
- Ileana Orlich. Kiss Me: Confessions of a Bare-Footed Leper. (2011).
- Ileana Orlich. Modernism and the Male World: The Crisis of Masculinity in The Bed of Procrustes. The Canonical Debate Today Crossing Disciplinary and Cultural Boundaries (2011).
- Ileana Alexandra Orlich. O Piesa Cehoviana pentru Teatrul Postmodern. Scrisul Romanesc (2010).
- Ileana Orlich. Arta traducerii lui Kafka. Vatra (2010).
- Ileana Orlich. Communist Totalitarianism in Solzhenitsyn's Fiction. Caietele Echinox (2010).
- Ileana Orlich. Gogol and the Romanian Stage. Teatrul Azi (2010).
- Ileana Orlich. Ideas and sentiments of the time: Theorizing the twentieth-century Romanian Literature. University of Bucharest Review: A Journal of Literary and Cultural Studies (2010).
- Ileana Orlich. O Piesa Cehoviana pentru Teatrul Postmodern. Scrisul Romanesc (2010).
- Orlich, Ileana Alexandra. Avantgardism, Politics and the Limits of Interpretation in The (Ex)Centric Waste Land: Reading Gelu Naum’s Zenobia. (2010).
- Ileana Alexandra Orlich. Is There Life After Communism? The Textualization of the Capital in Contemporary Romanian Short Fiction. US - Romanian Relations in the Twentieth Century (2010).
- Ileana Alexandra Orlich. Una nuova fin de siecle a Bucarest: una Dimineata pierduta. Il Romanzo Rumeno Contemporaneo: 1989-2010 (2010).
- Ileana Orlich. "Adaptation Litteraire, L’Histoire du Communisme Racontee aux Malades Mentaux". Cahier de programme (2009).
- Ileana Orlich. "Cultural Legacies and Limits of Representation: Matei Visniec's The Body of Woman as Battlefield in the Bosnian War". Transatlantic Dialogues. Eastern Europe, the U.S. and Post-Cold War Cultural Spaces. Bucuresti: Editura Universitatii din Bucuresti (2009).
- Ileana Orlich. "Ileana Alexandra Orlich il descopera pe Matei Visniec la Universitatea Statului Arizona". Teatrul azi (2009).
- Ileana Orlich. "Modernism and the Male World: The Crisis of Masculinity in The Bed of Procustes". Analele Universitatii Bucuresti. Bucuresti: Editura Universitatii din Bucuresti (2009).
- Ileana Orlich. "Paris Bucharest Express". Cahier de programme (2009).
- Ileana Orlich. "Picture and Text in Henry James’s Daisy Miller". The Annals of Ovidius University Constanta. Constanta: Ovidius University Press (2009).
- Ileana Orlich. "Rewriting Chekhov for Postmodern Theatre: Nic Ularu’s The Cherry Orchard, Sequel". Alloquor, Iasi: Editura Universitatii Alexandru Ioan Cuza (2009).
- Ileana Orlich. "Understanding Latent Religious Conflict: The Case of Frictions between the Greek Catholic and Orthodox Churches in Romania". East European Quarterly (2009).
- Ileana Orlich. Critics’ choice of literary translations from the Romanian Canon: Selections from Ileana Orlich. Scrisul romanesc (2009).
- Ileana Orlich. Myth and Modernity in the Twentieth-Century Romanian Novel. (2009).
- Ileana Orlich. "Aesthetic Pursuits and the Victorian Fin de Siècle: Picture and Text in Henry James’s Madame de Mauve,". Text(e)/Image. Etudes critiques (Critical Studies) (2009).
- Ileana Orlich. "How I Learned to Read,". The Chattahoochee Review, (2009).
- Orlich, Ileana Alexandra. "History of the Literary Cultures of East-Central Europe: Junctures and Disjunctures in 19th and 20th Centuries. Volume III: The Making and Remaking of Literary Institutions.". Recherche Litteraire/Literary Research (2008).
- Orlich, Ileana Alexandra. Mapping Orality and Literacy in Romanian Fiction:Mihail Sadoveanu’s "The Hatchet" and "Tales From Ancuta’s Inn". Analele Universitatii Bucuresti (2008).
- Orlich, Ileana Alexandra. Triunghiul narativ: un spatiu feminin inedit in "Drumul ascuns". Scrisul Romanesc (2008).
- Orlich, Ileana Alexandra. Trupul femeii ca un camp de lupta. Scrisul Romanesc (2008).
- Orlich, Ileana Alexandra. Un joc al desertaciunilor: Femeia tinta si cei zece amanti. Revista Teatrul Azi (2008).
- Orlich, Ileana Alexandra. Understanding Latent Religious Conflict: The Case of Frictions between the Greek Catholic and Orthodox Churches in Romania. East European Quarterly (2008).
- Orlich, Ileana Alexandra. The Bed of Procustes. (2008).
- Orlich, Ileana Alexandra. Velvet Tache. (2008).
- Ileana Orlich. "Tache de catifea: romantism, realism si identitate narativa,". Scrisul Românesc, (2007).
- Ileana Orlich. “Magical Realism and the Limits of Interpretation: Stefan Agopian’s Tache de catifea,”. Analele Universitatii Bucuresti (2007).
- Ileana Orlich. Surrealism Beyond the Waste Land: Gellu Naum's Zenobia. Journal of the National Museum of Art (2007).
- Orlich, Ileana Alexandra. The Hallipa Trilogy: Translation and Critical Commentary. (2007).
- Orlich, Ileana Alexandra. The Hidden Way, Translation with Critical Notes and Commentary. (2007).
- Ileana Orlich. Avantgarda Redivivus. Cultura, Fundatia Culturala Romania (2006).
- Ileana Orlich. O Cronica Literara a Anilor '80: Raccourci de Alexandru Vlad. Cultura, Fundatia Culturala Romana (2006).
- Ileana Orlich. Surrealism and the Feminine Element: André Breton's Nadia and Gellu Naum's Zenobia. Filologica Jassyensia, Asociatia Culturala A. Philippide (2006).
- Ileana Orlich. Despre Christinel. Tribuna Revista de Cultura (2005).
- Ileana Orlich. Rolul Naratiunii Sadoveniene in Constructia Ideii de Natiune. Revista Scrisul Romanesc (2005).
- Orlich, Ileana Alexandra. A Concert of Music by Bach by Hortensia Papadat-Bengescu Translation with Critical Commentary. (2005).
- Orlich, Ileana Alexandra. Articulating Gender, Narrating the Nation: Allegorical Femininity in Modern Romanian Literature. (2005).
- Orlich, Ileana Alexandra. Articulating Gender, Narrating the Nation: Allegorical Femininity in Modern Romanian Literature. (2005).
- Orlich, Ileana Alexandra. The Disheveled Maidens, Translation with Critical Commentary. (2005).
- Ileana Orlich. Tom Sroppard's "Travesties" and the Politics of Earnestness. East European Quarterly (2004).
- Valentina Glajar, Domnica Radulescu, Ileana Orlich. Mad Voices in the Forest: Caryl Churchill's The Mad Forest. Representations of Romanian Women in Western Literature (2004).
- Orlich, Ileana Alexandra. Tales from Ancuta's Inn. (2004).
- Orlich, Ileana Alexandra. Travestiuri. (2004).
- Ileana Orlich. Valentele Narative Ale Povestirilor de la Hanu Ancutei. Vatra (2003).
- Orlich, Ileana Alexandra. Mara. (2003).
- Orlich, Ileana Alexandra. Silent Bodies: The Women of Modern Romanian Short Fiction East European Monographs. (2002).
- Orlich, Ileana Alexandra. Haia Sanis, Translation and Critical Commentary. (2001).
Book Reviews
- . "Cyber-dystopie et pédagogie culturelle dans le roman roumain contemporain:#Dièse (2020) par Adrian Lesenciuc," Orbis Litterarum Submitted 2021.
- Palenikova/Sitar-Taut, Zilele Studiilor Romanice. Bratislava: Univerzita Komenskehho Bratislav, 2012. Review Editor
- Tomislav Z. Longinovic, Vampire Nation: Violence as Cultural Imaginary. Reviewed for Comparative Literature Studies, 2011.
- Marcel Cornis-Pop and John Neubauer, Eds. History of the Literary Cultures of East-Central Europe. Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2008. Reviewed for/Published in The Comparatist: Journal of the Southern Comparative Literature Association.
- Ramona Gonczol Davies, Romanian: An Essential Grammar. 2008. Reviewed for Routledge Press.
- Kurszaba, Alex S. Conrad and Poland. New York: Columbia University Press, 1996. Reviewed for/Published in The Comparatist: Journal of the Southern Comparative Literature Association. May 1998.
- Catanoy, Nicholas. Pandora’s Smile. Pitesti: Editura Paralela 45, 1996. Reviewed for/Published in World Literature Today. Summer 1998.
- Bohn, Willard. Apollinaire and the International Avant-Garde. SUNY Press, 1998. Reviewed for/Published in The Comparatist: Journal of the Southern Comparative Literature Association May 23, 1999.
- Bishop, George. Henry James: Life, Work, and Criticism. Frederickton, N.B.: York Press, 1990. Reviewed for/Published in The International Fiction Review 19.1 1992.
Lectures/Conferences/Keynote Addresses 2016
- “Cultural Mechanisms for Community Resilience: Theater in Societies Under and Post
Totalitarianism.” The International Conference Environmental Legislation, Safety Engineering and Disaster Management – ELSEDIMA, 26 –28 May, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Lectures/Conferences/Keynote Addresses 2015
- Religious Reconfigurations: The Greek Catholic Church in Romania and Central Europe. The Society for Romanian Studies. Facultatea de Stiinte Politice din Universitatea din Bucuresti, Romania 17-19 June 2015.
- “Theorizing the Twentieth-Century Romanian Literature in a Comparative Context.” Invited guest lecturer. Department de Langues et Lettres, Faculte de Philosophie et Lettres, Universite Libre Bruxelles, Belgium May 13, 2015.
- "Revolutionary Theater in Central and Eastern Europe: Intertextuality, Re-writing, Adaptation." American Comparative Literature Association Conference, Seattle, March 26-28, 2015.
Lectures/Conferences/Keynote Addresses 2014
- “Bucharest: Little Paris, Cradle of Levant, or Ceaushima?” American Comparative Literature Association Conference, New York University, March 20-23, 2014.
- “Textualizing Life in A Balkan Tapestry.” Invited presentation at the American Embassy’s American Corner, Sofia, Bulgaria, May 30, 2014.
- “Dramatic Transcreations in the Theatre of the Balkans.” Keynote Address, the Balkan Languages, Literatures and Cultures Conference, University of St.Kliment Ohridski, Sophia, Bulgaria, May 31-June 2, 2014.
- “Corpul Narativ: Femininitatea in literature romana moderna.” The International Congress of Romanian Studies. University of Granada, Spain, June 26-28, 2014.
- “Globalismul lingvistic: integrarea limbii române in mediul academic, Keynote Address, Simpozionul International: Predarea limbii romane ca limba straina, University of Granada, Spain, June 22-24, 2014.
Lectures/Conferences/Keynote Addresses 2013
- “Inside the Frame: Mrozek, Sartre, and Hirano Keiichiro.” International Comparative Literature Association Conference, University of Sorbonne, Paris. July 18-22, 2013.
- Discussant for the launching of Nic Ularu’s book Hyeronimus, the International Sibiu Theatre Festival, Romania June 15, 2013.
- “Fiction and Evasion in Modern and Contemporary Fiction.” Guest Speaker, Romanian Writers Union’s Colloquia on the Romanian Novel, Alba Iulia, Romania, June 1-2, 2013.
- “Translation in the Age of Google and Wickipedia.” Keynote address at the International Conference of the Center for Translation and International Communication in the College of Foreign Languages and Communication of the University of Civil Engineering, Bucharest, Romania, May 24, 2013.
- “Theatre of Exile: Visniec, Ularu, and Akunin.” American Comparative Literature Association Conference, University of Toronto, April 3-7, 2013.
- “From New York Hotels to Romanian Country Inns: Is There a Woman in These Spaces?” Becoming Women: Gender Identities and Tensions in Romanian and World Literature.
Modern Language Association Convention, Harvard University, January 5, 2013.
Lectures/Conferences/Keynote Addresses 2012
- Discussant for multi-lingual readings and presentation of Hirano Keiichirō’s novel L’Eclipse. ASU, Memorial Union, Pima Auditorium, Sept 6, 2012
- Multiculturalism and/ or Transculturalism.” International Conference Faculty of Letters and Foreign Languages. Hyperion University of Bucharest, Romania, June 6-7, 2012
- “Translations as an ‘act of [political] Consecration’.” Pedagogy Seminar, Bilgi University, Istanbul, June 27, 2012
- “Oedipus @ Delphi: Rewriting Greek Tragedy in the Digital Age.” American Comparative Literature Association, Brown University, March 31-April 1, 2012.
- “Discontinuous State of Being”: The Ethics of Exile in Monica Lovinescu’s Memoirs.” Women in French Conference, Tempe, February 24-25, 2012.
- “Romanian Theater as Mezzo Text: Revisiting Chekhov's The Cherry Orchard, Sequel.” Modern Language Association Conference, Seattle, January 5-8, 2012.
Lectures/Conferences/Keynote Addresses 2011
- “Cultural and Literary Studies ‘Go Global’: New Approaches to the Teaching of the Humanities.”
Academy of Economic Sciences, Bucharest, Romania, May 11-13, 2011.
- “Theatrical Insurrections: The Politics of the Stage in Modern Europe.” World Literature Congress, Peking University, Beijing, China, June 30-July 4, 2011.
- “Death and Ghosts in “The Cherry Orchard, A Sequel.” International Academic Conference “Event
and Immortality in Literature, Language and Philosophy.” Faculty of Slavic Studies, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bulgaria, May 12-13, 2011.
- “From Peter the Great to Stalin: Politics of the Stage after 1989.” American Comparative Literature Association, Vancouver, Canada, March 31-April 3, 2011.
- “Textualizing Women’s Lives in the Balkans.” Modern Language Association Conference, Los Angeles, January 6-9, 2011.
Lectures/Conferences/Keynote Addresses 2010
- Translation in Communist Romania 1944 -1989: Change and Continuity.” International Comparative Literature Conference, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea, August 15-21, 2010.
- “Politics, Ideology and World Literature: Romania before and after Communism.” Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, August 11-15, 2010.
- “Joyce and Tzara: A Dada Guide to Zurich 1915-1917.” XXII International James Joyce Symposium, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, June 13-15, 2010.
- “Mapping Orality and Literacy in Romanian Modern Fiction: (De)Gendering the Miorita Ballad.” American Comparative Literature Association Conference, New Orleans, April 1-4, 2010.
Lectures/Conferences/Keynote Addresses 2009
- “Chekhov and Postmodern Theater.” Tenth National Symposium of Theater in Academe, Washington and Lee University, November 11-14, 2009.
- “Translating Gender in Modernity: Feminine Spaces in Tales from Ancuta’s Inn.” 35th Southern Comparative Literature Association Conference, Arizona State University, Phoenix, October 1-3, 2009.
- “Ideas and Sentiments of the Time: Theorizing Romanian Literature.” University of Bucharest Literature Conference, Bucharest, Romania, June 2-4, 2009.
- “Modernism and Male World: The Crisis of Masculinity in Camil Petrescu’s The Bed of Procustes.” American Comparative Literature Association Conference, Harvard, March 26-29, 2009.
Lectures/Conferences/Keynote Addresses 2008
- “Cultural Revisions of the Romanian Avant-Garde: Gellu Naum and Victor Brauner.” Conference of Comparative Literature, University of Bucharest, October 30-November 1, 2008.
- “Literature as Voice and Cultural Memory.” International Festival and Colloquium. Neptun, Romania, June 7-11, 2008. Sponsored by the Romanian Writers’ Union.
- “Building Multi-lingual Selves in the Age of Amnesia: Reflections on the Metamorphosis of Exile and Deracination in the Global Village.” Conference of the English Department, University of Bucharest, June 5-7, 2008.
- “Cultural Legacies and Limits of Representation: Matei Visniec’s The Body of Woman as Battlefield in the Bosnian War.” Fulbright Conference, Bucharest, May 22-24, 2008.
- “Literature and Film as Political Landscapes: Eugene Ionesco’s Rhinoceros.” American Comparative Literature Association, California State University, Long Beach, April 24-27, 2008.
Lectures/Conferences/Keynote Addresses 2007
- “Magic Realism as Narrative Discourse in Recent Romanian Fiction.” Rocky Mountain European Scholars Consortium, Arizona State University, Tempe, Oct 19-20, 2007.
- “Heterochrony and the Particular History of Romanian Magical Realism.” Southern Comparative Literature Association Conference, University of North Carolina, Raleigh, September 27-30, 2007.
- “Magic Realism in Romanian Fiction: Stefan Agopian’s Tache de catifea.” Fifth International Congress of the Society for Romanian Studies, Ovidius University, Constanta, Romania, June 25-28, 2007.
- “Magic Realism as Narrative Discourse and Discourse Analysis in Translation, International Session of Scientific Communication.” Lingua Center, Babes Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, May 17, 2007.
- “Melville’s Benito Cereno and the Politics of Transition in Modern Europe.” Fulbright lecture. Facultatea de Filologie/Program in English and Comparative Literature, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, 2007.
Lectures/Conferences/Keynote Addresses 2006
- “Dadaism, Surrealism and Romanian Modernism: The Case of Gellu Naum.” Simpozion International, Noi Studii ale Avangardei, Museum of Modern Art, Cluj-Napoca, Nov. 6-9, 2006.
- “Cum vorbim romaneste.” Romanian Theological Seminary: Pentecostal Church of Anaheim, California, September 2006.
- “The Politics of Language and Exile: Joyce, Tzara, and Central Europe.” James Joyce Society Conference, Eötvös Lorànd University Budapest, Hungary, June 11-17, 2006.
- “Articulating Otherness in Othering: Ethnicity, Gender and Violence in Herta Muller’s Land of Green Plums.” American Comparative Literature Association, Princeton, New Jersey, March 23-26, 2006.
- “Gellu Naum’s Zenobia and The Wasteland.” Fulbright lecture. Facultatea de Filologie/Program in English and Comparative Literature, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, 2006.
Lectures/Conferences/Keynote Addresses 2005
- “Translation and Transculturation: Transmission and Innovation of Culture.” Babes Bolyai University, Lingua Center, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, October 28-30, 2005.
- “From the Old World to the New: Cultural Exchanges in the Context of Academic Summer Programs.” Conference arranged by the Babes Bolyai University, Lingua Center, Cluj- Napoca, Romania, October 28-30, 2005.
- “Situatia culturala a Romaniei la inceput de mileniu.” Institutul Cultural Roman, Scoala de vara, July 22-30, 2005, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
- “Embedded in the Score: A Feminist Epistemology of Sensibility in Hortensia Papadat- Bengescu’s A Concert of Bach Music.” Modern Language Association Conference, Washington, D.C., December 27-29, 2005.
- “Tom Stoppard’s Travesties and the Art of Adaptation: Oscar Wilde’s Importance of Being Earnest, Dadaism and 20 Century Politics.” Southern Comparative Literature Association Conference, Houston, September 22-24, 2005.
Lectures/Conferences/Keynote Addresses 2004
- “Roman Fever and Americans Abroad: Male Boundaries and Feminine Spaces in Henry James’s
Daisy Miller.” Annual Convention of the American Association of Teachers of Italian, Tempe, Arizona State University, October 14-16, 2004.
- “The Culture Factor, Culture Shock: Cross Cultural Issues.” Fulbright workshop, Romania, American Cultural Center Auditorium, Bucharest, July 8, 2004.
- “American Values and Central Europe: The Case of Romania.” UNESCO-sponsored International Roundtable on Brain Drain and Intellectual Labor Market in Southeast Europe, Bucharest, Romania, June 18-20, 2004.
- “Beyond Censorship: The Madmen and Beasts of Romania’s ‘Red Horizons.’” American Comparative Literature Association, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, April 1518, 2004.
Lectures/Conferences/Keynote Addresses 2003
- “The Poetics of Fear: Witnessing the Quotidian in the Romanian Fiction of the Communist Era.”Modern Language Association Conference, San Diego, December 27-29, 2003.
- “Gender in the Jaws of Life: Feminism and Contemporary Fiction in Eastern Europe.” American Comparative Literature Association, University of California, San Mateo, April 4-6, 2003.
Lectures/Conferences/Keynote Addresses 2002
- “The Representation of Women in Western Literature: Mad Voices in the Forest.” Modern Language Association Conference, New York, December 27-29, 2002.
- “Teaching Romanian in the Post Communist Era.” NAFSA Region II Conference, ASU, Tempe, November 11-15, 2002.
- “Retrospective Narrative and the Politics of Fear in Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s The First Circle.” Southern Comparative Literature Association Conference, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, October 10-12, 2002.
- “The Role of the Romanian Avant-Garde in the Politics of the Twentieth-Century.” InternationalConference of the Center for Romanian Studies, Iaşi, Romania, June 23-25, 2002.
- “Joyce and the Romanian Avant-Garde.” James Joyce Society Conference, Trieste, Italy, June 16, 2002.
Lectures/Conferences/Keynote Addresses 2001
- “Modern Romanian Short Fiction in a Comparative Context.” Modern Language Association Conference, New Orleans, December 27-29, 2001.
- “Writing from the Periphery: The Image of the City in Contemporary Romanian Short Fiction.” Southern Comparative Literature Association Conference, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, September 13-16, 2001.
- “Political Subversion in the Romanian Short Fiction of the Cold War Period.” American-Romanian Relations: 1940-2001 Years of Turmoil and Triumph, International Conference, Babes Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, June 28-30, 2001.
- “Burnt by the Sun: The Memory of Stalinism.” American Comparative Literature Association, The University of Colorado at Boulder, April 20-22, 2001.
Lectures/Conferences/Keynote Addresses 2000
- “Realism, Fantasy, and the Tragic Impasse in Caryl Churchill’s ‘The Mad Forest,’” Modern Language Association Conference, Washington, D.C., December 27-29, 2000. Program arranged in conjunction with the Romanian Studies Association of America.
- “Multiculturalism at the Babeş Bolyai University.” Modern Language Association Conference, Washington, D.C., December 27-29, 2000. Program arranged in conjunction with the Romanian Studies Association of America.
- “Images of Totalitarianism in Pre/Post Communist Drama.” American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages, Arizona State University, November 18, 2000.
- “The Fictional Politics of Post-Communist Romania.” Southern Comparative Literature Association Conference, Arizona State University, Tempe, September 14-16, 2000.
- “Pre/Post-Communist Fictional Histories of the ‘Other’ Europe: Notes on Central Eastern European Literature.” American Comparative Literature Association Conference, Yale University, New Haven, February 25-27, 2000.
Lectures/Conferences/Keynote Addresses 1999
- “The Portrayal of the Romanian Woman-Peasant Character in Agirbiceanu’s ‘Fefeleaga,’” Modern Language Association Conference, Chicago, December 27-29, 1999. Program arranged in conjunction with the Romanian Studies Association of America.
- “Transitional Voices, Perspectives Old and New: Late Fin de Siecle and Romanian Fiction.” American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages, Arizona State University, October 30, 1999.
- “The Role of the Balkans as a Borderline Culture: Notes on Ivo Andric and Alice Munro.” Southern Comparative Literature Conference of Tennessee, Knoxville, September 16-18, 1999
- “Fascism as Historio-graphic Meta-fiction.” American Comparative Literature Association Conference, Montreal, Canada, April 8-11, 1999
Lectures/Conference/Keynote Addresses 1998
- “Translating Fondane.” Modern Language Association Conference San Francisco, December 27-29, 1998. Program arranged in conjunction with the Romanian Studies Association of America.
- “Before the Wall and After the Fall: Cultural Dialogues in the Post-Totalitarian Era.” American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages.” Arizona State University, Tempe, November, 1998.
- “‘Compulsory Visibility’” and Scopic Regimes: Joseph Conrad’s Under Western Eyes and Augustin Buzura’s Refuges, Southern Comparative Literature Conference, Armstrong Atlantic State University, Savannah, Georgia, October 8-10, 1998.
Lectures/Conferences/Keynote Addresses 1997
- “National Identity, Cultural Diversity and the Language of the Humanities.” Santiago de Compostela Conference on the Future of the Humanities in Europe and the Americas, Spain, July 30-August 1, 1997.
- “Lines Converging and Crossing: ‘The Power of the Powerless’ and Postmodern Romanian Poetry.” Southern Comparative Literature Association Conference, University of Georgia, Athens, September, 1997.
- “Social Schizophrenia and Ideological Repression in Post-Stalinist Romanian Fiction.” Modern Language Association Conference, Toronto, 1997. Program arranged in conjunction with the Romanian Studies Association of America.
- “Marin Sorescu: Remembering the Man, Honoring the Achievement.” Romanian Cultural Center, New York City, February 21, 1997.
Lectures/Conferences/Keynote Addresses 1996
- “Jamesand Wilde: (Re)Constructing the Portrait of the Artist as Cultural Critic.” Southern Comparative Literature Association Conference, University of South Carolina, Columbia, September, 1996.
Lectures/Conferences/Keynote Addresses 1995
- “Nordau’s Degeneration: Natural Sciences and Decadence in the Victorian Fin-de-Siècle.” American Comparative Literature Association Conference, the University of Georgia, Athens, March, 1995.
Lectures/Conferences/Keynote Addresses 1994
- “Maupassant and James: Le Récit-Réflechissant.” Southern Comparative Literature Association Conference, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, September, 1994.
- “Balzac, Stendhal and The Rise of the Romanian Novel: ‘Upstarts Old and New’ in 19th-Century Wallachian Novel.” Modern Language Association, San Diego, December, 1994. Program arranged in conjunction with the Romanian Studies Association of America.
Lectures/Conferences/Keynote Addresses 1993
- “Intellectuality and Subversion: New Insights in American-Romanian Poetry of the ‘90s.” Modern Language Association, Toronto, 1993. Program arranged in conjunction with the Romanian Studies Association of America.
Lectures/Conferences/Keynote Addresses 1992
- “The Silent Voices of Contemporary Romanian Women Poets: Censorship, Language, and Politics.” Modern Language Association, New York, 1992. Program arranged in conjunction with the Romanian Studies Association of America.
- “Dadaism, the Absurd, and the Genesis of Postmodern Romanian Poetry.” Seventeenth International Congress of the American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences, California State University, Northridge, June, 1992.
Lectures/Conferences/Keynote Addresses 1991
- “The Astonished Muse in Bucharest: A Study of the Influence of the American Tradition on Contemporary Romanian Poetry.” Sixteenth International Congress of the American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, 1991.
Sessions Organized/ Chaired 2012
- “The Academic World in Romania and Abroad.” Workshop Round Table, The Faculty of Letters and Foreign Languages, Hyperion University, Bucharest, Romania June 6-7, 2012
- “Literary Imaginary and the Poetics of Truth.” World and Comparative Literature Conference, Arizona State University, Tempe, February 10-19, 2012.
Sessions Organized/ Chaired 2011
- “Youth on the Move. Teaching Languages for International Study and Career-Building.” Annual International Conference, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania, May 14, 2011.
- “Cultural, Political and Literary Spaces in Central Eastern Europe.” World Literature Congress, Peking University, Beijing, China, June 30 - July 4, 2011.
Sessions Organized/ Chaired 2010
- “Joyce’s European Counterpoints.” James Joyce Society Conference, Charles University, Prague, the Czech Republic, June 13-15, 2010.
Sessions Organized/ Chaired 2008
- “Teaching Romanian Literature.” Conference of Comparative Literature, University of Bucharest, October 30 - November 1, 2008.
- “Writing the Self: Modes of Self Portrayal in the Cultural Text.” Conference of the English Department, University of Bucharest, Romania, 5-7 June, 2008.
Sessions Organized/ Chaired 2007
- “Romanian Literature.” Fifth International Congress of the Society for Romanian Studies, Ovidius University, Constanta, Romania, June 25-28, 2007.
- “Romania and America: A Cultural Perspective.” International Congress of the Society for Romanian Studies, Ovidius University, Constanta, Romania, June 25-28, 2007.
Sessions Organized/ Chaired 2005
- “Articulation and Collaboration: Precollegiate to Postsecondary.” Modern Language Association, Washington, 2005. Program arranged in conjunction with the MLA Division on the Teaching of Language.
Sessions Organized/ Chaired 2003
- “The Politics of Fiction in Pre/Post Communist Europe.” Modern Language Association, San Diego, 2003. Program arranged in conjunction with the Romanian Studies Association of America.
Sessions Organized/ Chaired 2002
- “The Literary Fictions and Politics of Central Eastern Europe.” Southern Comparative Literature Association, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, October 10-12, 2002.
Sessions Organized/ Chaired 2001
- “Life Writing.” Southern Comparative Literature Association, The University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill, September 13-16, 2001.
- “Modern Romanian Short Fiction in a Comparative Context.” Modern Language Association, New Orleans, 2001. Program arranged in conjunction with the Romanian Studies Association of America.
Sessions Organized/ Chaired 2000
- “Romanian and East European Drama.” Modern Language Association, Washington, D.C., 2000. Program arranged in conjunction with the Romanian Studies Association of America.
- “Crisis of Identity and Conscience.” Southern Comparative Literature Association Conference, Arizona State University, Tempe, September 14-17, 2000.
Sessions Organized/ Chaired 1999
- “It’s Ending, It’s Not: Malaise a la Romaine a la Fin de Siècle.” Modern Language Association, Chicago, 1999. Program arranged in conjunction with the Romanian Studies Association of America.
- “Fascism without Borders.” American Comparative Literature Association Conference, Montreal, Canada, April 8-11, 1999.
Sessions Organized/ Chaired 1997
- “Transitions and Transmissions.” Southern Comparative Literature Conference, The University of Georgia, Athens, September, 1997.
- “Literature and Politics: The Discourse of Discontent in 20th-Century Europe.” Modern Language Association, Toronto, 1997. Program arranged in conjunction with the Romanian Studies Association of America.
Sessions Organized/ Chaired 1996
- “Literary and Cultural Constructions of Modern and Postmodern Europe.” Modern Language Association, Washington, 1996. Program arranged in conjunction with the Romanian Studies Association of America.
Sessions Organized/ Chaired 1994
- “Cultural Interaction in 19th-Century Central and Eastern Europe.” Modern Language Association, San Diego, 1994. Program arranged in conjunction with the Romanian Studies Association of America.
Sessions Organized/ Chaired 1993
- “Voices from the Other Europe.” Modern Language Association, Toronto, 1993. Program arranged in conjunction with the Romanian Studies Association of America.
Sessions Organized/ Chaired 1992
- “The Literature of Eastern European Women as a Vehicle of Political Reconstruction Before and After 1989.” Modern Language Association, New York, 1992. Program arranged in conjunction with the Romanian Studies Association of America.
- “Contemporary American/Romanian Women’s Poetry.” International Congress of the American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences, California State University, Northridge, June, 1992.
Public Lectures
- “Adaptations of Hamlet, Translation, and Politics: Translating Boris Akunin’s Hamlet, A Version from Russian for the English stage.” Lecture series as Fulbright Senior Scholar. National Academy of Theatre and Cinema, Bucharest, Romani, May 2015.
- “Pedagogy panel. Translations and Comparative Literature.” Institute for World Literature Department of Comparative Literature, Harvard University, Bilgi University Istanbul, June 2012.
- “Law and Politics of Translation.” University of California, Irvine, California, January 31, 2011.
- “Întâmpinând Crăciunul.” Biserica Sf. Ioan Botezătorul, Peoria, Arizona, December 19, 2010.
- “La zi de mare sărbătoare.” Romanian-American Festival, Peoria High School, Peoria, Arizona, December 4, 2010.
- “Gânduri de Ziua Naţională a Romaniei, la 1 Decembrie 2010.” Reception of Romanian Community for Romania’s National Day, Hilton Suites, Phoenix, Arizona, December 1, 2010.
- “Ottoman Rugs in Transylvania: Historical Re-creation Through Applied Arts.” St. Bede’s Episcopal Church, Los Angeles, California, November 20, 2010.
- “Allegorical Femininity in Romanian Modern Fiction.” Kennesaw State University, October 21, 2010.
- “Reflections on the Life and Work of the 2009 Nobel Prize-winning Writer, Herta Müller.” The Melikian Center, Arizona State University, November 20, 2009.
- “Eastern Europe in Transition: The Significance of the Fall of the Berlin Wall and the 1989 Revolutions.” Seminars Marking the Opening of the ASU School of Historical, Philosophical, and Religious Studies, November 9, 2009.
- “Henry James’s “Daisy Miller”: A Literary Display of Decadent Mini-Tableaux.” Tudor Vianu Center, University of Bucharest, June 3, 2009.
- “On Myth and Modernity in the Twentieth-Century Romanian Novel.” The Romanian Cultural Institute, New York, May 15, 2009.
- “Myth, History and Politics: The Case of the Greek Catholic Church in Transylvania.” Institute for Humanities Research, Arizona State University, April 15, 2009.
- “European Integration and the Case of Romania: A Linguistic Argument.” Arizona State University, University Club Lecture Series, November 2004.
- “The Significance of Romania’s National Day and the Democratic Transition: December 1989-2004.” ARAPAMESU Annual Convention, Phoenix City Hall, December 1, 2004.
- Roundtable on Higher Education Issues in Southeastern Europe, ASU’s History Department, April 22, 2003.
- “The Importance of Eastern Europe Today.” Centennial Professor Lecture, Arizona State University’s Memorial Union, Cochise Room, April 15, 2002.
- “Tracing the Borders of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.” Flinn Scholars Lecture Series, University of Arizona, Tucson, April 6, 2002.
- “Recruitment of Eastern European Graduate Students: The Hurdles of the Financial Guarantee.” guest speaker at Association of Departments and Programs of Comparative Literature (ADPCL), April 23, 2001, University of Colorado, Boulder.
- “Bosnia Today: The Lesson of Ivo Andric.” Alpha Mu Gamma National Foreign Language Honor Society, Arizona State University, Spring 2000 Induction Ceremony.
- “Women’s Issues in Pre/Post-Communist Transitions: How Different Are They?” Women’s Studies Brown Bag Lecture Series, Arizona State University’s Memorial Union, September 5, 2000.
- “American Naturalism: ’The Case of Sister Carrie.” Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, November 6, 2000.
- “The New Poetics of Contemporary Political Fiction.” Opening address. International Congress of the American Romanian Academy of the Arts and Sciences, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, 1991.
- 2015: Fulbright Scholar Senior, National University of Art, Theatre and Cinema (UNATC) Bucharest; $ 10,000
- Fall 2014: The Romanian Cultural Institute (ICR) Grant for collaborative theatre project with UNATC (National University of Art, Theatre and Cinema) of Bucharest for Eugene Ionesco’s The Lesson and The Chairs staged at ASU in Nov. 2014; € 15,000
- Fall 2013: The Romanian Cultural Institute (ICR) Grant for collaborative theatre project with UNATC (National University of Art, Theatre and Cinema) of Bucharest for Eugene Ionesco’s The Bald Soprano staged at ASU in Nov. 2013; € 15,000
- Summer 2012: University of South Carolina, Columbia Publishing Grant
- Spring 2012: The Romanian Cultural Institute (ICR) Grant for a conference in Comp Lit offered by six academics from the Babes Bolyai University in Cluj, Romania
- 2011: Fulbright Scholar Senior, Academy of Economics and Public Policy (ASE) Bucharest, Romania; $ 10,000
- Fall 2011: The Romanian Language Institute (ILR): A 6-year funding grant for a Visiting Professor from Romania to teach ROM courses in SILC; $ 40.000 annually.
- Fall 2011: The Romanian Cultural Institute Grant
- Fall 2010: ICR Collaborative project grant with Théâtre Denis, Hyeres, France and the National Theatre of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
- Fall 2009: Phoenix Romanian Community Grant
- Summer 2009: Collaborative project grant with Théâtre Denis, Hyeres, France Summer 2008: ASU’s Institute for Humanity Research Seed Grant
- Summer 2008: Romanian Writers’ Union Grant
- Fall 2007, 2008, 2009: Collaborative project grant with the National Theatre of Cluj-Napoca. The Romanian Cultural Institute and Government sponsored projects
2006-7: Fulbright Scholar, University of Bucharest, Romania $ 45,000
- Fall 2006 - Summer 2007: National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) for Literary Translation $10,000
- 2006; 2007: Literary Translation Grants of the Romanian Cultural Institute
- Spring 2005: ASASU Travel Grant for ASU Romanian Program
- 2005; 2003; 2002: ASU’s Women’s Studies Research Summer Grants
- 2003: The London Raţiu Foundation Publishing Grant
- 2001; 2002: ASU CLAS Travel Grants
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ROM 590 | Reading and Conference |
SLC 598 | Special Topics |
SLC 429 | Studies European Lit/Culture |
CEL 429 | Studies European Lit/Culture |
SLC 494 | Special Topics |
SLC 598 | Special Topics |
CEL 494 | Special Topics |
CEL 598 | Special Topics |
ENG 429 | Studies European Lit/Culture |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ROM 590 | Reading and Conference |
GCU 494 | Special Topics |
SLC 429 | Studies European Lit/Culture |
SLC 494 | Special Topics |
SLC 598 | Special Topics |
SLC 598 | Special Topics |
CEL 429 | Studies European Lit/Culture |
REL 494 | Special Topics |
CEL 394 | Special Topics |
CEL 494 | Special Topics |
CEL 590 | Reading and Conference |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ROM 442 | Dracula and Vampire Lore |
ROM 442 | Dracula and Vampire Lore |
SLC 442 | Dracula and Vampire Lore |
SLC 442 | Dracula and Vampire Lore |
ROM 499 | Individualized Instruction |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ROM 590 | Reading and Conference |
SLC 598 | Special Topics |
SLC 429 | Studies European Lit/Culture |
ROM 442 | Dracula and Vampire Lore |
CEL 429 | Studies European Lit/Culture |
CEL 494 | Special Topics |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
GCU 494 | Special Topics |
SLC 429 | Studies European Lit/Culture |
SLC 494 | Special Topics |
SLC 598 | Special Topics |
SLC 598 | Special Topics |
CEL 429 | Studies European Lit/Culture |
REL 494 | Special Topics |
SLC 442 | Dracula and Vampire Lore |
CEL 394 | Special Topics |
CEL 494 | Special Topics |
ENG 429 | Studies European Lit/Culture |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ROM 590 | Reading and Conference |
SLC 598 | Special Topics |
SLC 429 | Studies European Lit/Culture |
ROM 442 | Dracula and Vampire Lore |
ROM 442 | Dracula and Vampire Lore |
CEL 429 | Studies European Lit/Culture |
ENG 429 | Studies European Lit/Culture |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
GCU 494 | Special Topics |
SLC 429 | Studies European Lit/Culture |
SLC 494 | Special Topics |
SLC 598 | Special Topics |
SLC 598 | Special Topics |
CEL 429 | Studies European Lit/Culture |
REL 494 | Special Topics |
ENG 429 | Studies European Lit/Culture |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ROM 590 | Reading and Conference |
SLC 598 | Special Topics |
SLC 429 | Studies European Lit/Culture |
ROM 442 | Dracula and Vampire Lore |
ENG 429 | Studies European Lit/Culture |
ROM 442 | Dracula and Vampire Lore |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ROM 590 | Reading and Conference |
SLC 494 | Special Topics |
SLC 598 | Special Topics |
SLC 598 | Special Topics |
SLC 429 | Studies European Lit/Culture |
REL 494 | Special Topics |
GCU 494 | Special Topics |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
GCU 494 | Special Topics |
SLC 442 | Dracula and Vampire Lore |
SLC 494 | Special Topics |
SLC 598 | Special Topics |
REL 494 | Special Topics |
SLC 499 | Individualized Instruction |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ROM 590 | Reading and Conference |
SLC 494 | Special Topics |
SLC 598 | Special Topics |
SLC 598 | Special Topics |
SLC 429 | Studies European Lit/Culture |
ENG 429 | Studies European Lit/Culture |
ENG 494 | Special Topics |
REL 494 | Special Topics |
See CV.
Minor Degree
The minor in Romanian provides students with the means to develop their interests in social, cultural and political matters that are marked by a strong language dimension. Students are encouraged to participate in a study abroad program to enhance their education and overall minor experience. For more information go to
Summer Program in Romania and Central Europe
For more than 18 years, the Romanian studies program in ASU’s School of International Letters and Cultures has joined forces with the faculty of Philology at Babes Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, Romania and several other Central European universities to offer an opportunity for interested students to study abroad in Eastern and Central Europe.
Chairwoman, Consular Corps Governor’s Scholarship Committee
- Ceremony for Consular Corps of Arizona Governors' Scholarship Award Ceremony with Gov. Brewer 2014
- Ceremony for Consular Corps of Arizona Governors' Scholarship Award Ceremony with Gov. Ducey 2016
Organizer, Community engagement: Puppet Shows, Religious Events
- Puppet shows for Romanian community childern at Elim Romanian Penticostal Church.
- Visiting Romanian community at St. John the Baptist Romanian Orthodox Church.
Elections organizer, meeting with Romanian President, Hosting National Celebrations
Organizing Cultural Events
University Hosted Events (selected posters of events available)
- Theatre group from the National Theatre of Cluj, Romania with the performance “Amalia, Take a Deep Breath” Jan. 2016. ASU.
- Prof. Alexandru Ozunu, Babes-Bolyai University, Presentation: “A Center for Sustainable Development in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE).” Seminar on Earth System Models in the ASU School of Sustainability, ASU Wrigley Hall 323, Feb. 20, 2015.
- Prof. Josefina Komporaly, Univ. of Manchester, “Writing Communism in Romania: Cultural Memory in the Theatre of Matei Visniec and András Visky.” SILC March 5, 2015.
- Theatre group from Bucharest’s UNATC Romania, with two performances by Eugene Ionesco: The Chairs and The Lesson, Nov. 21 & 22, 2014. ASU Prism Theatre.
- International Conference “Romanian Language Worldwide” ASU Oct. 11-19, 2014.
- Theatre group from the National Theatre of Cluj, Romania with the performance “Killed by Friendly Fire” Oct. 15 & 17, 2014. ASU, Fine Arts Center.
- Dr. Ernest Latham, Jr. School of Foreign Service, “Southeast Central Europe: At the Cross Roads or in the Crosshairs?” Dec. 3, 2013.
- Professor Laura Baron of National University of Art, Theatre and Cinematography (UNATC) presents the workshop “Short (International) Film Editing.” November 12, 2013.
- National University of Art, Theatre and Cinematography (UNATC), with two performances of Eugene Ionesco’s The Bald Soprano, at the Empty Space Theatre. Performance in English, directed by Prof. Valeria Sitaru of UNATC, Romania. November 8 and 9, 2013.
- National Theatre of Cluj, Romania, with the performance Dada Trans It, at the Empty Space Theatre. Performance in English, directed by Dr. Aristita Albacan of the University of Hull, UK. March 19 and 20, 2013.
- Professor Zoia Manolescu of the Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, and the Department of Foreign Languages & Communication. Professor Manolescu presented the workshop "Filtering" Anglicisms in Contemporary Romanian. The Mediating Alterité of Linguistic Integration. January 22, 2013.
- Riznica Chamber Choir, Vasile Tintas of the Romanian community in Phoenix, and Honorary Consul of Romania in Boston, Dan Dimancescu to celebrate at ASU Romania's National Day. Saturday, December 1st, 2012.
- Professor Zoia Manolescu of the Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, Director of the Department of Foreign Languages & Communication. The academic dialogue with ASU’s Romanian program students focused on the opportunity of internship for the ASU Romanian program students who wish to study in Bucharest. October 22-25, 2012.
- Romanian dancers from St. John the Baptist Romanian Orthodox Church celebrating 2012 Homecoming at ASU.
- Co-chaired the conference “Literary Imaginary and the Poetics of Truth.” Six scholarly presentations focused on Ernesto Sabato, Mikhail Bulgakov, Ioan Petru Culianu, Peter Esterhazy, Ernest Hemingway and Thomas Mann. February 11-17, 2012.
- Hosted playwright Matei Visniec for two presentations: How To Be a Good Writer in a Foreign Language. Matei Visniec’s French and Romanian Journey and Metaphor and Political Theater: Between East and West, November 9 and 10, 2011.
- Hosted event ACMRS 30th Anniversary Gala, October 15, 2011.
- Hosted actors from the National Theatre and the Puck Puppet Theatre of Cluj-Napoca, Romania for a stage performance at ASU’s Recital Hall of the play The Book of Apolodor, September 25, 2010.
- Hosted actors from the Théatre Denis, Hyères, France for a stage performance at ASU’s Recital Hall of the play Paris-Bucharest Express, A Play of the Romanian Avant Garde, in French with English subtitles, September 26, 2010.
- performance at ASU’s Downtown Campus of the play The Body of a Woman as a Battlefield, October 1, 2009.
- Hosted the poet Adrian Sahlean with a reading of the translated Mihai Eminescu’s poem The Evening Star in the presentation titled: Eternal Longing Impossible Love: Mihai Eminescu, Europe’s Last Romantic Poet. December 2, 2008.
- Hosted actors from the National Theatre of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, and the Paris-based playwright Matei Visniec with two stage performances at ASU’s Katzin Hall, October 8, 2008, and Recital Hall, October 10, 2008, of the play How to Explain the History of Communism to Mental Patients
- Hosted Matei Visniec’s lecture, Black Humor as Form of Political Resistance in Totalitarian Societies. October 7, 2008.
- Hosted the visit of the Romanian Consul in Los Angeles, Ovidiu Grecea. October 8, 2008. Organized workshops for the Romanian Studies Program:
- The Body of a Woman as a Battlefield in the Bosnian War with Anca Doczi from the National Theatre in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, October 6 and 9, 2008.
- Between Myth and History: Dracula as Transylvanian Monster with Professor Radu Ardevan, Babes Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, October 6 and October 9, 2008.
- Signed agreement of academic cooperation between ASU’s SILC Romanian Program and the University of Bucharest’s Center for American Studies, 2008
- Hosted theatre group from the National Theatre of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, with two ASU performances of Matei Visniec’s play Old Clown for Hire at ASU’s Recital Hall in the School of Music. Event attended by Romania’s General General Catalin Ghenea.
- Hosted Paris-based Romanian-born playwright Matei Visniec’s ASU visit, workshop and lecture “Human Beings and the Human Condition” ASU, 2007
- Hosted Romania’s ambassador, Hon. Sorin Ducaru’s visit at ASU’s Romanian Program, with a lecture on the US strategic interest in the Black Sea region, followed by reception with participation of the Romanian community in Metropolitan Phoenix, 2006
- Hosted Professor Ernest Latham of the School of Foreign Service, Washington DC, with a lecture on his experience and tenure as head of foreign bureau at the US Embassy in Bucharest Romania during the 1980s, 2006
- Hosted poet Carmen Firan and novelist Adrian Sângeorzan, 2006
- Hosted actors from the National Theatre of Cluj with two performances of the Romanian Avant-garde, “Memo,” ASU Lyceum Theatre, November, 2001.