Gary Schwartz
ASU Institute of Human Origins 777 E. University Dr. Rm. 200L1 TEMPE, AZ 85287-8404
Mail code: 8404Campus: Tempe
Gary Schwartz is interested in the evolutionary history of primate and human growth and development as evidenced from developing tooth tissues. Teeth grow in an incremental manner, like trees and shells, preserving a record of their growth in the form of daily lines. The rate at which teeth grow is very closely linked to all kinds of important biological variables such as brain size, gestation length, longevity, etc.
Recently, Schwartz has been studying how using information on the time and timing of dental development can help us understand the evolutionary history of the extended growth period so unique to modern humans. Current work using the incremental structures in teeth is also addressing fundamental questions related to the developmental bases of canine sexual dimorphism during primate evolution and the role dental development plays in life history evolution.
His work bridges the gap between comparative anatomy/morphology and evolutionary developmental biology. In conjunction with new discoveries in genetics and developmental biology, the type of information produced in his lab provides an exciting way of exploring the mechanisms that underlie morphological change during evolution. The techniques routinely used in his lab involve the preparation of histological thin sections of modern and fossil teeth for transmitted and polarized light microscopy. Additionally, scanning electron microscopy and computed tomography are used to examine non-invasively the internal structures of fossil teeth.
In addition to labwork, Schwartz goes to the field to collect original fossil hominid material.
- Ph.D., Washington University 1997
- M.A., Washington University 1993
- B.A., Stony Brook University 1990
Leece AB, Martin JM, Baker S, Strait DS, Schwartz GT, and Herries AIR. (2023). New hominin dental remains from the ~2.04-1.95 Ma Drimolen Main Quarry, South Africa. Annals of Human Biology 50: 407–427. https://doi.org10.1080/03014460.2023.2261849
Guatelli-Steinberg D, Schwartz GT, O’Hara MC, Gurian K, Rychel J, Dunham N, Cunneyworth PMK, Donaldson A, and McGraw WS (2023). Aspects of molar form and the dietary proclivities of African colobines. Journal of Human Evolution.
Haile-Selassie Y, Saylor BZ, Alene M, Deino A, Gibert L, and Schwartz GT (2022). Comparative description and taxonomic affinity of 3.7-million-year-old hominin mandibles from Woranso-Mille (Ethiopia). Journal of Human Evolution.
Guatelli-Steinberg D, Schwartz GT, O’Hara MC, Gurian K, Rychel J, and McGraw WS (2022). Molar form, enamel growth, and durophagy in Cercocebus and Lophocebus. American Journal of Biological Anthropology.
Rahantaharivao NJ, Godfrey LR, Schwartz GT, King S, Ranivoharimanana L (2021). The growth and development of Pachylemur, a large-bodied lemurid. K. Douglass, L. R. Godfrey & D. A. Burney, eds. Malagasy Nature 15:141-158.
Glowacka H and Schwartz GT (2021). A Biomechanical Perspective on Molar Emergence and Primate Life History. Science Advances 7(41).
Martin JM, Leece AB, Neubauer S, Baker SE, Mongle CS, Boschian G, Schwartz GT, Smith AL, Ledogar JA, Strait DS, and Herries AIR (2020). Drimolen cranium DNH 155 documents microevolution in an early hominin species. Nature Ecology & Evolution 5:38-45.
Hogg R, Lacruz R, Bromage TG, Dean MC, Ramirez-Rozzi F, Girimurugan SB, McGrosky A, and Schwartz GT (2020). A comprehensive survey of Retzius periodicities in fossil hominins and other great apes. Journal of Human Evolution 149:102896.
Ortiz A, Schander-Triplett K, Bailey SE, Skinner MM, Hublin J-J, and Schwartz GT. (2020). Enamel thickness variation in the deciduous dentition of humans and great apes. American Journal of Physical Anthropology.
Kelley J, Schwartz GT, and Smith TM (2020). Age at first molar emergence in Pan troglodytes verus and variation in molar emergence among free-living chimpanzees. Journal of Human Evolution 145:102823.
Herries AIR, Leece AB, Martin JM, Adams JW, Boschani G, Joannes-Boyau R, Edwards TR, Mallett T, Massey J, Murszewski A, Neubauer S, Pickering R, Strait DS, Armstrong BJ, Baker S, Caruana MV, Denham T, Hellstrom J, Moggi-Cecchi J, Mokobane S, Penzo-Kajewski P, Rovinsky DS, Schwartz GT, Stammers RC, Wilson C, Woodhead J, and Menter C (2020) Drimolen crania indicate contemporaneity of Australopithecus, Paranthropus, and early Homo erectus in South Africa. Science 368(6486), eaaw7293.
Schwartz GT, McGrosky A, and Strait DS (2020) Fracture mechanics, enamel thickness, and the evolution of molar form in hominins. Biology Letters (The Royal Society, London) 16 (1), Jan. 20.
Stroik, LK and Schwartz, GT (2018). The role of dietary competition in the origination and early diversification of North American euprimates. Proc Biol Sci. Aug 1; 285(1884). DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2018.1230. PDF
Ortiz, A, Bailey, SE, Schwartz, GT, Hublin, J-J, and Skinner, MM (2018). Evo-devo models of tooth development and the origin of hominoid molar diversity. Science Advances Apr 11;4(4):eaar2334. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aar2334. PDF
Glowacka, H, McFarlin, SC, Vogel, ER, Stoinski, TS, Ndagijimana, F, Tuyisingize, T, Mudakikwa, A, and Schwartz, GT. (2017). Toughness of the Virunga mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei) diet across an altitudinal gradient. American Journal of Primatology 79(8):e22661. DOI: 10.1002/ajp.22661. PDF
Miller ER, Gunnell GF, Seiffert ER, Sallam H, and Schwartz GT. (2017). Patterns of dental emergence in early anthropoid primates from the Fayum Depression, Egypt. Historical Biology 30:157-165. DOI: 10.1080/08912963.2017.1294169. PDF
Evans, AR, Daly, ES, Catlett, KK, Paul, KS, King, SJ, Skinner, MM, Nesse, HP, Hublin, J-J, Townsend, GC, Schwartz, GT, and Jernvall, J. (2016). A simple rule governs the evolution and development of hominin tooth size. Nature 530:477-480. PDF
Glowacka, H, McFarlin, SC, Catlett, K, Mudakikwa, A, Bromage, TG, Cranfield, MR, Stoinski, TS, and Schwartz, GT. (2016). Age-related changes in molar topography and shearing crest length in a wild population of mountain gorillas from Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 160:3-15. DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.22943. PDF
Hogg, R, Godfrey, LR, Schwartz, GT, Dirks, WD, Bromage, TG (2015). Lemur biorhythms and life history evolution. PLoS One. Aug 12;10(8):e0134210. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0134210. PDF
Godfrey, LR, Schwartz, GT, Jungers, WL, Catlett, KK, Samonds, KE, King, SJ, Muldoon, KM, Irwin, MT, Burney, DA. Anthropoid analogues? Life history variation in Madagascar’s giant extinct lemurs. Leaping Ahead: Advances in Prosimian Biology (2013).
Gary T. Schwartz (2012). Growth, development, and life history throughout the evolution of Homo. Current Anthropology 53 (Suppl. 6): 395-408. PDF
Kelley, J. and Schwartz, G.T. (2012) Life-history inference in the early hominins Australopithecus and Paranthropus. International Journal of Primatology 33: 1332-1363. PDF
M. Teague O'Mara, Adam D. Gordon, Kierstin K. Catlett, Carl J. Terranova and Gary T. Schwartz (2012). Growth and the development of sexual size dimorphism in lorises and galagos. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 147: 11-20. PDF
Catlett, K.C., Schwartz, G.T., Godfrey, L.R., and Jungers, W.L. (2010). "Life history space": A multivariate analysis of life history variation in extinct and extant Malagasy lemurs. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 143: 391-404. PDF
Copes, L.E., Schwartz, G.T. (2010) The scale of it all: postcanine tooth size, the taxon-level effect, and the universality of Gould’s scaling law. Paleobiology 36:188-203. PDF
Kelley, J., and Schwartz, G.T. (2010). Dental development and life history in living African and Asian apes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107:1035-1040. PDF
Ritzman, TB, Baker, BJ, and Schwartz, GT (2008). A Fine Line: A preliminary study comparing methods of estimating ages of linear enamel hypoplasia formation. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 135:348-361. PDF
Godfrey, LR, Jungers, WL, Schwartz, GT, and Irwin, MT (2008). Ghosts and orphans: Madagascar’s vanishing ecosystems. In: Fleagle, J.G. & Gilbert, C.C., editors. Elwyn Simons: A Search for Origins. pp. 361-395. Springer, New York.
Schwartz, GT and Dean MC (2008). Charting the chronology of developing teeth. In: Irish, J.D. & Nelson, G.C., editors. Technique and Application in Dental Anthropology. (Series: Cambridge Studies in Biological and Evolutionary Anthropology), Cambridge University Press. Chapter 9, pp. 143-162.
Orr, CM, Delezene, LK, Scott, JE, Tocheri, M, and Schwartz, GT (2007). The comparative method and the inference of venom delivery systems in fossil mammals. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 27:541-546. PDF
Schwartz GT, LR Godfrey, and P Mahoney. (2007). Inferring primate growth, development, and life history from dental microstructure: The case of the extinct giant Malagasy lemur, Megaladapis. In: Bailey, S. & Hublin, J.-J., editors. Dental Perspectives on Human Evolution: State of the Art Research in Dental Anthropology. pp. 145-160. Springer Press.
Mahoney, P, Smith, TM, Schwartz, GT, Dean, MC, and Kelley, J (2007). Molar crown formation in the late Miocene Asian hominoids, Sivapithecus parvada and Sivapithecus indicus. Journal of Human Evolution 53: 61-68.
Godfrey, L.R, Jungers, W.L, Burney, D.A, Vasey, N., Ramilisonina, Wheeler, W., Lemelin, P, Shapiro, L.J, Schwartz, GT, King, S.J, Ramarolahy, M.F, Raharivony, L.L, and Randria, G.F.N. (2006). New discoveries of skeletal elements of Hadropithecus stenognathus from Andrahomana Cave, southeastern Madagascar. Journal of Human Evolution 51: 395-410.
Godfrey, LR, GT Schwartz, KE Samonds, WL Jungers, and KK Catlett. (2006). The Secrets of Lemur Teeth. Evolutionary Anthropology 15: 142-154.
Schwartz GT, Reid DJ, Dean MC, and Zihlman AL. (2006). A faithful record of stressful life events preserved in the dental developmental record of a juvenile gorilla. International Journal of Primatology 27: 1201-1222.
Gebo DL, Schwartz GT. (2006). Foot bones from Omo: Implications for hominid evolution. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 129: 499-511.
Godfrey, LR, WL Jungers, GT Schwartz. (2006). Ecology and extinction of Madagascar’s subfossil lemurs. In: Gould L. & Sauther, M., editors. Lemurs: Ecology and Adaptation. pp. 41-65. New York: Springer.
Schwartz GT, Mahoney P, Godfrey LR, Cuozzo FP, Jungers WL and Randria, G.F.N. (2005). Dental development in Megaladapis edwardsi (Primates, Lemuriformes): Implications for understanding life history variation in subfossil lemurs. Journal of Human Evolution 49: 702-721.
Schwartz GT and Dean MC. (2005). Sexual dimorphism in modern human permanent teeth. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 128: 312-317.
Godfrey, LR, GM Semprebon, GT Schwartz, DA Burney, WL Jungers, EK Flanagan, FP Cuozzo, and SJ King. (2005). New insights into old lemurs: The trophic adaptations of the Archaeolemuridae. International Journal of Primatology 26:825-854.
Schwartz GT, Miller ER, Gunnell GF (2005). Developmental processes, life history and canine dimorphism in primate evolution. Journal of Human Evolution 48:97-103.
Schwartz GT and Godfrey LR (2003). The extinct sloth lemurs of Madagascar: Big bodies, fast teeth. Evolutionary Anthropology 12, 259.
Schwartz GT, Liu W, and Zheng L (2003). Preliminary investigation of dental microstructure in the Yuanmou hominoid (Lufengpithecus hudienensis) Yunnan Province, China. Journal of Human Evolution 44,189-202.
Schwartz GT, Jungers WL, Samonds KE, Godfrey LR and Simons EL (2002). Dental microstructure and life history in subfossil Malagasy lemurs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99, 6124-6129.
Dean MC, Leakey MG, Reid D, Schrenk F, Schwartz GT, Stringer C & Walker AC. (2001) Growth processes in teeth distinguish modern humans from Homo erectus and earlier hominins. Nature 414, 628-631.
Schwartz GT & Dean MC (2001). The ontogeny of canine dimorphism in extant hominoids. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 115, 269-283.
Schwartz GT, Reid DJ and Dean MC (2001). Developmental aspects of sexual dimorphism in hominoid canines. International Journal of Primatology 22, 837-860.
Halberg F, Cornélissen G, Appenzeller O, Wallace J, Acosta MA, Schwartz GT and Dean MC. (2001). Chronomics: different multiseptans in enamel of ancient and contemporaneous teeth. Proc, 2nd Int. Symp., Workshop on Chronoastrobiology and Chronotherapy, Otemachi, Chiyodaku, Tokyo.
Schwartz, GT and Dean, MC (2000). Interpreting the hominid dentition: Ontogenetic and phylogenetic aspects. In: O’Higgins P. & Cohen, M., editors. Development, Growth and Evolution: Implications for the Study of Hominid Skeleton. London: Academic Press. pp. 207-233.
Schwartz GT, Reid DJ, Dean MC and Chandrasekera MS (2000). Aspects of tooth crown development in common chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) with a note on the possible role of sexual dimorphism in canine growth. Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Dental Morphology. pp. 323-337.
Schwartz GT (2000a). Taxonomic and functional aspects of the patterning of enamel thickness distribution in extant large-bodied hominoids. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 111, 221-244.
Schwartz GT (2000b). Enamel thickness and the helicoidal wear plane in modern human mandibular molars. Archives of Oral Biology 45, 401-409.
Reid DJ, Schwartz GT, Chandrasekera MS, and Dean MC (1998). A histological reconstruction of dental development in the common chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes. Journal of Human Evolution 35, 427-448.
Schwartz GT, Thackeray JF, Reid C and van Reenan JF (1998). Enamel thickness and the topography of the enamel-dentine junction in South African Plio-Pleistocene hominids with special reference to the Carabelli trait. Journal of Human Evolution 35, 523-542.
Schwartz GT (1997). Re-evaluation of the Plio-Pleistocene Hyraxes (Mammalia: Procaviidae) from South Africa. Neues Jarhbuch für Geologie und Paläeontologie, Abhandlungen. 206, 365-383.
Schwartz GT and Kuykendall KL (1996). Enamel Structure and Development. Evolutionary Anthropology 5, 150-151.
Schwartz GT and Conroy GC (1996). Cross-sectional geometric properties of the Otavipithecus mandible. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 99, 613-623.
Schwartz GT, Rasmussen DT, and Smith RJ (1995). Body-size diversity & community structure of fossil hyracoids. Journal of Mammalogy 76, 1088-1099.
- Schwartz,Gary T*. Doctoral Dissertation Research: Skull Growth and Biomechanical Constraints on Molar Emergence in Primates. NSF-SBE(9/1/2015 - 8/31/2016).
- Schwartz,Gary T*. Biomechanical Constraints on Molar Emergence in Primates. ASU FDN(8/1/2015 - 7/31/2016).
- Kimbel,William Howard*, Boyd,Robert, Campisano,Christopher J, Hill,Kim Ronald, Johanson,Donald C, Marean,Curtis William, Mathew,Sarah George, Reed,Kaye E, Schwartz,Gary T, Silk,Joan Barbara. The Evolutionary Foundations of Human Uniqueness: Recovering Patterns of Cognition Cumulative Culture and Cooperation. ASU FDN(9/1/2014 - 8/31/2017).
- Schwartz,Gary T*. A dental topographic analysis of deciduous tooth wear in hominoids. WENNER-GREN FDN(1/3/2013 - 1/2/2014).
- Schwartz,Gary T*. Doctoral Dissertation Improvement: The Competitive Environment of the Origination and Early Diversification of Euprimates in North America. NSF-SBE(4/1/2012 - 3/31/2014).
- Schwartz,Gary T*. Doctoral Disseration Improvement: The Influences of Brain Anatomy on Facial Positioning in Anthropoid Primates: Implications for Modern Human Origins. NSF-ENG-BCS(8/15/2011 - 7/31/2012).
- Schwartz,Gary T*. The Competitive Environment of the Origination and Early Diversification of Euprimates in North America. SIGMA XI(5/6/2011 - 5/31/2012).
- Buikstra,Jane Ellen*, Schwartz,Gary T. Age and Dynasty in Ancient Maya Society. WENNER-GREN FDN(1/1/2007 - 2/28/2014).
- Schwartz,Gary T*. Dental Development and Life History of Malgasy Lemurs. NSF-SBE(8/16/2004 - 3/31/2007).
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 592 | Research |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 790 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASM 104 | Bones, Stones/Human Evolution |
ASM 104 | Bones, Stones/Human Evolution |
ASM 104 | Bones, Stones/Human Evolution |
ASM 104 | Bones, Stones/Human Evolution |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 790 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 592 | Research |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASM 300 | Anthropological Sciences Sem |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASM 525 | Primate Paleobiology |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 592 | Research |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 790 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASM 452 | Dental Anthropology |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 790 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 592 | Research |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASM 460 | Human Growth & Development |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 592 | Research |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 790 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASM 341 | Human Osteology |
ASM 341 | Human Osteology |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 790 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 592 | Research |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASM 525 | Primate Paleobiology |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 592 | Research |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 790 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASM 300 | Anthropological Sciences Sem |
ASM 300 | Anthropological Sciences Sem |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASM 460 | Human Growth & Development |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 584 | Internship |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 592 | Research |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 790 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASM 460 | Human Growth & Development |
ASM 560 | Human Growth & Development |
ASB 584 | Internship |