Paul Karoly
Phone: 480-965-5404
PSY Psychology North Room 301 TEMPE, AZ 85287-1104
Paul Karoly is a professor in the Department of Psychology at Arizona State University. Karoly's research focuses on the development and use of a cognitive-motivational perspective applied to normal and abnormal adjustment and to physical health and physical illness. The model, called the goal, self-regulatory, automatized social systems perspective (GRASSP), seeks to understand humans as self-regulating systems organized around explicit and implicit goals. The model focuses not only on the functional capacities of human self-regulating systems (such as attention, memory, monitoring of self and environment, etc.) but on the content, structure, and operational dynamics of goals themselves. The conceptual model is currently being applied across a variety of domains including:
- Health psychology---exploring the role of self-regulatory systems in physical exercise and in adjustment to chronic pain; online self-management of chronic pain
- Clinical psychology---exploring the goal/self-regulatory underpinnings of depression, anxiety, social phobia, college student drinking, ADHD, schizotypy, hypochondriasis, and others.
- Experimental psychology---exploring the role of goal/regulatory systems in mental control, affect regulation, complex motor performance, decision-making and the like.
- Clinical assessment--- exploring new methods for measuring self-regulatory processes and outcomes.
- Personality---exploring a GRASSP version of “personality/identity/self” and morality
- Educational psychology---exploring the role of goal systems in academic achievement and retention.
- Vocational psychology---exploring a goal systems perspective on work behavior.
At present, Karoly is engaged in a series of studies assessing the relationship of social goals and their cognitive representation to outcomes such as: clinical depression, alcohol consumption, exercise behavior, social anxiety, and coping styles. These projects are carried out by undergraduates (senior thesis projects), graduate students, and cooperating faculty (particularly Professor Morris Okun).
Ph.D. University of Rochester 1971
- L. Ruehlman, P. Karoly, & J. Pugliese. Psychosocial correlates of chronic pain and depression in young adults: Further evidence of the utility of the Profile of Chronic Pain: Screen (PCP:S) and the Profile of Chronic Pain: Extended Assessment Battery (PCP:EA). Pain Medicine (2010).
- Paul Karoly. Goal systems and self-regulation: An individual differences perspective. Handbook of Self-Regulation and Personality (2010).
- Paul Karoly. Psychopathology as dysfunctional self-regulation: When resilience resources are compromised. Handbook of adult resilience (2010).
- Georgia Pomaki, Paul Karoly, and Stan Maes. Linking goal progress to subjective well-being at work: The moderating role of goal-related self-efficacy and attainability. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology (2009).
- Morris Okun, Roy Levy, Paul Karoly, and Linda S. Ruehlman. Dispositional happiness and college student GPA: Unpacking a null relation. Journal of Research in Personality (2009).
- Nancy Hamilton, Paul Karoly, M. Gallagher, N. Stevens, C. Karlson * D. McCurdy. The assessment of emotion regulation in cognitive context: The emotion amplification and reduction scales. Cognitive Therapy and Research (2009).
- L. S. Ruehlman, P. Karoly, & A. Taylor. Perceptions of chronic pain's interference with sexual functioning: The role of gender, treatment status, and psychosocial factors. Sexuality and Disability (2008).
- M. Okun, P. Karoly, J. L. Martin & A. Benshoff. Distinguishing between exogenous and endogenous intent-to-transfer students. Journal of College Student Retention: Theory, Research, and Practice (2008).
- Paul Karoly, Morris Okun, L Ruehlman, J Pugliese. The impact of goal cognition and pain severity on disability and depression in adults with chronic pain: An examination of direct paths and mediated effects via pain-induced fear. Cognitive Therapy and Research (2008).
- Rafer Lutz, Paul Karoly, & Morris Okun. The why and the how of goal pursuit: Self-determination, goal process cognition, and participation in physical exercise. Psychology of Sport and Exercise (2008).
- Paul Karoly. Systematizing personal goals: The three Rs. (2008).
- Paul Karoly, B Maxwell, Paul Karoly, Linda Ruehlman, P. Karoly, L. Ruehlman. Concurrent validity of the Multidimensional Health Profile -Health Functioning Scales (MHP-H) in the preoperative assessment of applicants for gastric bypass surgery. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings (2007).
- Paul Karoly, L Ruehlman. Psycholosocial aspects of pain-related life task interference: An exploratory analysis in a general population sample. Pain Medicine (2007).
- Paul Karoly, Paul Karoly. Locus of perceived goal ownership, goal process cognition, and health behavior change. American Journal of Health Behavior (2007).
- Paul Karoly. Tracking the leading edge of self-regulatory failure. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice (2006).
- Paul Karoly, C Newton. Effects of approach and avoid mindsets on performance, regulatory cognition, and affect in a multi-task environment. Cognitive Therapy and Research (2006).
- Paul Karoly, L Ruehlman. Psychological "resilience" and its correlates in chronic pain: Findings from a national community sample. Pain (2006).
- Paul Karoly, L Ruehlman, L Aiken, M Todd. Evaluating chronic pain impact in primary care: Further validation of a brief assessment instrument. Pain Medicine (2006).
- Paul Karoly, M Okun, C Fairholme, L Ruehlman, C Newton. Academic goals, goal process cognition, and exam performance among college students. Learning and Individual Differences (2006).
- Paul Karoly, R Lanyon, B Maxwell, L Ruehlman. Utility of the Multidimensional Health Profile-Psychosocial Functioning Scales (MHP-P) for assessing psychosocial adjustment in gastric bypass surgery patients. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings (2006).
- Kanfer, Ruth, Karoly, Paul. F.H. Kanfer (Biography). Encyclopedia of Behavior Modification and Cognitive Behavior Therapy (2005).
- Karoly, Paul. Self control. Encyclopedia of Behavior Modification and Cognitive Behavior Therapy (2005).
- Karoly, Paul. Self monitoring. Encyclopedia of Behavior Modification and Cognitive Behavior Therapy (2005).
- L Ruehlman, Paul Karoly, C Newton, Leona Aiken. The development and preliminary validation of a brief measure of chronic pain impact for use in the general population. Pain (2005).
- Linda Ruehlman, Paul Karoly, Craig Newton. Comparing the experiential and psychosocial dimensions of chronic pain in African Americans and Caucasians: Findings from a national community sample. Pain Medicine (2005).
- Monique Boekaerts, Stan Maes, Paul Karoly. Self-regulation across domains of applied psychology: Is there an emerging consensus. Applied Psychology: An International Review (2005).
- Nancy Hamilton, Paul Karoly, Alex Zautra. Health goal cognition and adjustment in women with fibromyalgia. Journal of Behavioral Medicine (2005).
- Paul Karoly, Linda Ruehlman, Morris Okun, Rafer Lutz, Craig Newton, Chris Fairholme. Perceived self-regulation of exercise goals and interfering goals among regular and irregular exercisers: A life space analysis. Psychology of Sport and Exercise (2005).
- Paul Karoly, Linda Ruehlman, Richard Lanyon. The assessment of adult health care orientations: Development and prelinimary validation of the Multidimensional Health Profile--Health Functioning Index (MHP-H) in a national sample. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings (2005).
- Paul Karoly, Monique Boekaerts, Stan Maes. Toward Consensus in the psychology of self-regulation: How far have we come? How far do we have yet to travel?. Applied Psychology: An International Review (2005).
- S Maes, Paul Karoly. Self-regulation in physical health and illness: A review with special emphasis on assessment and treatment. Applied Psychology: An International Journal (2005).
- Stan Maes, Paul Karoly. Self-regulation assessment and intervention in physical health and illness: A review. Applied Psychology: An International Review (2005).
- . Self Regulation in Applied Psychology. (2005).
- Marc Lochbaum, Paul Karoly, Daniel Landers. Affective Responses to Acute Bouts of Aerobic Exercise: A Test of Opponent-Process Theory. Journal of Sport Behavior (2004).
- Nancy Hamilton, Paul Karoly, Heather Kitzman. Self-Regulation and Chronic Pain: The Role of Emotion. Cognitive Therapy and Research (2004).
- M Okun, L Ruehlman, Paul Karoly, R Lutz, C Fairholme, R Arens. Social support and social norms: Do both contribute to predicting leisure time exercise?. American Journal of Health Behavior (2003).
- Paul Karoly, R Kanfer. Frederick H. Kanfer. American Psychologist (2003).
- Paul Karoly, M Okun, R Lutz. Clarifying the contribution of subjective norm to the prediction of leisure-time exercise. American Journal of Health Behavior (2002).
- Paul Karoly, M Von Korff, M Jensen. Assessing global pain severity by self-report. TEN (2002).
- Paul Karoly, Marc Lochbaum, D Landers. Evidence for the importance of openness to experience for performance on a fluid intelligence task by physically active and inactive participants. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport (2002).
- Paul Karoly, G Affleck, H Tennen, A Zautra, S Urrows, M Abeles. Women's pursuit of personal goals in daily life with fibromyalgia: A value-expectancy analysis. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology (2001).
- Karoly, Paul (Author) ,Crews, D J (Author) ,Lochbaum, M R (Author) . Self-regulation: Concepts, methods, and strategies in sport and exercise. Handbook of Sport Psychology (2001).
- Karoly, Paul (Author) ,Jensen, M P (Author) . Self-report scales and procedures for assessing pain in adults. Handbook of pain assessment (2001).
- Paul Karoly. La sante mentale et la psychopatholgie selon la perspective des but personnels: Aspects conceptuels, empiriques, et cliniques. Revue Quebecoise de Psychologie (2000).
- Paul Karoly, M Jensen, Von Korff. Assessing global pain severity by self-report in clinical and health services research. Spine (2000).
- Karoly, Paul (Author) ,Anderson, C W (Author) . The long and short of psychological change: Toward a goal-centered understanding of treatment durability and adaptive success. Handbook of psychological change (2000).
- Karoly,Paul*, Enders,Craig Kyle, Okun,Morris A. Chronic Pain and the Enterprise of Living: Self-regulatory and Goal Mechanisms. HHS-NIH-NINR(7/8/2009 - 12/31/2011).
- Sadalla,Edward K*, Karoly,Paul. THE BASIC ATTRIBUTES TEST. MARTIN-MARIETTAS(1/1/1995 - 6/2/1997).
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
PSY 792 | Research |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PSY 599 | Thesis |
PSY 792 | Research |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
PSY 792 | Research |
PSY 573 | Psychopathology |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PSY 792 | Research |
PSY 472 | Clinical Psychology |
- Karoly, Paul, Ruehlman, L. Psychological factors account for pain's interference with exercise. American Psychological Society Convention (May 2005).
- Karoly, Paul, Fairholme, C, Okun, M, Ruehlman, L. Perceived classroom environment and changes in achievement goals. Western Psychological Association Convention (Apr 2004).
- Karoly, Paul, Okun, M, Fairholme, C, Ruehlman, L. Contents and processes associated with students' goals for introductory psychology. Western Psychological Association Convention (Apr 2004).
- Karoly, Paul, Ruehlman, L. Management of exercise goals among irregular, short-term regular, and long-term regular exercisers: The role of planning and goal switching. Western Psychological Association Convention (Apr 2004).
- Karoly, Paul, Ruehlman, L, Newton, C. Chronic pain and compensation. Western Psychological Association Convention (Apr 2004).
- Karoly, Paul, Ruehlman, L, Okun, M. Level of exercise and intentional mindsets. Western Psychological Association Convention (Apr 2004).
- Karoly, Paul, Ruehlman, L, Newton, C, Aiken, L, Todd, M, Fairholme, C. Development of the chronic pain screen. American Psychosomatic Society, 61st Annual Scientific Meetings (Mar 2003).
- Karoly, Paul, Hamilton, N, Guyotte, S, Miller, M, Costa, B, McAfee, J. Emotion regulation and test taking anxiety. American Psychological Association Convention (Jun 2002).
- Karoly, Paul, Newton, C. Mental control and hypochondriasis: An analysis using the Wegner thought suppression paradigm. Symposium entitled "Cognitive Perspectives on Hypochondriasis: Current Trends and Emerging Directions", American Psychological Association Convention (Jun 2002).
- Karoly, Paul, Okun, M, Lutz, R. Clarifying the contribution of subjective norm to predicting leisure time exercise. Western Psychological Association Convention (Apr 2002).
- Karoly, Paul, Crews, D. Intentional mindsets predict performance in elite golfers. NASPSPA (Jun 2000).
- Karoly, Paul, Lochbaum, M. The impact of temperament and goal construal on post-exercise anxiety and affect. NASPSPA (Jun 2000).
- Karoly, Paul, Lutz, R. Motives, traits, and goals: Toward multilevel analyses of exercise behavior. (Jun 2000).
- Karoly, Paul, Hamilton, N, Zautra, A, Reich, J, Davis, M. Fluctuations in the pain-mood relationship among women with rheumatoid arthritis: The influence of mood repair and affect intensity. Annual Convention of the Society of Behavioral Medicine
- Karoly, Paul, Hamilton, N, Zautra, A. Health goal cognition and adjustment in women with fibromyalgia. In N. A. Hamilton (Chair) Dynamic Adjustment to Chronic Pain: Cognitive, Social, and Affective Processes. Symposium at the Western Psychological Association Convention
- Ombudspersons Committee, Chair (2008 - Present)
- Ombudspersons Committee, Chair (2008 - Present)
- Ombudspersons Committee, Chair (2008 - Present)
- Job Search Clinical Assistant Professor Position, Member (2007 - Present)
- Undergraduate Studies Committee, Member (2007 - Present)
- Dean's Advisory Committee on UNI Course Design, Member (2007 - Present)
- Pain Medicine, Editorial Board (2000 - Present)
- Pain Medicine, Editorial Board (2000 - Present)
- Pain Medicine, Editorial Board (2000 - Present)
- Lecturer Search Committee, Chairman (2006 - 2007)
- Undergraduate Studies Commitee, Member (2005 - 2006)
- Undergraduate Studies Committee, Member (2004 - 2005)
- Clinical Admissions Committee, Chair (2004 - 2005)
- Exercise Science PhD Program, Participating faculty (2003)
- Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Editorial Board (2003)
- Psychology Department Executive Committee, Director of Graduate Studies (2003)