Antonella Dell'Anna
Phone: 480-965-6281
DH 304 Tempe, AZ 85287
Mail code: 0202Campus: Tempe
Antonella Dell’Anna received her degrees in classics and archeology in Italy. She has been teaching Italian at Arizona State University since 2005, on the Downtown Phoenix and Tempe campuses, where she also supervises an internship for students of Italian. Her areas of teaching and research include teaching Italian language through literature, Italian mass media communication, and pedagogy in language teaching.
She is currently executive member and Exhibits coordinator for the Arizona Language Association, which represents ACTFL in Arizona. At AZLA she served also as president elect (2013-2014), president (2014-2015), and chair of the 2016 Spring Workshop and 2016 Fall Conference. Furthermore, she is The American Association Teachers of Italian representative for the Southwest region.
She was awarded in 2016 with ASU School of International Letters and Cultures' Instructor of the Year for peer reviews, students’ evaluations, and service and Arizona Language Association Recognition for Leadership, Dedication and Service for her teaching and leadership skills. She was also nominated for several awards, among those the 2015 American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages Nelson Brooks Award for the promotion of the culture of foreign languages.
- Post-Graduate Degree. History of Pre-Classical Civilization and Paleo-Ethnologic Science, University of Bari (Italy)
- Specializzazione. Archeology, University of Lecce (Italy). Dissertation: L’indagine chimica e mineralogica sulla ceramica antica.
- Laurea (BA and MA). Classics, University of Bari (Italy). Dissertation: Applicazione dell’analisi mineralogica alla ceramica impressa di Chiantinelle.
Areas of teaching and research include teaching Italian language through literature, Italian mass media communication, and pedagogy in language teaching.
Relevant Presentations and Publications:
Analysis of Students’ Response to Teaching with Authentic Material; American Council on Teaching of Foreign Language Conference, Nashville, November, 2017.
Students’ Response to Literature Based Language Teaching; American Association Teachers of Italian Conference, Palermo, June 2017.
Sicilian Roots and American Dream, Session Chair, American Association Teachers of Italian Conference, Palermo, June 2017.
Dall’Aula alla Stazione Radio: Imparare in Diretta, in American Association Teachers of Italian Online Working Papers, 2016.
Teaching Language and Literature at the Intermediate Level; Northeast Modern Language Association Conference, Hartford, March 2016.
Italian for Journalism; Northeast Modern Language Association Conference, Hartford, March 2016.
The future of Languages in Arizona; World Language Advisory Group Meeting, Cave Creek, May 2015.
Teaching Language and Literature at the Intermediate Level; American Association Teachers of Italian Conference, Siena, June 2015.
Language Students’ Radio Broadcasting; American Association Teachers of Italian Conference, Siena, June 2015.
Language Students’ Radio Broadcasting, American Council on Teaching of Foreign Language Conference, Orlando, November 20-23, 2014.
Pop Test – Pop Culture, First Annual Foreigner/Heritage Languages Share Fair in School of International Letters and Cultures, Tempe, November 14, 2014.
Teaching Language and Literature at the Intermediate Level, Arizona Language Association Fall Conference, Phoenix, September 26-27, 2014.
Teaching Language and Literature at the Intermediate Level, American Association Teachers of Italian Conference, Siena, Italy, June 22-26, 2014
Language Students’ Radio Broadcasting, American Association Teachers of Italian Conference, Siena, Italy, June 22-26, 2014
Building a New Language Program: The Case of Italian at ASU Downtown Campus, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language, Orlando, FL; November 21-24, 2013.
Italian Pedagogy IV, Session Chair, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language. Orlando, FL; November 21-24, 2013.
Proficiency in Action: Language Students’ Radio Broadcasting. Arizona Language Association, Fall Conference. Phoenix, AZ; October 4-5, 2013.
Teaching Language through Pop Culture, Southwest Conference on Language Teaching, Las Vegas, NV; April 4-6, 2013
Issues and Challenges in Teaching Second Language Online –Roundtable. Arizona Language Association, Fall Conference. Tempe, AZ; October 5-6, 2012
Teaching Language through Pop Culture in a College Classroom, Arizona Language Association, Fall Conference. Tempe, AZ; October 5-6, 2012
The Italian Language Program at ASU Downtown, Southwest Conference on Language Teaching. Phoenix, AZ; April 12-15, 2012
The Growth of the Italian Language Program at ASU Downtown, Northeast Modern Language Association Conference, Rochester, NY; March 15-18, 2012
Methods in Latin Teaching, Arizona Language Association, Fall Conference, Phoenix, AZ; October 1-2, 2010
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ITA 101 | Elementary Italian I |
ITA 202 | Intermediate Italian II |
ITA 101 | Elementary Italian I |
ITA 202 | Intermediate Italian II |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ITA 484 | Internship |
ITA 101 | Elementary Italian I |
ITA 102 | Elementary Italian II |
ITA 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ITA 202 | Intermediate Italian II |
ITA 394 | Special Topics |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ITA 484 | Internship |
ITA 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ITA 102 | Elementary Italian II |
ITA 101 | Elementary Italian I |
ITA 202 | Intermediate Italian II |
ITA 101 | Elementary Italian I |
ITA 101 | Elementary Italian I |
ITA 101 | Elementary Italian I |
ITA 101 | Elementary Italian I |
ITA 494 | Special Topics |
ITA 494 | Special Topics |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ITA 101 | Elementary Italian I |
ITA 101 | Elementary Italian I |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ITA 484 | Internship |
ITA 101 | Elementary Italian I |
ITA 202 | Intermediate Italian II |
ITA 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ITA 202 | Intermediate Italian II |
ITA 202 | Intermediate Italian II |
ITA 312 | Write Italy:Lang,People,Cultr |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ITA 484 | Internship |
ITA 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ITA 101 | Elementary Italian I |
ITA 210 | Intensive Italian II |
ITA 494 | Special Topics |
ITA 494 | Special Topics |
ITA 101 | Elementary Italian I |
ITA 101 | Elementary Italian I |
ITA 101 | Elementary Italian I |
ITA 101 | Elementary Italian I |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ITA 101 | Elementary Italian I |
ITA 202 | Intermediate Italian II |
ITA 101 | Elementary Italian I |
ITA 202 | Intermediate Italian II |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ITA 102 | Elementary Italian II |
ITA 201 | Intermediate Italian I |
ITA 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ITA 202 | Intermediate Italian II |
ITA 394 | Special Topics |
ITA 201 | Intermediate Italian I |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ITA 484 | Internship |
ITA 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ITA 101 | Elementary Italian I |
ITA 201 | Intermediate Italian I |
ITA 101 | Elementary Italian I |
ITA 201 | Intermediate Italian I |
ITA 201 | Intermediate Italian I |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ITA 202 | Intermediate Italian II |
ITA 201 | Intermediate Italian I |
ITA 394 | Special Topics |
ITA 202 | Intermediate Italian II |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ITA 484 | Internship |
ITA 201 | Intermediate Italian I |
ITA 101 | Elementary Italian I |
ITA 202 | Intermediate Italian II |
ITA 202 | Intermediate Italian II |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ITA 201 | Intermediate Italian I |
ITA 202 | Intermediate Italian II |
ITA 201 | Intermediate Italian I |
ITA 202 | Intermediate Italian II |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ITA 484 | Internship |
ITA 102 | Elementary Italian II |
ITA 202 | Intermediate Italian II |
ITA 202 | Intermediate Italian II |
ITA 202 | Intermediate Italian II |
ITA 312 | Write Italy:Lang,People,Cultr |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ITA 484 | Internship |
ITA 201 | Intermediate Italian I |
ITA 101 | Elementary Italian I |
ITA 202 | Intermediate Italian II |
ITA 201 | Intermediate Italian I |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ITA 201 | Intermediate Italian I |
ITA 202 | Intermediate Italian II |
ITA 201 | Intermediate Italian I |
ITA 202 | Intermediate Italian II |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ITA 484 | Internship |
ITA 102 | Elementary Italian II |
ITA 102 | Elementary Italian II |
ITA 201 | Intermediate Italian I |
ITA 201 | Intermediate Italian I |
ITA 202 | Intermediate Italian II |
2017 American Association Teachers of Italian, Travel Grant Award for contribution to the conference in Palermo, Italy.
2016 ASU, School of International Letters and Cultures, Instructor of the Year for peer reviews, students’ evaluations, and service.
2015 Arizona nominee for the American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages Nelson Brooks Award for the promotion of the culture of foreign languages.
2015 Arizona Language Association Recognition for Leadership, Dedication and Service.
2015 American Association Teachers of Italian Travel Grant Award for contribution to the conference in Siena, Italy.
2010 ASU Centennial Professorship Award Nominee.
2009 ASU College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Distinguish Teaching Award Nominee.
Arizona Representative at the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language assembly in Orlando, FL (2013), San Antonio, TX (2014), San Diego, CA (2015), Boston, MA (2016, nominated, not attended), Nashville, TN (2017). Arizona Language Association. Member (2010-present), Board Member and Exhibit Coordinator (2012-present). President-elect (2013) President (2014-2015); Conferences Chair (2015-2016). Arizona Language Association Newsletters/Website, contributor. American Association Teachers of Italian, Editorial Board member.
2013-present ASU, Second Reader, Undergraduate Honors Thesis Committee. The Barrett Honors College, Arizona State University
2012-present ASU Downtown Internship Supervisor
2007-present ASU Barrett, The Honors College Disciplinary Faculty
2012-2015 ASU Downtown Language Committee.
2009-2015 Faculty Mentor, Obama Scholars. I was mentor for freshman students and helped them navigate ASU academic and advising structures.
2008-2009 Chair, Undergraduate Honors Thesis Committee. The Barrett Honors College, Arizona State University
2017-present Contributor writer for Melucci-Tognozzi, Piazza, 2nd edition, Cengage Learning.
2010-present Reviewer of Italian textbooks (Melucci-Tognozzi, Piazza, Cengage Learning. Cozzarelli, Sentieri, Vista Higher Learning. Cummins et Al., Immagina, Vista Higher Learning)
2008-present Translator and translator supervisor Latin/English, Italian/English, and English/Italian.
2014-2015 Expert, Arizona Department of Education. Writing, reviewing, and editing the new Arizona Department of Education World Language K-16 Standards.
2014-2015 Quality Rater, Google Inc. for Italian websites.