Profiles in "Italian" Expertise Area

  • Italian by birth and passionate about the language and culture of her native country, Dal Martello has been teaching Italian language and culture courses at Arizona State since 1996.
  • Dell’Anna has been teaching Italian at ASU since 2005. Her areas of teaching and research include teaching Italian language through literature, Italian mass media communication, and pedagogy in language teaching.
  • Pietrantoni is interested in the development of language and cultural proficiency and the development of instructional materials.
  • Dr. Ferrando explores plants, animals, and water in modern Italian poetry; environmental and experimental noisescapes; and the digital humanities. She founded Navigli Project, a digital interactive map of Milan's waters.
  • Ilaria joined ASU in Fall 2022. She teaches courses in Italian language, culture and literature at all levels, online research courses that include experiential learning. Her research focuses on farming and food cultures.