Amber Wutich
Phone: 480-965-9010
SHESC 272 TEMPE, AZ 85287-3211
Mail code: 2402Campus: Tempe
Amber Wutich is an ASU President’s Professor, Director of the Center for Global Health, and 2023 MacArthur Fellow. An expert on water insecurity, Wutich directs the Global Ethnohydrology Study, a cross-cultural study of water knowledge and management in 20+ countries. Her two decades of community-based fieldwork explore how people respond, individually and collectively, to extremely water-scarce conditions. She leads Action for Water Equity, a participatory convergence study that develops collaborative water solutions with water-insecure U.S. communities. An ethnographer and methodologist, Wutich has authored 200+ papers, co-authored 6 books, edits the journal Field Methods, and directs the NSF Cultural Anthropology Methods Program. Her teaching has been recognized with awards such as Carnegie CASE Arizona Professor of the Year. Wutich has raised over $80 million in research funds, as part of collaborative research teams, from NSF, USDA, USACE, the State of Arizona, and other funders.
Ph.D. Cultural Anthropology (Tropical Conservation and Development), University of Florida
Economic, Ecological & Biocultural Anthropology; Water & Food Insecurity; Global Mental Health; Environmental Justice; Informality; Cross-cultural Research; Field Methods; Latin America
Selected Publications
Wutich, A., P. Thomson, W. Jepson, J. Stoler, A. Cooperman, J. Doss-Gollin, A. Jantrania, A. Mayer, J. Nelson-Nunez, S. Walker, P. Westerhoff. (2023) MAD Water: Integrating Modular, Adaptive, and Decentralized Approaches for Water Security in the Climate Change Era. WIREs Water. 10.1002/wat2.1680.
Wutich, A. A. Rosinger, A. Brewis, M. Beresford, S. Young & HWISE Research Collaboration Network. (2022) Water sharing is a distressing form of reciprocity: Shame, upset, anger, and conflict over water in 20 cross-cultural sites. American Anthropologist.
Wutich, A., W. Jepson, C. Velasco, A. Roque, Z. Gu, M. Hanemann, M.J. Hossain, L. Landes, R. Larson, W. Li, O. Morales, N. Patwoary, S. Porter, Y. Tsai, M. Zheng, P. Westerhoff. (2022) Water Insecurity in the Global North: A review of experiences in U.S. colonias communities along the Mexico border. WIRES-Water
Wutich, A., W. Jepson, J. Stoler, P. Thomson, M. Kooy, A. Brewis, C. Staddon, K. Meehan. (2021) A Global Agenda for Household Water Security: Measurement, Monitoring, Management. Journal of the American Water Resources Association.
Wutich, A., M. Beresford, C. SturtzSreetharan, A. Brewis, S. Trainer, J. Hardin. (2021) Metatheme analysis: A qualitative method for cross-cultural research. International Journal of Qualitative Methods. 20: 1-11.
Wutich, A. (2020) Water Insecurity: An agenda for research and call to action for human biology. American Journal of Human Biology. 32(1): e23345.
Wutich, A, A. Brewis, A. Tsai. (2020) Water and Mental Health. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews – Water.
Wutich, A. Rosinger, J. Stoler, W. Jepson, A. Brewis. (2020) Measuring Human Water Needs. American Journal of Human Biology. 32(1): e23350.
Wutich, A., M. Beresford, C. Bausch, W. Eaton, K. Brasier, C. Williams, S. Porter. (2020) Identifying stakeholder groups in natural resource management: Comparing quantitative and qualitative social network approaches. Society & Natural Resources. 7(33): 941-948.
Wutich, A., DeMyers G, C., C. Bausch, D. White, A. Sullivan. (2020) Stakeholders and Social Influence in a Shadow Network: Implications for Transitions toward Urban Water Sustainability in the Colorado River Basin. Ecology and Society. 25(1):28.
Wutich, A. & M. Beresford. (2019) The Economic Anthropology of Water. Economic Anthropology. 6(2).
Wutich, A., & Brewis, A. (2019). Data Collection in Cross-cultural Ethnographic Research. Field Methods, 31(2): 181-189.
Wutich, A., Budds, J., Jepson, W., Harris, L.M., Adams, E., Brewis, A., Cronk, L., DeMyers, C., Maes, K., Marley, T. and Miller, J., (2018). Household water sharing: A review of water gifts, exchanges, and transfers across cultures. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, 5(6), p.e1309.
Wutich, A., Budds, J., Eichelberger, L., Geere, J.A., Harris, L., Horney, J., Jepson, W., Norman, E., O'Reilly, K., Pearson, A., Shah, S., Young, S. (2017). Advancing methods for research on household water insecurity: Studying entitlements and capabilities, socio-cultural dynamics, and political processes, institutions and governance. Water Security, 1(2).
Wutich, A., Beresford, M., & Carvajal, C. (2017). Ayni Real and Imagined: Reciprocity, Indigenous Institutions, and Development Discourses in Contemporary Bolivia. The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology.
Wutich, A., Beresford, M., & Carvajal, C. (2016). Can Informal Water Vendors Deliver on the Promise of A Human Right to Water? Results From Cochabamba, Bolivia. World Development, 79, 14-24.
Wutich, A., & Beresford, M. (2015). Community development in ‘Post-Neoliberal Bolivia’: decolonization or alternative modernizations?. Community Development Journal, bsv049.
Wutich , A. and A. Brewis. (2014) Food, Water, and Scarcity: Toward a Broader Anthropology of Resource Insecurity. Current Anthropology. 55(4): 444-468.
Wutich , A., A. Ruth, A. Brewis, C. Boone. (2014) Social bonds, stigmatized neighborhoods, and health. Medical Anthropology Quarterly.28(4), 556-577.
Wutich , A., A. White, D. White, K. Larson, A. Brewis, C. Roberts. (2014) Hard Paths, Soft Paths or No Paths? Cross-cultural Perceptions of Water Solutions. Hydrology and Earth Systems Sciences 18: 109-120.
Wutich, A., A. Brewis, A. York, R. Stotts. (2013) Rules, norms, and injustice: A cross-cultural study of perceptions of justice in water institutions. Society & Natural Resources. 26: 795-809.
Wutich, A., York, A. M., Brewis, A., Stotts, R., & Roberts, C. M. (2012). Shared cultural norms for justice in water institutions: Results from Fiji, Ecuador, Paraguay, New Zealand, and the US. Journal of environmental management, 113, 370-376.
Wutich, A. (2011) The Moral Economy of Water Reexamined: Reciprocity, Water Insecurity, and Urban Survival in Cochabamba, Bolivia. Journal of Anthropological Research. 67(1): 5-26.
Wutich, A. (2011) Shifting Alliances: Reciprocal Relations during Times of Hardship in Urban Bolivia. Chungara Journal of Chilean Anthropology. 43(1): 123-133.
Wutich, A., T. Lant, D. White, K. Larson, and M. Gartin G. (2010) Comparing Focus Group and Individual Responses on Sensitive Topics: A Study of Water Decision-makers in a Desert City. Field Methods. 22(1): 88-110.
Wutich, A. (2009) Water Scarcity and the Sustainability of a Common Pool Resource Institution in the Urban Andes. Human Ecology. 37(2): 179-192.
Wutich, A. (2009) Intrahousehold Disparities in Women and Men’s Experiences of Water Insecurity and Emotional Distress in Urban Bolivia. Medical Anthropology Quarterly. 23(4): 436-454.
Wutich, A. (2009) Estimating Household Water Use: A Comparison of Diary, Prompted Recall, and Free Recall Methods. Field Methods. 21(1): 49-68.
Wutich, A. and K. Ragsdale. (2008) Water Insecurity and Emotional Distress: Coping with supply, access, and seasonal variability of water in a Bolivian squatter settlement. Social Science & Medicine. 67: 2116-2125.
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 327 | Disaster! |
ASB 327 | Disaster! |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 327 | Disaster! |
ASB 327 | Disaster! |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 592 | Research |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 790 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 327 | Disaster! |
ASB 327 | Disaster! |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 484 | Internship |
ASB 484 | Internship |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 790 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 592 | Research |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 500 | Research Methods |
ASB 500 | Research Methods |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 500 | Research Methods |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 592 | Research |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 790 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 327 | Disaster! |
ASB 327 | Disaster! |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 591 | Seminar |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 790 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 592 | Research |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 500 | Research Methods |
ASB 500 | Research Methods |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 591 | Seminar |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 327 | Disaster! |
ASB 327 | Disaster! |
ASB 327 | Disaster! |
ASB 327 | Disaster! |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 592 | Research |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 790 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 484 | Internship |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 484 | Internship |
ASB 272 | Economic Justice |
ASB 457 | Global Mental Health |
ASB 457 | Global Mental Health |
SOS 272 | Economic Justice |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 790 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 592 | Research |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
ASB 484 | Internship |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 484 | Internship |
ASB 500 | Research Methods |
ASB 500 | Research Methods |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 327 | Disaster! |
ASB 327 | Disaster! |
ASB 327 | Disaster! |
ASB 327 | Disaster! |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 592 | Research |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 790 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 592 | Research |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 327 | Disaster! |
ASB 327 | Disaster! |
ASB 327 | Disaster! |
ASB 327 | Disaster! |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 592 | Research |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 790 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 584 | Internship |
ASB 327 | Disaster! |
ASB 327 | Disaster! |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 790 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 592 | Research |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
ASB 500 | Research Methods |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 327 | Disaster! |
ASB 327 | Disaster! |
ASB 327 | Disaster! |
ASB 327 | Disaster! |
ASB 457 | Global Mental Health |
ASB 457 | Global Mental Health |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 592 | Research |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 790 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 500 | Research Methods |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 584 | Internship |
Foster Distinguished Lecturer in Cultural Anthropology, SMU (U.S.), 2024 (upcoming)
Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Anthropology (U.S.), 2023
TD Walter Bean Professorship in Environment, University of Waterloo (Canada), 2021-22
Pearl Memorial Lecturer, Human Biology Association, 2019
Arizona Professor of the Year, Carnegie Foundation (U.S.), 2013-14
Fellow, Society for Applied Anthropology, 2010
2022 Human Biology Association Book Award
2020 Carol R. Ember Book Prize, Society for Anthropological Sciences
ASU Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award, Faculty Women’s Association, 2020
ASU President’s Professor (Lifetime award), 2018
ASU Outstanding Doctoral Mentor Award, ASU Graduate College, 2017
ASU Faculty Achievement Award, Excellence in Classroom Performance, 2011-2012
CLAS Zebulon Pearce Distinguished Teaching Award, ASU College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, 2011
SHESC Teaching Excellence Awards: Graduate Teaching 2020; Teaching Innovation 2017, 2011
Editorial Service
Editor, Field Methods
with Editor, H. Russell Bernard. 2019-current
Associate Editor, 2012-2019
Series Editor, Water and Society, Johns Hopkins University Press
Co-Editors: W. Jepson & A. Brewis. 2019-2022
Editorial Boards
Human Ecology. Editor, Daniel Bates. 2012-current.
Water Alternatives. Editors, François Molle & Peter Mollinga. 2022-current.
Human Organization. Editor, Lenore Manderson. 2023-current.
Social Science & Medicine-Mental Health. Eds., E. Mendenhall, A. Tsai, B. Kohrt. 2021-2022
Anthropology & Global Public Health, Left Coast Press. Eds., P. Brown, E. Mendenhall. 2011-16
Dr. Laura Castro-Diaz, 2022-current
Postdoctoral Position: NSF GCR/AWII/NEWN, Global Institute of Sustainability & Innovations
Dr. Mathews Wakhungu, 2023
Postdoctoral Position: AWII/NEWN, Global Institute of Sustainability & Innovations
Employment: Senior Research Scientist, National Museums of Kenya
Dr. Jelena Jankovic-Rankovic, 2022-2023
Postdoctoral Position: NSF GCR/NEWN, Global Institute of Sustainability & Innovations
Employment: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Anthropology, University of South Carolina
Dr. Anaís Delilah Roque, 2021-2022
Postdoctoral Position: NSF GCR Postdoctoral Research Scholar, ASU Future H2O
Employment: Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, Ohio State University
Dr. Barbara Quimby, 2020-2022
Postdoctoral Position: USDA Stakeholder Study, ASU Kyl Center for Water Policy
Employment: Assistant Professor, College of Natural & Comp. Sciences, Hawai'i Pacific Univ.
Dr. Julia (Chrissie) Bausch, 2018-2019
Postdoctoral Position: USDA Stakeholder Study, ASU Kyl Center for Water Policy
Employment: Policy Analyst, Environment and Climate Change Canada (Government of Canada)
Dr. Melissa Beresford, 2018-2019
Postdoctoral Position: Global Ethnohydrology Study, ASU Center for Global Health
Employment: Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, San José State University
Dr. Meskerem Glegziabher, 2016-2018
Postdoctoral Position: Outreach & Community Engagement, ASU Center for Global Health
Employment: Assistant Research Professor, SHESC, Arizona State University
Dr. Roseanne Schuster, 2016-2017
Postdoctoral Position: Global Ethnohydrology Study, ASU Center for Global Health
Employment: Assistant Research Scientist, SHESC, Arizona State University
Ph.D. Students
Graduated – Committee Chair/Co-chair
Anaís Delilah Roque, Ph.D. in Environmental Social Science, Role: Chair, Graduation: 2021
Employment: Arizona State University, NSF GCR/GFL Postdoctoral Research Scholar
Dissertation fund/site: ASU Provost & CLAS Multiyear Package Award, 2018-2021; Puerto Rico
Danelle Cooper, Ph.D. in Global Health, Co-chair, Graduation: 2021
Employment: Arizona State University, Counseling Services
Dissertation funding/site: American Indian College Fund; Native Hawaiian people
Christine DeMyers, Ph.D. in Anthropology, Role: Chair, Graduation: 2019
Employment: Pacific Institute, Research Associate on Climate, Water & Environmental Justice
Dissertation + Ph.D. funding/site: NSF GRFP #1462086, 2016-2019; U.S. Southwest
Melissa Beresford, Ph.D. in Anthropology, Role: Chair, Graduation: 2018
Employment: San José State University, Assistant Professor in Department of Anthropology
Dissertation funding/site: SSRC, NSF Cultural Anthropology DDIG #1459004; South Africa
Ashley Hagaman, Ph.D. in Global Health, Role: Chair, Graduation: 2017
Employment: Yale University, Assistant Professor in School of Public Health
Dissertation funding/site: Fulbright - Nepal, NSF Cultural Anthropology DDIG #1459811
Meg du Bray, Ph.D. in Anthropology, Role: Co-chair, Graduation: 2017
Employment: University of North Colorado, Assistant Professor in Environmental Studies
Dissertation funding/sites: NSF #0951366; Cross-cultural research
Rhian Stotts, Ph.D. in Anthropology, Role: Chair. Graduation: 2016
Employment: Arizona State University, Full-time Instructor in SHESC
Dissertation funding/sites: NSF #0951366; Cross-cultural research
Current committees – Chair role
Mohammad Jobayer Hossain, Ph.D. in Environmental Social Sciences, Role: Chair. Stage: PHD
Dissertation funding: SHESC Multiyear Funding Package Award, 2021-2025
Dylan Diaz-Infante, Ph.D. in Anthropology, Role: Chair. Stage: MA
Dissertation funding: Arizona Water Innovation Initiative, 2023-2027
Advisory Board Member
Qualitative Data Repository at the Center for Qualitative and Multi-Method Inquiry, 2022-2023
NSF Engineering Research Center on Nanotechnology Enabled Water Treatment, 2019-2023
Ernst Strüngmann Forum, Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, 2017-2023
Executive Committee or Leadership Team Member
Network for Engineering with Nature (N-EWN), ASU & US Army Corps of Engineers, 2022-26
NSF Household Water Insecurity Experiences (HWISE) Research Network, 2018-2024
NSF Central Arizona Phoenix Long-term Ecological Research, Rivers & Parks Lead, 2016-2020
NSF Decision Center for a Desert City (DCDC), 2015-2020