Erik Fisher
ISTBX 356 PO Box 875603 Tempe, AZ 85287-5603
Mail code: 6002Campus: Tempe
Erik Fisher is an associate professor in the School for the Future of Innovation in Society and the Consortium for Science, Policy and Outcomes. He is editor-in-chief of the Journal of Responsible Innovation published by Taylor & Francis and directs the international laboratory engagement program on Socio-Technical Integration Research (STIR) as well as the Center for Responsible Innovation.
Professor Fisher's work has appeared in science policy and science studies journals such as Research Policy; Science and Public Policy; Science, Technology & Human Values; and Nature.
Fisher has been a visiting professor at Delft Technical University (2019), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (2018), the Norwegian University of Technology in Norway (2018, 2016), and the University of Twente in the Netherlands (2015).
- Ph.D. in Environmental Studies, University of Colorado-Boulder 2006
- Graduate Certificate in Science and Technology Policy, University of Colorado-Boulder 2005
- Classics: Greek Philology, University of Colorado-Boulder 1995
- B.A. in Philosophy and Mathematics, St. John's College in Annapolis, MD. 1992
Fisher studies the politics and policy of science and technology, including the multi-level governance of emerging technologies from the lab to the legislature. Building upon historical and conceptual understandings of changing relationships between science and society, he studies public policy demands for and practitioner responses to interdisciplinary collaborations between science and the humanities for the sake of enhanced societal responsiveness.
Fisher directs the STIR Cities project (NSF #1535120), which explores how interdisciplinary collaboration between scientific experts and “embedded humanists” can support responsible innovation within laboratories and various organizations working on energy innovations across university, industrial, governmental and non-governmental sectors. The project examines the effects of socio-technical collaborations with technical experts working on “smart” energy technologies in both Phoenix, Arizona and Portland, Oregon.
The project builds on Fisher’s Socio-Technical Integration Research (STIR) project (NSF #0849101), which demonstrated that incorporating societal and ethical reflection into laboratory research on nanotechnology, synthetic biology, biotechnology and neurotechnology can have synergistic effects and support learning, deliberation and practical adjustments to the research. The STIR project studied the effects of semi-structured dialogue and real-time reflection on decision-making in 30 laboratories across a dozen nations. The STIR approach has since been taken up in over three-dozen laboratories across North America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe and Eastern Asia.
Fisher also developed the conceptual framework of Midstream Modulation to help understand how technical decision-making may be productively broadened to take into account public values and concerns. His ideas and techniques have played a central role in forming the scholarly frameworks of Anticipatory Governance and of Responsible Innovation.
Refereed Publications
- Vural Özdemir, K. Yalçın Arga, Ramy K. Aziz, Mustafa Bayram, Shannon N. Conley, Collet Dandara, Laszlo Endrenyi, Erik Fisher, Colin K. Garvey, Nezih Hekim, Tanja Kunej, Semra Şardaş, Rene Von Schomberg, Aymen S. Yassin, Gürçim Yılmaz, and Wei Wang (2020). ”Digging deeper into precision/personalized medicine: cracking the sugar code, the third alphabet of life and sociomateriality of the cell.” OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology.
- Miklós Lukovics, Beáta Udvari, Nikoletta Nádas, and Erik Fisher (2019). “Raising Awareness of Researchers-in-the-Making Toward Responsible Research and Innovation.” Journal of the Knowledge Economy DOI: 10.1007/s13132-019-00624-1.
- Alecia Radatz, Michael Reinsborough, Erik Fisher, Elizabeth Corley, and David H. Guston. (2019). “An assessment of engaged social science research in nanoscale science and engineering communities.” Science and Public Policy 46(6): 853–865.
- John E. Thomas†, Daniel Eisenberg†, Thomas Seager†, and Erik Fisher. (2019). “A resilience engineering approach to integrating human and socio-technical system capacities and processes for national infrastructure resilience.” Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management. DOI: 10.1515/jhsem-2017-0019
- Erik Fisher. (2019). “Governing with Ambivalence: The Tentative Origins of Socio-Technical Integration.” Research Policy 48(5): 1138–49.
- Jan Youtie, Phil Shapira, Michael Reinsborough and Erik Fisher. (2018). “Research Network Emergence: Societal Issues in Nanotechnology and the Center for Nanotechnology in Society.” Science and Public Policy 46(1): 126-135.
- Anthony Levenda, Jennifer Richter, Thaddeus Miller, Erik Fisher. (2018). “Regional Sociotechnical Imaginaries and the Governance of Energy Innovations.” Futures 109: 181-191.
- Miklós Lukovics and Erik Fisher (2017). “Socio-Technical Integration Research in an Eastern European setting: Distinct features, challenges and opportunities.” Society and Economy 39(4): 501-528.
- Miklós Lukovics, Steven M. Flipse, Beata Udvari, Erik Fisher (2017). “Responsible research and innovation in contrasting innovation environments: Socio-Technical Integration Research in Hungary and the Netherlands.” Technology in Society, 51: 172-182.
- Jennifer A. Richter, Abraham S.D. Tidwell, Erik Fisher, Thaddeus R. Miller (2017). “STIRring the grid: engaging energy systems design and planning in the context of urban sociotechnical imaginaries.” Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research 3(3): 365-384.
- Erik Fisher, Warren Pearce and Emily Molfino (2016). “Politics of Science and Technology.” In Oxford Bibliographies in Political Science. Ed. Sandy Maisel. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Kaylie McTiernan, Brian Polagye†, Erik Fisher, and Lekilia Jenkins (2016). “Integrating Socio-Technical Research with Future Visions for Tidal Energy.” 2016 Council of Engineering Systems Universities (CESUN) Symposium. George Washington University. Jun 27-29.
- Miklós Lukovics, Erik Fisher, and Beata Udvari (2016). A felelősségteljes innováció iránti fogékonyság fejlesztése a gyakorlatban. [Improvement of Sensitivity towards Responsible Innovation in Practice.]. Marketing & Menedzsment, 50(2), 3–18.
- Diana M. Bowman, Neal Woodbury†, Erik Fisher (2016). “Decoupling knowledge and expertise in personalized medicine: Who will fill the gap?” Expert Review of Precision Medicine and Drug Development 1(4): 345-347.
- Erik Fisher, Michael O’Rourke, Eric B. Kennedy, Rob Evans, Mike Gorman, Tom Seager† (2015). “Mapping the Integrative Field: Taking Stock of Socio-Technical Collaborations.” Journal of Responsible Innovation 2 (1): 39-61.
- Erik Fisher and Genevieve Maricle. (2014). “Higher-level Responsiveness? Socio-Technical Integration within U.S. and U.K. Nanotechnology Research Priority Setting.” Science and Public Policy 42 (1): 72-85.
- Hannot Rodríguez, Erik Fisher and Daan Schuurbiers (2013). “Integrating Science and Society in European Framework Programmes: Trends in Project-Level Solicitations.” Research Policy 42: 1126-37.
- Erik Fisher, Marianne Boenink, Simone van der Burg, and Neal Woodbury† (2012). “Responsible Healthcare Innovation: Anticipatory Governance of Nanodiagnostics for Theranostics Medicine.” Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics 12(8): 857–870.
- Lekelia D. Jenkins, Sara M. Maxwell and Erik Fisher (2012). “Increasing Conservation Impact and Policy Relevance of Research through Embedded Experiences.” Conservation Biology 26 (4), 740-742.
- Collet Dandara, Clement Adebamowo, Jantina de Vries, Edward S. Dove, Erik Fisher, Richard A. Gibbs, Peter J. Hotez, Ilona Kickbusch, Bartha M. Knoppers, Mario Masellis, Mikkel Z. Oestergaard, Tikki Pang and Charles N. Rotimi (2012). “An Idea Whose Time Has Come? An African Foresight Observatory on Genomics Medicine and Data-Intensive Global Science.” Current Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine 10(1): 7-15.
- Vural Özdemir†, Erik Fisher, Edward S. Dove, Hilary Burton, Galen E. B. Wright, Mario Masellis and Louise Warnich (2012). “End of the Beginning and Public Health Pharmacogenomics: Knowledge in ‘Mode 2’ and P5 Medicine.” Current Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine 10(1): 1-6.
- Erik Fisher, Catherine Slade, Derrick Anderson and Barry Bozeman (2010). “The Public Value of Nanotechnology?” Scientometrics 85(1): 29-39.
- Erik Fisher and Michael Lightner† (2009) “Entering the Social Experiment: A Case for the Informed Consent of Graduate Engineering Students,” Social Epistemology 23(3): 283-300.
- Erik Fisher (2007). “Ethnographic Invention: Probing the Capacity of Laboratory Decisions.” NanoEthics 1(2): 155-165.
- Erik Fisher, Roop L. Mahajan† and Carl Mitcham (2006). “Midstream Modulation of Technology: Governance from Within.” Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society 26(6): 485-496. [Published Chinese Translation: “Jì shù de zhōng yóu tiăo jìe: cóng nèi bù jìn xíng zhì lĭ.” (2010/2011). Trans. Zhu Qin and Li Yili. In Cōng chéng jì shù zhé xué: Research Yearbook on Philosophy of Technology in China, vol. 7, pp. 182-196.]
- Erik Fisher and Roop L. Mahajan† (2006). “Contradictory Intent? U.S. Federal Legislation on Integrating Societal Concerns into Nanotechnology Research and Development.” Science and Public Policy 33(1): 5-16.
- Erik Fisher and Roop L. Mahajan† (2006). “Midstream Modulation of Nanotechnology Research in an Academic Laboratory.” Proceedings of International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2006. Paper no. IMECE2006-14790: 189-195. Chicago, Illinois. November 5-10.
- Erik Fisher (2005). “Lessons Learned from the Ethical, Legal & Social Implications Program (ELSI): Planning a Societal Implications Research Program for the National Nanotechnology Program.” Technology in Society 27: 321-328.
- Robert Frodeman, Adam Briggle, Erik Fisher and Shep Ryen (2004). “Prolegomenon to a Future Humanities Policy.” Philosophy Today 48(5): 30-37.
Non-Refereed Journal Editorials and Commentaries
- Erik Fisher (2020). "Reinventing Responsible Innovation." Journal of Responsible Innovation 7(1).
- Erik Fisher (2019). "Learning from Failure.” Journal of Responsible Innovation 6(3).
- Erik Fisher (2019). “Difficulty and doability enacting responsible innovation.” Journal of Responsible Innovation 6(2): 115-118.
- Erik Fisher (2019). "Questioning Inclusion in Business, Policy, and Public Values.” Journal of Responsible Innovation 6(1): 1-3.
- Erik Fisher (2018). “Ends of Responsible Innovation.” Journal of Responsible Innovation 5(3): 253-256.
- Erik Fisher (2018). “Gene Drives and the Expanding Horizon of Governance.” Journal of Responsible Innovation 5(S1): S1-S3.
- Erik Fisher (2017). “Politics of Scientific Reflection.“ Journal of Responsible Innovation 4(3): 317-318.
- Erik Fisher (2017). “Entangled Futures and Responsibilities in Technology Assessment.“ Journal of Responsible Innovation 4(2): 83-84.
- Erik Fisher (2017). “Responsible Innovation in a Post-Truth Moment.” Journal of Responsible Innovation 4(1): 1-4.
- Erik Fisher (2016). “Framings and Frameworks of Responsible Innovation.” Journal of Responsible Innovation 3(3): 185-87.
- Erik Fisher (2016). “Mission Impossible? Developing Responsible Innovation in a Global Context.” Journal of Responsible Innovation 3(2): 89-91.
- Erik Fisher (2016). “Navigating Responsible Innovation.” Journal of Responsible Innovation 3(1): 1-3.
- Mads Dahl Gjefsen and Erik Fisher. (2014). “From Ethnography to Engagement: The Lab as a Site of Intervention.” Science as Culture 23(3): 419-431.
- David H. Guston, Erik Fisher, Armin Grunwald, Richard Owen, Tsjalling Swierstra, and Simone van der Burg. (2014). “Responsible Innovation: Motivations for a New Journal.” Journal of Responsible Innovation 1(1): 1-9.
- Erik Fisher (2011). “Public Science and Technology Scholars: Engaging Whom?” Science and Engineering Ethics 17(4): 607-620.
- Erik Fisher, Simon Biggs†, Stuart Lindsay† and Jie Zhao† (2010). “Research Thrives on Integration of Natural and Social Sciences.” Nature 463. 25 February.
- 17.Daan Schuurbiers and Erik Fisher (2009). “Lab-Scale Intervention.” EMBO Reports 10(5): 424–427.
Non-Refereed Published Conference Proceedings
- Erik Fisher (accepted). “Governing Innovation in an Age of Populism: What Roles for Technology Assessment?” Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of the Network for Technology Assessment.
- Qin Zhu, Yang Yu and Erik Fisher (2010). “Toward an Empirical Ethics in Technology: Embedded Ethicist as a Case.” Applied Ethics and Applied Philosophy in East Asia Proceedings of 1st International Conference in Kobe. Kobe University, Japan. July 26-27.
- Antonio Calleja-López and Erik Fisher (2009). “Dialogues from the Lab: Contemporary Maieutics for Socio-Technical Inquiry.” Converging Technologies, Changing Societies. Proceedings of Society for Philosophy and Technology. University of Twente, The Netherlands. July 7-10.
- Erik Fisher, Mike Usrey† and Heather Beasley (2003). “OWL: A Wise Way to Enhance Engineering Students’ Writing Skills.” Frontiers in Education Proceedings. Westminster, Colorado. November 5-8.
- Erik Fisher and Roop L. Mahajan† (2003). “Humanistic Enhancement of Engineering: Liberalizing the Technical Curriculum.” International Conference on Engineering Education Proceedings. Valencia, Spain. July 22-26.
- Erik Fisher and Mark Benassi† (2003). “Writing as Design: Integrating Composition and Product Design in the Undergraduate Engineering Curriculum.” American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference Proceedings, Nashville, Tennessee. June 22-25.
Chapters in Edited Volumes
- Shannon N. Conley and Erik Fisher (2019). “Developing a Theoretical Scaffolding for Interactional Competence: A Conceptual and Empirical Investigation into Competence versus Expertise.” In: The Third Wave in Science and Technology Studies. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2019. 235-253.
- Erik Fisher (in press). “Governing Emerging Technosciences,” In S. Maasen S. Dickel, C. Schneider (Eds.), Yearbook Sociology of the Sciences.
- Erik Fisher (2019). “Enhancing Micro-foundations of Responsible Innovation: Integration of Social Sciences and Humanities with Research and Innovation Practices.” In Von Schomberg, ed. International Handbook of Responsible Innovation. Edward Elgar.
- Erik Fisher, David H. Guston, Brenda Trinidad (2019). “Making Responsible Innovators,” In Matthew Wisnioski, Eric S. Hintz, Marie Stettler Kleine (Eds.), The Innovator Imperative. Cambridge: MIT Press.
- Erik Fisher and David Beltran-del-Rio (2017). “Mathematics and Root Interdisciplinarity” (revised). In Frodeman, R., Klein, J.T., and Pacheco, R. (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Interdisciplinarity. Second edition. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. 114-117. [First Edition published as: Erik Fisher and David Beltran-del-Rio (2010). “Mathematics and Root Interdisciplinarity.” In Frodeman, R., Klein, J.T., and Mitcham, C. (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Interdisciplinarity. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. 88-90.]
- Erik Fisher, Kornelia Konrad, Marianne Boenink, Verena Schulze Grieving and Bart Walhout (2016). “Building an Agenda for Socio-Technical Integration Approaches.” In Diana M. Bowman et al. (Eds.), Responsibility and Emerging Technologies: Experiences, Education and Beyond. Berlin: JOS Press. Pages 43-56.
- Erik Fisher and Daan Schuurbiers (2013). “Midstream Modulation.” In Doorn, N., Schuurbiers, D., van de Poel, I., and Gorman, M. E. (Eds.), Opening up the Laboratory: Approaches for Early Engagement with New Technology. Wiley-Blackwell. 97-110.
- Erik Fisher and Arie Rip (2013). “Responsible Innovation: Multi-Level Dynamics and Soft Interventions.” In Owen, R. Heintz, M. and Bessant, J. (Eds.), Responsible Innovation: Managing the Responsible Emergence of Science and Innovation in Society. Wiley. 165-83.
- Richard Owen, Phil M. Macnaghten, Jack Stilgoe, Michael Gorman, Erik Fisher and David H. Guston (2013). “A Framework for Responsible Innovation.” In Owen, R. Heintz, M. and Bessant, J. (Eds.), Responsible Innovation: Managing the Responsible Emergence of Science and Innovation in Society. Wiley. 27-50.
- Paul Ellwood, Erik Fisher and Krsto Panzda (2013). “Organizational Capability Life Cycles for Responsible Innovation.” In Gorman, M.E, Savage, N. and Street, A. (Eds.), Emerging Technologies: Socio-Behavioral Life Cycle Approaches. Singapore: Pan Stanford. 117-138.
- Hannot Rodríguez, Erik Fisher and Hu Mingyan (2012). “Socio-Technical Integration: Research Policies in the United States, European Union, and China.” In Christensen, S., Mitcham, C., Li, B. and An, Y. (Eds.), Engineering, Development and Philosophy: American, Chinese and European Perspectives. Dordrecht: Springer. 291-304.
- Robin Phelps and Erik Fisher (2011). “Legislating the Laboratory? Promotion and Precaution in a US Nanomaterials Company.” In Hurst, S.J. (Ed.), Biomedical Nanotechnology. Humana Press. 339-358.
- Erik Fisher and Roop L. Mahajan† (2010). “Embedding the Humanities in Engineering: Art, Dialogue, and a Laboratory.” In Gorman, M.E. (Ed.), Trading Zones and Interactional Expertise: Creating New Kinds of Collaboration. Cambridge, MA and London, England: MIT Press. 209-230.
- Erik Fisher (2009). “Legislative and Regulatory Framework,” Nanotechnology & FDA-Regulated Products: The Essential Guide. Food and Drug Law Library: Washington D.C.
- Erik Fisher and Clark Miller (2009). “Contextualizing the Engineering Laboratory.” In Christensen, S.H., Meganck, M., and Delahousse, B. (Eds.), Engineering in Context, Academica: Aarhus. 369-382.
- Daniel Barben, Erik Fisher, Cynthia Selin and David H. Guston (2008). “Anticipatory Governance of Nanotechnology: Foresight, Engagement, and Integration.” In Hackett, E.J., Amsterdamska, O., Lynch, M.E. and Wajcman, J. (Eds.), New Handbook of Science and Technology Studies, MIT Press. 979-1000.
- Erik Fisher (2007). “The Convergence of Nanotechnology, Policy, and Ethics.” In Zelkowitz, M. (Ed.), Advances in Computers 71: Nanotechnology, Academic Press: London. 274-296.
Book Reviews, Encyclopedia Entries, and Miscellaneous Publications
- Erik Fisher (2019). “Review: Technology Assessment in Practice and Theory.” Journal on Technology Assessment in Theory and Practice (TATuP) 28(2): 78-79.
- Erik Fisher (2016). “Prometheus.” Annotation. In: David H. Guston et al., (Eds.), Frankenstein: Annotated for Scientists, Engineers and Creators of All Kinds. MIT Press.
- Erik Fisher (2012). “Ogmius 10th Anniversary.” Ogmius 33: 4.
- Carl Mitcham and Erik Fisher (2012). “Ethics and Policy.” In Chadwick, R. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics. San Diego: Academic Press. 165–172.
- Erik Fisher (2010). “21st Century Nanotechnology Research and Development Act of 2003.” In Guston, D.H. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. 772-4.
- Erik Fisher (2010). “Integration.” In Guston, D.H. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. 344-345.
- Erik Fisher (2008). “Review of Evan Selinger; Robert P. Crease (Eds.). The Philosophy of Expertise.” Isis, 99 (1): 232-233.
- Clark Miller, David H. Guston, Daniel Barben, Jameson Wetmore, Cynthia Selin and Erik Fisher (2007). “Nanotechnology and Society: Ideas for Education and Public Engagement.” Center for Nanotechnology in Society.
- Erik Fisher (2006). “Embedded Nanotechnology Policy Research.” Ogmius 14: 3-4.
- Erik Fisher (2005). “Two Cultures.” In Mitcham, C. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA. 1988-1989.
- Erik Fisher (2005). “Review of Geo-Logic: Breaking Ground between Philosophy and the Earth Sciences.” Environmental Ethics 27(1): 97-100.
White Papers and Published Reports
- Rosemary Ommer, Brian Wynne, Robin Downey, Erik Fisher, Emily Marden, Patricia Kosseim, Jeremy Rayner, and Edward Safarik. Genomics, Society and Ethics Advisory Committee; Subcommittee on Pathways to Integration (2011). “Pathways to Integration.” Genome British Columbia. 23 March.
- Ethics Task Force (2003). “Welcoming the Nano Age: Social and Ethical Considerations of Nanotechnology.” Colorado Nanotechnology Initiative. September 4.
- Kathryn A. Neeley, Erik Fisher, Eric Maslen†, Melinda Piket-May†, John Prados, Melvin Cherno, John K. Brown, Michael Schoultz, Michael E. Gorman, and Robert Spitzer† (2002). “Integration as a Means to Excellence in Engineering Education and Practice.” Report to the National Science Foundation.
- Guston,David H*, Fisher,Erik. Science Advanced through Virtual Institutes (SAVI): Virtual Institute for Responsible Innovation. NSF-SES(9/1/2013 - 8/31/2016).
- Vermaas,Willem F J*, Fisher,Erik, Ganesh,Tirupalavanam Gopal, Ghirlanda,Giovanna, Goodnick,Stephen Marshall, Guston,David H, Henderson,Mark Richard, Henderson,Mark Richard, Honsberg,Christiana B, Husman,Jenefer, Jones,Anne Katherine, Krajmalnik-Brown,Rosa, Moore,Ana L, Pasqualetti,Martin J, Phelan,Patrick E, Rittmann,Bruce Edward, Torres,Cesar I, Wang,Robert Y., Wang,Robert Y., Webber,Andrew Neil, Westerhoff,Paul, Williams,Eric David. IGERT: Solar Utilization Network (SUN). NSF-EHR-DGE(7/1/2012 - 6/30/2017).
- Miller,Clark Anson*, Miller,Clark Anson*, Fisher,Erik, Fisher,Erik, Goodnick,Stephen Marshall, Gust,John Devens, Herkert,Joseph Raymond, Herkert,Joseph Raymond, Pasqualetti,Martin J, Selin,Cynthia Lea, Woodbury,Neal Walter. EESE Collaborative Research: Energy Ethics in Science and Engineering Education. NSF-BIO-DBI(1/1/2011 - 12/31/2013).
- Guston,David H*, Bennett,Ira Mccoy, Boradkar,Prasad, Corley,Elizabeth, Fisher,Erik, Lim,Merlyna, Lobo,Jose A, Lobo,Jose A, Meldrum,Deirdre Ruth, Miller,Clark Anson, Seager,Thomas Payson, Selin,Cynthia Lea, Selin,Cynthia Lea, Van Der Leeuw,Sander, Van Der Leeuw,Sander, Wetmore,Jameson Michael, Wiek,Arnim, Wiek,Arnim. NSECCenter for Nanotechnology at ASU. NSF-SES(9/15/2010 - 8/31/2016).
- Fisher,Erik*, Fisher,Erik*, Guston,David H, Miller,Clark Anson. Socio-Technical Integration Research (STIR). NSF-SBE(4/1/2009 - 3/31/2014).
- Guston,David H*, Bennett,Ira Mccoy, Boradkar,Prasad, Boradkar,Prasad, Boradkar,Prasad, Carlson,Marilyn P, Conz,David B, Corley,Elizabeth, Corley,Kevin Gene, Fisher,Erik, Hackett,Edward John, Meldrum,Deirdre Ruth, Miller,Clark Anson, Monahan,Torin Michael, Nelson,Alan C, Poste,George Henry, Robert,Jason, Sarewitz,Daniel, Sarewitz,Daniel, Sarewitz,Daniel, Sarewitz,Daniel, Schneider,Anne L, Selin,Cynthia Lea, Wetmore,Jameson Michael. NSEC: Center for Nanotechnology in Society at Arizona State University. NSF-SBE(9/21/2007 - 3/31/2012).
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PIT 590 | Reading and Conference |
PIT 595 | Continuing Registration |
PIT 593 | Applied Project |
PIT 590 | Reading and Conference |
PIT 590 | Reading and Conference |
PIT 593 | Applied Project |
PIT 593 | Applied Project |
PIT 595 | Continuing Registration |
PIT 595 | Continuing Registration |
FIS 308 | Politics, Markets, and Innovat |
FIS 308 | Politics, Markets, and Innovat |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PIT 501 | Prin PublicInterest Technology |
PIT 501 | Prin PublicInterest Technology |
PIT 595 | Continuing Registration |
PIT 593 | Applied Project |
PIT 590 | Reading and Conference |
PIT 590 | Reading and Conference |
PIT 590 | Reading and Conference |
PIT 595 | Continuing Registration |
PIT 593 | Applied Project |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
PIT 590 | Reading and Conference |
PIT 590 | Reading and Conference |
PIT 595 | Continuing Registration |
PIT 595 | Continuing Registration |
PIT 593 | Applied Project |
PIT 593 | Applied Project |
FIS 308 | Politics, Markets, and Innovat |
FIS 308 | Politics, Markets, and Innovat |
PIT 590 | Reading and Conference |
PIT 593 | Applied Project |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PIT 590 | Reading and Conference |
PIT 595 | Continuing Registration |
PIT 593 | Applied Project |
PIT 590 | Reading and Conference |
PIT 590 | Reading and Conference |
PIT 593 | Applied Project |
PIT 593 | Applied Project |
PIT 595 | Continuing Registration |
PIT 595 | Continuing Registration |
FIS 308 | Politics, Markets, and Innovat |
FIS 308 | Politics, Markets, and Innovat |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PIT 501 | Prin PublicInterest Technology |
PIT 501 | Prin PublicInterest Technology |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
FIS 308 | Politics, Markets, and Innovat |
FIS 308 | Politics, Markets, and Innovat |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PIT 501 | Prin PublicInterest Technology |
PIT 501 | Prin PublicInterest Technology |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
FIS 308 | Politics, Markets, and Innovat |
FIS 308 | Politics, Markets, and Innovat |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
FIS 308 | Politics, Markets, and Innovat |
FIS 308 | Politics, Markets, and Innovat |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
PIT 501 | Prin PublicInterest Technology |
PIT 501 | Prin PublicInterest Technology |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
FIS 308 | Politics, Markets, and Innovat |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
PIT 501 | Prin PublicInterest Technology |
PIT 501 | Prin PublicInterest Technology |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
FIS 308 | Politics, Markets, and Innovat |
FIS 308 | Politics, Markets, and Innovat |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
FIS 308 | Politics, Markets, and Innovat |
- Erik Fisher. Socio-Technical Collaboration in Science: Building Capacities for Responsible Innovation. International Symposium for Responsible Research and Innovation. Osaka University, Japan (Dec 2013).
- Erik Fisher and Eric Kennedy. Communities of Practice: Sociotechnical Integration (CoPSI). 1st Global Conference on Research Integration and Implementation. Australia National University. Can (Sep 2013).
- Erik Fisher, Shannon Conley and Cameron Keys. Socio-Technical Integration Research: Around the world in 30 labs. 1st Global Conference on Research Integration and Implementation. Australia National University. Can (Sep 2013).
- Erik Fisher. Probing Capacities for Socio-Technical Integration. 4th Annual International Science for Team Science Conference. Northwestern University. Evanston, IL (Jun 2013).
- Erik Fisher. Inaugural Communities of Integration Meeting - Welcome and opening remarks. Inaugural Communities of Integration Meeting. Arizona State University. Tempe, Arizona (May 2013).
- Erik Fisher. Socio-Technical Integration Research (STIR) Project. Inaugural Communities of Integration Meeting. Arizona State University. Tempe, Arizona (May 2013).
- Erik Fisher. Recollecting and Recording Stories: STIR Project Workshop 5. Recollecting and Recording Stories. STIR Project Workshop 5. Arizona State University. Tempe, Arizon (May 2013).
- Erik Fisher. Public Value Integration in Science Policy. Science of Science Policy Measurement Workshop (Dec 2010).
- Erik Fisher. Science, Democracy and the Reinvention of the Liberal Arts. Lowdenslager Annual Lecture (Oct 2010).
- Erik Fisher. Midstream Modulation and Socio-Technical Integration Research. Ethics on the Work Floor: Interdisciplinary Research and Responsible Innovation workshop. Technical (Oct 2010).
- Erik Fisher. Socio-Technical Integration Research. NSF Science of Science and Innovation Policy Workshop: Building a Community of Practice (Oct 2010).
- Erik Fisher. The Ethos of Ethics: Comparing Public and Practitioner Engagement Approaches. Annual Conference of the Society for the Study of Nanoscience and Emerging Technologies (Oct 2010).
- Erik Fisher and Francois Thoreau. The Ethos of Ethics: Comparing Public and Practitioner Engagement Approaches. Annual Conference of the Society for the Study of Nanoscience and Emerging Technologies (Oct 2010).
- François Thoreau and Erik Fisher. On Reflection and Reflexiveness: Positioning the Self, Enframing the Other. Annual Conference of the Society for the Study of Nanoscience and Emerging Technologies (Sep 2010).
- Erik Fisher. Integration Outcomes. STIR Workshop 3: Comparisons (Aug 2010).
- Hannot Rodríguez & Erik Fisher. Socio-technical integration in European Framework Programmes. Gordon Research Conference on Science and Technology Policy (Aug 2010).
- Erik Fisher. Socio-Technical Integration Research (STIR) I and II. Society for the Social Studies of Science Annual Meeting (Aug 2010).
- Erik Fisher. Socio-Technical Integration Research (STIR) I and II. Society for the Social Studies of Science Annual Meeting (Aug 2010).
- Erik Fisher. STIR Workshop 3: Comparisons. STIR Workshop 3: Comparisons (Aug 2010).
- Erik Fisher. STIR Workshop 3: Comparisons. STIR Workshop 3: Comparisons (Aug 2010).
- Erik Fisher and David H. Guston. Integration of Social Science and Humanities Scholars with Natural Scientists. Euroscience Open Forum (Jul 2010).
- Erik Fisher and David H. Guston. Changing Practices: An Engagement of Expert Epistemologies in the Making. Ninth Annual Meeting of the Science and Democracy Network (Jun 2010).
- Daan Schuurbiers, Erik Fisher and Harro van Lente. A whole new set of lab responsibilities? ‘Responsible innovation’ and its consequences for research practices. isky Entanglements? Contemporary Research Cultures Imagined and Practiced (Jun 2010).
- Erik Fisher. Lab-level Socio-technical Integration. Genome British Columbia, Genomic, Society and Ethics Advisory Committee Retreat (Jun 2010).
- Erik Fisher. Midstream Modulation of Emerging Technology: Probing the Capacity of Research Decisions. Research Council of Norway colloquium (Jun 2010).
- Hannot Rodríguez and Erik Fisher. Tracking the Pervasiveness of Socio-Technical Integration in the European Research and Development Framework Programmes. Science and Governance: Global and Comparative Perspectives (Apr 2010).
- Erik Fisher. The Political Ethnography of Lab-Level Bureaucrats: Probing the Capacity of Research Decisions. Midwest Political Science Association 68th Annual National Conference (Apr 2010).
- Erik Fisher. What is Midstream Modulation?. Reflexive Systems Biology Kick-Off Meeting, University of Bergen (Feb 2010).
- Erik Fisher. Technology Assessment (TA) - Trends in the USA. Technology Assessment (TA) Workshop: Keeping Pace with TA (Feb 2010).
- Erik Fisher and Derrick Anderson. From Lab to Legislature: Public Value Mapping of Nanotechnology Science and Innovation Policy Making. The Dupont Summit on Science and Technology Policy, Policy Studies Organization (Dec 2009).
- Erik Fisher. Internet, Community and Assessment. The Dupont Summit on Science and Technology Policy, Policy Studies Organization (Dec 2009).
- Erik Fisher and Antonio Calleja-Lopez. Reflexive modulation of laboratory practices for the governance of science and technology. Society for the Social Studies of Science, Annual Meeting (Oct 2009).
- Krsto Pandza, Paul Ellwood & Erik Fisher. From Social Aspirations to Organizational Capability: Identifying Micro-Foundations and the Role of Strategizing. Interactive Strategy Process Work-in-Progress Workshop/ SMS Pre-Conference (Oct 2009).
- Erik Fisher. Integration and Reflexivity: Integrating Social Science and Humanistic Work with Laboratory Research in Emerging Science and Technology. S.NET Pre-Conference Workshop: Real-time Technology Assessment and Anticipatory Governance (Sep 2009).
- Catherine Slade, Derrick Anderson, Erik Fisher & Barry Bozeman. Public Value Mapping of Nanotechnology: A Developing Approach for Tracking Public and Social Values in Science and Innovation Policies. Annual Meeting of the America Sociological Association (Aug 2009).
- Antonio Calleja-Lopez and Erik Fisher. Dialogues from the Lab: Contemporary Maieutics for Socio-Technical Inquiry. Society for Philosophy and Technology, annual meeting (Jul 2009).
- Erik Fisher. Inquiry as Intervention. Socio-Technical Integration (STIR) Project Workshop 2: Inquiry as Intervention (Vatnahalsen, Norway) (Jul 2009).
- Erik Fisher. Laboratory Engagement. STIR: Initial Project Results. TA NanoNed Annual Meeting (Jun 2009).
- Erik Fisher. The 'Two Cultures' in Science Policy. Center for Science and Technology Policy Research seminar (Jun 2009).
- Erik Fisher. Science and Society in the Laboratory? Reflections of an Embedded Humanist. Colorado Fuel Cell Center (CFCC), Colorado School of Mines seminar (Jun 2009).
- Erik Fisher. Integrating Science and Society in Nanotechnology Laboratories. The Nano Renewable Energy Summit (Jun 2009).
- Erik Fisher. Integrating Ethics and Engineering in the Laboratory: Reflections of an Embedded Humanist. Virginia Tech Graduate Interdisciplinary Liberal Engineering Ethics Workshop (Jun 2009).
- Erik Fisher. The 'Two Cultures' in Science Policy Today. School of Public Affairs, University of Colorado-Denver colloquium (May 2009).
- Erik Fisher. Socio-Technical Integration Research. University of Twente, Workshop on Research Funding and the Good Life (Mar 2009).
- Erik Fisher and Bruna De Marchi. Graduate Student Bootcamp. Socio-Technical Integration (STIR) Project Workshop 1: Constructing Foundations (ASU) (Jan 2009).
- Erik Fisher. STIR Project Overview. Socio-Technical Integration (STIR) Project Workshop 1: Constructing Foundations (ASU) (Jan 2009).
- Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Responsible Innovation.
- American Association for the Advancement of Science
- Society for Social Studies of Science
- Society for the Study of Nanoscience and Emerging Technologies (S.NET)
- Society for Philosophy and Technology
- Center for Nanotechnology in Society, Associate Director (2012 - Present)
- Center for Nanotechnology in Society, Research Thrust co-Leader (2008 - Present)
- European Union Framework Program 7, External Advisory Board member (2013 - 2016)
- Journal of Responsible Innovation, Associate Editor (2013 - 2016)
- Committee for Online Course and Program Development, Consortium for Science, Policy & Outcomes, Chair (2013 - 2015)
- Centre for Society and Genomics, Netherlands Genomics Initiative, Centre for Translational Molecular, Scientific Advisory Board member (2012 - 2015)
- Genome Canada, Scientific Advisory Board member (2011 - 2014)
- Graduate Committee, School of Politics and Global Studies, Committee member (2013 - 2014)
- Graduate Committee, School of Politics and Global Studies, Committee member (2013 - 2014)
- Research Policy, Reviewer (2014 - 2014)
- Environmental Studies and Sciences, Reviewer (2013 - 2014)
- Journal of Responsible Innovation, Reviewer (2013 - 2013)
- National Science Foundation, Reviewer (2013 - 2013)
- Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Reviewer (2013 - 2013)
- Conference of the Society for Philosophy and Technology, Emerging and Converging Science and Technology Track Co-Chair (2010 - 2010)
- Journal for Responsible Innovation, Co-editor and proposer of a new journal (2010 - 2010)
- Junior Fellows Program, Student nominator, student mentor (2010 - 2010)
- Junior Faculty Speaker Colloquium committee, Political Science, Member (2010 - 2010)
- Genome British Columbia - Genomics, Society and Ethics Advisory Committee, Pathways to Integration Subcommittee member (2010 - 2010)
- Center for Nanotechnology in Society at ASU, Assistant Director for International Activities (2010 - 2010)
- Center for Nanotechnology in Society at ASU, RTTA 4 research thrust co-leader (2010 - 2010)
- Human and Social Dimensions of Science and Technology (HSD) Graduate Program, Graduate Faculty (2010 - 2010)
- Review of Policy Research, Manuscript reviewer (2010 - 2010)
- Annual Conference of the Society for the Study of Nanoscience and Emerging Technologies, Session Chair and Co-Organizer (2010 - 2010)
- National Science Foundation, Science, Technology and Society Program, Proposal reviewer (2010 - 2010)
- Social Studies of Science, Manuscript reviewer (2010 - 2010)
- Research Council of Norway, NANOMAT (nanoscale science materials)program, Proposal review panel representative (2010 - 2010)
- Research Council of Norway, Ethical, Legal and Societal Aspects (ELSA) program, Proposal review panel member (2010 - 2010)
- Gordon Research Conference for Science and Technology Policy, Poster reviewer (2010 - 2010)
- Science as Culture, Manuscript reviewer (2010 - 2010)
- Social Studies of Science, Manuscript reviewer (2010 - 2010)
- Minerva, Manuscript reviewer (2010 - 2010)
- National Science Foundation, Science, Technology and Society Program, Proposal reviewer (2010 - 2010)
- Research Council of Norway, NANOMAT program, Expert Consultant (2009 - 2010)
- Center for Nanotechnology in Society at ASU, Assistant Director for International Activities (2009 - 2009)
- CSPO World committee, Committee member (2009 - 2009)
- Center for Nanotechnology in Society at ASU, RTTA 4 research thrust co-leader (2009 - 2009)
- Human and Social Dimensions of Science and Technology (HSD) Graduate Program, Graduate Faculty (2009 - 2009)
- Junior Fellows Program, Student nominator (2009 - 2009)
- Political Science Graduate Course Roadmap, Public Policy subfield contributor (2009 - 2009)
- CSPO Conference Committee, Contributor to list of exemplars (2009 - 2009)
- The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences has a College Committee on Excellence, Contributor to list of CSPO accomplishments (2009 - 2009)
- Center for Nanotechnology in Society at ASU, Center Renewal Team (2009 - 2009)