Tamiko Azuma
Phone: 480-965-9455
COOR 3476 TEMPE, AZ 85287-0102
Mail code: 7805Campus: Tempe
Dr. Tamiko Azuma serves as Assistant Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education in the Office of the Provost and is an Associate Professor of Speech and Hearing Science. She previously served as Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Education in the College of Health Solutions (2018-2023). She is the director of the Attention, Memory, and Language Lab (AML Lab). Her research interests include memory and language processing in bilingual adults and military veterans with mild traumatic brain injury and other neurological conditions. Visit Dr. Azuma's website here: https://links.asu.edu/azuma
The AML lab conducts several lines of research focused on attention, working memory, episodic memory and language processing. Current projects involve the study of healthy young adults, bilingual speakers, military veterans and adults with attention/memory impairments arising from mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBI). We are particularly interested in how bilingualism, attention deficits, and mTBI affect specific cognitive processes. Current research opportunities for students include projects on: 1) cognition in healthy bilinguals and in bilingual adults with history of mTBI or concussion, and 2) cognition in military veterans with and without service-related conditions, including mTBI and post-traumatic stress disorders.
The Veteran Cognition and Academic Success Project is a collaborative clinical research project with Dr. Karen Gallagher. This project is dedicated to understanding the factors that improve academic success in military veteran college students. This project offers information to students regarding their individual memory and attention abilities, insight into the variables that can affect their learning performance and strategies to improve learning success.
- Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Arizona, National Center for Neurogenic Communication Disorders
- Ph.D. Psychology, Arizona State University
- M.A. Psychology, Arizona State University
- B.A. Psychology (honors), University of California-Santa Cruz
In the Attention, Memory, and Language lab, we are conducting several lines of research focused on attention, working memory, episodic memory, and language processing. Our current projects involve the study of healthy young adults, bilingual speakers, military veterans, and adults with attention/memory impairments arising from mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBI). We are particularly interested in how bilingualism, attention deficits, and mTBI affect specific cognitive processes. Current research opportunities for students include projects on: 1) Cognition in healthy bilinguals and in bilingual adults with history of mTBI or concussion, and 2) Cognition in military veterans with and without service-related conditions, including mTBI and post-traumatic stress disorders. Please visit the lab website to learn more about the different research projects.
Recent Publications (*Articles marked with an asterisk are based on research conducted by graduate students under my sole or joint supervision)
Hamilton, G., Azuma T., Lowes, S., Gallagher, M., & Volk, K. (2023). Supportive Care for Dementia: A Replicable Model to Reduce Neurobehavioral Symptoms, Caregiver Stress, and Hospitalizations, and Increase Hospice Referrals. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 26(5), 697–699.
*Alateeq, H., & Azuma, T. (2022). Words vs. Pictures: Bilingual Performance on Verbal and Pictorial Measures of Executive Functions. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research: 65(3) 1087-1103. DOI:10.1044/2021_JSLHR-21-00317
Luo, X., Azuma, T., Kolberg, C., & Pulling, K. R. (2022). The effects of stimulus modality, task complexity, and cuing on working memory and the relationship with speech recognition in older cochlear implant users. Journal of Communication Disorders, 95, 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcomdis.2021.106170
Ratiu, I., Fissel-Brannick, S., Whiting, M., Murnion, L., & Azuma, T. (2022). The impact of mild traumatic brain injury on reading comprehension and eye movements: Preliminary results. Journal of Communication Disorders, 96, 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcomdis.2022.106197
Luo, X., Kolberg, C., Pulling, K. R., & Azuma, T. (2020). Psychoacoustic and Demographic Factors for Speech Recognition of Older Adult Cochlear Implant Users. Journal of speech, language, and hearing research: JSLHR, 63(6), 1712-1725. https://doi.org/10.1044/2020_JSLHR-19-00225
Ratiu, I., & Azuma, T. (2019). Assessment of Executive Function in Bilingual Adults with History of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Brain Impairment, 21(1), 32-46. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/BrImp.2019.17
*Gallagher, K., & Azuma, T. (2018). Analysis of Story Recall in Military Veterans with and without mTBI: Preliminary Results. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 27, 485-494. DOI: 10.1044/2017_AJSLP-16-0208
*Ratiu, I., Hout, M. C., Walenchok, S., Azuma, T., & Goldinger, S. D. (2017). Comparing Visual Search and Eye Movements in Bilinguals and Monolinguals. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 79(6), 1695-1725. doi:10.3758/s13414-017-1328-3
*Ratiu, I., & Azuma, T. (2016). Language Control in Bilingual Adults with and without History of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Brain and Language, 166: 29-39. DOI: 10.1016/j.bandl.2016.12.004
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
SHS 799 | Dissertation |
SHS 792 | Research |
SHS 592 | Research |
SHS 599 | Thesis |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SHS 498 | Pro-Seminar |
SHS 592 | Research |
SHS 792 | Research |
SHS 799 | Dissertation |
SHS 593 | Applied Project |
SHS 599 | Thesis |
SHS 367 | Language Science |
SHS 790 | Reading and Conference |
CHS 493 | Honors Thesis |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
SHS 367 | Language Science |
SHS 498 | Pro-Seminar |
SHS 592 | Research |
SHS 599 | Thesis |
SHS 792 | Research |
SHS 799 | Dissertation |
SHS 790 | Reading and Conference |
SHS 593 | Applied Project |
CHS 394 | Special Topics |
CHS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
SHS 799 | Dissertation |
SHS 792 | Research |
SHS 592 | Research |
SHS 599 | Thesis |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SHS 498 | Pro-Seminar |
SHS 592 | Research |
SHS 792 | Research |
SHS 799 | Dissertation |
SHS 593 | Applied Project |
SHS 599 | Thesis |
SHS 790 | Reading and Conference |
SHS 795 | Continuing Registration |
SHS 790 | Reading and Conference |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
SHS 367 | Language Science |
SHS 498 | Pro-Seminar |
SHS 592 | Research |
SHS 599 | Thesis |
SHS 792 | Research |
SHS 799 | Dissertation |
CHS 494 | Special Topics |
CHS 394 | Special Topics |
SHS 592 | Research |
SHS 790 | Reading and Conference |
SHS 593 | Applied Project |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
SHS 592 | Research |
SHS 799 | Dissertation |
SHS 792 | Research |
SHS 592 | Research |
SHS 592 | Research |
SHS 599 | Thesis |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SHS 498 | Pro-Seminar |
SHS 592 | Research |
SHS 792 | Research |
SHS 799 | Dissertation |
SHS 593 | Applied Project |
SHS 599 | Thesis |
CHS 394 | Special Topics |
SHS 367 | Language Science |
SHS 790 | Reading and Conference |
CHS 493 | Honors Thesis |
SHS 795 | Continuing Registration |
SHS 790 | Reading and Conference |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
SHS 367 | Language Science |
SHS 498 | Pro-Seminar |
SHS 592 | Research |
SHS 599 | Thesis |
SHS 792 | Research |
SHS 799 | Dissertation |
SHS 500 | Research Methods |
CHS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CHS 493 | Honors Thesis |
CHS 494 | Special Topics |
CHS 494 | Special Topics |
CHS 394 | Special Topics |
CHS 394 | Special Topics |
CHS 494 | Special Topics |
CHS 494 | Special Topics |
CHS 394 | Special Topics |
CHS 394 | Special Topics |
SHS 592 | Research |
SHS 790 | Reading and Conference |
SHS 593 | Applied Project |
SHS 790 | Reading and Conference |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
SHS 592 | Research |
SHS 799 | Dissertation |
SHS 792 | Research |
SHS 592 | Research |
CHS 394 | Special Topics |
SHS 795 | Continuing Registration |
SHS 592 | Research |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SHS 498 | Pro-Seminar |
SHS 592 | Research |
SHS 792 | Research |
SHS 799 | Dissertation |
SHS 593 | Applied Project |
SHS 599 | Thesis |
CHS 394 | Special Topics |
CHS 494 | Special Topics |
CHS 494 | Special Topics |
SHS 367 | Language Science |
SHS 790 | Reading and Conference |
CHS 494 | Special Topics |
CHS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CHS 394 | Special Topics |
CHS 493 | Honors Thesis |
SHS 795 | Continuing Registration |
SHS 592 | Research |
SHS 790 | Reading and Conference |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
SHS 367 | Language Science |
SHS 498 | Pro-Seminar |
SHS 592 | Research |
SHS 599 | Thesis |
SHS 792 | Research |
SHS 799 | Dissertation |
SHS 500 | Research Methods |
CHS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CHS 493 | Honors Thesis |
CHS 494 | Special Topics |
CHS 494 | Special Topics |
CHS 394 | Special Topics |
CHS 394 | Special Topics |
SHS 592 | Research |
SHS 790 | Reading and Conference |
SHS 593 | Applied Project |
SHS 790 | Reading and Conference |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
SHS 592 | Research |
SHS 799 | Dissertation |
SHS 792 | Research |
SHS 592 | Research |
SHS 795 | Continuing Registration |
SHS 592 | Research |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SHS 498 | Pro-Seminar |
SHS 592 | Research |
SHS 792 | Research |
SHS 799 | Dissertation |
SHS 593 | Applied Project |
SHS 599 | Thesis |
CHS 394 | Special Topics |
CHS 494 | Special Topics |
CHS 494 | Special Topics |
SHS 367 | Language Science |
SHS 790 | Reading and Conference |
SHS 795 | Continuing Registration |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
SHS 367 | Language Science |
SHS 498 | Pro-Seminar |
SHS 592 | Research |
SHS 599 | Thesis |
SHS 792 | Research |
SHS 799 | Dissertation |
SHS 500 | Research Methods |
CHS 494 | Special Topics |
CHS 394 | Special Topics |
SHS 593 | Applied Project |
SHS 790 | Reading and Conference |
SHS 592 | Research |
SHS 790 | Reading and Conference |
CHS 494 | Special Topics |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
SHS 792 | Research |
SHS 795 | Continuing Registration |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SHS 367 | Language Science |
SHS 498 | Pro-Seminar |
SHS 592 | Research |
SHS 792 | Research |
SHS 799 | Dissertation |
SHS 599 | Thesis |
CHS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
CHS 394 | Special Topics |
CHS 494 | Special Topics |
CHS 494 | Special Topics |
CHS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CHS 493 | Honors Thesis |
CHS 494 | Special Topics |
SHS 590 | Reading and Conference |
*Ratiu. I, & Azuma, T. (2013). Reading libro but Remembering book: Bilingual Language and Memory Processing in a Cross-Language Levels-of-Processing Task. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society. Toronto, Canada. November 2013.
*Ratiu, I., Hout, M. C., Azuma, T., & Goldinger, S. D. (2013). The bilingual advantage investigated using visual search. Poster presented at the 21st annual Object Perception, Attention and Memory Conference: Toronto, Canada. November, 2013.
*Tat, M., & Azuma, T. (2013). Visual and Verbal Cognitive Loads Influence Hemispheric True (but not False) Memories. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society. Toronto, Canada. November 2013.
Mehta, Z., Eikenberry, G., DiStefano, S., Azuma T. (2014) (C)APD: what works and what does not. Poster presented at: AudiologyNOW! American Academy of Audiology Annual Meeting; March 26-29, 2014; Orlando, FL.
*Ratiu, I., Hout, M. C., Walenchok, S. Azuma, T., & Goldinger, S. D. (2014). The bilingual advantage investigated using visual search. Poster presented at the 21st annual Object Perception, Attention and Memory Conference: Long Beach, CA. November, 2014.
*Ratiu. I, & Azuma, T. (2014). Symmetry and Asymmetry: Working Memory and Language Proficiency in Bilinguals. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society. Long Beach, California. November 2014.
*Baker, S., & Azuma, T. (2014). The Update on Updating Tasks: The Effects of Working Memory and Note-Taking on Lecture Test Performance. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society. Long Beach, California. November 2014.
*Pittenger, K., Azuma, T., & Ingram, K. (2014). Memory Performance in Military Veteran & Non-Veteran College Students: Preliminary Results. Poster presented at the Annual American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention. Orlando, Florida. November 2014. **Awarded 2014 ASHA Meritorious Poster Submission**
*Ratiu. I, & Azuma, T. (2015). Executive Function & Language Control in Bilinguals With mTBI. Presentation at the Annual American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention. Denver, Colorado. November 2015.
*Gallagher, K., Azuma, T., & Ingram, K. (2015). Military Veteran Students With mTBI: Does Symptom Self-Report Predict Their Academic Success? Poster presented at the Annual American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention. Denver, Colorado. November 2015.
*Gallagher, K., Azuma, T., & Ingram, K. (2015). Military Culture & Clinical Challenges: The Assessment of Military Veterans With Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Presentation at the Annual American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention. Denver, Colorado. November 2015.
*Gallagher, K. & Azuma, T. (2016). Analysis of Story Recall in Military Veterans with and without mTBI: Preliminary Results. Presentation at the Clinical Aphasiology Conference. Charlottesville, VA. May 2016.
*Gallagher, K., Azuma, T., & Ingram, K. (2016). Memory & mTBI: Narrative Recall in Veterans with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Presentation to be given at the Annual American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention. Philadelphia, PA. November 2016.
Editor, American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology (2023 - present)
The Psychonomic Society. Fellow
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association: Member