Profiles in "Ecology" Expertise Area

  • Collins is an evolutionary ecologist whose research group studies the role of host-pathogen interactions in species decline and extinction, as well as ecological ethics.
  • Gerber aims to accelerate the success of biodiversity management and sustainable biodiversity outcomes by fostering relationships among academics and decision makers.
  • McGraw is an integrative behavioral ecologist who primarily studies the colors of animals such as birds to understand the costs, benefits and evolution of visual signals.
  • Dr. Saul's research interests include using quantitative tools and a systems-based approach to support natural resource management.
  • With a research emphasis in applied ecology, Lewis' research incorporates the principles of wildlife biology, landscape ecology, and conservation biology.
  • Scofield is an evolutionary PhD student in the Amdam Lab. His research is focused on the molecular basis of division of labor in honey bees, how these mechanisms have developed through evolutionary co-option.
  • Silvie Huijben is an evolutionary biologist who studies the evolutionary ecology of resistant organisms. Her aim is to optimize treatment strategies that minimize resistance evolution, with a focus on malaria.
  • Paaijmans is a disease ecologist with a strong interest in how the biology and ecology of parasites, viruses and insect vectors shape the distribution and intensity of infectious diseases