Profiles in "Sustainability Science and Studies" Expertise Area

  • Boone's research contributes to ongoing debates in sustainable urbanization, environmental justice, vulnerability, global environmental change, and higher education innovation.
  • Christensen uses spectroscopy, radiometry, field observations, numerical modeling, and builds flight instruments to study the geology and history of planets and moons.
  • McHugh is a cultural geographer with research interests in geographical thought & theory, geohumanities, post-phenomenology, and more-than-human geographies.
  • Elser investigates the theory of biological stoichiometry — the study of the balance of energy and multiple chemical elements in living systems.
  • Turner studies human-environment relationships from the ancient Maya to contemporary sustainability science. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, and American Academy of Arts and Sciences, among other honors.
  • Shirley-Ann Behravesh's research focuses on strategies to encourage adoption of sustainability and innovation practices within organizations and communities.
  • Phil’s international career and leadership experience has spanned the fields of system dynamics, 3D analytic and visualization systems, management consulting and analytic services and urban design, He is CEO of ORBIS Dynamics (
  • Dr. Hall is a conservation scientist, Assoc. Dean in the College of Global Futures, and award-winning teacher who studies ecosystem resilience and complex interactions between people and nature near protected areas.