Profiles in "Applied Mathematics" Expertise Area

  • Nikitin’s research is focused on optimization, control, automation and related computational methods.
  • Jackiewicz is the author of many papers on numerical analysis and scientific computing and the research monograph on general linear method for ordinary differential equations.
  • Ringhofer works on models to design and optimize ensembles, using methods of statistical physics.
  • Suslov studies the mathematical foundations that underlie much of theoretical physics including relativity, quantum mechanics, wave phenomenon, and optics.
  • Baer works in the area of mathematical and computational neuroscience.
  • Taylor studies the discrete geometry of network embeddings.
  • Welfert's research focuses on stability issues in numerical models arising in various engineering problems.
  • Platte’s primary research interests are in computational mathematics, numerical analysis, and approximation theory.
  • As a member of the applied mathematics faculty, Nishimura researches network science, dynamical systems and mathematical modeling and typically teaches MAT courses on ASU's West campus.
  • Motsch' research interests focus in the mathematical modeling of biological systems and especially those which exhibit self-organization such as bacterial colonies or flock of birds.