Profiles in "Physical Chemistry" Expertise Area

  • Pressé is a joint professor in the Department of Physics and School of Molecular Sciences at ASU. His research focuses on biophysics and dynamic processes.
  • I am an an assistant professor with a joint appointment in the School for the Future of Innovation in Society and The Polytechnic School at ASU. My background is in aerospace engineering and sustainability ethics.
  • Muhich is a chemical engineer who uses computational chemical to understand and design materials which facilitate reduction/oxidation reactions for renewable energy generation and use and environmental sustainability
  • Zheng has a background of biophysics with expertise in performing computer simulations on biomolecules.
  • Matthias Heyden is an assistant professor in the School of Molecular Sciences at ASU. His group uses computer simulations to gain atomistic insights into molecular systems.
  • Morris' research explores the microphysical and chemical evolution of airborne particles (e.g. mineral dust) in planetary atmospheres with applications to climate change, air quality, aerobiology, and environmental justice.