Profiles in "Cosmology, Particle, and Astrophysics" Expertise Area

  • Davies is a theoretical physicist, cosmologist, astrobiologist, cancer researcher and best-selling science author. He has published about 30 books, hundreds of research papers and review articles across many scientific fields
  • Prof. Shovkovy's expertise includes theoretical nuclear physics, high-energy physics, and condensed matter physics.
  • Alarcon's research covers experiments in electromagnetic nuclear physics and in fundamental neutron physics
  • Vachaspati is the director of the Cosmology Initiative at Arizona State University. His research is on topics in cosmology, particle physics, astrophysics and general relativity.
  • Easson is a theoretical physicist researching topics at the interface of fundamental particle physics and cosmology.
  • Joseph Comfort's current projects include fundamental experiments aimed at looking for physics beyond the Standard Model (SM).
  • An ASU professor since 2000, Lebed’s research focuses on many distinct aspects of theoretical elementary particle physics, particularly the structure of particles that feel the strong nuclear force (“hadrons”).
  • Philip Mauskopf works on designing and building instruments primarily for astronomy and cosmology using superconducting detectors and devices.
  • The bulk of Michael Dugger's research has been associated with the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility located in Newport News Virginia.
  • Belitsky is a professor of physics with an interest in phenomenological and formal aspects of gauge and string theories.