Profiles in "Environmental Chemistry" Expertise Area

  • Rittmann is director of the Biodesign Swette Center for Environmental Biotechnology. He is an international leader in the use of microbial communities to provide services to society.
  • Halden's research interests are public health engineering, sustainable cities, urban water cycle, green chemistry and engineering, urban metabolism and exposure assessment.
  • Herckes is a Professor in ASU’s School of Molecular Sciences. His research areas include analytical, environmental and atmospheric chemistry.
  • Cahill’s research focuses on environmental and analytical chemistry. Most of the research involves determining organic pollutants in the atmosphere and relating these chemicals back to their sources.
  • Prof. Andino's research focuses on chemical kinetics and mechanisms as applied to air quality (atmospheric chemistry and air pollution control) and energy themes. She is a registered professional engineer.
  • Polidoro has a broad background in the marine, chemical and environmental sciences. Her research interests are in marine biodiversity conservation, risk assessment and applied toxicology.
  • Sendler is a General Chemistry Instructor in the School of Molecular Sciences at Arizona State University.
  • Morris' research explores the microphysical and chemical evolution of airborne particles (e.g. mineral dust) in planetary atmospheres with applications to climate change, air quality, aerobiology, and environmental justice.