Profiles in "Environmental Science" Expertise Area
- Boone's research contributes to ongoing debates in sustainable urbanization, environmental justice, vulnerability, global environmental change, and higher education innovation.
- Molina Walters is the program coordinator for the Environmental Education Program of Distinction Certificate and the developer of numerous science professional development opportunities.
- Prof.Sandrin teaches and coordinates introductory-level environmental science courses. She is also an active researcher in the area of science education and the influence of families and society on science interests.
- Ball is a field ecologist studying the impacts of global environmental change (such as air pollution, species loss, and climate change) on soil ecosystems. Currently her research focuses on desert and polar soils.
- Dean Chiarelli's focal areas are entrepreneurship, environmental health, food safety & protection, nutrition, physical activity, and healthy aging.
- Sala is the Julie A. Wrigley, Regents, and Foundation Professor and the Founding Director of the Global Drylands Center at ASU.
- Polidoro has a broad background in the marine, chemical and environmental sciences. Her research interests are in marine biodiversity conservation, risk assessment and applied toxicology.
- Mueller-Alexander started as a Social Sciences, Education, & Business Librarian doing online searching. She then added all the sciences, engineering, & medical areas before coming to ASU. She is at the Poly campus.