Profiles in "Tax" Expertise Area

  • David Kenchington is an Associate Professor of Accountancy. He teaches courses on taxation to undergraduate and graduate students. His research focuses on how taxes affect asset prices and corporate decision making.
  • Jenny Brown is an Associate Professor of Accountancy at the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. She received her Ph.D. in 2008 from the University of Texas at Austin and has been at W.P. Carey since then.
  • Bosserman was a partner for 33 years with with Ernst & Young, LLP in Tax. He worked with private and public companies in the life sciences, consumer products and financial services industries.
  • Lauren Halley is the Communications and Events Manager for the School of Life Sciences. She specializes in the planning and execution of conferences, seminars, social and multi day events.
  • Cowx's research interests include tax policy, uncertainty, and enforcement and the effects of accounting and tax rules on decision-making.
  • Jaden is a Ph.D. student in Accounting with a background in public accounting, tax, and as a CFO. He is focused on what makes firms better at what they do and how they can effectively communicate that to their shareholders