Profiles in "Communication" Expertise Area

  • Prof. Monica Kerretts-Makau is the Academic Director at Thunderbird's Center for Excellence for Africa based in Nairobi. Her passion and work focus on Governance/Leadership, Communication Management , ICT4D Policy and Climate Sustainable Development.
  • Sabrina Sue Le is a Program Manager of Engagement + Implementation for the Youth Entrepreneurship team within the J. Orin Edson Entrepreneurship + Innovation Institute at Arizona State University.
  • Abby Johnson is the Communications Specialist for SolarSPELL, a global education initiative providing digital libraries of localized content and the training to build information and digital literacy in offline environments.
  • Mia Armstrong is a managing editor at ASU Media Enterprise, where she's focused on ambitious projects related to health, justice, and internationalization. 
  • Drawing upon her 20 years of higher education administration experience, 16 of which were dedicated to working at community colleges, Annique serves as one of the main liaisons for ASU with community colleges.
  • “I don’t want to wait to save the world tomorrow! I want to wear my cape today!” ~Emmitt M. Duerson~