Profiles in "Youth" Expertise Area

  • DePinto's primary professional experience has been in school social work and he has more than 30 years of experience working with chemically-dependent adolescents.
  • Cassandra Cotton is a family demographer whose work investigates family dynamics and kinship in sub-Saharan Africa, and romance and dating among older adults in the US.
  • Tara Bartlett is Senior Research Analyst for ASU's Participatory Governance Initiative. Her research focuses on participatory governance and democratic innovations within school communities in partnership with youth.
  • Carlos R. Casanova is an assistant professor in the Education Studies program. His research interests include social issues and social justice education, and critical education for sustainable development.
  • Jeremiah Kaplan, MSW, Sr Research & Training Specialist & MI Coding Lab Supervisor. SIRC/College of Health Solutions. PhD student, Population Health. Member, MINT.
  • Megan Mastro is a Ph.D. Candidate and Instructor in the Spanish Linguistics program at Arizona State University. Megan wishes to serve the Latino/Hispanic American community to promote Spanish Maintenance in the US.
  • Joris Van Ouytsel, associate professor at the Hugh Downs School of Human Communication, researches digital media's impact on relationships, enhancing internet safety.