Profiles in "Storytelling" Expertise Area

  • Associate Professor @ Thunderbird & President of International Public Management Network, Dr. Ear’s expertise is on Cambodia, aid, Global China, & disease politics. Teaches global affairs, International Organizations, & Asia.
  • Jenna Roark is a Communications Specialist for the Business and Finance Communications Group and an Academic Associate for the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication.
  • Enck is the Senior Copywriter for ASU Enterprise Brand and Strategy Management and creative nonfiction and essay writer.
  • PhD Candidate, Human and Social Dimensions of Science and Technology (PhD), ASU School for the Future of Innovation in Society; Indigenous Education Specialist, Labriola, National American Indian Data Center
  • An experienced data science professional with extensive knowledge of building data-intensive applications and overcoming complex architectural and scalability challenges. Medium: