Teresa Foulger
Phone: 602-543-6420
FAB S276 PHOENIX, AZ 85069-3151
Mail code: 3151Campus: Tempe
Great teaching makes use of the power of technology.
Teresa S. Foulger is a professor of educational technology at the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College at Arizona State University. She has expertise in leading educational transformation and seeks to advance the use of technology for learning. Her research interests include technology integration and technology infusion in teacher preparation, professional development, and organizational change. She co-authored international research that led to the development of the Teacher Educator Technology Competencies. Teresa is a member of the technology infusion research team at Arizona State University.
Professor Foulger is the recipient of the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College Excellence in Integrating Scholarship and Teaching Award (2016), the Journal of Digital Learning and Teacher Education Research Paper Award (2014); the American Education Research Association, Technology as a Change Agent in Teaching and Learning Special Interest Group, Research Paper Award (2014); and the International Society for Technology in Education Research Paper Award (2012 and 2019). The American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education awarded the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College the Best Practice Award for the Innovative Use of Technology in 2009 and 2017, for research and development projects she led. In 2019 she received the Making IT Happen award from the International Society for Technology in Education for "extraordinary commitment, leadership, courage and persistence in improving digital learning opportunities for students."
Professor Foulger has served as the president of the Teacher Education Network of the International Society for Technology in Education and as co-chair of the TPACK Special Interest Group for the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education. As a national leader in the advancement of educational technology, she has been a guest speaker at the White House related to promoting technology infusion. Her leadership in developing the Teacher Educator Technology Competencies, a national/international collaborative project to advance the ability of teacher educators to address educational technology in their work with teacher candidates, was supported by the U.S. Department of Education, the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP), the National Technology Leadership Coalition (NTLS), and the American Association for Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE).
Current CV is available here.
- Ed.D. Educational Technology, Pepperdine University 2004. Dissertation: Facilitating a community of practice to encourage organizational leadership: The journey of a professional developer. Chair: Sue Talley; Committee Members: Paul Sparks and Gina Amenta-Shin
- M.A. Technology Integration, Arizona State University 1994
- B.S. Elementary Education, University of Utah 1986
I was an elementary teacher when the microcomputer came to my school district (1992). At that time, little research and almost no noted best practice in teaching with technology existed. As an innovator, I began to experiment with how to use computers with my sixth graders. This began a professional pathway dedicated to promoting the use of technology in education. I am currently an Associate Professor of Educational Technology at Arizona State University in the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College. My scholarship is concentrated on how technology integration advances education. I have focused my research on the role of preparation programs, teacher educator technology competencies, personalized professional development, and innovations.
The following are active lines of research and key articles. For a full compilation, see Teresa's curriculum vitae.
A National/International Initiative to identify and promote the competencies all teacher educators need to support the development of teacher candidates to teach with technology.
The TETCs are the knowledge, skills, and behaviors (competencies) that were developed to support the redesign of teaching in Teacher Education programs so that ALL preservice students learn to teach with technology, and all teacher preparation faculty are prepared to address this need, no matter what course they teach.
Research Team: Teresa Foulger (project lead), Kevin Graziano (Nevada State College), Denise Schmidt (Iowa State University), David Slykhuis (James Madison University).
Supporting Organizations:
- The United States Department of Education Office of Educational Technology (US DoE)
- International Society of Technology in Education (ISTE)
- Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE)
- Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP)
- National Technology Leadership Coalition (NTLC)
- American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE)
Key article (open access):
Foulger, T. S., Graziano, K. J., Schmidt-Crawford, D. & Slykhuis, D. A. (2017). Teacher Educator Technology Competencies. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 25(4), 413-448. Waynesville, NC USA: Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education. Available at https://www.learntechlib.org/p/181966/
The TETCs article is highlighted by Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE).
A research and development initiative to infuse technology through a programmatic spiraled curriculum for technology integration at Arizona State University.
In 2012, the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College at ASU opted to eliminate the stand-alone educational technology course in teacher preparation programs and to address the technology integration curriculum programmatically across all courses. The goal is to prepare preservice teachers to be effective and independent in teaching with technology when they enter the teaching profession. This series of research articles depicts our ongoing, systematic, system-wide professional development effort and demonstrates this move is long-term and requires organizational change.
Research and Development Team: Ray Buss (ed psych), Teresa Foulger (educational technology), Keith Wetzel (educational technology), LeeAnn Lindsey (professional developer).
Professional Developers: Stacey Pasquel, LeeAnn Lindsey, Jodie Donner.
Key articles and additional information can be accessed via the Technology Infusion website.
An effort to help individual teachers identify the most impactful professional development activities as they seek to advance their ability to teach with technology.
The GATI is a process-driven, individualized professional development approach designed to help educators determine their current and desired TPACK and set meaningful goals to improve their ability to teach with technology. The process has been shown to increase metacognitive awareness and improve teachers' TPACK and ability to teach with technology.
Research Team: Teresa Foulger, Karsten Krauskopf (Universität Potsdam, Germany), Mia Kim Williams (University of Northern Colorado).
Key article (open access):
Krauskopf, K., Foulger, T. S., Williams, M. K. (2017). Prompting teachers’ reflection of their professional knowledge: A proof-of-concept study of the Graphic Assessment of TPACK Instrument. Teacher Development, 1-22. doi:10.1080/13664530.2017.1367717
See curriculum vitae for an up-to-date list of scholarly activities.
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
TEL 340 | Families, Communities&Cultures |
TEL 370 | Prof Ed: Building Prof Network |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
TEL 710 | Innov Disseminating Res |
TEL 710 | Innov Disseminating Res |
TEL 540 | Cultvat Network Cultral Respon |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 799 | Dissertation |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 710 | Innov Disseminating Res |
TEL 540 | Cultvat Network Cultral Respon |
TEL 540 | Cultvat Network Cultral Respon |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 799 | Dissertation |
IPI 296 | Inquiry |
TEL 710 | Innov Disseminating Res |
TEL 710 | Innov Disseminating Res |
IPI 496 | Advanced Inquiry |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
LDT 501 | Fndtns of Learning Design&Tech |
LDT 501 | Fndtns of Learning Design&Tech |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 710 | Innov Disseminating Res |
TEL 710 | Innov Disseminating Res |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 792 | Research |
EED 536 | IntgrHumanities Method/Assess |
EED 536 | IntgrHumanities Method/Assess |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 792 | Research |
TEL 710 | Innov Disseminating Res |
TEL 710 | Innov Disseminating Res |
EED 536 | IntgrHumanities Method/Assess |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
EDU 404 | Nav Change in Ed Innovation |
EDU 404 | Nav Change in Ed Innovation |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
EDU 404 | Nav Change in Ed Innovation |
EDU 404 | Nav Change in Ed Innovation |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
EDT 501 | Fndtns of Learning Design&Tech |
EDT 501 | Fndtns of Learning Design&Tech |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
EDU 404 | Nav Change in Ed Innovation |
EDU 404 | Nav Change in Ed Innovation |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
DCI 784 | Internship |
LSE 305 | Conceptualizing Learning |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
EDP 310 | Ed Psychology for Non-Teachers |
EDP 310 | Ed Psychology for Non-Teachers |
EDT 501 | Fndtns of Learning Design&Tech |
EDT 501 | Fndtns of Learning Design&Tech |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
EDT 780 | Practicum |
EDT 590 | Reading and Conference |
LSE 305 | Conceptualizing Learning |
Dr. Foulger is proficient at teaching in face-to-face, hybrid, and online formats and has created and taught a variety of courses listed below.
Teresa is also a Program Coordinator for Educational Studies, a BAE program offered face-to-face and online. It is the largest and fastest-growing program in the college and enrolls over 4,000 students each semester in 36 courses taught by upwards of 170 instructors.
Large-Enrollment Online Courses, Developed and Taught
EDT 321: Computer Literacy: Mobile Tech
Uses mobile technologies across disciplines for communication, collaboration, creativity and problem solving. Employs digital tools including Microsoft Office spreadsheets and databases, Google apps, mobile apps, and a variety of other Web-based tools in problem-based environments.
TEL 431: Learning in Workplaces
School isn't the only place where people learn! Once you get a job, most of what you learn will occur as you do your job, and that kind of learning is crucial to the development of competence and expertise. Surprisingly, seventy to eighty percent of this important learning takes place outside of formal training. Studying learning in workplaces illuminates how learning happens universally and helps teachers and trainers design effective educational programs.
TEL 313: Technology in an Educational Setting
Focuses on using technology in an educational setting and addresses the integration of technology in curricular areas for all students. Students receive a broad-based introduction to using and integrating technology into many different educational settings.
Graduate Courses Developed and Taught
EED 511: Principles of Curriculum Development
Contemporary curriculum theories. Curriculum as an interrelated entity. Principles of conceiving and effecting change.
SED 522: Secondary School Curriculum Development
Social processes, issues, principles, patterns, and procedures in curriculum development.
EED 531: Teaching with Educational Technology
Focuses on using technology in K-12 classrooms. Addresses the integration of technology in all curricular areas for all students.
EDT 593: Applied Project (Ed Tech & Instructional Design M.Ed, online)
Preparation of a supervised applied project that is a graduation requirement in some professional majors.
EDT 598: Impact of Emerging Technologies on Schooling and Society (online)
This course will explore and discuss current trends and issues related to the impact of technological tools on PreK-12, higher education, and industry. There will be many hands-on experiences. Topics are meant to help students learn how to enhance workplace activities through innovative technologies, and include specific trends identified through current literature and visionaries to be emerging, with the potential for impact.
TEL 598: Introduction to Doctoral Studies
This course is designed to set you up for success as you begin your doctoral program. We will focus on four themes: balance and identity, action research, leadership and innovation, and collaboration.
TEL 703: Innovation in Teaching and Learning
Development and psychological processes of human cognition, motivation, and performance applied to cognitively diverse, English language learners, adult professional development.
TEL 711: Strategies for Inquiry
Develops knowledge and skills for research and program evaluation that foster innovation in education that leads to improved student learning.
TEL 712: Mixed Methods of Inquiry
Methods for combining qualitative and quantitative inquiry in action research, evaluation, and data-based decision making.
Undergraduate Courses Developed and Taught
EDT 180: Problem Solving Digital Technology Apps
Introducing digital technologies and their place in society. Applies 21st-century skills to problem solving using digital technology applications including spreadsheets and databases.
EDP 310: Motivation (online, unlimited enrollment)
Human behavior in educational situations. Individual differences, factors affecting learning, behavioral and cognitive learning, motivation, testing, and assessment.
TEL 313: Educational Technology in K-12 Curriculum
Focuses on using technology in an education setting and addresses the integration of technology in curricular areas for all students. Students receive a broad-based introduction to using and integrating technology into many different educational settings.
ECD 313: Technology in Early Childhood Education
Applies and integrates educational technologies in all curricular areas; examines theoretical and practical issues for diverse learners.
Research Awards
2021 Edward C. Pomeroy Award for Outstanding Contributions to Teacher Education
American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, with colleagues.
Foulger, T. S., Graziano, K. J., Schmidt-Crawford, D. & Slykhuis, D. A. (2017). Teacher Educator Technology Competencies. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 25(4), 413-448. https://www.learntechlib.org/p/181966/
2020 Top 10 Open Access Journal Articles for 2019 (rated #1 article)
National Institute for Digital Learning, with colleagues.
Harris, J., Foulger, T. S., Huijser, H., & Phillips, M. (2019). Goldilocks and journal publication: Finding a fit that’s “just right”. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 35(4), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.14742/ajet.5740
2019 Outstanding Research Article Award
International Society for Technology in Education, with colleagues.
Buss, R., Foulger, T. S., Wetzel, K. A., *Lindsey, L. (2018). Preparing teachers to integrate technology into K-12 instruction II: Examining the effects of technology-infused methods courses and student teaching. Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 34(3), 134-150.
2016 Excellence in Integrating Scholarship and Teaching Award
Arizona State University, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College.
2014 Outstanding Research Article Award
International Society for Technology in Education, with colleagues.
Wetzel, K., Buss, R., Foulger, T. S., & *Lindsey, L. (2014). Infusing educational technology in teaching methods courses: Successes and dilemmas. Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education. 30(3), 89-103. https://doi.org/10.1080/21532974.2014.891877
for “the potential to impact the field of technology integration in teacher education”
2014 Best Research Paper Award
American Education Research Association, Technology as a Change Agent in Teaching and Learning (TACTL) Special Interest Group, with colleagues.
Buss, R. R., Wetzel, K., Foulger, T. S., & *Lindsey, L. (2015). Preparing teachers to integrate technology into K-12 instruction: Comparing a stand-alone technology course with a technology-infused approach. Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 31(4), 160-172.
“for the potential for the research to move the field forward”
2012 Outstanding Research Paper Award
International Society for Technology in Education, with colleagues.
Foulger, T. S., Buss, R. R., Wetzel, K., & *Lindsey, L. (2012). Preservice teacher education: Benchmarking a stand-alone ed tech course in preparation for change. Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 29(2), 48-58. https://doi.org/10.1080/21532974.2012.10784704
“for the potential of their manuscript to advance teacher education.”
2008 Research Paper Award
International Society for Technology in Education, Teacher Educator Special Interest Group, with colleagues.
Foulger, T. S., Williams, M. & Wetzel, K. (2008, July). Innovative technologies, small groups, and a wiki: A 21st century preservice experience founded on collaboration. Presented at the International Society for Technology in Education’s National Educational Computing Conference, San Antonio, TX.
Other Recognition
2022 Outstanding Reviewer Award
American Educational Research Association (AERA), Technology as an Agent for Change in Teaching and Learning (TACTL) Special Interest Group.
2019 Making IT Happen
International Society of Technology in Education and the Arizona Technology in Education Association.
For demonstrated “extraordinary commitment, leadership, courage and persistence in improving digital learning opportunities for students.”
2017 Best Practice Award for the Innovative Use of Technology
American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Committee on Innovation and Technology, with colleagues.
For “innovative use of educational technologies in a school, college, or department of education”
2014 Arizona State University Leadership Academy Fellow (Dean Appointee)
Global Institute of Sustainability & Office of Knowledge Enterprise Development
2009 Best Practice Award for the Innovative Use of Technology
American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Committee on Innovation and Technology, with colleagues.
For “implemented applications of technology that support particular aspects of teacher education in promising and original ways. The award’s focus is on programs with specific, forward-thinking innovation in teacher education that goes beyond meeting national or state standards for program-wide educational technology integration.”
2018 - present Associate Editor, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology. Manage peer-review process once editors preview submissions for appropriate fit. International journal, sponsored by the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education.
Elected Offices Held
2022 - present Assistant Chair, Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE), Teacher Education Council.
2017 - present Co-Chair, Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE), TPACK Special Interest Group.
2011 - 2015 President, International Society for Technology in Education, Teacher Education Network
2010 - 2011 Communications Officer, Teacher Education Special Interest Group of the International Society for Technology in Education. This was a three-year term; transitioned to President mid-term.
2007 - 2010 Communications Officer, Teacher Education Special Interest Group of the International Society for Technology in Education