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Profiles in "Teaching and Teacher Education" Expertise Area
- Cynthia Padavano is an Instructional Designer with EdPlus's Instructional Design and New Media team. She is working with the Masters of Computer Science online program but has been a part of ASU since 2014.
- Robert Kleinsasser is a member of the graduate faculty doctoral interdisciplinary area committees in applied linguistics and learning, literacies and technologies.
- Deborah Preach's research focuses on supporting and fostering the development of alternatively certified first-year teachers working in urban areas.
- Amy Papacek's research promotes opportunities to bring together special education and general education policymakers, researchers, practitioners, children, and families to transform the systems of care and education.
- Photini A. Spanias teaches elementary, special, and bilingual education math methods courses as well as math education courses for pre-service teachers.
- Frank Serafini is a Professor of Literacy Education and Children's Literature and an award-winning children's picturebook author. His work in multimodal literacies and research has garnered him international acclaim.
- Mari Koerner is the Founding Director of the Center for the Art and Science of Teaching (CAST) at ASU. Her research focuses on teacher preparation.
- Peter Rillero's interests focus on science education and include deep conceptual learning, problem-based learning, inquiry, teacher education, program evaluation, international education, and the history of science education.