Thomas Choi
Phone: 480-965-6135
BA 411 TEMPE, AZ 85287-4706
Mail code: 4706Campus: Tempe
Thomas Choi is a Regents Professor and the AT&T Professor of the W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. As a researcher of supply chain management, he studies the upstream side of supply chains, in which a buying company interfaces with many suppliers organized into various forms of networks. He has published articles in the Academy of Management Executive, Decision Sciences Journal, Decision Support Systems, Harvard Business Review, Journal of Management, Journal of Operations Management, Journal of Supply Chain Management, Production and Operations Management, Science, and others.
He currently serves as co-director of the Complex Adaptive Supply Networks Research Accelerator (CASN-RA), an international research group of scholars interested in supply networks. He has also worked with numerous public and private organizations including LG Electronics, Samsung, Toyota, Volvo, the U.S. Department of Energy, and a federal government think tank. He has co-authored three practitioner books on supply management including one recently published on Supply Chain Financing. Most recently, he served as the lead volume editor of the Oxford Handbook of Supply Chain Management.
From 2014 to 2019, he served as the Harold E. Fearon Chair of Purchasing Management and Executive Director of CAPS Research, a joint venture between Arizona State University and the Institute for Supply Management. From 2011 to 2014, he served as co-editor in chief of the Journal of Operations Management. Currently, he is involved in developing a supply-chain research center in Ghana, Africa, as part of a $15 million project from USAID.
In 2012, he was recognized as a Distinguished Operations Management Scholar by the OM Division at the Academy of Management. He was ranked one among the “top 50 researchers by publication score”, based on SCM papers appearing in a set of seven leading journals over a fifteen-year period (see Table 1 in Babbar et al. 2019). He is an external faculty at Cranfield School of Management in the UK, at KNUST in Ghana, and Complexity Science Hub in Austria. He has been listed as a Highly Cited Researcher by the Clarivate Web of Science.
- Ph.D. University of Michigan 1992
- B.A. University of California-Berkeley 1980
- Supply chain design and network structures
- Multi-tier supply chain management
- Triads in supply networks
- Supply networks as complex adaptive systems
- Complex Adaptive Supply Networks Research Accelerator (CASN-RA)
- CAPS Research
- Chae, Sangho, Thomas Kull, Benn Lawson, and Thomas Choi. “To insource or outsource the sourcing? A behavioral investigation of the multi-tier sourcing decision” to appear in the International Journal of Operations and Production Management.
- Shi, Guang Victor, James Baldwin, Lenny S C Koh, and Thomas Y Choi, “Fragmented Institutional Fields and Their Impact on Manufacturing Environmental Practices,” to appear in the International Journal of Production Research.
- Shao, Benjamin, Zhan Shi, Thomas Choi, and Sangho Chae, “A Data-Analytics Approach to Identifying Hidden Critical Suppliers in Supply Networks: Development of Nexus Supplier Index,” Decision Support Systems, 114, 2018: 37-48.
- Giannoccaro, Ilaria, Anand Nair, and Thomas Y. Choi, “The Impact of Control and Complexity on Supply Network Performance: An Empirically Informed Investigation Using NK Simulation Analysis,” Decision Sciences, 49, 4, 2018: 625-659.
- Kauffman, Stuart, Surya Pathak, P.K. Sen and Thomas Choi, “Jury Rigging and Supply Network Design: Evolutionary Tinkering in the Presence of Unknown-Unknowns,” to appear in Journal of Supply Chain Management.
- Villena, Veronica, Elena Revilla, Thomas Y. Choi, “Revisiting Interorganizational Trust: Is More Always Better or Could More Be Worse,” Journal of Management. 2016
- Kim, Yusoon and Thomas Y. Choi, “Deep, Sticky, Transient, and Gracious: An Expanded Buyer-Supplier Relationship Typology,” Journal of Supply Chain Management, 51, 3, 2016.
- Novak, David and Thomas Choi, “The Role of Geography in Shaping SCM’s Professional Identity,” Journal of Business Logistics, 36, 2, 2016: 231-232. (DIALOGUE PIECE)
- Kim, Yusoon and Thomas Y. Choi, “Tie Strength and Value Creation in Buyer-Supplier Context: A U-Shaped Relation Moderated by Dependence Asymmetry,” Journal of Management, 2015.
- Carter, Craig, Dale Rogers, Thomas Choi, “Toward the Theory of the Supply Chain,” Journal of Supply Chain Management, 51, 2, 2015: 89-97.
- Yan, Tingting, Thomas Choi, Yusoon Kim, and Sophie Yang, “A theory of the nexus supplier: A critical supplier from a network perspective,” Journal of Supply Chain Management, 51, 1, 2015: 52-66.
- Ketokivi, Mikko and Thomas Choi, “Renaissance of Case Research as a Scientific Method,” Journal of Operations Management, 32, 5, 2014: 232-240.
- Bhakoo, Vikram and Thomas Choi, “The Iron Cage Exposed: Institutional Pressures and Heterogeneity across the Healthcare Supply Chain,” Journal of Operations Management, 31, 2013: 432-449.
- Mena, Carlos, Andrew Humphries, Thomas Choi, “Towards the Theory of Multi-Tier Supply Chain Management,” Journal of Supply Chain Management, 49, 2, 2013: 78-95
- Villena, Veronica, Elena Revilla, and Thomas Y. Choi, “The Dark Side of Collaborative Buyer-Supplier Relationships: A Social Capital Perspective,” Journal of Operations Management, 29, 2011: 561-576.
- Barratt, Mark, Thomas Choi and Mei Li, “Qualitative Case Studies in Operations Management: Trends, Research Outcomes and Future Research Implications,” Journal of Operations Management, 29, 2011: 329-342.
- Kim, Yusoon, Thomas Choi, Tingting Yan, Kevin Dooley, “Investigation of Supply Networks: A Social Network Analysis Approach,” Journal of Operations Management, 29, 2011: 194-211.
- Wu, Zhaohui, Thomas Y. Choi, and Manus Rungtusanatham, “Supplier-Supplier Relationships in Buyer-Supplier-Supplier Triads: Implications for Supplier Performance.” Journal of Operations Management, 28, 2010: 115-123.
- Nair, Anand, Ram Narasimhan, Thomas Y. Choi, “Supply Networks as a Complex Adaptive System: Toward Simulation-Based Theory Building on Evolutionary Decision Making.” Decision Sciences, 40, 4, 2009: 783-815.
- Li, Mei and Thomas Y. Choi, “Triads in Services Outsourcing: Bridge, Bridge Decay and Bridge Transfer,” Journal of Supply Chain Management, 45, 3, 2009: 27-39.
- Choi, Thomas, and Zhaohui Wu, “Triads in Supply Networks: Theorizing Buyer-Supplier-Supplier Relationships.” Journal of Supply Chain Management, 45, 1, 2009: 8-25.
- Choi, Thomas Y. and Yusoon Kim, “Structural Embeddedness and Supply Management: A Network Perspective,” Journal of Supply Chain Management, 44, 4, 2008: 5-13
- Rossetti, Christian and Thomas Y. Choi, “Supply Management under High Goal Incongruence: An Empirical Examination of Disintermediation in the Aerospace Supply Chain,” Decision Sciences, 39, 3, 2008: 507-540
- Choi, Thomas Y. and Daniel R. Krause, “The Supply Base and Its Complexity: Implications for Transaction Costs, Risks, Responsiveness, and Innovation,” Journal of Operations Management, 24, 2006: 637-652.
- Wu, Zhaohui and Thomas Choi, “Supplier-Supplier Relationships in the Buyer-Supplier Triad: Building Theories from Eight Case Studies.” Journal of Operations Management, 24, 1, 2005: 27-52.
- Choi, Thomas Y. and Yunsook Hong, “Unveiling the Structure of Supply Networks: Case Studies in Honda, Acura, and DaimlerChrysler.” Journal of Operations Management, 20, 5, 2002: 469-493.
- Choi, Thomas Y., Kevin Dooley, and Manus Rungtusanatham. “Supply Networks and Complex Adaptive Systems: Control Versus Emergence,” Journal of Operations Management, 19, 3, 2001: 351-366.
- Choi, Thomas Y. and Karen Eboch, “The TQM paradox: Relations among TQM practices, plant performance, and customer satisfaction,” Journal of Operations Management, 17, 1998: 59-75.
- Choi, Thomas Y. and Janet L. Hartley, “An exploration of supplier selection practices across the supply chain,” Journal of Operations Management, 14, 4, 1996: 333-344.
- Choi, Thomas, Dale Rogers, Todd Taylor and Raymundo Beristain-Barajas, “CAPS Research on Blockchain’s Impact on Supply Management,” Supply Chain Management Review. September/October, 2018.
- Rogers, Zac and Thomas Choi, “Purchasing Managers Have a Lead Role to Play in Cyber Defense,” Harvard Business Review, Online, July 10, 2018.
- Yan, Tingting, Kevin Dooley, and Thomas Choi, “Measuring Supplier Innovation,” Supply Chain Management Review. Mar/Apr 2018.
- Chae, Sangho, Benn Lawson, Thomas Kull, and Thomas Choi, “Understanding multitier-sourcing behavior,” Inside Supply Management, Jan/Feb 2018.
- Rogers, Dale, Rudi Leuschner and Thomas Choi, “The rise of fintech in supply chains,” Harvard Business Review, Online Forum, June 22, 2016.
- Villena, V. Thomas Choi, and Elena Revilla, “Managing the Dark Side of Close Buyer-Supplier Relationship,” Supply Chain Management Review, November, 2015.
- Choi, T., B. Shao, Z. Shi, “Hidden Suppliers Can Make or Break Your Operations,” Harvard Business Review, Online Forum, May 29, 2015.
- Linton, T. and T.Y. Choi, “Yes, You Can Predict Supply-Chain Disasters,” Harvard Business Review Blog Network, November 14,
- Choi, Thomas and Tom Linton, “Don’t let your supply chain control your business,” Harvard Business Review, December, 2011: 112-117.
- Choi, Thomas, “New Supply Management Frontier: Supplier-Supplier Relationship,” Supply Chain Management Review, 11, 5, 2007: 51-56.
- Rossetti, Christian and Thomas Y. Choi, “On the Dark Side of Strategic Sourcing: Experiences from the Aerospace Industry,” Academy of Management Executive,
- Liker, Jeffrey and Thomas Y. Choi, “Building Deep Supplier Relationships,” Harvard Business Review, December, 2004: 104-113.
- Choi, Thomas Y., “Korea’s Small and Medium Sized Enterprises: Unsung Heroes or Laggards?” Academy of Management Executive, 17, 2, 2003: 38-39. (RESEARCH BRIEF)
- Choi, Thomas Y. and Orlando C. Behling, “Top managers and TQM success: One more look after all these years,” Academy of Management Executive, 11, 1, 1997: 37-47.
- “Effects of Network Governance on the Competitive Advantage of Supply Chains,” Principal Researcher: Artur Swierczek (University of Economics in Katowice, Poland), US$100,000 from National Science Center, Poland. Leading Foreign Partner: Thomas Choi (Arizona State University), Project Participants: Natalia Szozda (University of Economics in Wroclaw, Poland) and John Fowler (Arizona State University).
- “Quality Incentive Strategies in a Multi-Tier Supply Chain: Comparison of Practices in Korea and U.S. and Introduction of Proactive Incentive Strategies,” Principal Researcher: Seung Ho Yoo (Sunmoon University, Korea), US$100,000 from National Research Foundation, Korea. Foreign Collaborator: Thomas Choi (Arizona State University), Domestic Collaborator: Daesoo Kim (Korea University).
- “Joint Consideration of Cost and Revenue in Sourcing Decisions,” Project funded by Dell through Center for Services Leadership (CSL), with Felicia Morgan and Ajith Kumar.
- “Supply Network Design and Product Environmental Performance,” the National Science Foundation, $316, 205. Project Lead: Kevin Dooley and Research Consultant: Thomas Choi. Center for Supply Networks (CaSN).
- “Network Forms and Innovation: Case of Indian Bicycle Supply Networks,” the University of Melbourne, $15,000. With Vikram Bhakoo (project leader) and Giles Hirsh.
- “Buyer-Supplier Relationships at Toyota: A Network Embeddedness Perspective,” CAPS Research, $30,000, direct expenses. With Yusoon Kim
- “High Performance Strategies for Rationalized Supply Base with Deep Supplier Relationships,” CAPS Center for Strategic Supply Research, $25,000 plus direct expenses. With Robert Monczka
- “A Study of Structural Hole in Multi-Tier Supply Chains in the Aerospace Industry,” Institute for Manufacturing Enterprise Systems, Arizona State University, $37,400. With Mark Henderson
- “Supply Network Archetypes and Emergent Rules,” Dean’s Award for Excellence Summer Research Grant and Department of Management Summer Research Grant, College of Business, Arizona State University, $24,000.
- “Scalable Theory of Enterprises: Control versus Emergence,” the Engineering Directorate, the National Science Foundation, $200,000, Principal Investigator with Co-Investigators, Kevin Dooley and Nong Ye
- “Unveiling the Structure of Supply Networks: Toward Building the Theory of Supply Chain Management,” Department of Management Summer Research Grant, $10,000. (all direct cost)
- “Integrating Computer-Based Activities and Assignments into the OPM 502 Curriculum,” Day MBA Program, College of Business, Arizona State University, $7,500 and a laptop.
- “Business Implications of Rapid Prototyping Technology,” the Manufacturing Institute, Arizona State University, $29,938. With Kevin Dooley and Ampere Tseng
- “Restructuring OPM 502 Curriculum for Evening MBA Program, College of Business, Arizona State University, $13,500. With D. Smith-Daniels and Manus Rungtusanatham.
- “Developing Multimedia and Web-Based Curriculum for OPM 502,” Department of Management Summer Grant, $9,000. With D. Smith-Daniels and Manus Rungtusanatham.
- “Supply Network at Chrysler,” the Center for Advanced Purchasing Studies, $5,000. (all direct cost)
- “Properties of Supply Network Structure,” the National Association of Purchasing Management’s Senior Research Fellowship, $5,000. (all direct cost)
- “Purchasing dynamics in the post-modern United States: Mapping out transaction cost economics in network forms,” the Ohio Board of Regents’ Research Challenge Program and Bowling Green State University, $2,000. (all direct cost)
- “Product development across a supply chain: The case of the defense industry,” the Air Force Office of Scientific Research and the University of Michigan, $8,000
- “Supplier evaluation and selection from a multi-tier perspective,” Faculty Research Committee and School of Business Administration, Bowling Green State University, $5,600
- “Purchasing strategies of Japanese OEMs toward the U.S. parts suppliers,” the Air Force Office of Scientific Research and University of Michigan, $7,000
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SCM 792 | Research |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SCM 520 | Strategic Procurement |
SCM 520 | Strategic Procurement |
DBA 721 | Seminar: Research in Action I |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SCM 355 | Supply Management |
SCM 355 | Supply Management |
SCM 791 | Seminar |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SCM 355 | Supply Management |
SCM 791 | Seminar |
SCM 355 | Supply Management |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SCM 493 | Honors Thesis |
SCM 492 | Honors Directed Study |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SCM 493 | Honors Thesis |
SCM 355 | Supply Management |
SCM 355 | Supply Management |
SCM 355 | Supply Management |
SCM 492 | Honors Directed Study |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SCM 493 | Honors Thesis |
SCM 492 | Honors Directed Study |
- 2018 Highly Cited Researcher, Clarivate Analytics, “exceptional research performance demonstrated by production of multiple highly cited papers that rank in the top 1% by citations for field and year in Web of Science"
- 2017 Citation of Excellence 2017, Emerald Publishing, one of the most highly cited and influential paper in management, finance, accounting, economics and marketing, “Renaissance of case research as a scientific method” published in 2014 in the Journal of Operations Management
- 2017 Harry Boer Best Paper Award, EurOMA Conference, Edinburgh, with Sangho Chae (lead author), Thomas Kull, and Benn Lawson
- 2016 “Honorary Advisor,” appointed by the Board of Directors, Supply Management Institute of Taiwan (SMIT)
- 2016 Harold Fearon Best Paper Award, Journal of Supply Chain Management, with Yusoon Kim, “Deep, Sticky, Transient, and Gracious: An Expanded Buyer-Supplier Relationship Typology”
- 2014 Faculty Research Award, W. P. Carey School of Business
- 2013 W. P. Carey Chair in Supply Chain Management
- 2012 Distinguished OM Scholar Award, Operations Management Division, Academy of Management
- 2011 Associate Editor Appreciation Award, Journal of Supply Chain Management
- 2010-2013 Bob Herberger Arizona Heritage Chair, W. P. Carey School of Business
- 2009 Associate Editor Appreciation Award, Journal of Supply Chain Management
- 2008-2009 Outstanding Operations Management Professor, Yonsei University
- 2008 Associate Editor Appreciation Award, Journal of Supply Chain Management
- 2007 Best Paper Proceedings, Chan Hahn Best Paper Award, Academy of Management
- 2006-2010 John G. & Barbara A. Bebbling Professor in Business, W. P. Carey School of Business
- 2006 Best Paper Award, Journal of Operations Management
- 2005-2006 Dean's Council 100 Distinguished Scholar, W. P. Carey School of Business
- 2000 Best Article on Global Business, Business Horizons
- 1997 Senior Research Fellowship, National Association of Purchasing Management
- 1993 Best Paper Proceedings, Academy of Management
- 1990 Rackham Dissertation Fellowship, University of Michigan
- Associate Editor, Journal of Business Logistics, 2010-present
- Senior Editor, Production and Operations Management, 2010-present
- Associate Editor, Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2007-present
- Co-Editor-In-Chief, Journal of Operations Management, 2011-2014
Academy of Management; Decision Sciences Institute; Institute for Supply Management; Production and Operations Management Society
Graduated in 2017 Sangho Chae, “Theorizing Supply-Chain Buy Versus Supply Chain-Make.” Assistant Professor at Tilburg University in the Netherlands.
Graduated in 2016 “Sophie” Yang Yang, “Reframing Buyer-Supplier Agency Problems Beyond the Dyad.” Assistant Professor at University of Texas at El Paso
Graduated in 2011 Mei Li, “Services Outsourcing: Implications of Bridge Transfer.” Assistant Professor at Michigan State University
Graduated in 2011 Veronica Villena; Instituto de Empresa (IE), Madrid, Spain. Co-chair with Elena Revilla at IE. “Two Faces of Collaborative Buyer-Supplier Relationships: Social Capital Versus Social Liability.” Assistant professor at Penn State University
Graduated in 2010 Yusoon Kim, “Expanding Buyer-Supplier Relationships: Adoption of Network Embeddedness Perspective.” Associate Professor at Oregon State University. Graduated in 2006
Christian Rossetti, “Supply Chain Disintermediation: An Agency Perspective on Buyer-Supplier Relationships under Incongruent Goals.” Assistant Professor at Georgia Southern University.
Graduated in 2003 Zhaohui Wu, “Supplier-Supplier Relationships and Their Effects on Supply Performance: An Empirical Study.” Full Professor at Oregon State University.
2014-present Harold E. Fearon Chair in Purchasing, W. P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University Executive Director, CAPS Research, a joint venture between Arizona State University and Institute for Supply Management.
2009-present Co-Director, Complex Adaptive Supply Networks Research Accelerator (CASN-RA), W. P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University
2004-present Professor, Supply Chain Management Department, W. P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University
2013-2014 W. P. Carey Chair of Supply Chain Management, W. P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University
2010-2013 Bob Herberger Arizona Heritage Chair, W. P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University
2006-2010 John G. & Barbara A. Bebbling Professor in Business, W. P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University
2003-2008 Faculty Director, Global SCM Executive Education Program, W. P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University. For programs with LG Electronics, Samsung, Toyota, and Open Enrollment
2005-2008 Doctoral Program Coordinator, Supply Chain Management Department, W. P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University 2005-2006 Dean’s Council of 100 Distinguished Scholar, W. P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University
1998-2004 Associate Professor of Operations Management and Supply Chain Management, Department of Management, College of Business, Arizona State University
1993-1998 Assistant Professor of Management, College of Business Administration, Bowling Green State University
- Nov 2018 UPC University and CSCMP, Lima, Peru. (Delivered virtually)
- July 2018 Cranfield School of Management, Cranfield, UK
- June 2018 Vehicle Component (VC) Division, LG Electronics, Seoul, Korea
- April 2018 Procurement Executive Group (PEG) for the Engineering and Construction Industry, Spring Meeting, Scottsdale, AZ
- March 2018 Faculty of Management, University of Economics at Katowice, Poland
- March 2018 Keynote address, IPSERA 2018—International Purchasing & Supply Education & Research, Athens, Greece
- Feb 2018 Institute for Manufacturing, Manufacturing Analysis Symposium, University of Cambridge, UK
- Feb 2018 Opening note, Seminar on Digitalization in the Supply Chain, Operations Management Group at the Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
- August 2017 Arizona Healthcare Materials Management Association (AHMMA), Scottsdale, Arizona
- June 2017 Key note, NOFOMA 2017—The Nordic Logistics Research Network, Lund, Sweden
- May 2017 Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management, Trondheim, Norway
- Jan 2017 Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
- Nov 2016 Key note address, the annual meeting of Supply Management Institute of Taiwan, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
- Nov 2016 National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
- Oct 2016 Institute for Supply Management—Arizona, Phoenix, AZ (with Dale Rogers)
- Sep 2016 Semi-Plenary Session, World Conference, Production and Operations Management Society, Havana, Cuba
- Aug 2016 Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Faculty of Social Sciences and Technology Management, Trondheim, Norway
- June 2016 Key note, Information Systems Logistics and Supply Chain (ILS) International Conference, Bordeaux, France
- Mar 2016 Inha University, BK Distinguished Lecture Series, Incheon, Korea
- Mar 2016 National Taiwan University, National Chiao Tung University, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, Taipei and Kaohsiung, Taiwan
- Feb 2016 Wiring Harness Manufacturers Association, Scottsdale, AZ
- Feb 2016 Learning Lab presentation for C2FO (with Dale Rogers),, Scottsdale, AZ
- Jan 2016 Supply Chain Analytics and Optimization Summit, IQPC, Tempe, AZ