In 2019 Mary Whelan retired as the interim Executive Director of the Center for Digital Antiquity, in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change (2018-2019). She previously worked as the Geospatial and Research Data Manager for the ASU Library. Dr. Whelan has a Ph.D. in Anthropology and spent 25 years practicing North American archaeology in the Canadian arctic and the American Midwest. Her archaeological research interests include Quaternary paleoecology, faunal analysis, and gender and archaeology.
She received an M.S. in Geographic Information Systems in 2003, and worked as a GIS analyst for ADOT, Maricopa County and for the ASU Library before joining the leadership team at Digital Antiquity.
Recent Projects:
- DAHA (Digital Archive of Huhugam Archaeology) a research project, funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities, to create a comprehensive digital library of reports on archaeological investigations of the ancient Huhugam (Hohokam).
- tDAR (the Digital Archaeological Record) an international digital archive and repository that houses data about archaeological investigations, research, resources, and scholarship.
- TAG (Transatlantic Archaeology Gateway) a project to develop tools for transatlantic cross-searching and semantic interoperability of two archaeological repositories: the Archaeological Data Service (ADS) and tDAR (the Digital Archaeological Record).
- MimPIDD (Mimbres Pottery Images Digital Database) a project to add 10,000 Mimbres Pottery images and associated descriptive information to tDAR (the Digital Archaeological Record).
- DataQ ( a collaborative platform and community aimed at addressing research data questions in academic libraries.