Profiles in "Geographic Information Science" Expertise Area

  • Philip promotes effective use and re-use of research data and leads research data management initiatives across ASU's research community to achieve this goal.
  • Barton is a complex systems scientist who combines anthropology, archaeology, earth science, and information technologies to study long-term dynamics and interactions of people and landscapes in the Anthropocene.
  • From 1987-2021, Trapido-Lurie taught courses in cartographic design, supported faculty and graduate student research by creating and advising on maps and other graphics, and coordinated internship activities of the school.
  • Middel’s research interests lie in the interdisciplinary field of urban climate with focus on climate-sensitive urban form, design, landscapes, and infrastructure in the face of extreme heat and climatic uncertainty.
  • Gravel-Miguel's research interests are centered around prehistoric human-environment interactions. She approaches archaeological questions using interdisciplinary methods including statistics, GIS, and Agent-Based Models.
  • Fisher is a Research Scientist at in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University. He is interested in the origins of modern humans and archival methodologies for archaeological sites.
  • Phil’s international career and leadership experience has spanned the fields of system dynamics, 3D analytic and visualization systems, management consulting and analytic services and urban design, He is CEO of ORBIS Dynamics (
  • David is the Data Manager and GIS Specialist for the Ronald Greeley Center for Planetary Studies (RGCPS) in SESE, teaches GIS seminars, and assists students, faculty, and staff in GIS research.
  • Mitra specializes in developing and programming enterprise GIS applications. He is a faculty associate with the MASGIS program and teaches GIS Programming and Spatial Database classes.