Heather Bateman
Phone: 480-727-1131
Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus 6073 S. Backus Mall Wanner Hall 301B Mesa, AZ 85212
Mail code: 2780Campus: Poly
Heather Bateman grew up in western Colorado and attended college in Idaho. Graduate school took her to the Northwest to pursue a master's degree researching the effects of prescribed burns on cavity-nesting birds and also provided the opportunity to work for a non-profit conservation organization. Doctoral work in New Mexico provided a beautiful setting to study the effects of non-native plant removal on reptiles and amphibians along the Middle Rio Grande. This research was in collaboration with the USDA Forest Service and a postdoctoral position followed in Montana.
Bateman is a field ecologist and conservation biologist interested in how human land-use affects vertebrate populations and habitats, especially in riparian ecosystems. Her research interests lie in exploring wildlife responses to habitat alteration, with a particular interest in amphibians, reptiles, and birds. Current projects include research to link instream flows to terrestrial wildlife in Southwestern riparian areas. Other research avenues include exploring urban ecology and the social-ecological factors predicting human-wildlife interactions. By partnering with social scientists, this interdisciplinary work shows that urban areas (including nature) are inequitably distributed in cities and that people’s perceptions of wildlife vary and may influence action - such as, how they maintain residential yards or engaging in wildlife rescue.
Bateman holds memberships with the Wildlife Society, Society for Ecological Restoration, and Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles.
Bateman has be awarded Outstanding Master's Advisor by ASU Graduate College and recipient of the Charlie Painter Memorial Award in Herpetology by Southwest PARC.
- Ph.D. Biology, University of New Mexico 2007
- M.S. Biology, Eastern Washington University 2000
- B.S. Ecology, Idaho State University 1998
Wildlife ecology, riparian ecology, herpetology, ornithology, urban ecology, and restoration ecology
Faculty webpage click here.
(Most recent)
Andrade, R., K.L. Larson, J. Franklin, S.B. Lerman, H.L. Bateman, and P.S. Warren. 2022 Species traits explain public perceptions of human–bird interactions. Ecological Applications, p.e2676. https://doi.org/10.1002/eap.2676
Andrade, R., H.L. Bateman (co-leads), K.L. Larson, C.J. Herzog, and J.A. Brown. 2022. To the rescue – Evaluating the social-ecological patterns for bird intakes. Urban Ecosystems 25 (1), 179-192 doi.org/10.1007/s11252-021-01135-1
Bateman, H.L., S.B. Riddle, and E.M. Cubley. 2021. Using bioacoustics to examine vocal phenology of Neotropical migratory birds on a Wild and Scenic River in Arizona. Birds 2(3): 261-274 doi.org/10.3390/birds2030019
Baruch, E., H.L. Bateman, D. Lytle, D.M. Merritt, and J. Sabo. 2021. Integrated ecosystems: linking food webs through reciprocal resource reliance. Ecology 102 e03450 doi.org/10.1002/ecy.3450
Bateman, H.L., J.A. Brown, K.L. Larson, R. Andrade, and B. Hughes. 2021. Unwanted residential wildlife: Evaluating social-ecological patterns for snake removals. Global Ecology and Conservation e01601.
Albuquerque, F.S., H.L. Bateman, C. Boheme, D.A. Allen, and L. Cayuela. 2021. Variation in temperature, precipitation, and vegetation productivity drive changes in seasonal variation of bird diversity in an urban desert landscape. Land 10(5):480
Herzog, C.J., and H.L. Bateman. 2021. Using trail cameras to document meso and large mammal use of native and non-native riparian forest types in southeastern Arizona. Western North American Naturalist 81:71–86.
Andrade, R., J. Franklin, K.L. Larson, C.S. Swan, S.B. Lerman, H.L. Bateman, P.S. Warren, and A. York. 2021. Predicting the assembly of novel communities in urban ecosystems. Landscape Ecology 36:1-15.
Brown, J.A., K.L. Larson, S.B. Lerman, D.L. Childers, R. Andrade, H.L. Bateman, S.J. Hall, P.S. Warren, and A. York. 2020. Influences of environmental and social factors on perceived bio-cultural services and disservices. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8:366.
Cubley, E.S., H.L. Bateman (co-leads), S.B. Riddle, C. Holmquist-Johnson, and D.M. Merritt. 2020. Predicting bird guilds using vegetation physiognomy and woody composition on a Wild and Scenic River in Arizona. Invited issue Physical and Biotic Drivers of Change in Riparian Ecosystems. Wetlands 40(6):1829-1842.
Cubley, E.S., H.L. Bateman, D.M. Merritt, and D. Cooper. 2020. Using vegetation guilds to predict bird habitat along a desert river. Invited issue Physical and Biotic Drivers of Change in Riparian Ecosystems. Wetlands 40:1843–1862.
Bateman, H.L. and D.M. Merritt. 2020. Complex riparian habitats predict reptile and amphibian diversity. Global Ecology and Conservation 22, 10.1016/j.gecco.2020.e00957
Riddle, S.B., and H.L. Bateman. 2020. Habitat and soil associations of a fossorial toad in a Sonoran Desert riparian forest. Journal of Arid Environments 181:104239.
Bateman, H.L., and S.B. Riddle. 2020. Reptile community responses to native and non-native riparian forests and disturbance along two rivers in Arizona. River Research and Applications 2020:1-11.
Allen, D.C., H.L. Bateman, P.S. Warren, F.S. Albuquerque, S. Arnett-Romero, and B. Harding. 2019. Long-term effects of land-use change on bird communities depend on spatial scale and land-use type. Ecosphere 10(11), e02952.
Warren, P.S., Lerman, S.B., Andrade, R., Larson, K.L., and H.L. Bateman. 2019. The more things change: species losses detected in Phoenix despite stability in bird–socioeconomic relationships. Ecosphere 10(3), e02624.
Jackson, L.N. and H.L. Bateman 2018. Differing ectoparasite loads, sexual modes, and abundances of whiptail lizards from native and non-native habitats. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 13(1):294-301.
Andrade, R., H.L. Bateman, J. Franklin, and D.C. Allen 2018. Waterbird community composition, abundance, and diversity along an urban gradient. Landscape and Urban Planning. 170:103-111.
Sprague, T.A. and H.L. Bateman 2018. Influence of seasonality and gestation on habitat selection by northern Mexican gartersnakes (Thamnophis eques megalops). PloS one. 13(1):e0191829.
Nagler, P.L., U. Nguyen, H.L. Bateman, C.J. Jarchow, E.P. Glenn, W.J. Waugh, C. van Riper III, C. 2018. Northern tamarisk beetle (Diorhabda carinulata) and tamarisk (Tamarix spp.) interactions in the Colorado River Basin. Restoration Ecology 26:348-359.
Andrade, R., H.L. Bateman, and Y. Kang 2017. Seasonality and land cover characteristics drive aphid dynamics in an arid city. Journal of Arid Environments. 51:361-385.
Banville, M.J, H.L. Bateman, S.R. Earl, and P.S. Warren 2017. Decadal declines in bird abundance and diversity in urban riparian zones. Landscape and Urban Planning. 159:48-61.
Kang, Y., D. Bai, L. Tapia, and H.L. Bateman 2017. Dynamical effects of biocontrol on the ecosystem: Benefits or Harm?. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 51:361-385.
Bridges, A., H.L. Bateman, A.K. Owens, C.A. Jones, W. Miller 2016. Microhabitat selection of juvenile Sonoran Desert tortoises (Gopherus morafkai) in central Arizona, USA. Chelonian Conservation and Biology. 15 (2):219-230.
Mosher, K.R. and H.L. Bateman 2016. The effects of riparian restoration following saltcedar (Tamarix spp.) biocontrol on habitat and herpetofauna along a desert stream. Restoration Ecology. 24:71-80.
Bateman, H.L., J.C. Stromberg, M.J. Banville, E. Makings, B.D. Scott, A. Suchy, D.M. Wolkis 2015. Novel Water Sources Restore Plant and Animal Communities along an Urban River. Ecohydrology. 8:792–811.
Rudd, B.T. and H.L. Bateman 2015. Reptile Use of Trails in the Phoenix Mountain Parks. Herpetological Review. 46(1):15-17.
Bateman, H.L., D.M. Merritt, E.P. Glenn, and P. L. Nagler 2014. Indirect effects of biocontrol of an invasive riparian plant (Tamarix) alters habitat and reduces herpetofauna abundance. Biological Invasions. 17:87-97.
Nagler, P.L., S. Pearlstein, E.P. Glenn, T.B. Brown, H.L. Bateman, D.W. Bean, and K.R. Hultine 2014. Rapid dispersal of saltcedar (Tamarix spp.) biocontrol beetles (Diorhabda carinulata) on a desert river detected by phenocams, MODIS imagery and ground observation. Remote Sensing of Environment. 140:206-219.
- Bateman,Heather. Amphibian and reptile communities in wilderness areas. USDA Forest Service (2021-2024).
- Bateman,Heather. Surveys to assess current status and distribution of Arizona toad. AZ GAME & FISH, DEPT (2020 - 2023).
- Bateman,Heather. Wildlife and riparian habitats at the confluence of the San Pedro and Gila Rivers, Phase II. DOI-BOR (2017 - 2022).
- Bateman,Heather Lyn*. Microhabitat Evaluation for Northern Mexican Gartersnake. AZ GAME & FISH, DEPT OF(4/16/2015 - 4/15/2018).
- Bateman,Heather Lyn*. Microhabitat Evaluation for Northern Mexican Gartersnake. AZ GAME & FISH, DEPT OF(4/16/2015 - 4/15/2018).
- Bateman,Heather Lyn*. Habitat evaluation for northern Mexican gartersnake (Thamnophis eques megalops) at Bubbling Ponds Hatchery. AZ GAME & FISH, DEPT OF(10/21/2014 - 1/31/2017).
- Bateman,Heather Lyn*, Green,Douglas Mitchell. Barnes Property Baseline Wildlife Inventory. DOI-BOR(9/13/2013 - 5/31/2015).
- Bateman,Heather Lyn*. Effects of Biocontrol and Restoration on Wildlife in Southwestern Riparian Habitats. DOI-BOR(9/20/2012 - 12/31/2014).
- Grimm,Nancy B*, Abbott,Joshua K, Abbott,Joshua K, Aggarwal,Rimjhim M, Aggarwal,Rimjhim M, Anselin,Luc E, Arrowsmith,Ramon, Basile,George Matthew, Basile,George Matthew, Basile,George Matthew, Bateman,Heather Lyn, Bolin,Robert, Boone,Christopher G, Boone,Christopher G, Boone,Christopher G, Brazel,Anthony J, Childers,Daniel L, Childers,Daniel L, Deviche,Pierre, Earl,Stevan Ross, Earl,Stevan Ross, Elser,Monica Mueller, Elser,Monica Mueller, Fenichel,Eli Paul, Franklin,Janet, Fraser,Matthew P, Fraser,Matthew P, Gober,Patricia, Hall,Sharon, Harlan,Sharon, Hartnett,Hilairy, Johnson,James Chadwick, Lant,Timothy W, Lant,Timothy W, Larson,Kelli Leigh, Larson,Kelli Leigh, Larson,Kelli Leigh, Martin,Chris A, Myint,Soe W, Nation,Marcia L, Nation,Marcia L, Redman,Charles L, Redman,Charles L, Redman,Charles L, Ruddell,Benjamin Lyle, Sabo,John L, Shock,Everett, Smith,Vincent Kerry, Stutz,Jean C, Tarrant,Philip E, Turner II,Billie Lee, Turner II,Billie Lee, Vivoni,Enrique, Westerhoff,Paul, Wiek,Arnim, Wiek,Arnim, Wu,Jianguo, Wu,Jianguo, Wu,Jianguo, Wutich,Amber Yoder, York,Abigail. CAP3: Urban Sustainability in the Dynamic Environment of Central Arizona USA. NSF-ENG-BCS(12/1/2010 - 11/30/2016).
- Bateman,Heather Lyn*. The Impacts of Artificial Water Sources on Small Mammals on the Barry M Goldwater Rage. DOD-ARMY-USACE(9/20/2010 - 9/30/2013).
- Bateman,Heather Lyn*. South-west Region - Cherry Creek Stream Inflow and Wild Life Habitat Assessment. USDA-FS(9/3/2009 - 1/31/2011).
- Bateman,Heather Lyn*. HR2720 Wildlife Science Assessment and Tamarisk-Related Research. USDA-FS(2/16/2009 - 9/30/2010).
- Bateman,Heather Lyn*. Tools to Assess and Assist Vulnerable Species at Risk from Climate Change. USDA-FS(9/19/2008 - 12/31/2009).
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ABS 592 | Research |
ABS 593 | Applied Project |
ABS 590 | Reading and Conference |
ABS 599 | Thesis |
ABS 489 | Undergraduate Research |
ABS 598 | Special Topics |
ABS 473 | Applied Ornithology |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ABS 592 | Research |
ABS 599 | Thesis |
ABS 494 | Special Topics |
ABS 489 | Undergraduate Research |
ABS 472 | Applied Herpetology |
ABS 598 | Special Topics |
ABS 598 | Special Topics |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ABS 355 | Vertebrate Adaptations |
ABS 592 | Research |
ABS 593 | Applied Project |
ABS 590 | Reading and Conference |
ABS 599 | Thesis |
ABS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ABS 489 | Undergraduate Research |
ABS 598 | Special Topics |
ABS 473 | Applied Ornithology |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ABS 599 | Thesis |
ABS 494 | Special Topics |
ABS 472 | Applied Herpetology |
ABS 598 | Special Topics |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ABS 592 | Research |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ABS 355 | Vertebrate Adaptations |
ABS 592 | Research |
ABS 593 | Applied Project |
ABS 590 | Reading and Conference |
ABS 599 | Thesis |
ABS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ABS 489 | Undergraduate Research |
ABS 598 | Special Topics |
ABS 473 | Applied Ornithology |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ABS 599 | Thesis |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ABS 592 | Research |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ABS 355 | Vertebrate Adaptations |
ABS 592 | Research |
ABS 593 | Applied Project |
ABS 590 | Reading and Conference |
ABS 599 | Thesis |
ABS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ABS 489 | Undergraduate Research |
ABS 598 | Special Topics |
ABS 500 | Research Methods |
ABS 473 | Applied Ornithology |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ABS 489 | Undergraduate Research |
ABS 472 | Applied Herpetology |
ABS 598 | Special Topics |
ABS 555 | Wildlife Dynamics |
ABS 599 | Thesis |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ABS 592 | Research |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ABS 355 | Vertebrate Adaptations |
ABS 592 | Research |
ABS 593 | Applied Project |
ABS 590 | Reading and Conference |
ABS 599 | Thesis |
ABS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ABS 489 | Undergraduate Research |
ABS 598 | Special Topics |
ABS 500 | Research Methods |
ABS 473 | Applied Ornithology |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ABS 472 | Applied Herpetology |
ABS 598 | Special Topics |
ABS 555 | Wildlife Dynamics |
ABS 599 | Thesis |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ABS 592 | Research |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ABS 355 | Vertebrate Adaptations |
ABS 592 | Research |
ABS 593 | Applied Project |
ABS 590 | Reading and Conference |
ABS 599 | Thesis |
ABS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ABS 489 | Undergraduate Research |
ABS 598 | Special Topics |
ABS 500 | Research Methods |
ABS 473 | Applied Ornithology |
Charlie Painter Memorial Award in Herpetology by Southwest PARC (2022)
Outstanding Masters Mentor Award by the ASU Graduate College (2022)
Conservationist of the Year Award to the Cherry Creek Science team, Arizona/New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society (2016)
Wildlife Professional Service Award, Arizona Chapter of The Wildlife Society (2015)
Faculty Mentor Award, ASU College of Technology and Innovation (2012)
Editorial Board of Restoration Ecology
The Wildlife Society
Society for Restoration Ecology
Current MS Students
Brett Montgomery, MS student
Annika Enloe, MS student
Margaret Huck, MS student
Lab Alumni
Brittany Allen, MS (Dec 2021) Thesis: Urban Heat Island Effect and rodent body condition
Cheyenne Herzog, MS (Dec 2019) Thesis: Responses of mammals to native and non-native riparian forest types in Southeastern Arizona
Sidney Riddle, BS (Dec 2018) Thesis: The effects of aridification and mesquite encroachment on riparian herpetofauna of the lower San Pedro River, Arizona
Lauren Jackson, BS (July 2017) UG Thesis: Difference in ectoparasite loads in whiptail lizards with sexual modes and from native and non-native habitats
Tiffany Sprague, MS (May 2017) Thesis: Microhabitat and movement assessment for northern Mexican gartersnakes (Thamnophis eques megalops) at Bubbling Ponds Hatchery
Riley Andrade, MS (May 2016) Thesis: Response of waterbird communities to habitat and landscape structure along an urban gradient in Phoenix, Arizona
Shaneen Beebe, MS (May 2016) Applied Project: Heavy metal trends in feathers of Burrowing Owls in New Mexico: spatial, temporal, and gender assessments
Linda Ramirez, MS (May 2015) Applied Project: Wildlife Inventory of Rancho Del Cielo, Vail, Arizona
Kent Mosher, MS (Dec 2014) Thesis: Herpetofauna community responses to saltcedar biological control and riparian restoration along a Mojave Desert stream
Aaron Switalski, MS (May 2013) Thesis: Effects of artificial water sources on small mammal communities
Andy Bridges, MS (Dec 2012) Thesis: Sonoran desert tortoise (Gopherus morafkai) growth and juvenile habitat selection at a long-term study site in central Arizona
Melanie Banville, MS (May 2011) Thesis: Herpetofauna and riparian microhabitat of urban and wildland reaches along the Salt River, Arizona
Danny Nielsen, MS (May 2011) Thesis: Effects of saltcedar on population structure and habitat utilization of the Common Side-blotched Lizard