Robert Bradley
Phone: 480-965-6439
Robert H. Bradley is director of the Center for Child and Family Success at ASU and professor in the Department of Psychology. He was formerly director of the Center for Applied Studies in Education at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock and adjunct professor of Pediatrics and Psychiatry at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. He helped develop the HOME Inventory, a widely used measure of the home environment. He is also one of the developers of the Family Map, an instrument used to help guide practice in early education and home visitation programs. During his professional career, Bradley has served on the editorial boards of 10 professional journals and served as associate editor for both Child Development and Early Childhood Research Quarterly.
Professor Bradley’s primary areas of research include relations between experiences in the home environment and children’s development, child care, and early education. He was a member of the investigator team for the NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Human Development and the Early Head Start Research and Evaluation Study. Currently, Bradley is working with colleagues at NIH, Duke University and University of Massachusetts-Amherst to analyze data collected from more than 1.3 million families residing in 50 low-income nations (the Multiple Indicators Cluster Survey). With colleagues at ASU, he is also studying the impact of migration on children’s social competence.
- Ph.D. Educational Psychology, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill 1974
- M.A. Educational Psychology, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill 1972
- B.A. University of Notre Dame 1968
Parenting, home environment, socioeconomic and cultural influences on family processes and child development, early education, child care, measurement of environments.
- J. Lansford, K. Deater-Deckard, M. Bornstein, D. Putnick, R. Bradley. Attitudes justifying domestic violence predict endorsement of corporal punishment and physical and psychological aggression towards children: A study in 25 low- and middle-income countries. Journal of Pediatrics (2014).
- J. Swanson, C. Valiente, K Lemery-Chalfant, R. Bradley, N. Eggum-Wilkens. Longitudinal relations between parents’ reactions to children’s negative emotions, effortful control, and math achievemen. Child Development (2014).
- R. Bradley, A. Pennar, J. Glick. The home environment of infants from immigrant families in the United States: Findings from the New Immigrant Study. Infant Mental Health Journal (2014).
- R. Bradley, N. Cabrera. Retooling: Evolution in research on fathers – A commentary. Infant Mental Health Journal (2014).
- S. Friedman, E. Scholnick, R Bender, N. Vandergrift, S. Spieker, K. Hirsh-Pasek, D. Keating, Y. Park & the NICHD Early Child Care Research Network. Planning in middle childhood: Early predictors and later outcomes. Child Development (2014).
- A. Fuligni, C. Brady-Smith, C. Tamis-LeMonda, R. Bradley, R. Chazan-Cohen, L. Boyce, J. Brooks-Gunn. Patterns of supportive parenting in the first 3 years of life: Correlates and consequences in low-income European American, African American and Latino families. Parenting: Science & Practice (2013).
- H. Fitzgerald, R. Bradley. Introduction: Paternal family relationships, child risk, and child outcomes. Family Science (2013).
- J. Ipsa, A. Csiznadia, D. Rudy, M. Fine, J. Krull, R. Bradley, N. Cabrera. Patterns of maternal directiveness by ethnicity among Early Head Start research participants. Parenting: Science & Practice (2013).
- J. Lumeng, K. Wendorf, M. Pesch, D. Appugliese, N. Kacirote, R. Corwyn, R. Bradley. Overweight adolescents and life events in childhood. Pediatrics (2013).
- L. McKelvey, N., Burrow, G. Mesman, J. Pemberton, R. Bradley, H. Fitzgerald. Supportive fathers moderate the effects of mothers’ alcohol use on children’s externalizing behavior problems. Family Science (2013).
- Natasha Cabrera, Catherine Tamis-LeMonda, Robert Bradley, Jacklyn Shannon, G. Hancock. Parenting during early childhood in low-income families: Variations by gender. Family Science (2013).
- Robert H. Bradley. Strike up the band: The PICCOLO players have arrived (a commentary). Infant Mental Health Journal (2013).
- Robert H. Bradley, Robert Corwyn. From parent to child to parent...: Paths in and out of problem behavior. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology (2013).
- Lori Roggman, Robert H. Bradley, Helen Raikes. Fathers in family context. Handbook of Father Involvement: Multidisciplinary Perspectives (2nd. edition) (2013).
- J. Glick, L. Hanish, S. Yakibu, R. H. Bradley. Migration timing and parenting practices: Contributions to social development in preschoolers with foreign-born and native born mothers. Child Development (2012).
- J. Wu, R. H. Bradley, T-L Chiang. Cross-border marriage and disparities in early childhood development in a population-based birth cohort study: The mediation of the home environment. Child: Care, Health, and Development (2012).
- M. Weinraub, R. Bender, S. Friedman, E. Susman, B. Knoke, R. Bradley, R. Houts, J. Williams & NICHD Early Child Care Research Network. Patterns of developmental change in infants’ nighttime sleep awakenings from 6 to 36 months of age. Developmental Psychology (2012).
- N. Cabrera, R. H. Bradley. Latino fathers and their children. Child Development Perspectives (2012).
- P. Casey, R. H. Bradley, L. Whiteside-Mansell, K. Barrett, J. Gossett, P. Simpson. Evolution of obesity in a low birth weight cohort. Journal of Perinatology (2012).
- R. H. Bradley. Commentary: Nine-year-old children exposed to more sociodemographic, physical and psychosocial risks tend to have poorer self-regulatory behaviour and are more likely to show an increase in BMI during the next 4 years. Evidence Based Nursing (2012).
- R. H. Bradley, D. Putnick. Housing quality and access to material and learning resources with the home environment in developing countries. Child Development (2012).
- Lori Roggman, Robert H. Bradley, & Helen Raikes. Fathers in family context. Handbook of Father Involvement: Multidisciplinary Perspectives (2012).
- Marc Bornstein, Jeylan Mortimer, Karen Luftey, Robert Bradley. Theories and processes in lifespan socialization. Handbook of Lifespan Development (2012).
- Marc Bornstein, Robert Bradley, Karen Luftey, Jeylan Mortimer, Amy Pennar. Contexts and contents of socialization: A life-span perspective. Handbook of Lifespan Development (2012).
- Robert H. Bradley. Rural Versus Urban Environments. A Developmental environment measurement handbook (2012).
- Robert H. Bradley. The HOME Inventory. A Developmental Environment Measurement Handbook (2012).
- R. H. Bradley. Immigration and acculturation: Child care and schooling. Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development (2011).
- R. H. Bradley & K. Kao. Home environment. Encyclopedia of Adolescence, Vol. 2 (2011).
- J. Wu, T. Chiang, R. H. Bradley. Adaptation and validation of the HOME-SF as a caregiver report home environment measure for use in the Taiwan Birth Cohort Study. Early Child Development and Care (2011).
- J.D. Haltigan, G.I. Rolsman, E. Susman, K. Barnett-Walker, K. Monahan & the NICHD Early Child Care Research Network. Elevanted trajectories of externalizing problems are associated with awakening cortisol levels in midadolescence. Developmental Psychology (2011).
- L. McKelvey, L. Whiteside-Mansell, R.H. Bradley, P. H. Casey, N. Conners-Burrow, K. Barrett. Growing up in violent communities: Do family conflict and gender moderate impacts on adolescents' psychosocial development?. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology (2011).
- M. Burchinal, K. McCartney, L. Steinberg, R. Crosnoe, S. Friedman, V. McLoyd, R. Pianta & the NICHD Early Child Care Research Network. Examining the black-white achievement gap among low-income children using the NICHD study of early child care and youth development. Child Development (2011).
- N. Cabrera, G. Cook, K. McFadden, R. Bradley. Father residence and father-child relationship quality: Peer relationships and externalizing behavior problems. Family Science (2011).
- N. Davis, J, Ashba, D, Appugliese, N. Kaciroti, R. Corwyn, R. Bradley, J. Lumeng. Adolescent obesity and maternal and paternal sensitivity and monitoring. International Journal of Pediatric Obesity (2011).
- R. H . Bradley, S. McRitchie, R. Houts, P. Nader, M. Obrien & the NICHD Early Child Care Research Network. Parenting and the decline of physical activity from age 9 to 15. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (2011).
- R. H. Bradley, L. McKelvey, L. Whiteside-Mansell. Does quality of stimulation and support in the home environment moderate the effects of early childhood programs?. Child Development (2011).
- Robert. H. Bradley & Amy Pennar. Maternal sensitivity in middle childhood. Maternal Sensitivity: A Critical Review for Practitioners (2011).
- Deborah Vandell, Margaret Burchinal, Jay Belsky, Lawrence Steinberg, Nathan Vandergrift, and the NICHD Early Child Care Research Network. Do effects of early child care extend to age 15 years? Results from the NICHD study of early child care and youth development. Child Development (2010).
- Gary Evans, Henry Riccuitti, Steven Hope, Ingrid Schoon, Robert H. Bradley, Roberrt Corwyn, & Cindy Hazan. Crowding and cognitive development. The mediating role of maternal responsiveness among 36-month-old children. Environment and Behavior (2010).
- Jay Belsky, Lawrence Steinberg, Renate Houts, Bonnie Halpern-Fisher & NICHD Early Child Care Research Network1. The development of reproductive strategy in (white) females: Harsh maternal control -> earlier menarche -> increased sexual risk taking. Developmental Psychology (2010).
- Jennifer Wu, T-L, Chiang, & Robert H. Bradley. Adaptation and validation of the HOME-SF as a caregiver-report home environment measure for use in the Taiwan Birth Cohort Study (TCBS). Early Child Development and Care (2010).
- Joyce Lee, Nick Kaciroti, Danielle Appugliese, Robert Corwyn, Robert H. Bradley, Julie Lumeng. Body mass index and timing of pubertal initiation in boys. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine (2010).
- Julie Lumeng, Patrick Forrest, Danielle Appugliese, Niko Kaciroti, Robert Corwyn, Robert H. Bradley. Weight status as a predictor of being bullied in 3rd through 6th grades. Pediatrics (2010).
- Kathleen McCartney, Margaret Burchinal, Alison Clarke-Stewart, Kristin Bub, Margaret Owen, Jay Belsky, J. & the NICHD Early Child Care Research Network1. Testing a series of causal propositions relating time in child care to children’s externalizing behavior. Developmental Psychology (2010).
- Kay Rhee, Danielle Appugliese, Alicia Prisco, Nick Kaciroti, Robert Corwyn, Robert H. Bradley & Julie Lumeng. Controlling maternal feeding practices associated with decreased dieting behavior in 6th grade children. Journal of the American Dietetic Association (2010).
- NICHD Early Child Care Research Network. Psychosocial and lifestyle factors associated with early-onset persistent and late-onset asthma. Children's Health Care (2010).
- Nicola Conners-Burrow, Danya Johnson, Leanne Whiteside-Mansell, Lorraine McKelvey, Patti Bokony, Robert H. Bradley. Protecting young children: Identifying family substance use and risks in the home. NHSA Dialog (2010).
- Patti Bokony, Nicola Conners-Burrow,Leanne Whiteside-Mansell, Lorraine McKelvey, Robert H. Bradley. The Family Map: A tool for understanding the risks for children in families with substance abuse. NHSA Dialog (2010).
- Rob Crosnoe, Tama Leventhal, R.J. Wirth, Kim Pierce, Robert Pianta & the NICHD Early Child Care Research Network1. Family socioeconomic status and consistent environmental stimulation in early childhood. Child Development (2010).
- Robert Crosnoe, Frederick Morrison, Margaret Burchinal, Robert Pianta, Damniel Keating, Sarah Friedman, Alison, Clarke-Stewart, & the NICHD Early Child Care Research Network1. Instruction, teacher-student relations, and math achievement trajectories in elementary school. The Journal of Educational Psychology (2010).
- Robert H. Bradley, Leanne Whiteside-Mansell, Patrick H. Casey, & Kathleen Barrett. Impact of a 2-generation early education program on parenting processes at age 18. Journal of Family Psychology (2010).
- Susan Campbell, Susan Spieker, Nathan Vandergrift, Jay Belsky, Margaret Burchinal, and the NICHD Early Child Care Research Network1. Predictors and sequelae of trajectories of physical aggression in school-age boys and girls. Development and Psychopathology (2010).
- William Jacobson and Robert H. Bradley. Learning Theory. Foundations of Orientation and Mobility (3rd. Edition), Vol. 1: History and Theory (2010).
- Desiree Seeyave, Sharon Coleman, Danielle Appugliese, Robert Corwyn, Robert H. Bradley, Natalie Davidson, Niko Kaciroti, Julie Lumeng. Ability to delay gratification at age 4 years and risk of overweight at age 11 years. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine (2009).
- Glenn I. Roismann, Elizabeth Susman, Kathleen Barnett-Walker, Catherine Booth-LaForce, Margaret Tresh Owen, Jay Belsky, Robert H. Bradley, Renate Houts, Lawrence Steinberg and the NICHD Early Child Care Research Network. Early family and child-care antecedents of awakening cortisol levels in adolescence. Child Development (2009).
- Glenn Roismann, Catherine Booth-LaForce, Elizabeth Cauffman, Susan Spieker and the NICHD Early Child Care Research Network. The developmental significance of adolescent romantic relationships: Parent and peer predictors of engagement and quality at age 15. The Journal of Youth & Adolescence (2009).
- Jason M. Bacha, Danielle Appugliese, Sharon Coleman, Niki Kaciroti, Robert H. Bradley, Robert Corwyn, Julie Lumeng. Maternal perception of neighborhood safety as a predictor of child weight status: The moderating effect of gender and assessment of potential mediators. . International Journal of Pediatric Obesity (2009).
- Joyce Lee, Danielle Appugliese, Sharon Coleman, Niko Kaciroti, Robert Corwyn, Robert H. Bradley, Daavid Sandberg, Julie Lumeng. Short stature in a population-based cohort: Social, emotional, and behavioral functioning. Pediatrics (2009).
- Kyuug Rhee, Sharon Coleman, Danielle Appugliese, Niki Kaciroti, Robert Corwyn, Robert H. Bradley, Julie Lumeng. Maternal feeding practices become more controlling after and not before excessive rates of weight gain. Obesity (2009).
- Leanne Whietside-Mansell, Robert H. Bradley, Lorraine McKelvey, Marcia Lopez. Center based Early Head Start and children exposed to family conflict. Early Education & Development (2009).
- Leanne Whiteside-Mansell, Robert H. Bradley, Lorraine McKelvey. Parenting and preschool child development: Examination of three low-income cultural groups. Journal of Child & Family Studies (2009).
- Melissa Dolan, Cecilia Casanueva, Keith Smith, Robert H. Bradley. Parenting and the home environment provided by grandmothers in the child welfare system. Children & Youth Services Review (2009).
- NICHD Early Child Care Research Network. Family–peer Linkages: The mediational role of attentional processes. Social Development (2009).
- Patrick H. Casey, Robert H. Bradley, Leanne Whiteside-Mansell, Kathleen Barrett, Jeffrey Gossett, Pippa Simpson. Effect of early intervention on 8-year growth status of low bifth weight preterm infants. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine (2009).
- Robert H. Bradley, Rachel Chazan-Cohen, Helen Raikes. The impact of Early Head Start on school readiness: New Looks (Introduction). Early Education & Development (2009).
- Susan B. Campbell, Antonio Morgan-Lopez, Martha Cox, Vonnie McLoyd, and the NICHD Early Child Care Research Network. A latent class analysis of maternal depressive symptoms over 12 years and offspring adjustment in adolescence. Journal of Abnormal Psychology (2009).
- Robert H. Bradley. From home to day care: A look at chaos in the family / child care meso-system. Chaos and its influence on children's development: An ecological perspective (2009).
- Robert H. Bradley. Home Environment. Handbook of Cultural Developmental Science (2009).
- . Early Head Start: New Looks and Program Impacts. (2009).
- Glick,Jennifer Elyse*, Agadjanian,Victor, Bradley,Robert, Bradley,Robert, Garcia Perez,Maria Hilda, Hayford,Sarah, Herbst,Chris M, Lara-Valencia,Francisco, Marsiglia,Flavio, Menjivar,Cecilia, Santos,Carlos Eduardo, Wilkens,Natalie Desrochers, Yabiku,Scott Thomas. Family Migration and Early Life Outcomes. HHS-NIH-NICHD(7/31/2015 - 6/30/2020).
- Bradley,Robert*, Green,Samuel, Roosa,Mark. MCH Research. HHS-HRSA(2/1/2014 - 1/31/2016).
- Bradley,Robert*, Green,Samuel, Roosa,Mark. YR 1: MCH Research. HHS(2/1/2013 - 1/31/2016).
- Bradley,Robert*, Bradley,Robert*, Umana-Taylor,Adriana J, Valiente,Carlos E. Development of New Item Clusters for the HOME Inventory. HHS-NIH-NICHD(4/1/2011 - 3/31/2015).
- Bradley,Robert*. Rate of Weight Gain, Linear Growth, and Development During Childhood. UNIV OF MICHIGAN(12/27/2010 - 11/30/2012).
- Bradley,Robert*. Children's exposure to Violence at Home and in the Community. Univ of Arkansas(1/1/2009 - 6/30/2009).
- Bradley,Robert*. Promotion of School Readiness Through Early Childhood Emotional and Social Development. Univ of Arkansas(1/1/2009 - 8/31/2009).
- Bradley,Robert*. Responsible Fatherhood Initiative-Brief Parenting Interventions. Univ of Arkansas(1/1/2009 - 9/29/2010).
- Bradley,Robert*. The Infant-Toddler Family Map: A Foundation for Parent-Teacher Partnerships. Univ of Arkansas(1/1/2009 - 9/29/2011).
- Bradley,Robert*. Second Looks: Examining the Impact of Early Head Start. HHS-ACF(9/30/2008 - 2/28/2011).
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
PSY 492 | Honors Directed Study |
PSY 499 | Individualized Instruction |
EDP 792 | Research |
PSY 399 | Supervised Research |
NEU 492 | Honors Directed Study |
NEU 493 | Honors Thesis |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
PSY 492 | Honors Directed Study |
EDP 792 | Research |
NEU 492 | Honors Directed Study |
NEU 493 | Honors Thesis |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
EDP 792 | Research |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
FAS 792 | Research |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
EDP 792 | Research |
PSY 598 | Special Topics |
CDE 598 | Special Topics |
FAS 792 | Research |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
FAS 792 | Research |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
FAS 792 | Research |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
DCI 792 | Research |
EDP 792 | Research |
FAS 792 | Research |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
EDP 799 | Dissertation |
EDP 792 | Research |
EDP 784 | Internship |
- R. Bradley. The HOME Inventory: Practical considerations for working with families. Infant Toddler Mental Health Coalition of Arizona (Sep 2014).
- R. Bradley. The HOME Inventory: What we have learned about family conditions, parents and children's well-being around the world. International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Sep 2014).
- R. Bradley, A. Pennar, J. Glick. The home environments of infants and toddlers of legal immigrants in the US: Findings from the New Immigrant Study. World Association for Infant Mental Health (Jul 2014).
- L. McKelvey, R. Bradley, L. Whiteside-Mansell. Mothers with alcohol problems' warmth and acceptance: Enough to protect children from later behavioral problems?. World Association for Infant Mental Health (Jul 2014).
- L. Whiteside-Mansell, L. McKelvey, R. Bradley. The Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment and Family Map Inventories: Overlap and Differences. Head Start Research Conference (Jun 2014).
- L. McKelvey, R. Bradley, L. Whiteside Mansell. Fostering children's cognitive development through home visiting: Supporting parents with varying levels of warmth. Society for Research in Human Development (Apr 2014).
- R. Bradley, A. Pennar, J. Glick. The home environments of immigrant adolescents: Findings from the New Immigrant Study. Society for Research in Human Development (Apr 2014).
- J. Swanson, C. Valiente, K. Lemery-Chalfant, R. Bradley. Student-teacher temperament differentials: Implications for academic performance and school liking in kindergarten. American Educational Research Association (Apr 2014).
- T. Abry, C. Bryce, R. Bradley, J. Swandon, R. Fabes, R. Corwyn. Classroom-level adversity: The influence of collective child characteristics on first graders' social skills and problem behaviors. American Educational Research Association (Apr 2014).
- Jodi Swanson (chair), Robert Bradley (discussant). Closeness and conflict in the student-teacher relationship across primary grades. Biennial Meeting of SRCD (Apr 2013).
- Robert Bradley (chair). From early childhood parenting to age 10 outcomes: Findings from the EHSRE. Biennial meeting of SRCD (Apr 2013).
- Robert Corwyn & Robert Bradley. Infant temperament moderates parenting effect on resistance to peer pressure. Biennial meeting of SRCD (Apr 2013).
- Robert Bradley & Diane Putnick. Gender differences in child growth and mortality across the developing world. Biennial meeting of SRCD (Apr 2013).
- Robert Bradley, Amy Pennar, Masumi Iida. Examining developmental shifts in parent-child interactions from early through middle childhood. Biennial meeting of SRCD (Apr 2013).
- Argero Zerr, Armando Pina, Robert Bradley. A longitudinal examination of anxiety risk across childhood and adolescence. Biennial meeting of SRCD (Apr 2013).
- Lorraine McKelvey, Hi Fitzgerald, Robert Bradley. Do supportive fathers moderate the effects of mothers' alcohol use on children's externalizing behavior?. Biennial meeting of SRCD (Apr 2013).
- R. Corwyn, R. Bradley. Adolescent girls with difficult temperaments benefit more from good parenting. American Psychological Society (Oct 2012).
- R. Corwyn, R. Bradley. Psychopathology moderates the negative parenting - behavior problems relationship. American Psychological Society (Oct 2012).
- R. Bradley. The HOME Inventory: A world view for scientists and service professionals. EarlyAid 2012 (Sep 2012).
- R. Bradley, L. Whiteside-Mansell, P. Casey, L. McKelvey. Early intervention, early resiliency, and home environment: Relations to developmental status at age 8 and 18 for premature, low birth weight children born into poverty. EarlyAid 2012 (Sep 2012).
- R. Bradley. The HOME Inventory: A World View. Lecture - University of Porto (Sep 2012).
- R. Bradley. Mothers, fathers, activities and outcomes. Lecture - University of Porto (Sep 2012).
- R. Bradley, R. Corwyn. From parent to child to parent...: Paths in and out of problem behavior. International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development (Jul 2012).
- R. Corwyn, R. Bradley. Home environment, self control and resistance to peers: An examination of the differential susceptibility hypothesis. International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development (Jul 2012).
- L. McKelvey, H. Fitzgerald, R. Bradley, L. Whiteside-Mansell, N. Burrow, R. Schiffman. Early exposure to family conflict and cummunity violence: Association with behavioral adjustment. Society for Research on Adolescence (Apr 2012).
- C. Cooper, J. Swanson, R. Fabes, R. Bradley, J. Glick. Classroom behavior patterns, children’s self-control and kindergarten competence. American Educational Research Association (Apr 2012).
- Robert H. Bradley. The HOME Inventory - A World View for Researchers and Practioners. Workshop for National Board of Health and Welfare (Sweden) (Oct 2011).
- Robert H. Bradley & Robert F. Corwyn. Maternal sensitivity, parental harshness and productive activity form infancy through adolescence: Relations with anxiety at age 15. Meeting of the European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (Jul 2011).
- Robert H. Bradley Robert F. Corwyn. Externalizing behavior at age 15: Relations with productive activity, maternal sensitivity and harsh parenting from infancy through adolescence. Meeting of the European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (Jul 2011).
- Robert H. Bradley & Diane Putnick. Housing quality and access to materials and learning resources within the home environment in developing countries. Bienneial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development (Apr 2011).
- Robert F. Corwyn & Robert H. Bradley. Externalizing problems: Relations with productive activity, sensitivity and harsh parenting from infancy through adolescence. Biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development (Apr 2011).
- Marsha Weinraub, Randy Bender, Sarah Friedman, Elizabeth Susman, Bonnie Knoke, Robert H. Bradley, Renate Houts, and Jason Williams. Sleep patterns and correlations with development from infancy through adolescence. Biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development (Apr 2011).
- Robert H. Bradley, Lorraine McKelvey, & Leanne Whiteside-Mansell. Does parental warmth moderate impacts of Early Head Start programming on child socio-emotional outcomes?. Biennial meeting of Society for Research in Child Development (Apr 2011).
- Robert H. Bradley. Child care in the United States: What it means for children, families and the American way of life. Lynn Harris Memorial Lecture - Arkansas Children's Hospital (Oct 2010).
- Robert H. Bradley. Parenting, child care and family - child care meso-system relations. Taipei Municipal University of Education (Sep 2010).
- Robert H. Bradley. Family and child development: State of the art knowledge. National Taiwan University (Sep 2010).
- Robert H. Bradley. Measuring the home environment of children. National Taiwan University (Sep 2010).
- Robert H. Bradley. Master Lecture - Children's home environments and their development: A cross-cultural view. World Association for Infant Mental Health (Jul 2010).
- Robert H. Bradley, Lorraine McKelvey, Leanne Whiteside-Mansell. Does parental warmth and stimulation moderate the impacts of home-based Early Head Start programming on child outcomes?. World Association for Infant Mental Health (Jul 2010).
- Leanne Whiteside-Mansell, Robert H. Bradley, Patrick H. Casey, Lorraine McKelvey, Kathleen Barrett. Early resiliency and home environemnt and their association with 8- and 18-year resiliency in low birthweight, prmature children living in poverty. World Association for Infant Mental Health (Jul 2010).
- Natasha Cabrera, Lori Roggmann, Hiram Fitzgerald, Robert H. Bradley, Betty Kondel. The influence of early father involvement on children's perception of their relationship with father. World Association for Infant Mental Health (Jul 2010).
- Leanne Whiteside-Mansell, Robert H. Bradley, Lorraine McKelvey. Assessment of the parenting environment: The family map tools from prenatal to age 5. World Association for Infant Mental Health (Jul 2010).
- Leslie Booren, Organizer/Chair Robert Bradley, Discussant. Understanding Children’s Behaviors in a Classroom Context: A Focus on Activity Settings. Head Start Research Conference (Jun 2010).
- Robert Bradley, Lorrain McKelvey, Leanne Whiteside-Mansell. Does Early HOME Stimulation moderate the impacts of Early Head Start programming?. Head Start Research Conference (Jun 2010).
- Leanne Whiteside-Mansell, Robert H. Bradley, Patti Bokony, Nicola Conners-Burrow, Danya Johnson, Jana Gifford, Lois Kimbrell. The Infant-Toddler Family Map: An Integrated Asssement of the Parenting Environment. Head Start Research Conference (Jun 2010).
- Leanne Whiteside-Mansell, Danya Johnson, Nicola Conners-Burrow, Lorraine McKelvey, Patti Bokony, Robert H. Bradley. Evidence of validity of the Early Childhood Family Map: A tool to assess risk and strength in Head Start. Head Start Research Conference (Jun 2010).
- Lorraine McKelvey, Nicola Conners-Burrows,Leanne Whiteside-Mansell, Robert Bradley, Patrick Casey. Can living in a cohesive family protect children from the negative effects of exposure to community violence into adolescence?. Society for Research in Adolescence (Apr 2010).
- Robert H. Bradley. The HOME Inventory. Training Session (Sep 2009).
- Catherine Booth-LaForce, Glenn Roismann, Elizabeth Susman, Kortnee Barnett-Walker, Margaret Tresh Owen, Jay Belsky, Robert H. Bradley, Renate Houts, Lawrence Steinberg & NICHD Early Child Care Research Network. Early parenting and child care antecedents of awakening cortisol levels in adolescence. Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development (Apr 2009).
- Leanne Whiteside-Mansell, Robert H. Bradley, Lorraine McKelvey. Moderation of family conflict on child aggressive behavior: Center based Early Head Start. Biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development (Apr 2009).
- Jean Ipsa, Annamaria Csizmadia, Mark Fine, Duane Rudy, Jennifer Krull, Robert H. Bradley, Natasha Cabrerra. Longitudinal patterns of maternal intrusiveness across cultural groups and associations with children's behavior toward mothers. Biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development (Apr 2009).
- Robert Corwyn, Robert H. Bradley. HOME: What the use and adaptation of the measure tells us about efforts to improve children's lives around the world. Biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development (Apr 2009).
- Barbara Tinsley (chair), Robert H. Bradley (discussant). Parents' socialization of children's responses during disasters. Biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development (Apr 2009).
- Jeffrey Shears, Robert H. Bradley, Natasha Cabrerra. The impact of Early Head Start: Do fathers make a difference?. Biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development (Apr 2009).
- Elisabeth Gershoff, Jennifer Lansford (chairs), Robert H. Bradley (Discussant). An international perspective connecting early childhood policies and home environment. Biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development (Apr 2009).
- Robert H. Bradley. HIPPY: The Arkansas Story. National HIPPY Conference (Apr 2009).
- California Home Visiting Program / California Department of Health, Trainer for HOME Inventory (2014 - Present)
- Duke University Heath System, Training for HOME Inventory (2014 - Present)
- Utah State University, External Evaluator (2014 - Present)
- Missouri Dept. of Health and Senior Services, Web Training on HOME (2014 - Present)
- Society for Research in Child Development, Panel member (2014 - Present)
- The Ounce of Prevention Fund - Florida, Training for HOME Inventory (2014 - Present)
- Child Development, Reviewer (2014 - Present)
- American Academy of Pediatrics, Training for HOME Inventory (2014 - Present)
- California Home Visiting Program / California Department of Public Health, Trainer for HOME Inventory (2013 - Present)
- Pediatrics / manuscript review, ad hoc reviewer (2013 - Present)
- PLOS ONE / manuscript review, ad hoc reviewer (2013 - Present)
- Social Forces / manuscript review, ad hoc reviewer (2013 - Present)
- T. Denny Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics - search committee, member (2013 - Present)
- Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences / manuscript review, reviewer (2013 - Present)
- BMC Public Health / manuscript review, ad hoc reviewer (2013 - Present)
- Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology / manuscript review, ad hoc reviewer (2013 - Present)
- European Journal of Psychology in Education / manuscript review, ad hoc reviewer (2013 - Present)
- European Journal of Psychology in Education / manuscript review, ad hoc reviewer (2013 - Present)
- Merrill-Palmer Quarterly / manuscript review, ad hoc reviewer (2013 - Present)
- Univ. of Texas at Arlington / promotion review, external reviewer (2013 - Present)
- Child Development Perspectives / manuscript review, ad hoc reviewer (2013 - Present)
- UNC Charlotte / promotion review, external reviewer (2013 - Present)
- Journal of Educational Psychology / manuscript review, ad hoc reviewer (2013 - Present)
- Child Care Health and Development / manuscript review, ad hoc reviewer (2013 - Present)
- Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology / manuscript review, ad hoc reviewer (2013 - Present)
- Developmental Psychology / manuscript review, ad hoc reviewer (2013 - Present)
- Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics / manuscript review, ad hoc reviewer (2013 - Present)
- Oregon Health Authority, Early Head Start, Trainer for HOME Inventory (2013 - Present)
- International Journal of Psychology / manuscript, ad hoc reviewer (2013 - Present)
- New York University / promotion, external reviewer (2013 - Present)
- University of California - Irvine, Evaluator (2012 - Present)
- University of Virginia, Promotion and Tenure Review (2012 - Present)
- Centers for Disease Control, DD12, review panel (2012 - Present)
- T. Denny Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics / Social Impact Initiative, member (2012 - Present)
- T. Denny Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics / Social Impact Initiative, member (2012 - Present)
- BMC Public Health, Manuscript Reviewer (2012 - Present)
- Child Development, Manuscript Reviewer (2012 - Present)
- Child Development Perspectives, Manuscript Reviewer (2012 - Present)
- Developmental Psychology, Manuscript Reviewer (2012 - Present)
- International Journal of Pediatric Obesity, Manuscript Reviewer (2012 - Present)
- International Journal of Public Health, Manuscript Reviewer (2012 - Present)
- Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Manuscript Reviewer (2012 - Present)
- Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, Manuscript Reviewer (2012 - Present)
- Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry, Manuscript Reviewer (2012 - Present)
- Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, Manuscript Reviewer (2012 - Present)
- Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, Manuscript Reviewer (2012 - Present)
- Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visitation Program Evaluation, Advisory Committe (2012 - Present)
- Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, Manuscript Reviewer (2012 - Present)
- Pediatrics, Manuscript Reviewer (2012 - Present)
- Quarterly Journal of Political Science, Manuscript Reviewer (2012 - Present)
- Social Forces, Manuscript Reviewer (2012 - Present)
- Social Science and Medicine, Manuscript Reviewer (2012 - Present)
- College of Public Programs, Speaker (2011 - Present)
- School of Social and Family Dynamics, Leadership Committee, member (2011 - Present)
- T. Denny Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics / Leadership Committee, member (2011 - Present)
- T. Denny Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics / Leadership Committee, member (2011 - Present)
- HHS/HRSA Advisory Committee on Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visitation Programs, panel member (2011 - Present)
- HHS/HRSA Advisory Committee on Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visitation Programs, Member (2011 - Present)
- ACF, Technical Workgroup: Measurement Development pertaining to caregiver-child interactions, Member (2011 - Present)
- ACF, Technical Workgroup: Measurement Development pertaining to caregiver-child interactions, Member (2011 - Present)
- ACF/OPRE Network of infant/Toddler Researchers, member (2011 - Present)
- Applied Developmental Science, ad hoc reviewer (2011 - Present)
- Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Editorial Board (2011 - Present)
- Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Editorial Board (2011 - Present)
- Child Development, ad hoc Reviewer (2011 - Present)
- Developmental Psychology, ad hoc reviewer (2011 - Present)
- European Journal of Psychology in Education, ad hoc reviewer (2011 - Present)
- HHS/HSRA Advisory Committee on Maternal, Infant & Early Childhood Home Visitation Program Evaluation, member (2011 - Present)
- International Journal of Behavioral Development, ad hoc reviewer (2011 - Present)
- JAMA Pediatrics, editorial board (2011 - Present)
- JAMA Pediatrics, editorial board (2011 - Present)
- Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, ad hoc reviewer (2011 - Present)
- Journal of Adolescence, ad hoc reviewer (2011 - Present)
- Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, ad hoc reviewer (2011 - Present)
- Journal of Child and Family Sciences, ad hoc reviewer (2011 - Present)
- Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, ad hoc reviewer (2011 - Present)
- Journal of Family Psychology, ad hoc reviewer (2011 - Present)
- PLOS, ad hoc reviewer (2011 - Present)
- Pediatrics, ad hoc reviewer (2011 - Present)
- Psychological Assessment, ad hoc reviewer (2011 - Present)
- WESTAT - Technical Review Panel for ECLS-K, Member (2011 - Present)
- Learning Sciences Institute, Search Committee, Member (2010 - Present)
- Maternal and Child Health Research Program / HRSA (US. Dept of HHS), Panel Member (R40 research applications) (2010 - Present)
- School of Social and Family Dynamics, Search Committee for Quantitative Health position, Chair (2010 - Present)
- School of Social and Family Dynamics, Leadership Committee, Member (2010 - Present)
- Taiwan Birth Cohort Study, Advisor (2010 - Present)
- Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Reviewer (2010 - Present)
- BMC Public Health, Reviewer (2010 - Present)
- Child Development, Reviewer (2010 - Present)
- Child Development Perspectives, Reviewer (2010 - Present)
- Developmental Psychology, Reviewer (2010 - Present)
- Developmental Science, Reviewer (2010 - Present)
- Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Technical Review Panel, member (2010 - Present)
- Environmental Health Perspectives, Reviewer (2010 - Present)
- Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, Reviewer (2010 - Present)
- Journal of Child Pscyhology and Psychiatry, Reviewer (2010 - Present)
- Journal of Child and Family Studies, Reviewer (2010 - Present)
- Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, Reviewer (2010 - Present)
- Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, Reivewer (2010 - Present)
- Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, Reviewer (2010 - Present)
- Pediatrics, Reviewer (2010 - Present)
- Psychological Assessment, Reviewer (2010 - Present)
- Public Health Nursing, Reviewer (2010 - Present)
- Social Forces, Reviewer (2010 - Present)
- Univ. of Seville, North Texas State Univ., Univ. of Michigan, NICHD, Evaluator for Promotion and Tenure (2010 - Present)
- National Institute for Child Health and Human Development, HHS, Panel Member (2009 - Present)
- CNA - Expert Panel for Evaluating the Legacy for Children Program (Centers for Disease Control), Panel Member (2009 - Present)
- CNA - Expert Panel for Evaluating the Legacy for Children Program (Centers for Disease Control), Panel Member (2009 - Present)
- Centers for Disease Control, Expert Workgroup (2009 - Present)
- American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, Reviewer (2009 - Present)
- Department of Psychology Personnel Committe, member (2009 - Present)
- Department of Psychology ? Personnel Committee, member (2009 - Present)
- Department of Psychology, Personnel Committee, Member (2009 - Present)
- Department of Psychology, Personnel Committee, Member (2009 - Present)
- Dept. of Psychology Personnel Committee, member (2009 - Present)
- Family and Human Dynamics Research Institute, Director (2009 - Present)
- Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Reviewer (2009 - Present)
- School of Social & Family Dynamics, Personnel Committee, Member (2009 - Present)
- School of Social and Family Dynamics, Personnel Committee, chair (2009 - Present)
- School of Social and Family Dynamics, Personnel Committee, Member (2009 - Present)
- T. Denny Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics / Personnel Committee, chair (2009 - Present)
- Child Development Perspectives, Reviewer (2008 - Present)
- Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Reviewer (2008 - Present)
- Journal of Child and Family Studies, Reviewer (2008 - Present)
- Administration for Children (HHS) - Mathematic Policy Research, Member of Advisory Panel (2007 - Present)
- Developmental Psychology, Editorial Board (2007 - Present)
- Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, Reviwer (2007 - Present)
- Greenwood Press, Advisory Panel (2006 - Present)
- Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, Reviewer (2006 - Present)
- Journal of Marriage and the Family, editorial board (2006 - Present)
- Journal of Marriage and the Family, Editorial Board (2006 - Present)
- Journal of Marriage and the Family, Editorial Board (2006 - Present)
- Journal of Marriage and the Family, Editorial Board (2006 - Present)
- Pediatrics, Reviewer (2006 - Present)
- Univ. of North Carolina - Family Life Project, Advisory Board (2005 - Present)
- Univ. of North Carolina - Family Life Project, Advisory Board (2005 - Present)
- University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Member of Steering Committee, Native American / Alaska Native Head Start Research Center (2005 - Present)
- Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Reviewer (2004 - Present)
- Social Forces, Reviwer (2002 - Present)
- Early Childhood Research Quarterly, editorial board (2002 - Present)
- Early Childhood Research Quarterly, editorial board (2002 - Present)
- Early Childhood Research Quarterly, Editorial Board (2002 - Present)
- Early Childhood Research Quarterly, Editorial Board (2002 - Present)
- Parenting: Science and Practice, Editorial Board (2000 - Present)
- Parenting: Science and Practice, editorial board (2000 - Present)
- Parenting: Science and Practice, editorial board (2000 - Present)
- Parenting: Science and Practice, Editorial Board (2000 - Present)
- Parenting: Science and Practice, Editorial Board (2000 - Present)
- Parenting: Science and Practice, Editorial Board (2000 - Present)
- Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, Reviewer (1998 - Present)
- Early Childhood Research Quarterly, Reviewer (1997 - Present)
- Journal of Family Issues, Reviewer (1993 - Present)
- Early Education and Development, editorial board (1992 - Present)
- Early Education and Development, editorial board (1992 - Present)
- Early Education and Development, Editorial Board (1992 - Present)
- Early Education and Development, Edidtorial Board (1992 - Present)
- Early Education and Development, Editorial Board (1992 - Present)
- Internal Journal of Behavioral Development, Reviewer (1990 - Present)
- Child Development, Reviewer (1977 - Present)
- PONE, Reviewer (2014 - 2014)
- Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, Reviewer (2014 - 2014)
- Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Reviewer (2014 - 2014)
- Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, Reviewer (2014 - 2014)
- Early Childhood Research Quarterly, Reviewer (2014 - 2014)
- Journal of Development and Behavioral Pediatrics, Reviewer (2014 - 2014)
- Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Reviewer (2014 - 2014)
- Child Care and Human Development, Reviewer (2014 - 2014)
- Psychological Bulletin, Reviewer (2014 - 2014)
- Spencer Foundation, Reviewer (2014 - 2014)
- The Sociological Quarterly, Reviewer (2014 - 2014)
- University of Guelph, External Reviewer (2014 - 2014)
- Infant and Child Development, Reviewer (2014 - 2014)
- Health Resources and Services Administration, Reviewer (2014 - 2014)
- Developmental Psychology, Reviewer (2014 - 2014)
- Journal of Child and Family Studies, Reviewer (2014 - 2014)
- Journal of Educational Psychology, Reviewer (2014 - 2014)
- Psychological Assessment, Reviewer (2014 - 2014)
- Pediatrics, Reviewer (2014 - 2014)
- JAMA Pediatrics, Editorial Board (2011 - 2014)
- University of Califonia - Irvine, External Evaluator (2014 - 2014)
- Family Science / special issue editor, co-editor (2013 - 2013)
- Child Development / manuscript review, ad hoc reviewer (2013 - 2013)
- Journal of Marriage and Family, editorial board (2006 - 2013)
- Society for Research in Child Development / themed meeting, reviewer (2013 - 2013)
- Dept. of Speech and Hearing Sciences - ad hoc personnel, member (2013 - 2013)
- Family Science, Co-editor for special issue (2012 - 2013)
- T. Denny Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics / Personnel Committee, co-chair (2011 - 2013)
- Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research, reviewer (2013 - 2013)
- International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development, Reviewer (2011 - 2011)
- National Institute of General Medical Sciences, MBRS Special Emphasis, Review Panel (2011 - 2011)
- National Science Foundation, Developmental and Learning Sciences Program, Grant Reviewer (2011 - 2011)
- Society for Research in Child Development, Chair, Panel 22 (2010 - 2011)
- Society for Research in Child Development, Chair, Panel 22 (2010 - 2010)