Amit Ron
Phone: 602-543-3002
FAB S170B Glendale, AZ 85306-4908
Mail code: 3051Campus: West
Amit Ron’s is an associate professor in the School of Social and Behavioral Sciences. His research focuses around two central themes: the political and normative dimensions of the history of political economy, and the democratic theory of the public sphere.
With regard to the democratic theory of the public sphere, Ron is particularly interested in the role of the public in the cognitive division of labor that is required for a social scientific inquiry. His most recent publication, “Affected Interests and Their Institutions” (Democratic Theory, 2017), looks at way to think about the meaning of the democratic demos in a transnational environment. To do so, the article examines practices of inclusion and exclusion in different areas of law and public administration.
In collaboration with Abraham Singer from the Quinlan School of Business at Loyola University Chicago, Ron is currently working on a project, provisionally entitled “The Social Subcontract: A Pragmatist Approach to Business Ethics and Democracy,” that examines business ethics from the point of view of democratic theory. Broadly speaking, most works in this area treat business ethics as a branch of applied moral philosophy. Thus, they focus on deriving rules for doing business from general approaches to ethics such as Kantianism, consequentialism, or virtue ethics. In this way of approaching business ethics, little attention is made to the economic context, or the political institutions, in which business operate. In contrast, our project puts such institutions at the center. The question that we ask is this: what responsibilities do competitive profit-seeking businesses have toward the democratic environments in which they operate? We explore the many ways in which business activity interacts with democratic institutions, procedures, and norms, and the ethical dilemmas that these interactions generate.
- Ph.D. University of Minnesota-Minneapolis 2004
- B.A. Tel Aviv Unviersity 1995
- Amit Ron and Abraham Singer, Everyone’s Business: What Companies Owe Society, The University of Chicago Press. ISBN: 9780226819389 (cloth), 9780226819839 (paper).
Edited Books:
- Amit Ron and Majia Nadesan (eds.), Mapping Populism: Approaches and Methods. London and New York: Routledge. 2020. ISBN: 978-0-367-27144-2.
Articles and Book Chapters:
- Abraham Singer and Amit Ron, "The Social Subcontract: Business Ethics as Democratic Theory," Political Research Quarterly. Published online on June 10, 2022. doi: 10.1177/10659129221108353
- Abraham Singer and Amit Ron, “Prioritizing Democracy: A Commentary on Smith’s Presidential Address to the Society for Business Ethics,” Business Ethics Quarterly, vol. 30, no. 1 (2020): 139-153, doi 10.1017/beq.2019.3
- Amit Ron and Abraham Singer, “Democracy, Corruption, and the Ethics of Business Lobbying,” Interest Groups & Advocacy, vol. 9 (2020): 38-56, doi:10.1057/s41309-019-00073-w.
- Abraham Singer and Amit Ron, “Models of Shareholder Democracy: a Transnational Approach,” Global Constitutionalism, vol. 4, no. 3 (2018): 422-446, doi: 10.1017/S2045381718000126.
- Amit Ron, 2017, Affected Interests and Their Institutions, Democratic Theory Vol. 4, no. 2, 66-81, doi: 10.3167/dt.2017.040205.
- Amit Ron, Narratives of Participatory Governance: Social Science and Democracy in Bevir’s A Theory of Governance, International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior, vol. 19, no. 3, 372-388 (2016). Part of a symposium on Mark Bevir’s A Theory of Governance, doi: 10.1108/IJOTB-19-03-2016-B006.
- Galit Cohen-Blankshtain, Amit Ron, and Alam Gadot-Perez. When an NGO takes on public participation: preparing a plan for a neighborhood in East Jerusalem. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (2013), doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2427.2012.01174.x
- Amit Ron. Forms of Democratic Governance. Oxford Handbook of Governance (2012), doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199560530.013.0033.
- Amit Ron. The Public in Public Peace Processes and in Mini-Publics: a Dialogue between Democratic Theory and Peace Studies. Peace and Conflict Studies (2010), link.
- Amit Ron. Peace Negotiations and Peace Talks: the Peace Process in the Public Sphere. The International Journal of Peace Studies (2009), link.
- Amit Ron. Citizens’ Participation in Electoral Reforms: the Canadian Model and its Applicability to Israel Politika [in Hebrew],vo. 18 (Fall 2008): 117-140. Politika (2008).
- Amit Ron. Modern Natural Law Meets the Market: the Case of Adam Smith , vol. 7, no. 2 (2008): 117-136. European Journal of Political Theory (2008), doi: 10.1177/1474885107086444
- Amit Ron. Power: A Pragmatist, Deliberative (and Radical) View. Journal of Political Philosophy (2008), doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9760.2008.00305.x.
- Amit Ron. Visions of Democracy in ‘Property-Owning Democracy:’ Skelton to Rawls and Beyond. History of Political Thought (2008), link.
- Amit Ron. Rawls as a Critical Theorist: Reflective Equilibrium after the ‘Deliberative Turn. Philosophy and Social Criticism, vol. 32, no.2 (March 2006), 173-191, doi: 10.1177/0191453706061091.
- Amit Ron. The ‘Market’ and the ‘Forum’ in Hobbes’s Political Philosophy , vol. 38, no. 2 (April 2006), 235-253. Polity (2006), link.
- Amit Ron, “Regression Analysis and the Philosophy of Social Sciences – a Critical Realist View.” Journal of Critical Realism, vol. 1, no. 1, November 2002, 115-36, doi: 10.1558/jocr.v1i1.119. Reprinted in Realist Methodology (SAGE Benchmarks in Social Research Methods series), vol. 2, ed. Wendy Olsen, 2010.
Book Reviews:
Amit Ron, ‘Not in Their Name: Are Citizens Culpable For Their States’ Actions? By Holly Lawford-Smith. - The People’s Duty: Collective Agency and the Morality of Public Policy. By Shmuel Nili. (book review),’ Perspectives on Politics, vol. 18, no. 2 (2020), 592-4, doi: 10.1017/S1537592720000572
Amit Ron, ‘Measuring Justice: Primary Goods and Capabilities,’ edited by Harry Brighouse and Ingrid Robeyns (book review),' Perspectives on Politics, vol. 10, no. 2 (2012), 482-3, doi: 10.1017/S153759271200045X
Amit Ron, ‘Quentin Skinner: History, Politics, Rhetoric, by Kari Palonen,’ Constellations, vol. 14, no. 1 (2007), 150-153, doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8675.2007.00427_2.x
Amit Ron, ‘Stories of Peoplehood: The Politics and Morals of Political Membership’Membership by Rogers M. Smith,’ Hamerhav Haziburi (the Public Sphere), vol.1 (2007), 167-170 [in Hebrew].
Amit Ron, ‘Adam Smith in Context: A Critical Reassessment of Some Central Components of his Thought, by Leonidas Montes,’ Journal of Critical Realism, vol. 4, no. 2 (2005), 487-490, doi: 10.1558/jocr.v4i2.487.
Encyclopedia and Dictionary Articles:
- Amit Ron, 2018.“Consensus,” Bloomsbury Handbook to Literary and Cultural Theory (ed. Jeffrey R. Di Leo), pp. 416-7 (650 words).
- Amit Ron, 2014, “Citizen / Citizenship,” The Encyclopedia of Political Thought, (ed. in chief Michael Gibbons), Wiley Blackwell (4,000 words), doi: 10.1002/9781118474396.wbept0144
- Amit Ron, 2013, “Power,” Encyclopedia of Modern Political Thought, CQ Press, ed. Gregory Claeys (750 words), doi: 10.4135/9781452234168.n257.
- Amit Ron and Majia Nadesan. 2020. “Populist Covid-19 Narratives: Populist Threat or Democratic Antidote?” Public Jurist (November 2020), 17–23 (link).
- Tyrone Reitman and Amit Ron. 2019. “A Position Paper: Citizens Redistricting Review: towards a New Gold Standard of Redistricting Reform.” Policy Jury Group, September 26, 2019, link.
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
JHR 550 | Global Justice |
JHR 550 | Global Justice |
JHR 504 | Intl Law and Organizations |
JHR 504 | Intl Law and Organizations |
SBS 480 | Global Justice |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
POS 480 | Global Justice |
SBS 480 | Global Justice |
POS 493 | Honors Thesis |
JHR 550 | Global Justice |
POS 342 | Political Theory |
POS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
JHR 590 | Reading and Conference |
POS 480 | Global Justice |
SBS 480 | Global Justice |
POS 446 | Democracy |
POS 446 | Democracy |
JHR 550 | Global Justice |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
POS 210 | Political Ideologies |
JHR 550 | Global Justice |
JHR 550 | Global Justice |
POS 480 | Global Justice |
POS 480 | Global Justice |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
POS 210 | Political Ideologies |
POS 480 | Global Justice |
SBS 480 | Global Justice |
POS 493 | Honors Thesis |
JHR 550 | Global Justice |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
POS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
POS 260 | Curr Issues in Intl Politics |
POS 446 | Democracy |
POS 446 | Democracy |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
POS 210 | Political Ideologies |
JHR 550 | Global Justice |
JHR 550 | Global Justice |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
POS 210 | Political Ideologies |
POS 480 | Global Justice |
SBS 480 | Global Justice |
POS 493 | Honors Thesis |
JHR 550 | Global Justice |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
POS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
POS 210 | Political Ideologies |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
POS 210 | Political Ideologies |
POS 480 | Global Justice |
SBS 480 | Global Justice |
POS 493 | Honors Thesis |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
POS 210 | Political Ideologies |
JHR 598 | Special Topics |
POS 446 | Democracy |
POS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
POS 210 | Political Ideologies |
POS 160 | Global Politics |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
POS 446 | Democracy |
POS 210 | Political Ideologies |
MAS 585 | Capstone Course |
JHR 584 | Internship |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
POS 210 | Political Ideologies |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
POS 210 | Political Ideologies |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
POS 210 | Political Ideologies |
- Abraham Singer and Amit Ron. Models of Corporate Democracy: a Transnational Approach. Association for Political Theory, Annual Meeting (Oct 2014).
- Amit Ron, David Wells, and Tanya Musgrave. Citizens’ Participation in Redistricting Processes: Theory and Policy. Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association (Mar 2013).
- Amit Ron. Peace Negotiations and Peace Talks: the Peace Process in the Public Sphere. Conference on War and Peace as Liberal Arts (Feb 2013).
- Amit Ron. The Institutions of the "All Affected Interests". Annual Meeting of the Association for Political Theory (Oct 2012).
- Amit Ron. Forms of Democratic Governance. Seminar Series 2011-2012. Participatory Governance Initiative, School of Public Affairs, ASU (Jan 2012).
- Amit Ron. Panel on "The Limits of Market Reasoning.". Annual meeting of the Association for Political Theory, College Station, TX, (Oct 2009).
- Amit Ron. Notes towards a Democratic Philosophy of Social Science. Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (Toronto, ON) (Sep 2009).
- Amit Ron. The "Public" in "Public Peace Process" and in "Mini-Publics:" a Dialogue between Democratic Theory and Peace Studies. Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association (Vancouver, BC) (Mar 2009).
- Amit Ron. Panel on "Holies New and Old." March 2-3, 2009. Conference on "Holy Sites and Holy Wars in the Middle East." (Mar 2009).
- Amit Ron. Panel on "Is ‘Political Science’ an Oxymoron?". Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association (New Orleans, LA) (Jan 2009).
- Amit Ron. Power and Deliberations: a Stylized Survey. Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association (Jan 2009).
- Amit Ron. Roundtable: Reflecting on Mark Bevir's Logic of the History of Ideas, Ten Years Later. Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association (Jan 2009).
- Amit Ron. Power and Deliberations: a Stylized Survey. Fellows’ Seminar, Centre for Ethics, University of Toronto (Feb 2008).
- Amit Ron. Democratic Deliberations and Critical Inquiry: Israeli Society the Oslo Peace Process. Fellows' Seminar, Centre for Ethics, University of Toronto (Mar 2007).
- Amit Ron. Power: a Pragmatist, Deliberative (and Radical) View. 14th Annual Critical Theory Roundtable (Oct 2006).
- Amit Ron. Natural Law Meets the Market: the Case of Adam Smith. Conference on Adam Smith’s The Theory of Moral Sentiments,Rochester Institute of Technology (May 2006).
- Fellows' Seminar, Centre for Ethics, University of Toronto, discussant (2008 - Present)
- Annual Meeting of the Association for Political Theory (London, ON), discussant (2007 - Present)
- The Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, panel organizer and chair (2007 - Present)
- Public Issues Forum, Centre for Ethics, University of Toronto, organizer and chair (2007 - Present)
- Public Issues Forum, Centre for Ethics, University of Toronto, organizer and chair (2006 - Present)
- Valley Beth Midrash and ASU’s Center for Jewish Studies., Panelist (2012 - 2012)
- School of Humanities, Arts, and Cultural Studies., Speaker (2012 - 2012)
- Temple Chai, Phoenix, Panelist (2009 - 2009)