Jesse Senko
Mail code: 7904Campus: Tempe
Jesse Senko is an Assistant Professor in the School of Ocean Futures at Arizona State University. His research links applied conservation science with innovation and governance to ensure a future for threatened species as well as coastal fisheries and the people who depend on them. Senko's work has been published in leading biology, conservation, fisheries, social science, and policy journals as well as featured in CNN, The New York Times, Reuters, National Geographic, Smithsonian Magazine, The Economist, NPR, The Guardian, BBC News, USA Today, Bloomberg, Forbes, and other major outlets. A winner of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Theodore Roosevelt Genius Prize, Senko serves on the IUCN Marine Turtle Specialist Group and consults internationally on wildlife and fisheries conservation. He majored in fisheries and wildlife sciences at the University of Connecticut, received his master's degree in wildlife ecology and conservation from the University of Florida, and earned his Ph.D. in biology from Arizona State University.
- PhD, Biology, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
- MSc, Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
- BSc, Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT
Applied marine ecology and conservation; coastal fisheries; marine megafauna ecology and conservation (especially sea turtles); conservation technology and innovation; animal behavior, sensory ecology, and movements; community-based conservation; human dimensions of conservation; participatory learning; social responsibility
The Senko Lab for Marine Megafauna and Fisheries Conservation empowers the next generation of global conservation leaders while conducting applied conservation research in biodiversity hotspots worldwide. By cultivating long-term relationships with fishers, managers, scientists, and practitioners, our field and laboratory research transcends disciplines to ensure a future for threatened species as well as coastal fisheries and the people who depend on them. The major themes that encompass our research include:
- Developing and testing bycatch reduction technologies: We work with fishers, scientists, government agencies, and NGOs to develop new solutions to reduce bycatch of vulnerable marine megafauna while maintaining target fish catch. We currently work in coastal gillnet and pound net fisheries in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans to reduce bycatch of threatened sea turtles, sharks, rays, and crocodiles. Our team developed the world’s first solar-powered bycatch reduction light, demonstrating that solar energy can be harnessed to reduce sea turtle bycatch.
- Controlled experiments at our Bycatch Innovation Lab: We conduct controlled experiments at the St. Lucie Nuclear Power Plant to understand how sea turtles interact with fishing gear and bycatch reduction technologies. Due to the large number of sea turtles entrapped in the power plant’s intake canal, this one-of-a-kind study site allows us to conduct controlled bycatch experiments with wild sea turtles in experimental tanks. By gaining a detailed understanding of sea turtle behavior in relation to fishery hazards and deterrents, our experimental approach allows us to optimize bycatch reduction technologies that can then be tested in fisheries.
- Sea turtle behavior, conservation, and ecology: We study sea turtles from land to sea to improve our understanding and the protection of these iconic marine megafauna. On land, we work on the world’s largest and most dense leatherback turtle nesting beach to maximize hatchling production. In the sea, we study sea turtle social interactions, behavioral responses to fishing gear, conservation threats, and environmental factors that influence sea turtle bycatch.
- Global-scale conservation assessments: We conduct global-scale assessments of conservation threats, strategies, and outcomes that benefit marine megafauna and coastal fisheries. These assessments provide valuable information to resource managers who seek robust scientific data to rank conservation priorities as well as funding agencies who need to prioritize limited conservation resources. We have conducted global-scale assessments of emerging bycatch reduction technologies, fisheries management strategies, illegal sea turtle take and trade, and the impacts of plastic pollution on air-breathing marine megafauna.
- Conservation social science and policy: We study the human dimensions of conservation in order to understand and improve relationships between people and nature. Our research assesses how individuals and communities influence conservation processes and outcomes, and how this information can be used to design more effective conservation strategies. Our lab has conducted research on citizen science, international bycatch policy, the socioeconomic factors driving illegal sea turtle take, sea turtle ecotourism and community-based conservation, and perceptions on the safety of sea turtle consumption.
Collaborators: ‡international, #domestic, **undergraduate student mentored, *graduate student mentored, +fisher/citizen scientist
- Yochum N, Karlsen J, Senko JF, #Wang JH, Melli V, Luca Geraci M, Utne-Palm AC, Breen M, Bayse SM, Somerville J, Hermann A, Edridge A, Mackenze EK, Ljungberg P, Chladek J, Opstal MV, Watson D, Oliver M, Lomeli M (2024) Guidelines for evaluating artificial light to mitigate unwanted fisheries bycatch. Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture 32: 612-656.
- ‡Rousso SJ, Herrero Perezrul MD, ‡Mancini A, ‡Zavala-Norzargaray AA, Senko JF (2024) Citizen science enhances understanding of sea turtle distribution in the Gulf of California. PeerJ 12:e18203.
- *Lakenarine R, Chhetri N, Chhetri N, Senko JF (2024) Characterization of small-scale net fisheries off the coast of Guyana. PLoS ONE 19: e0306332.
- Senko JF, **Burgher KM, Mancha-Cisneros M, ‡Godley BJ, Kelly IK, **Fox T, Humber F, ‡Koch V, Smith AT, #Wallace BP (2022) Global patterns of illegal marine turtle exploitation. Global Change Biology 28: 6509-6523.
- Senko JF, ‡Peckham SH, Aguilar-Ramirez D, #Wang JH (2022) Net illumination reduces fisheries bycatch, maintains catch value, and increases operational efficiency. Current Biology 32: 911-918.
- **Reavis JL, Mejías-Balsalobre C, Naranjo I, Arauz R, Rojas-Cañizales D, Senko JF (2022) Dynamics of human take and animal predation on sea turtle nests in Northwest Costa Rica. PeerJ 10:e12925.
- #Gaos AR, **Johnson CE, +McLeish DB, King CS, Senko JF (2021) Interactions among Hawaiian hawksbills suggest prevalence of social behaviors in marine turtles. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 20: 167-172.
- *Reavis JL, Seckin H, #Witherington B, #Bresette M, Blain Christen J, Senko JF, Ozev S (2021) Revealing sea turtle behavior in relation to fishing gear using color-coded spatiotemporal motion patterns with deep neural networks. Frontiers in Marine Science 8:785357.
- Senko JF, Nalovic MA (2021) Addressing sea turtle bycatch in developing countries: A global challenge that requires adaptive solutions for the 21st century. In: B. Nahill (Ed.), Sea Turtle Research and Conservation: Lessons From Working In The Field; Academic Press, pp. 151–165.
- Senko JF, Nelms SE, **Reavis JL, #Witherington B, ‡Godley BJ, #Wallace BP (2020) Understanding individual and population-level effects of plastic pollution on marine megafauna. Endangered Species Research 43: 234-252.
- Senko JF, ‡Megill WM, Brooks LB, **Templeton RP, ‡Koch V (2019) Developing low-cost tags: Assessing the ecological impacts of tethered tag technology on host species. Endangered Species Research 39: 255-268.
- Senko J, Jenkins LD, ‡Peckham SH (2017) At loggerheads over international bycatch: initial effects of a unilaterally imposed bycatch reduction policy. Marine Policy 76: 200-209.
- ‡Peckham SH, +Lucero-Romero J, ‡Maldonado-Diaz D, +Rodriguez A, Senko J, Wojakowski M, Gaos A (2016) Buoyless nets reduce sea turtle bycatch in coastal net fisheries. Conservation Letters 9: 114-121.
- Badingqiuying, Smith AT, Senko J, Siladan M (2016) Plateau pika poisoning campaign reduces carnivore abundance in southern Qinghai, China. Mammal Study 41: 1-8.
- Senko J, ‡Mancini A, #Seminoff JA, ‡Koch V (2014) Bycatch and directed harvest drive high green turtle mortality at Baja California Sur, Mexico. Biological Conservation 169: 24-30.
- Senko J, **White ER, Heppell SS, Gerber LR (2014) Comparing bycatch mitigation strategies for vulnerable marine megafauna. Animal Conservation 17: 5-18.
- Senko J, Schneller AJ, +Solis J, Ollervides F, #Nichols WJ (2011) People helping turtles, turtles helping people: understanding resident attitudes towards sea turtle conservation and opportunities for enhanced community participation in Bahia Magdalena, Mexico. Ocean & Coastal Management 54: 148-157.
- ‡Mancini A, Senko J, Borquez-Reyes R, Guzman Poo J, #Seminoff JA, ‡Koch V (2011) To poach or not to poach an endangered species: elucidating the economic and social drivers behind illegal sea turtle hunting in Baja California Sur, Mexico. Human Ecology 39: 743-756.
- Frick MG, Zardus JD, Ross A, Senko J, Montano-Valdez D, Bucio-Pacheco M, Sosa-Conejos I (2011) Novel records and observations of the barnacle Stephanolepas muricata (Cirripedia:Balanomorpha: Coronuloidea); including a case for chemical mediation in turtle and whale barnacles. Journal of Natural History 45: 629-640.
- Senko J, ‡Koch V, ‡Megill WM, Carthy RR, **Templeton RP, #Nichols WJ (2010) Fine scale daily movements and habitat use of East Pacific green turtles at a shallow coastal lagoon in Baja California Sur, Mexico. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 391: 92-100.
- Senko J, Lopez-Castro M, ‡Koch V, #Nichols WJ (2010) Immature East Pacific green turtles (Chelonia mydas) use multiple foraging areas off the Pacific Coast of Baja California Sur, Mexico: first evidence from mark-recapture data. Pacific Science 64: 125-130.
- Senko J, #Nichols WJ, Ross JP, Willcox AS (2010) To eat or not to eat an endangered species: views of local residents and physicians on the safety of sea turtle consumption in northwestern Mexico. EcoHealth 6: 584-595.
Collaborators: ‡international, #domestic, +fisher/citizen scientist
- PI: Senko JF; NOAA Technical Advisor: #Wang JH; "Expanding and optimizing emerging marine megafauna bycatch reduction technologies”. Disney Conservation Fund; October 2023 – October 2025; $125,000
- PI: Senko JF; Co-PI: #Osmond M/World Wildlife Fund; NOAA Technical Advisor: #Wang JH; “The scaling, adoption, and evolution of artificial illumination as an emerging bycatch reduction technology in small-scale fisheries”. Schmidt Marine Technology Partners, The Schmidt Family Foundation – Global Fisheries Technology Initiative; July 1, 2023 – July 1, 2024; $250,000
- PI: Senko JF; Co-PI: #Osmond M/World Wildlife Fund; NOAA Technical Advisor: #Wang J; “Optimizing solar-powered gillnet illumination to reduce marine megafauna bycatch and increase fishery efficiencies”. Oceankind/National Philanthropic Trust; June 2022 – June 2024; $381,646
- PI: Senko JF; Collaborator: ‡Mancini A; NOAA Technical Advisor: #Wang J; “Developing and testing innovative bycatch reduction technologies in Mexico, Trinidad and Tobago, and the United States”. Disney Conservation Fund; October 2021 – October 2023; $50,000
- PI: #Seminoff JA; Co-PIs: Senko JF; #Wallace BP; ‡Mancini A. This grant is intended to enhance U.S.-Mexico North Pacific loggerhead turtle and East Pacific leatherback turtle recovery through bycatch reduction efforts, related to the USMCA Environment Monitoring and Enforcement Activities 24.8, 24.18, and 24.19. I will be leading the “Develop and/or implement technologies identified during community and fisher engagement for artisanal fishing fleets based out of participating communities” component of the project as a subcontract distributed by the Department of Commerce, NOAA Fisheries ‘ National Marine Fisheries Service, which includes oversight and coordination of the budget component for bycatch technology research; June 2021 – June 2024; $1,418,000 (share of budget: $341,208, 24%)
- PI: Senko JF; Co-PIs: Wallace BP; Witherington B; NOAA Technical Advisors: #Wang J; Gearhart J; “Developing and testing innovative solutions to reduce leatherback turtle bycatch in Trinidad and Tobago”. National Fish and Wildlife Foundation; May 2020 – April 2022; $102,083.50
- PI: Senko JF; “Disney Conservation Fund 25th Anniversary ‘Earth Day 50’ at Animal Kingdom Celebration”; gift for excellence in conservation research and outreach; April 2020; $20,000
- PI: Senko JF; Collaborator: ‡Mancini A; NOAA Technical Advisor: #Wang J; “Developing renewable-powered illuminated nets to reduce sea turtle, shark, and manta ray bycatch in coastal net fisheries”. Disney Conservation Fund; October 2019 – October 2021; $50,000
- PI: Senko JF; “Testing solar-powered net illumination to reduce sea turtle bycatch in net fisheries at Baja California Sur, Mexico”. World Wildlife Fund; August – December 2019; $16,902
- PI: Blain Christen J; Co-PIs: Senko J; Ozev S; Collaborators: #Wang J; ‡Mancini A; “Machine learning enabled “Smart Nets” to optimize technology for sustainable fisheries.” National Science Foundation Cyber Physical Systems; September 2018 – September 2021; $1,000,000 (share of budget: $340,000, 34%)
- PI: Senko J; Co-PI: Bowden S; Collaborator: ‡Mancini A; NOAA Technical Advisor: #Wang J; “Developing renewable-powered fisheries solutions to reduce sea turtle bycatch in gillnet fisheries”. National Fish and Wildlife Foundation; September 2018 – October 2019; $75,000
- PI: Senko J; Co-PI: Bowden S; Collaborator: ‡Mancini A; NOAA Technical Advisor: #Wang J; “Developing solar-powered illuminated nets to reduce sea turtle and elasmobranch bycatch in gillnet fisheries”. Disney Conservation Fund; October 2017 – October 2019; $50,000
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
FIS 493 | Honors Thesis |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
FIS 400 | Sea Turtle, Shark & Fisheries |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
FIS 493 | Honors Thesis |
SOS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
SEA 400 | Sea Turtle, Shark & Fisheries |
SEA 400 | Sea Turtle, Shark & Fisheries |
FIS 400 | Sea Turtle, Shark & Fisheries |
SEA 492 | Honors Directed Study |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 492 | Honors Directed Study |
FIS 493 | Honors Thesis |
FIS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
SEA 201 | Ocean Conservation |
SEA 492 | Honors Directed Study |
SEA 499 | Individualized Instruction |
SEA 792 | Research |
SEA 499 | Individualized Instruction |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
FIS 493 | Honors Thesis |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
FIS 493 | Honors Thesis |
FIS 494 | Special Topics |
FIS 494 | Special Topics |
SOS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 492 | Honors Directed Study |
FIS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
FIS 493 | Honors Thesis |
FIS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
FIS 493 | Honors Thesis |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
SOS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
FIS 494 | Special Topics |
FIS 494 | Special Topics |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
SOS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
FIS 494 | Special Topics |
FIS 494 | Special Topics |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 496 | Undergraduate Thesis |
FIS 194 | Special Topics |
SOS 493 | Honors Thesis |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
SOS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
BIO 394 | Special Topics |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
FIS 194 | Special Topics |
SOS 493 | Honors Thesis |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 493 | Honors Thesis |
SOS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
FIS 494 | Special Topics |
FIS 494 | Special Topics |
- Theodore Roosevelt Genius Prize, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; $100,000
- Review Editor, Frontiers in Marine Science; 2021 – present
- Associate Editor, Herpetological Conservation & Biology; 2016 – present
- Assistant Editor, Herpetological Conservation & Biology; 2011 – 2015
- Member, IUCN Marine Turtle Specialist Group; 2022 – present